How to compose IO functions with other effects in Kotlin Arrow FX - kotlin

We often need some request validation before handling it. With arrow v 0.8 a typical message handler looked like:
fun addToShoppingCart(request: AddToShoppingCartRequest): IO<Either<ShoppingCardError, ItemAddedEvent>> = fx {
.pipe (::validateShoppingCard)
.flatMap { validatedRequest ->
queryShoppingCart().bind().map { validatedRequest to it } // fun queryShoppingCart(): IO<Either<DatabaseError, ShoppingCart>>
.flatMap { (validatedRequest, shoppingCart) ->
maybeAddToShoppingCart(shoppingCart, validatedRequest) // fun maybeAddToShoppingCart(...): Either<DomainError, ShoppingCart>
.flatMap { updatedShoppingCart ->
storeShoppingCart(updatedShoppingCart).bind() // fun storeShoppingCart(ShoppingCart): IO<Either<DatabaseError, Unit>>
.map {
This seems to be a convenient and expressive definition of a workflow. I tried to define similar function in arrow v 0.10.5:
fun handleDownloadRequest(strUrl: String): IO<Either<BadUrl, MyObject>> = IO.fx {
parseUrl(strUrl) // fun(String): Either<BadUrl,Url>
.map {
!effect{ downloadObject(it) } // suspended fun downloadObject(Url): MyObject
Which results in a compiler error "Suspension functions can be called only within coroutine body". The reason is both map and flatMap functions of Either and Option are not inline.
Indeed, the blog post about fx says
"Soon you will find that you cannot call suspend functions inside the
functions declared for Either such as the ones mentioned above, and
other fan favorites like map() and handleErrorWith(). For that you
need a concurrency library!"
So the question is why is it so and what is the idiomatic way of such composition?

The idiomatic way is
fun handleDownloadRequest(strUrl: String): IO<Either<BadUrl, MyObject>> =
IO.just(it.left()) // forward the error
}, {
IO { downloadObject(it) }
.attempt() // get an Either<Throwable, MyObject>
.map { it.mapLeft { /* Throwable to BadURL */ } } // fix the left side
Personally I wouldn't go to the deep end of IO with that one, and rewrite as a suspend function instead
suspend fun handleDownloadRequest(strUrl: String): Either<BadUrl, MyObject> =
.fold(::Left) { // forward the error
Either.catch({ /* Throwable to BadURL */ }) { downloadObject(it) }
What happened is, in 0.8.X the functions for Either used to be inlined. An unintended side-effect of this was that you could call suspend functions anywhere. While this is nice, it can lead to exceptions thrown (or jumping threads or deadlocks 🙈) in the middle of a map or a flatMap, which is terrible for correctness. It's a crutch.
In 0.9 (or was it 10?) we removed that crutch and made it into something explicit in the API: Either.catch. We kept fold as inlined because it's the same as when, so there was no real correctness tradeoff there.
So, the recommended thing is to use suspend everywhere and only reach for IO when trying to do threading, parallelism, cancellation, retries and scheduling, or anything really advanced.
For basic use cases suspend and Either.catch is enough. To call into a suspend function at the edge of your program or where you need to bridge with these advanced behaviors then use IO.
If you want to continue using Either you can define suspend/inline versions of regular functions at your own risk; or wait until IO<E, A> in 0.11 where you can use effectEither and effectMapEither.


Analogue ignoreElements() in coroutines

I am working on the task of rewriting classes from RxJava to Coroutines and ran into the problem of finding an analogue of the ignoreElements() operator. What can replace it in case of using Coroutines?
For example, in this case. I replace Completable with Flow<Unit>:
private fun observeHistory(): Completable =
.doOnNext {
And got this
private fun observeHistory(): Flow<Unit> = flow {
.onEach {
It depends on what RxJava code you are migrating. The RxJava ignoreElements() operator return Completable and suppresses all of the items emitted, in other words, it emits nothing.
So, if you have something like this in RxJava:
fun saveData(): Completable {
return yourObservable
.doOnComplete {
// save data
then in Kotlin Coroutines you can use just suspend method without a return value:
suspend fun saveData(data: String) {
// save data
but if you want to keep a reactive approach you can convert it to Kotlin Flow but with Flow, you don't have an alternative to emit nothing, feel free to return your source type (you can return Unit type but it looks pointless then maybe you should reconsider why you use Flow here):
fun saveData(data: String): Flow<String> {
return yourFlow
.onCompletion {
// save data
and then you can just ignore the value during collecting:
Technically one equivalent of observable.ignoreElements() would be flow.filter { false }: it returns a flow with 0 elements (skipping all elements of the source flow), and completes when the source flow completes. That said, the resulting Flow<T> would not be an ideal representation of what you're actually returning.
A better return type to express this would be Deferred<Unit>, which better matches Rx's Completable, for instance with someScope.async(LAZY) { flow.collect() } - but that would be even less idiomatic.
A more idiomatic approach to solve the problem in your example is to use a suspend function instead, because this is what best represents a single async value (but in a sequential way thanks to coroutines):
private suspend fun observeHistory() {
sensorDataService.observeRangeData().collect {
Then if you want to launch this as a background process from the calling code, you can use launch { observeHistory() } in a proper coroutine scope, which you would need anyway if you had returned a flow (because collecting the flow is suspending too).

Kotlin Coroutine transaction in Reactive SQL Client (Quarkus/Vert.X)

I want to use Kotlin coroutines in my reactive sql client transactions.
For simplicity, I was going to use the provided helper function io.vertx.mutiny.sqlclient.Pool#withTransaction mentioned in the docs here. Since the passed function is not a coroutine suspend function, I'm getting an error like Suspension functions can be called only within coroutine body when Im trying to compile a code like the following
val client : PgPool
suspend fun someServiceFunction () {
client.withTransaction { connection ->, entity).awaitSuspending() //This is not working
The function header for the withTransaction looks like this
public <T> Uni<T> withTransaction(Function<SqlConnection, Uni<T>> function)
I'm asking myself if there is still a way to use this with kotlin coroutines, since I'm pretty new to them.
Thank you for any help !
I'm not familiar with Mutiny nor Quarkus, but it seems there is a way to convert from Deferred<T> to Uni<T> in mutiny-kotlin, which you seem to be using.
You could therefore create your own suspending version of withTransaction like this:
import io.vertx.mutiny.sqlclient.SqlConnection
import io.vertx.mutiny.sqlclient.Pool
suspend fun <T> Pool.withTransaction(block: suspend (SqlConnection) -> T): T = coroutineScope {
client.withTransaction { connection ->
async { block(connection) }.asUni()
And then use it:
suspend fun someServiceFunction() {
client.withTransaction { connection ->, entity).awaitSuspending()
// potentially other suspending stuff here, without the need to combine()
But that begs the question, why use the Mutiny variant of Vertx things, if in the end you want to use Kotlin coroutines? I think by default Vertx works with Java futures which are also integrated with coroutines.

FP patterns for combining data from different sources (preferrably in Kotlin and Arrow)

Disclaimer upfront: Recently, my interest in functional programming has grown and I've been able to apply the most basic approaches (using pure functions as much as my knowledge and working environment permits) in my job. However, I'm still very inexperienced when it comes to more advanced techniques and I thought trying to learn some by asking a question on this site might be the right idea. I've stumbled over similar issues once every while, so I think there should be patterns in FP to deal with this type of problems.
Problem description
It boils down to the following. Suppose there is an API somewhere providing a list of all possible pets.
data class Pet(val name: String, val isFavorite: Boolean = false)
fun fetchAllPetsFromApi(): List<Pet> {
// this would call a real API irl
return listOf(Pet("Dog"), Pet("Cat"), Pet("Parrot"))
This API knows nothing about the "favorite" field and it shouldn't. It's not under my control. It's basically just returning a list of pets. Now I want to allow users to mark pets as their favorite. And I store this flag in a local database.
So after fetching all pets from the api, I have to set the favorite flag according to the persisted data.
class FavoriteRepository {
fun petsWithUserFavoriteFlag(allPets: List<Pet>) {
return { it.copy(isFavorite = getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(it) }
fun markPetAsFavorite(pet: Pet) {
// persist to db ...
fun getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(pet: Pet): Boolean {...}
For some reason, I think this code dealing with the problem of "fetch one part of the information from one data source, then merge it with some information from another" might benefit from the application of FP patterns, but I'm not really sure in which direction to look.
I've read some of the documentation of Arrow (great project btw :)) and am quite a Kotlin enthusiast, so answers utilizing this library would be very appreciated.
Here's something I'd potentially do. Your code has a couple of important flaws that make it unsafe from the functional programming perspective:
It doesn't flag side effects, so compiler is not aware of those and cannot track how they're are used. That means we could call those effects from anywhere without any sort of control. Examples of effects would be the network query or all the operations using the database.
Your operations don't make explicit the fact that they might succeed or fail, so callers are left to try / catch exceptions or the program will blow up. So, there's not a strong requirement to handle both scenarios, which could drive to missing some exceptions and therefore get runtime errors.
Let's try to fix it. Let's start by modeling our domain errors so we have a set of expected errors that our domain understands. Let's also create a mapper so we map all potential exceptions thrown to one of those expected domain errors, so our business logic can react to those accordingly.
sealed class Error {
object Error1 : Error()
object Error2 : Error()
object Error3 : Error()
// Stubbed
fun Throwable.toDomainError() = Error.Error1
As you see, we're stubbing the errors and the mapper. You can put time on designing what errors you'll need for your domain on an architecture level and write a proper pure mapper for those. Let's keep going.
Time for flagging our effects to make the compiler aware of those. To do that we use suspend in Kotlin. suspend enforces a calling context at compile time, so you cannot ever call the effect unless you're within a suspended environment or the integration point (a couroutine). We are going to flag as suspend all operations that would be a side effect here: the network request and all db operations.
I'm also taking the freedom to pull out all DB operations to a Database collaborator just for readability.
suspend fun fetchAllPetsFromApi(): List<Pet> = ...
class FavoriteRepository(private val db: Database = Database()) {
suspend fun petsWithUserFavoriteFlag(allPets: List<Pet>) {
... will delegate in the Database ops
class Database {
// This would flag it as fav on the corresponding table
suspend fun markPetAsFavorite(pet: Pet): Pet = ...
// This would get the flag from the corresponding table
suspend fun getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(pet: Pet) = ...
Our side effects are safe now. They've become description of effects instead, since we cannot ever run them without providing an environment capable of running suspended effects (a coroutine or another suspended function). In functional jargon we'd say our effects are pure now.
Now, let's go for the second issue.
We also said that we were not making explicit the fact that each effect might succeed or fail, so callers might miss potential exceptions thrown and get the program blown up. We can raise that concern over our data by wrapping it with the functional Either<A, B> data type. Let's combine both ideas together:
suspend fun fetchAllPetsFromApi(): Either<Error, List<Pet>> = ...
class FavoriteRepository(private val db: Database = Database()) {
suspend fun petsWithUserFavoriteFlag(allPets: List<Pet>): Either<Error, List<Pet>> {
... will delegate in the Database ops
class Database {
// This would flag it as fav on the corresponding table
suspend fun markPetAsFavorite(pet: Pet): Either<Error, Pet> = ...
// This would get the flag from the corresponding table
suspend fun getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(pet: Pet): Either<Error, Boolean> = ...
Now this makes explicit the fact that each one of those computations might succeed or fail, so the caller will be forced to handle both sides and will not forget about handling the potential errors. We're using the types in our benefit here.
Let's add the logics for the effects now:
// Stubbing a list of pets but you'd have your network request within the catch block
suspend fun fetchAllPetsFromApi(): Either<Error, List<Pet>> =
Either.catch { listOf(Pet("Dog"), Pet("Cat")) }.mapLeft { it.toDomainError() }
We can use Either#catch to wrap any suspended effects that might throw. This automatically wraps the result into Either so we can keep computing over it.
More specifically, it wraps the result of the block in Either.Right in case it succeeds, or the exception into Either.Left in case it throws. We also have mapLeft to map potential exceptions thrown (Left side) to one of our strongly typed domain errors. That is why it returns Either<Error, List<Pet>> instead of Either<Throwable, List<Pet>>.
Note that with Either we always model errors on the left side. This is by convention, since Right represents the happy path and we want our successful data there, so we can keep computing over it with map, flatMap, or whatever.
We can apply the same idea for our db methods now:
class Database {
// This would flag it as fav on the corresponding table, I'm stubbing it here for the example.
suspend fun markPetAsFavorite(pet: Pet): Either<Error, Pet> =
Either.catch { pet }.mapLeft { it.toDomainError() }
// This would get the flag from the corresponding table, I'm stubbing it here for the example.
suspend fun getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(pet: Pet): Either<Error, Boolean> =
Either.catch { true }.mapLeft { it.toDomainError() }
We're stubbing the results again, but you can imagine we'd have our actual suspended effects loading from or updating the DB tables inside each Either.catch {} block above.
Finally, we can add some logic to the repo:
class FavoriteRepository(private val db: Database = Database()) {
suspend fun petsWithUserFavoriteFlag(allPets: List<Pet>): Either<Error, List<Pet>> = { pet ->
db.getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(pet).map { isFavInDb ->
pet.copy(isFavorite = isFavInDb)
}.sequence(Either.applicative()).fix().map { it.toList() }
Ok this one might be a bit more complex due to how our effects are written, but I'll try to make it clear.
We need to map the list so for each pet loaded from network we can load its fav state from the Database. Then we copy it as you were doing. But given getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(pet) returns Either<Error, Booelan> now we'd have a List<Either<Error, Pet>> as a result 🤔 That might make it hard to work with the complete list of pets, since we'd need to iterate and for each one first we'd need to check whether it's Left or Right.
To make it easier to consume the List<Pet> as a whole, we might want to swap the types here, so we'd have Either<Error, List<Pet>> instead.
To this magic, one option would be sequence. sequence requires the Either applicative in this case since that'll be used to lift the intermediate results and the final list into Either.
We're also using the chance to map the ListK into the stdlib List instead, since ListK is what sequence uses internally, but we can understand it as a functional wrapped over List in broad words, so you have an idea. Since here we're only interested on the actual list to match our types, we can map the Right<ListK<Pet>> to Right<List<Pet>>.
Finally, we can go ahead and consume this suspended program:
suspend fun main() {
val repo = FavoriteRepository()
val hydratedPets = fetchAllPetsFromApi().flatMap { pets -> repo.petsWithUserFavoriteFlag(pets) }
ifLeft = { error -> println(error) },
ifRight = { pets -> println(pets) }
We're going for flatMap since we have sequential ops here.
There are potential optimizations we could do like using parTraverse to load all the fav states from DB for a list of pets in parallel and gather results in the end, but I didn't use it since I'm not sure your database is prepared for concurrent access.
Here's how you could do it:
suspend fun petsWithUserFavoriteFlag(allPets: List<Pet>): Either<Error, List<Pet>> =
allPets.parTraverse { pet ->
db.getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(pet).map { isFavInDb ->
pet.copy(isFavorite = isFavInDb)
}.sequence(Either.applicative()).fix().map { it.toList() }
I think we could also simplify the whole thing a bit more by changing some of the types and how operations are structured but wasn't sure about refactoring it too much from your codebase since I'm not aware of your current team constraints.
And here's the complete codebase:
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.extensions.either.applicative.applicative
import arrow.core.extensions.list.traverse.sequence
import arrow.core.extensions.listk.foldable.toList
import arrow.core.fix
import arrow.core.flatMap
data class Pet(val name: String, val isFavorite: Boolean = false)
// Our sealed hierarchy of potential errors our domain understands
sealed class Error {
object Error1 : Error()
object Error2 : Error()
object Error3 : Error()
// Stubbed, would be a mapper from throwable to any of the expected domain errors used via mapLeft.
fun Throwable.toDomainError() = Error.Error1
// This would call a real API irl, stubbed here for the example.
suspend fun fetchAllPetsFromApi(): Either<Error, List<Pet>> =
Either.catch { listOf(Pet("Dog"), Pet("Cat")) }.mapLeft { it.toDomainError() }
class FavoriteRepository(private val db: Database = Database()) {
suspend fun petsWithUserFavoriteFlag(allPets: List<Pet>): Either<Error, List<Pet>> = { pet ->
db.getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(pet).map { isFavInDb ->
pet.copy(isFavorite = isFavInDb)
}.sequence(Either.applicative()).fix().map { it.toList() }
class Database {
// This would flag it as fav on the corresponding table, I'm stubbing it here for the example.
suspend fun markPetAsFavorite(pet: Pet): Either<Error, Pet> =
Either.catch { pet }.mapLeft { it.toDomainError() }
// This would get the flag from the corresponding table, I'm stubbing it here for the example.
suspend fun getFavoriteFlagFromDbFor(pet: Pet): Either<Error, Boolean> =
Either.catch { true }.mapLeft { it.toDomainError() }
suspend fun main() {
val repo = FavoriteRepository()
val hydratedPets = fetchAllPetsFromApi().flatMap { pets -> repo.petsWithUserFavoriteFlag(pets) }
ifLeft = { error -> println(error) },
ifRight = { pets -> println(pets) }

Run Kotlin coroutines in sequence

Lets say I have these Kotlin suspend functions doing various operations:
suspend fun operation1(){ //some code }
suspend fun operation2(){ //some code }
suspend fun operation3(){ //some code }
suspend fun operation4(){ //some code }
suspend fun operation5(){ //some code }
I have a function which gets called by an external library (which we can't modify), where I make calls to these functions (of course its logic is more complex in practice). Let's assume the library can make any number of calls in a short time.
fun calledByLibrary(someParam: String){
"someValue1" -> operation1()
"someValue2" -> operation2()
"someValue3" -> operation3()
"someValue4" -> operation4()
"someValue5" -> operation5()
Now, we had a bug, and figured that operation3 and operation4 can not be suspended to run in 'parallel'. They even need to be executed in the same order as called by the external library. For all the other combinations it's ok to do that, so we would like to keep them as suspend to support this.
What's the best way to solve this?
One simple, and easy way would be to use a Mutex in operation3 and operation4 to ensure they don't run in the same time, like this:
val mutex = Mutex()
suspend fun operation3(){ mutex.withLock(){/*some code*/} }
suspend fun operation4(){ mutex.withLock(){/*some code*/} }
But this does not guarantee that they will be executed in the order they have been requested by the library.
Also tried searching for running coroutines in a queue, but surprisingly did not find anything trivial. (Current solution is using a single threaded dispatcher and runBlocking, which is far from ideal)
After tying a lot of things, seems like an actor can be a solution, as a lot of people mentioned using channels, which is a part of the actors. But implementing an actor seemed a complex solution, for such a simple issue, so I tried to avoid it and find a more simple one.
Turned out that the idea with the mutex can be easily fixed to also ensure the order of execution, by using the same thread in the coroutine.
The operation functions already had the logic to use the proper thread when needed (if they did not it would be a trivial thing to add). So the only change needed is to launch the coroutine in the callback on the same thread always. This can be done easily by using Dispachers.Unconfined, or if you want to avoid that, you can create your own single threaded dispacher too.
So, the of course highly simplified solution, would look like this:
fun calledByLibrary(someParam: String){
//You can use any single threaded dispatcher here
//if you want to avoid the unconfined
"someValue1" -> operation1()
"someValue2" -> operation2()
"someValue3" -> operation3()
"someValue4" -> operation4()
"someValue5" -> operation5()
val mutex = Mutex()
suspend fun operation1(){ launch{/*some code*/} }
suspend fun operation2(){ launch{/*some code*/} }
suspend fun operation3(){ mutex.withLock(){launch{/*some code*/}} }
suspend fun operation4(){ mutex.withLock(){launch{/*some code*/}} }
suspend fun operation5(){ launch{/*some code*/} }
You can also do something like this from within a coroutine scope. The await() makes sure to wait for the results before continueing.
val resultOne = async { repository.getSomethingFromApi() }
val resultTwo = async { repository.getSomethingElseFromApi() }
val resultOneFromApi = resultOne.await()
val resultTwoFromApi = resultTwo.await()

What's the recommended way to delay Kotlin's buildSequence?

I'm trying to poll a paginated API and provide new items to the user as they appear.
fun connect(): Sequence<T> = buildSequence {
while (true) {
// result is a List<T>
val result = dataSource.getFirstPage()
yieldAll(/* the new data in `result` */)
// Block the thread for a little bit
Here's the sample usage:
for (item in connect()) {
// do something as each item is made available
My first thought was to use the delay function, but I get this message:
Restricted suspended functions can only invoke member or extension suspending functions on their restricted coroutine scope
This is the signature for buildSequence:
public fun <T> buildSequence(builderAction: suspend SequenceBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): Sequence<T>
I think this message means that I can only use the suspend functions in SequenceBuilder: yield and yieldAll and that using arbitrary suspend function calls aren't allowed.
Right now I'm using this to block the sequence building by one second after every time the API is polled:
val resumeTime = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1)
while (resumeTime > System.nanoTime()) {
// do nothing
This works, but it really doesn't seem like a good solution. Has anybody encountered this issue before?
Why does it not work? Some research
When we look at buildSequence, we can see that it takes an builderAction: suspend SequenceBuilder<T>.() -> Unit as its argument. As a client of that method, you'll be able to hand on a suspend lambda that has SequenceBuilder as its receiver (read about lambda with receiver here).
The SequenceBuilder itself is annotated with RestrictSuspension:
public abstract class SequenceBuilder<in T> ...
The annotation is defined and commented like this:
* Classes and interfaces marked with this annotation are restricted
* when used as receivers for extension `suspend` functions.
* These `suspend` extensions can only invoke other member or extension
* `suspend` functions on this particular receiver only
* and are restricted from calling arbitrary suspension functions.
#SinceKotlin("1.1") #Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS) #Retention(AnnotationRetention.BINARY)
public annotation class RestrictsSuspension
As the RestrictSuspension documentation tells, in the case of buildSequence, you can pass a lambda with SequenceBuilder as its receiver but with restricted possibilities since you'll only be able to call "other member or extension suspend functions on this particular receiver". That means, the block passed to buildSequence may call any method defined on SequenceBuilder (like yield, yieldAll). Since, on the other hand, the block is "restricted from calling arbitrary suspension functions", using delay does not work. The resulting compiler error verifies it:
Restricted suspended functions can only invoke member or extension suspending functions on their restricted coroutine scope.
Ultimately, you need to be aware that the buildSequence creates a coroutine that is an example of a synchronous coroutine. In your example, the sequence code will be executed in the same thread that consumes the sequence by calling connect().
How to delay the sequence?
As we learned, The buildSequence creates a synchronous sequence. It's fine to use regular Thread blocking here:
fun connect(): Sequence<T> = buildSequence {
while (true) {
val result = dataSource.getFirstPage()
But, do you really want an entire thread to be blocked? Alternatively, you can implement asynchronous sequences as described here. As a result, using delay and other suspending functions will be valid.
Just for an alternate solution...
If what you're really trying to do is asynchronously produce elements, you can use Flows which are basically asynchronous sequences.
Here is a quick table:
Normal valuefun example(): String
suspendingsuspend fun example(): Stringorfun example(): Deferred<String>
Sequencefun example(): Sequence<String>
Flowfun example(): Flow<String>
You can convert your Sequence<T> to a Flow<T> by replacing the sequence { ... } builder with the flow { ... } builder and then replace yield/yieldAll with emit/emitAll:
fun example(): Flow<String> = flow {
(1..5).forEach { getString().let { emit(it) } }
suspend fun getString(): String = { ... }
So, for your example:
fun connect(): Flow<T> = flow {
while (true) {
// Call suspend function to get data from dataSource
val result: List<T> = dataSource.getFirstPage()
// _Suspend_ for a little bit