SSL certificate in local IIS - ssl

Hello Everyone
Is it possible to upload SSL certificate in (local) IIS ?
if so , please provide me for the steps
if it is not possible, how can I make it runs in a global
sorry for the stupids questions but I am really newb in IIS

I would like to know more details about “upload SSL certificate in IIS”. In my opinion, IIS can create a self-signed certificate by using the Server certificate tool.
Also, it supports that importing a PFX file to the certificate store.
We can also import it to the local machine certificates store by clicking the certificate file to install it so that every user account in the machine can refer to the certificate when binding a certificate to a port.
Finally, a certificate is commonly used to bind to a port so that secure the communication. We could refer to this link.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.


Terraform Init/apply/destroy - SSL Connection Problems

our company proxy brokes the SSL Connections and the proxy use our own CA.
So i have always tell the applications i use (RubyGems, Python Pip, Azure CLI ...) to use our company CA Certificate.
Does anyone know, how i can use our CA Certificate with a local Terraform installation?
Is the CA deployed to your OS's certificate store or can you import it? If so, Terraform (and probably other tools) should just be able to work with a proxy like this with no other configuration. If you need some further direction, tell us what operating system and how you typically access you have to the CA.
#Kreikeneka have you have the certain the location CentOS expects to import into the store. There is a command you need to run that actually imports it update-ca-trust. Have you run this? If the cert is being used for SSL and you just need to trust it when going through your proxy, that is all you should need to do. You shouldn't need to tell your tools (Terraform, PIP, etc) to trust it for SSL with the proxy. If the cert is imported into your certificate store, it should be passively usable from any connection on from the machine from any process.
If you are using the cert for client authentication to the proxy then just trusting the cert by placing it in the certificate store probably won't work.
I'm not clear from your comments if you need the cert for SSL or for client authentication to the proxy. Check with your IT what it is really used for if you aren't sure and get back to us.
As of CentOS 6+, there is a tool for this. Per this guide,
certificates can be installed first by enabling the system shared CA
update-ca-trust enable
Then placing the certificates to trust as CA's
in /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ for high priority
(non-overridable), or /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ (lower priority,
overridable), and finally updating the system store with:
update-ca-trust extract
Et voila, system tools will now trust those
certificates when making secure connections!

Can I use a SSL certificate for both HTTPS and code signing?

I know very little about code signing and haven't been able to find out any definite answer on the internet about this : is it possible to use a single SSL certificate for running an HTTPS server and code-sign Windows executables at the same time?
If yes, what are the advantadges/drawbacks?

Storing server certificate in HTTPS client trust store

I have a use case where I am trying to connect to an HTTPS server. Initially I was thinking to use JRE cacert file for SSL handshaking and server certificate validation.
But now this seems not possible and I have to create my own user-defined truststore/keystore.
Can anybody let me know how to create a truststore/keystore to be used while communicating with an HTTPS server?
Once the truststore/keystore is created I should be able to install a self-signed server certificate and if needed remove it from the store programmatically using the class keystore.

COULD NOT CREATE SSL/TLS SECURE CHANNEL: Client certificates, TomCat and .Net

I am having the same issue with client certificates that many people have reported, but none of the solutions I've seen have worked for me. I have a client I wrote in VB.Net (using VS 2010 and .Net framework 4.0) that needs to connect to a web service running on Apache Tomcat/5.0.27. It works fine with SSL when client certificates are not required, but as soon as client certificates are required, it fails with “THE REQUEST WAS ABORTED: COULD NOT CREATE SSL/TLS SECURE CHANNEL”
Testing it with Internet Explorer (8, 9 and 10, on XP and Win7x32), when SSL is enabled (configured on Tomcat by setting sslProtocol="TLS" secure="true" scheme="https" in the system.xml file), but client certificates are disabled (clientAuth="false"), IE is happy after the CA certificate and the server certificate are installed on the client PC. (IE will complain without the certificates, but you can tell it to ignore the warning. When the certificates are installed, it connects without any warnings.) When client certificates are required (clientAuth="true"), IE will not connect. After I import the client certificate file, it still does not connect. IE shows that the client file is installed, and it shows the certificate is ok and it trusts the CA, but it shows it in what seems to be the wrong store: Intermediate Certificate Authorities, and client authentication is not ticked under Purpose. The MMC certificates snap-in shows the client certificate is in the Personal - Current User store.
The certificate was issued to us by the owners of the web service, so in theory it has to work. The properties look ok, and the purpose shows "All application policies".
I need to get this to work with my .Net client. I use a Web Reference to create the connection to the web service. I set PreaAuthenticate=True, and attach the certificate file to the web reference, and can see it attached in the IDE. Using Network Monitor, I can see that the server sends certificates to the client (in two large packets), but the client doesn't seem to send any back to the server.
I have tried various recommendations, e.g. setting ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true and
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3, but this makes no difference.
I have disabled firewalls and proxy servers, so nothing should be blocking the traffic.
I'd appreciate any help.
Ok, it turns out there is a problem with the certificate they supplied, or it is somehow incompatible with the client. I found instructions on using OpenSsl to create a certificate, and it works with their server. They used java's keytool to make the certificate, so either it creates an incompatible certificate, or they didn't use the right procedure, and the procedure I used with OpenSsl is the correct one.
The steps in OpenSsl are to create a private key file (client.key), create a certificate request (client.req), sign the key (client.pem) then export it (client.pfx).

How to export SSL certificate from azure to local server?

I want to move my MVC application from Azure to an in-house server. How do I export the SSL certificate associated with the App to install it on the local server?
Is it at all possible?
NO. There is no way to get certificate out of Windows Azure. Question is how it (the certificate) appeared in the Azure at first place. It was certainly not uploaded by Microsoft people or some magic. It is a developer who packed the deployment package to include the certificate reference (thumbprint) and service administrator (or co-admin) who uploaded the original certificate in the Azure. So contact that people (whom might be just you?) and ask for the original certificate.
If certificate is lost, contact the original issuer (certification authority) for a copy, if you were the one to originally requested. If you did not originally requested the certificate, there might have been a reason behind that.