Execute same testsuite in parallel using Junit5 - junit5

In Junit 5, we can achieve parallel execution by specifying in junit-platform.properties file.
Also we can run the same testsuite multiple times by using #TestTemplate but this is sequential run.
Is there a way to combine both approaches.
I want to execute the same testsuite on multiple browsers parallelly.
When the testsuite execution start, the first test should be picked and run on all the available browsers. and so on.
I am using selenium Junit combination to write the UI testcases.


Spring boot test files execution ordering

I have a project with several hundred test files some of the test files use DataJpaTest annotation, some are MockMvc based controller tests and some uses mocked objects without database dependency, Based on test execution order I see context needs to be re-initialized for different flavors of test files, Is there a way to control execution of test files order so that context reload can be avoided? Say all mock tests first followed by controller tests and then DataJpaTest?
Right now test case execution taking about 30 minutes looking for way to improve the speed up test execution.
JUnit Jupiter provides options to control Test Execution Order.
However, you should look into your test setup and verify if your tests create too many Application Contexts.
Spring Test framework can cache Application Contexts and reuse them among different test suites. See Spring Test documentation for more info.

Why do my selenium xunit tests in Visual Studio run in parallel?

I'm writing unit tests using Selenium and xunit and on their own they run great but if I select all of the tests (multiple classes) in Test Explorer (they appear to be grouped by class - this is not intentional) they run in parallel. Run Tests in Parallel is not selected. Each one of my tests creates and then deletes test data so they obviously can't run in parallel. One test might delete data right after another test created that data and so the test would fail. So how can I run all of my tests and not have them run in parallel? I guess I could make them all use one partial class that spans multiple files but that's not my first choice.
I found a solution (although not an explanation). Just put [Collection("Sequential")] as the first line under each namespace. This forces everything to run sequentially.

Running a single test suite multiple times in parallel with Serenity

I have a single test suite (i.e. feature) written with Java/Appium. I want to run this test suite on several different devices (iPhone, Android phones, etc.). I want to do this in parallel as well - i.e. I want to run the same test suite as several separate threads.
How can I do this using Serenity with either Junit, Cucumber, or JBehave? I have found lots of info on how Cucumber allows multiple features to be run in parallel (here and here), but the problem is, I want to run one single feature multiple times in parallel.
Why not run them in separate jobs on your build server and pass in the device as a parameter?

Using categories vs parametrized tests from JUnit with selenium rc

I currently have a set of unit tests which are run with the Parametrized test harness built into JUnit. As I do not want to create a new Selenium instance with each test case (i'd rather log in, navigate to a screen, and run a set of tests), I am looking at other options in which I can automate my tests.
I want to set up different tests in different classes which all leverage the same test method.I found the Categories also offered by JUnit however as this appears to be a way to set up a TestSuite, I am not sure if this will help.
I guess the short question is, if I have a bunch of selenium tests spread out to different classes is there a way I can get these tests to run in one test method specified elsewhere?
You can create test suite in Junit over there you can write your different classes containing ur tests.
In Junit 4 a test suit is written like this.
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
#Suite.SuiteClasses({TestClass1.class, TestClass2.class})
public class TestSuite {

multiple test cases for selenium RC

How can you create multiple test cases for selenium RC using eclipse?
Evaluate a test framework, such as TestNG or JUnit. Based on these frameworks, you can build data driven tests, or a number of scripts, executed sequentially (or in parallel) using Ant.
You can try implementing a Data Provider into your tests and having the test methods be executed for the different values in it.
For example, you can have a CSV file with the different test parameters for each case and execute "each line".
I would recommend the latest Junit version and the latest Selenium 2 Version.
Those two together make it pretty easy to get going.
TestNG has better support for all test automation requirements. Try it.
Find more on how to do this here http://aboutselenium.blogspot.com/2011/10/building-automation-framework-with-ant.html