increment alphanumeric string where alphabet position in a string is keeps changing -

I need to save Multiple(about 20-25) serial number of the specimen in my application. Sometimes serial number will be alphanumeric but will be sequential. I need a way out to increment alphanumeric serial numbers based on the first serial number entered.
My main problem is alphabet position and alphabet count keeps changing. Example : 10MG2015 20562MG0 MGX02526 etc etc
I tried but mine works when Alphabet are in starting position and when there are known number of alphabets. Here is my try
Dim intValue as integer
Dim serialno as string
Dim serialno1 as string
For i =0 to 20
Serialno1 = serialno.Substring(3)
Int32.TryParse(Serialno1, intValue)
intValue = intValue + 1
checkedox1.items.add(serialno.Substring(0,3) + intValue.ToString("D3"))
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
edit 1
Clarity : I want to increment alphanumeric string. Example : If first entered one is 10MG2015 then I should increment to 10MG2016, 10MG2017, 10MG2018, 10MG2019 and so on... For 20562MG0 it will be 20562MG1, 20562MG2 20562MG3 and so on...

Function FindSequenceNumber(SerialNumber As String) As Integer
'Look for at least four digits in a row, and capture all the digits
Dim sequenceExpr As New Regex("([0-9]{4,11})")
Dim result As Integer = -1
Dim m As Match = sequenceExpr.Match(SerialNumber)
If m.Success AndAlso Integer.TryParse(m.Groups(1).Value, result) Then
Return result
'Throw exception, return -1, etc
End If
End Function
See it here:
Note: the integer type doesn't preserve leading zeros. You may find it better to return a tuple with either the length of the original string, so you can pad zeros to the left if needed to match the original formatting.
Or maybe this:
Function IncrementSerial(SerialNumber As String) As String
'Look for at least four digits in a row, and capture all the digits
Dim sequenceExpr As New Regex("([0-9]{4,11})")
Dim m As Match = sequenceExpr.Match(SerialNumber)
If Not m.Success Then Throw New Exception("No sequence number found")
Dim c = m.Groups(1).Captures(0)
Dim seq = (Integer.Parse(c.Value) + 1).ToString()
If seq.Length < c.Value.Length Then
seq = seq.PadLeft(c.Value.Length, "0"c)
End If
Dim result As String = ""
If c.Index > 0 Then result & = SerialNumber.Substring(0, c.Index)
result &= seq
If c.Index + seq.Length < SerialNumber.Length Then result &= SerialNumber.SubString(c.Index + seq.Length)
Return result
End Function


How to increase numeric value present in a string

I'm using this query in
Raw_data = Alltext_line.Substring(Alltext_line.IndexOf("R|1"))
and I want to increase R|1 to R|2, R|3 and so on using for loop.
I tried it many ways but getting error
string to double is invalid
any help will be appreciated
You must first extract the number from the string. If the text part ("R") is always separated from the number part by a "|", you can easily separated the two with Split:
Dim Alltext_line = "R|1"
Dim parts = Alltext_line.Split("|"c)
parts is a string array. If this results in two parts, the string has the expected shape and we can try to convert the second part to a number, increase it and then re-create the string using the increased number
Dim n As Integer
If parts.Length = 2 AndAlso Integer.TryParse(parts(1), n) Then
Alltext_line = parts(0) & "|" & (n + 1)
End If
Note that the c in "|"c denotes a Char constant in VB.
An alternate solution that takes advantage of the String type defined as an Array of Chars.
I'm using string.Concat() to patch together the resulting IEnumerable(Of Char) and CInt() to convert the string to an Integer and sum 1 to its value.
Raw_data = "R|151"
Dim Result As String = Raw_data.Substring(0, 2) & (CInt(String.Concat(Raw_data.Skip(2))) + 1).ToString
This, of course, supposes that the source string is directly convertible to an Integer type.
If a value check is instead required, you can use Integer.TryParse() to perform the validation:
Dim ValuePart As String = Raw_data.Substring(2)
Dim Value As Integer = 0
If Integer.TryParse(ValuePart, Value) Then
Raw_data = Raw_data.Substring(0, 2) & (Value + 1).ToString
End If
If the left part can be variable (in size or content), the answer provided by Olivier Jacot-Descombes is covering this scenario already.
Sub IncrVal()
Dim s = "R|1"
For x% = 1 To 10
s = Regex.Replace(s, "[0-9]+", Function(m) Integer.Parse(m.Value) + 1)
End Sub

Visual basic palindrome code

I am trying to create an application which will determine whether a string entered by user is a palindrome or not.
Is it possible to do without StrReverse, possibly with for next loop. That's what i have done so far.
Working one, with StrReverse:
Dim userInput As String = Me.txtbx1.Text.Trim.Replace(" ", "")
Dim toBeComparedWith As String = StrReverse(userInput)
Select Case String.Compare(userInput, toBeComparedWith, True)
Case 0
Me.lbl2.Text = "The following string is a palindrom"
Case Else
Me.lbl2.Text = "The following string is not a palindrom"
End Select
Not working one:
Dim input As String = TextBox1.Text.Trim.Replace(" ", "")
Dim pallindromeChecker As String = input
Dim output As String
For counter As Integer = input To pallindromeChecker Step -1
output = pallindromeChecker
Next counter
output = pallindromeChecker
If output = input Then
Me.Label1.Text = "output"
Me.Label1.Text = "hi"
End If
While using string reversal works, it is suboptimal because you're iterating over the string at least 2 full times (as string reversal creates a copy of a string because strings are immutable in .NET) (plus extra iterations for your Trim and Replace calls).
However consider the essential properties of a palindrome: the first half of a string is equal to the second half of the string in reverse.
The optimal algorithm for checking a palindrome needs only iterate through half of the input string - by comparing value[n] with value[length-n] for n = 0 to length/2.
Public Shared Function IsPalindrome(value As String) As Boolean
' Input validation.
If value Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("value")
value = value.Replace(" ", "") // Note String.Replace(String,String) runs in O(n) time and if replacement is necessary then O(n) space.
' Shortcut case if the input string is empty.
If value.Length = 0 Then Return False ' or True, depends on your preference
' Only need to iterate until half of the string length.
' Note that integer division results in a truncated value, e.g. (5 / 2 = 2)...
'... so this ignores the middle character if the string is an odd-number of characters long.
Dim max As Integer = value.Length - 1
For i As Integer = 0 To value.Length / 2
If value(i) <> value(max-i) Then
' Shortcut: we can abort on the first mismatched character we encounter, no need to check further.
Return False
End If
Next i
' All "opposite" characters are equal, so return True.
Return True
End Function

Get last number from string and increase it by one

Have some problems with my function. In database i could have diffrent numbers. For instance below: ( i know it looks strange )
12 312323.3
3.23.14353.55 WHATEVER 345.193
87.3 ojojo 23.434blabla 24.424.7
What i need to do is increase number after LAST DOT so just make + 1.
The problem is its not working when it comes after dot more than one digit then.
here is my current code:
Dim inputValue as String = "34.234234.6.12"
'--Get Last char from string and add 1 to it
Dim lastChar As String = CInt(CStr(inputValue.Last)) + 1
'--Remove last char and add lastChar
Dim nextCombinNummer As String = lastValue.Nummer.Substring(0, lastValue.Nummer.Length - 1) & lastChar
Return nextCombinNummer
I think the problem is lastValue.Last + 1 as it will take only one digit, and also when i remove by substring last digit but only 2 will be removed.
Can you help me out with this? How to always take number after last dot from string and then increase that number by 1 and return new entire number?
I think i am able to get and increase the number but still dont know how to remove and put it at the end:
Think that's ok:
Dim inputValue as String = "34.234234.6.12"
Dim number As String = inputValue .Substring(inputValue .LastIndexOf("."c) + 1)
Dim numberIncreased as integer = CInt(number) + 1
'How to do this correctly? :
Dim nextCombinNummer As String = lastValue.Nummer.Substring(0, lastValue.Nummer.Length - 1) & numberIncreased
An easy solution is to cast as Integer the last part of the string, add one, then recompose your string :
'Original Value
Dim val As String = "123.456.789"
'We take only the last part and add one
Dim nb = Integer.Parse(val.Substring(val.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)) + 1
'We recompose the string
Dim FinalVal As String = val.Substring(0, val.LastIndexOf(".") + 1) & nb.ToString()
I'd use following which uses String.Split, Int32.TryParse and String.Join:
Dim numbers As New List(Of String) From {"12.312323.3", "013.43.9", "3.231435355345.193", "728937.3", "87.323.43424.424.7"}
for i As Int32 = 0 To numbers.Count -1
Dim num = numbers(i)
Dim token = num.Split("."c)
dim lastNum = token.Last() ' or token(token.Length-1)
Dim n As Int32
If int32.TryParse(lastNum, n)
n += 1
token(token.Length-1) = n.ToString()
End If
numbers(i) = string.Join(".", token)

how to find the number of occurrences of a substring within a string

I have a string (for example: "Hello there. My name is John. I work very hard. Hello there!") and I am trying to find the number of occurrences of the string "hello there". So far, this is the code I have:
Dim input as String = "Hello there. My name is John. I work very hard. Hello there!"
Dim phrase as String = "hello there"
Dim Occurrences As Integer = 0
If input.toLower.Contains(phrase) = True Then
Occurrences = input.Split(phrase).Length
'REM: Do stuff
End If
Unfortunately, what this line of code seems to do is split the string every time it sees the first letter of phrase, in this case, h. So instead of the result Occurrences = 2 that I would hope for, I actually get a much larger number. I know that counting the number of splits in a string is a horrible way to go about doing this, even if I did get the correct answer, so could someone please help me out and provide some assistance?
Yet another idea:
Dim input As String = "Hello there. My name is John. I work very hard. Hello there!"
Dim phrase As String = "Hello there"
Dim Occurrences As Integer = (input.Length - input.Replace(phrase, String.Empty).Length) / phrase.Length
You just need to make sure that phrase.Length > 0.
the best way to do it is this:
Public Function countString(ByVal inputString As String, ByVal stringToBeSearchedInsideTheInputString as String) As Integer
Return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(inputString, stringToBeSearchedInsideTheInputString).Length -1
End Function
str="Thisissumlivinginsumgjhvgsum in the sum bcoz sum ot ih sum"
b= LCase(str)
msgbox l
the output gives u the no. of occurences of a string within another one.
You can create a Do Until loop that stops once an integer variable equals the length of the string you're checking. If the phrase exists, increment your occurences and add the length of the phrase plus the position in which it is found to the cursor variable. If the phrase can not be found, you are done searching (no more results), so set it to the length of the target string. To not count the same occurance more than once, check only from the cursor to the length of the target string in the Loop (strCheckThisString).
Dim input As String = "hello there. this is a test. hello there hello there!"
Dim phrase As String = "hello there"
Dim Occurrences As Integer = 0
Dim intCursor As Integer = 0
Do Until intCursor >= input.Length
Dim strCheckThisString As String = Mid(LCase(input), intCursor + 1, (Len(input) - intCursor))
Dim intPlaceOfPhrase As Integer = InStr(strCheckThisString, phrase)
If intPlaceOfPhrase > 0 Then
Occurrences += 1
intCursor += (intPlaceOfPhrase + Len(phrase) - 1)
intCursor = input.Length
End If
You just have to change the input of the split function into a string array and then delare the StringSplitOptions.
Try out this line of code:
Occurrences = input.Split({phrase}, StringSplitOptions.None).Length
I haven't checked this, but I'm thinking you'll also have to account for the fact that occurrences would be too high due to the fact that you're splitting using your string and not actually counting how many times it is in the string, so I think Occurrences = Occurrences - 1
Hope this helps
You could create a recursive function using IndexOf. Passing the string to be searched and the string to locate, each recursion increments a Counter and sets the StartIndex to +1 the last found index, until the search string is no longer found. Function will require optional parameters Starting Position and Counter passed by reference:
Function InStrCount(ByVal SourceString As String, _
ByVal SearchString As String, _
Optional ByRef StartPos As Integer = 0, _
Optional ByRef Count As Integer = 0) As Integer
If SourceString.IndexOf(SearchString, StartPos) > -1 Then
Count += 1
InStrCount(SourceString, _
SearchString, _
SourceString.IndexOf(SearchString, StartPos) + 1, _
End If
Return Count
End Function
Call function by passing string to search and string to locate and, optionally, start position:
Dim input As String = "Hello there. My name is John. I work very hard. Hello there!"
Dim phrase As String = "hello there"
Dim Occurrences As Integer
Occurrances = InStrCount(input.ToLower, phrase.ToLower)
Note the use of .ToLower, which is used to ignore case in your comparison. Do not include this directive if you do wish comparison to be case specific.
One more solution based on InStr(i, str, substr) function (searching substr in str starting from i position, more info about InStr()):
Function findOccurancesCount(baseString, subString)
occurancesCount = 0
i = 1
foundPosition = InStr(i, baseString, subString) 'searching from i position
If foundPosition > 0 Then 'substring is found at foundPosition index
occurancesCount = occurancesCount + 1 'count this occurance
i = foundPosition + 1 'searching from i+1 on the next cycle
End If
Loop While foundPosition <> 0
findOccurancesCount = occurancesCount
End Function
As soon as there is no substring found (InStr returns 0, instead of found substring position in base string), searching is over and occurances count is returned.
Looking at your original attempt, I have found that this should do the trick as "Split" creates an array.
Occurrences = input.split(phrase).ubound
This is CaSe sensitive, so in your case the phrase should equal "Hello there", as there is no "hello there" in the input
Expanding on Sumit Kumar's simple solution, here it is as a one-line working function:
Public Function fnStrCnt(ByVal str As String, ByVal substr As String) As Integer
fnStrCnt = UBound(Split(LCase(str), substr))
End Function
Sub testit()
Dim thePhrase
thePhrase = "Once upon a midnight dreary while a man was in a house in the usa."
If fnStrCnt(thePhrase, " a ") > 1 Then
MsgBox "Found " & fnStrCnt(thePhrase, " a ") & " occurrences."
End If
End Sub 'testit()
I don't know if this is more obvious?
Starting from the beginning of longString check the next characters up to the number characters in phrase, if phrase is not found start looking from the second character etc. If it is found start agin from the current position plus the number of characters in phrase and increment the value of occurences
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim longString As String = "Hello there. My name is John. I work very hard. Hello there! Hello therehello there"
Dim phrase As String = "hello There"
Dim occurences As Integer = 0
Dim n As Integer = 0
Do Until n >= longString.Length - (phrase.Length - 1)
If longString.ToLower.Substring(n, phrase.Length).Contains(phrase.ToLower) Then
occurences += 1
n = n + (phrase.Length - 1)
End If
n += 1
End Sub
End Module
I used this in Vbscript, You can convert the same to as well
Dim str, strToFind
str = "sdfsdf:sdsdgs::"
strToFind = ":"
MsgBox GetNoOfOccurranceOf( strToFind, str)
Function GetNoOfOccurranceOf(ByVal subStringToFind As String, ByVal strReference As String)
Dim iTotalLength, newString, iTotalOccCount
iTotalLength = Len(strReference)
newString = Replace(strReference, subStringToFind, "")
iTotalOccCount = iTotalLength - Len(newString)
GetNoOfOccurranceOf = iTotalOccCount
End Function
I know this thread is really old, but I got another solution too:
Function countOccurencesOf(needle As String, s As String)
Dim count As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 to s.Length - 1
If s.Substring(i).Startswith(needle) Then
count = count + 1
End If
Return count
End Function

Substring starting at specific character count

How would you select the last part of a string starting at a specific character count.
For example I would like to get all text after the 3rd comma. but I get an error saying
"StartIndex cannot be less than zero."
Dim testString As String = "part, description, order, get this text, and this text"
Dim result As String = ""
result = testString.Substring(testString.IndexOf(",", 0, 3))
Heres my two cents:
string.Join(",", "aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd,eee".Split(',').Skip(2));
The code "testString.IndexOf(",", 0, 3)" does not find the 3rd comma. It find the first comma starting at position 0 looking at the first 3 positions (i.e. character positions 0,1,2).
If you want the part after the last comma use something like this:
Dim testString As String = "part, description, order, get this text"
Dim result As String = ""
result = testString.Substring(testString.LastIndexOf(",") + 1)
Note the +1 to move to the character after the comma. You should really also find the index first and add checks to confirm that the index is not -1 and index < testString.Length too.
Alternatives(I assume you want all the text after last comma):
Using LastIndexOf:
' You can add code to check if the LastIndexOf returns a positive number
Dim result As String = testString.SubString(testString.LastIndexOf(",")+1)
Regular Expressions:
Dim result As String = Regex.Replace(testString, "(.*,)(.*)$", "$2")
The third argument of indexOf is the number of charcters to search. You are searching for , starting at 0 for 3 characters - that is searching the string par for a comma which does not exist so the returned index is -1, hence your error. I think that you would need to use some recursion:
Dim testString As String = "part, description, order, get this text"
Dim index As Int32 = 0
For i As Int32 = 1 To 3
index = testString.IndexOf(","c, index + 1)
If index < 0 Then
' Not enough commas. Handle this.
End If
Dim result As String = testString.Substring(index + 1)
The IndexOf function only finds the "First" of the specified character. The last parameter (in your case 3) specifies how many characters to examine and not the occurence.
Refer to Find Nth occurrence of a character in a string
The function specified here finds the Nth occurance of a character. Then use the substring function on the occurance returned.
Alternative , you can also use regular expression to find the nth occurance.
public static int NthIndexOf(this string target, string value, int n)
Match m = Regex.Match(target, "((" + value + ").*?){" + n + "}");
if (m.Success)
return m.Groups[2].Captures[n - 1].Index;
return -1;
I think this is what you are looking for
Dim testString As String = "part, description, order, get this text"
Dim resultArray As String() = testString.Split(New Char() {","c}, 3)
Dim resultString As String = resultArray(2)