How to wait till all components are loaded in Cypress? - automation

My Cypress test cases are working fine when I run from my system pointing to QA. But the scheduled builds from CI are failing randomly because sometimes the page is taking more time to load.
I've tried cy.wait(1500) -> It works sometimes and fails sometimes. So, I was wondering is there a command in cypress that waits till all components in the page is loaded. Instead of I try different values inside cy.wait() which in turn fails someday?

By default, Cypress has smart waits for all elements to load and the page to render. This section confirms that:
Instead of inserting cy.wait() in each and every step (Best practice is to minimise the use of this), you can include a maximum timeout on your cypress.json file:
"defaultCommandTimeout": 30000,
"pageLoadTimeout": 60000,
"requestTimeout": 60000,
If it still fails, then something is wrong with your test environment and might be a good time for a dev to check its performance as you don't want an environment that loads that long especially if it is a replica of production / live site.


Is there a way to tell one browser instance from another when running concurrent tests in Testcafe

Is there a way to tell one browser instance from another when running concurrent tests in Testcafe?
Say we have two tests.
One creates some entity and then changes it and verifies that change is applied correctly.
Another deletes all the entities and verifies that everything is deleted.
If we run these tests in parallel they will interfere with each other. So there must be either a way to embrace this concurrency and synchronize these tests with some primitive or to make them parallel and run in isolated sandboxes.
I would prefer to go to the second option.
It could be something like
test('Some test', async t => {
await useSandbox(t.browser.alias,, t.browser.instanceId);
... rest of the test
But AFAIK there is no way to tell one browser instance from another inside the test code. Or is there?
TestCafe does not have a mechanism to affect test execution from another test. When TestCafe starts tests in parallel, it does not suppose that one test will interfere another.
TestCafe starts every test with clear cookies, storages and a user profile. So, if your data is kept in localStorage, every test will be run independently. However, if your data is kept on the server side (i.e. in a database), then TestCafe cannot use it in a sandbox, since all tests interact with DB through the same website.
In this case, it's better to run these two tests one by one, not simultaneously.

How do rapid test driven front end development

I'm trying to rapidly develop my frontend, but every time I change my code I find myself refreshing my browser and running some macro to test whether the changes in my code solved the problem.
I tried changing the process to headless PySelenium, but it takes so long for the driver to launch every time I change my code.
I also tried, but after following the tutorial, the directory just didn't load.
I'm looking for a headless option that runs as fast as possible.

How can an uncalled test affect another in Go?

I have a test function TestJobqueue() in that I can call in isolation: go test -tags netgo ./jobqueue -v -run 'TestJobqueue$'.
I recently started getting test failures related to boltdb (one of my dependencies) bombing out with signal SIGBUS: bus error code panics, or just normally failing tests because the database couldn't be opened. But only when working off an NFS mounted directory. Fair enough, I or boltdb have some kind of NFS-related bug.
But the thing I can't wrap my head around is that I only get these errors when an entirely different test function exists.
As per the comments in TestREST() in, if I call Serve(serverConfig) (a function in the package being tested, a function call which is made many times in TestJobqueue() and other test functions) in that test function, TestJobqueue() fails. If I don't, it doesn't.
In short, the failure of tests in one test function can be controlled by the value of a boolean in a test function that I'm not running.
How is this possible?
Edit: to address some points brought up by the first answer, TestJobqueue() is being run in isolation. No other test runs before or after it. If the database file already exists, Serve() results in those files being deleted first, then a new one created to run the new set of tests. The odd thing that I'm seeking an answer for is how an unexecuted function can have this side effect. I can demonstrate it is really unexecuted by beginning or ending TestREST() with a panic call: the output of that panic is never seen, but TestJobqueue() failure can still be controlled by the boolean in TestREST() (if the panic comes at the end).
Edit2: this turns out to be caused by an unusual thing I do in TestJobqueue(), which is to call go test on itself. Needless to say, if you do this, strange things can happen...
In short, the failure of tests in one test function can be controlled by the value of a boolean in a test function that I'm not running.
This is not a great summary. Your test starts a server. The other test starts a server, clearly, the problem is there. You appear to have commented out the bit of code that stops the server at the end of the test? You can't run two servers on the same port.
You probably have a port conflict or some network condition that is triggered by running the two servers at once, because they both appear to use a similar (identical?) config loaded like this:
config := internal.ConfigLoad("development", true)
Running with no config uses default values, avoiding the conflict, running with config causes the conflict. So to pin it down, try creating a config with one setting at a time till you find the config setting that causes the problem (most likely Port or WebPort). Alternatively, make sure the tests stop the server at the end.
[EDIT] Looks like you have narrowed it down to DBFile config setting by changing one at a time. This implies the server starts a new db instance - if both try to use the same file for a new db, this would cause contention and the second test to run would fail.
It's not entirely clear from your description above what you're doing or what the problem is, so you could try to improve that to state exactly the sequence of actions and the problem. If for example you have previously run a test which creates a db, it could affect later test runs because of the presence of a db file, so your tests are not completely independent.
[EDIT 2 - after further edits to question]
If commenting out TestREST completely solves your problem (or a panic before it starts), and given changing it breaks the other test, you are executing TestREST somehow.
Looking at your code for jobqueue_test, it appears to invoke go test so you might be running more tests that you assume? Given you don't see the panic output I'd suspect your use of exec.Command in this big test. Try removing bits of the failing test till it works to narrow down exactly which invocation is running the other test. Calling go test within a test is pretty unusual!

Rerun Failed Behat Tests Only A Set Number of Times

I have an Behat testing suite running through Travis CI on Pull Requests. I know that you can add a "--rerun" option to the command line to rerun failed tests, but for me Behat just keeps trying to rerun the failed tests, which eventually times out the test run session.
Is there a way to limit the number of times that failed tests are re-ran? Something like: "behat --rerun=3" for trying to run a failed scenario up to three times?
The only other way I can think to accomplish what I want is to use the database I'm testing Behat against or to write to a file and store test failures and the number of times they have been run.
Locally, running the following command ends up re-running only the one test I purposely made to fail...and it does it in a loop until something happens. Sometimes it was 11 times and sometimes 100+ times.
behat --tags #some_tag
behat --rerun
So, that doesn't match what the behat command line guide states. In my terminal, the help option give me "--rerun Re-run scenarios that failed during last execution." without any mention of the failed scenario file. I'm using a 3.0 version of behat though.
Packages used:
"behat/behat": "~3.0",
"behat/mink": "~1.5",
"behat/mink-extension": "~2.0",
"behat/mink-goutte-driver": "~1.0",
"behat/mink-selenium2-driver": "~1.1",
"behat/mink-browserkit-driver": "~1.1",
"drupal/drupal-extension": "~3.0"
Test fail at random due to mainly Guzzle timeout errors going past 30 seconds trying to GET a URL. Sure you could try bumping up the max execution time, but since other tests have no issues and 30 seconds is a long time to wait for a request, I don't think that will fix the issue and it will make my test runs much longer for not a good reason.
It is possible that you might not have an efficient CI setup?
I think that this option should run the failed tests only once and maybe your setup enters in a loop.
If you need to run the failed scenarios for a number of times maybe you should write a script that checks some condition and runs with --rerun.
Be aware that as i see on the Behat CLI guide if no scenario was found in the file where the failed scenarios are saved then all scenarios will be executed.
I don't think that using '--rerun' in CI is good practice. You should do a high level review of the results before deciding to do a rerun.
I checked today the rerun on Behat 3 and it seems there might be a bug related to the rerun option, i saw today some pull requests on github.
One of them is
Related to the timeout you can check if Travis has some timeout to set, it it has enough resources and you can use the same steps to run it from desktop and see the difference for the same test environment.
Also set CURLOPT_TIMEOUT for guzzle with the value needed to pass in case is not to exaggerated and you will need to find other solution to improve the execution speed.
It should not be such an issue to have a higher value because this should be a conditional wait, so if is faster it will not impact the execution time, else it will wait longer for problematic scenarios.

Selenium grid runs out of free slots

I have a large suite of SpecFlow tests executing against a selenium grid running locally. The grid has a single host configured for max 10 firefox instances. The tests are run from NUnit serially, so I would only expect to require a single session at a time.
However, when approximately half of the test cases have been run, the console window reporting output from the hub starts reporting
INFO: Node host [url] has no free slots
All the test cases are associated with a TearDown method that closes and disposes the WebDriver, although I haven't verified that absolutely every test gets to this method without failing. I would expect a maximum of one session to be active at once. How can I find out what is stopping the host from recycling those sessions?
edit #1:
I think I've narrowed down the cause of the issue - it is indeed to do with not closing the WebDriver. There are [AfterScenario] attributes on the teardown methods that are meant to do this, but they only match a subset of scenarios as they have parameters on them. Removing the parameter so that the teardown associates with every scenario fixes the session exhaustion (or seems to) but there are some tests that expect to reacquire an existing session, so I'll have to fix them separately.
A bit of background: This test suite was inherited as part of a 'complete' solution and it's been left untouched and never run since delivery. I'm putting it back into service and have had to discover its quirks as I go - I didn't write any of this. I've had brief encounters with both Selenium and SpecFlow but never used the two together.
The issue turned out to be a facepalm-level fail - mostly in the sense that I didn't spot it. Some logging code was trying to write to a file that wasn't there, the thrown exception bypassed the call to Dispose() on the WebDriver, and was then swallowed with no error reporting. Therefore the sessions were hanging around. Removing the logging code fixed the session exhaustion.
Look on the node (remote desktop) and see what is happening on the box. It does sound like your test isn't closing out it's session properly.