Transferring a passphrase protected private SSH key to another machine [closed] - ssh

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to use the same SSH keys on a new machine. This was my original setup:
~/.ssh has 700 permission
~/.ssh/mykey has 600 permission
I used ssh -i to specify the key used to log into a server.
I copied the paths, contents, and permissions of mykey to my new laptop.
Unfortunately, the passphrase I used old machine is not working for my new laptop. Am I missing a step?

It looks like it is better to just create a new SSH key.


problem when copying a file over putty ssh to my windows machine [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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i want to copy file from remote server that i connect with the following paramters
Ip :
port : 2202
then i log in with user and password :
but when i try to use this script it shows that connection is refused
pscp c:\temp\example-hosts.txt
is that correct or i should put the user and password somewhere to authenticate and be able to copy the files
You need to specify the port as it's not the standard port.
pscp -P 2202 c:\temp\example-hosts.txt

Delete SSH key without SSH access [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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My sshd is refusing to restart because of the following error:
However, i cant figure out how to delete the unsafe ssh keys without having the ssh access. What to do?
You need to chmod 600 ~/.ssh/rsa_key.
This protects the keyfile from other users on the same system beeing able to read/steal it.

Login ftp with access ssh? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to login to an SSH server using an FTP client (such as Filezilla)? I have the server's IP, my .ppk file and its passphrase? Is this possible?
I tried it with host: XXX.X.XXX.XXX and the login passphrase but I don't have a password.
You can use sftp. Add your key in Filezilla sftp settings like so:
and then connect to XXX.X.XXX.XXX and set port to 22, empty password:

Add key in known_hosts file in ChromeOS [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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With the very limited ChromeOS crosh shell, how do I add a host key to my known_hosts file in ChromeOS.
I don't believe it is possible to add your key to the Chrome OS shell. If you are in developer mode you can add your key. You can also install the Secure Shell app from the Chrome Web Store and add your key within that app. The app is the best way to go if you don't want to use developer mode, although it still has some bugs to work out.

Connecting to remote server by ssh using ksh [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to connect to a remote server through ssh.
$ssh "username"#host "command"
which prompts for password which can be done in interactive systems.But I want to automate this by passing the password as argument instead of typing interactively.
I am using ksh shell and I can't use expect is there any ksh specific solution to connect to remote server.
Just set up authentication keys so that you don't need passwords. See man ssh-keygen for full details.