How Add Custom Selection Fields color in odoo - odoo

enter image description here
** xml
How to add custom color in selection fields
** Pythod code
priority = fields.Selection([
('urgent', 'Urgent'),
('normal', 'Normal'),
('lowand', 'Lowand'),
copy=False, default='normal', required=True)

I don't understand your question well, but I'll try to answer it.
In the kanban view of the employee module, we can see a red or green circle depending on whether they marked their attendance or not.
However this is not a selection field, but are two images that become visible depending on the circumstances. The code is the following:
<div role="img" id="oe_hr_attendance_status" class="fa fa-fw fa-circle o_button_icon oe_hr_attendance_status_green" attrs="{'invisible': [('attendance_state', '=', 'checked_out')]}" aria-label="Available" title="Available"/>
<div role="img" id="oe_hr_attendance_status" class="fa fa-fw fa-circle o_button_icon oe_hr_attendance_status_red" attrs="{'invisible': [('attendance_state', '=', 'checked_in')]}" aria-label="Not available" title="Not available"/>
There what they give color through the class, however if we want to pass any color to it, we must do the following:
<div role="img" id="oe_hr_attendance_status" class="fa fa-fw fa-circle" style="color: #f59042;"/>
<div role="img" id="oe_hr_attendance_status" class="fa fa-fw fa-circle" style="color: #42f599;"/>
<div role="img" id="oe_hr_attendance_status" class="fa fa-fw fa-circle" style="color: #9942f5;"/>
<div role="img" id="oe_hr_attendance_status" class="fa fa-fw fa-circle" style="color: #000000;"/>
And so we will get different colors:
I don't know if this answers your question, if not, please give me more details, what widget are you using for your selection field, or copy the xml code as you have it until now.


Vue make input function as button, or add required attribute to button

I have a custom component in Vue that is a multiple selection. Due to the way this was created, I am having difficulties validating that at least one option has been selected. As currently, the component uses a button, that when toggled opens a popup/dropdown for the user to select some options. But I cannot figure out how to validate this. I have tried replacing this button with other components such as <input> and <select> but nothing seems to work.
This is where I am currently at:
:id="'multiple-selection' + customFieldId"
class="dropdown multiple-selection"
class="form-control dropdown-toggle"
data-type="Multiple Selection"
:id="'multiple-selection-options' + customFieldId"
:name="'multiple-selection-options' + customFieldId"
class="dropdown-menu multiple-selection-options-wrapper"
style="/*width: calc(100% - 40px)*/"
v-for="fOption in options.split(',').map(option => option.trim())"
class="dropdown-item cursor-pointer three-dots-text"
:id="'checkbox-' + fOption + customFieldId"
<span :for="'checkbox-' + fOption + customFieldId">
{{ fOption }}
My current issues with this implementation are that I am unsure how to display the options in the input when selected, or a None selected placeholder when none are, and then of course, when they click save, the browser popup should tell them that it is a required field.

How to use indexes in XPath

I do have popup where are three dropdowns, ids are unique
with each popup generation:
The first element:
<a aria-required="true" class="select" aria-disabled="false" aria-
describedby="5715:0-label" aria-haspopup="true" tabindex="0" role="button"
title="" href="javascript:void(0);" data-aura-rendered-by="5733:0" data-
interactive-lib-uid="10">Stage 1 - Needs Assessment</a>
While I'm able to identify the element above by simple xpath="//*[#class='select'][1]", the other two, which look same to me (example below), can't be identified by index like //*[#class='select'][2], tried 'following' without success, but I may be not correct with syntax.
Example of dropdown element I'm unable to locate..
<a aria-required="false" class="select" aria-disabled="false" aria-
describedby="6280:0-label" aria-haspopup="true" tabindex="0" role="button"
title="" href="javascript:void(0);" data-aura-rendered-by="6290:0" data-
Any ideas what am I missing?, except advanced xpath knowledge..
Thank you!
//*[#class='select'][2] will return you required node only if both links are children of the same parent, e.g.
<a class="select">Stage 1 - Needs Assessment</a>
<a class="select">--None--</a>
If links are children of different parents, e.g.
<a class="select">Stage 1 - Needs Assessment</a>
<a class="select">--None--</a>
you should use
for first
for second

Clarification on relative xpath

I want an xpath which represents the element 2 w.r.t element 1, as shown in the picture below. Can I build it using following-sibling?
Any help appreciated.
<div id="leads_data" class="uk-width-large-8-12 uk-container-center">
<div class="md-card-list leads_cards_list">
<ul class="">
<li class="item-shown" style="margin: 40px -20px; min-height: 90px;">
<div class="md-card-list-item-menu" data-uk-dropdown="{mode:'click',pos:'bottom-right'}">
<span>12:35:22 PM</span>
<a class="md-btn md-btn-flat md-btn-wave waves-effect waves-button" onclick="showModal(446)" data-uk-modal="{ center:true }" href="#lead_info">Edit</a>
<div class="md-card-list-item-sender">
<i class="material-icons">face</i>
<div class="md-card-list-item-sender">
<i class="material-icons">call</i>
<div class="md-card-list-item-subject">
<i class="material-icons">email</i>
<div class="md-card md-card-list-item-content-wrapper uk-margin-top" onclick="showModal(446)" style="display: block; opacity: 1;">
<div class="md-card-content leads_card_content">
<div class="uk-text-large uk-margin-remove">
Some remarks of TSYNTORSAC
I want to start with div having the text "CDYCUQYGNKYNFNFCWOUO" and locate the div having the text "Some remarks of TSYNTORSAC".
You can use below xPath :-
//span[contains(.,'CDYCUQYGNKYNFNFCWOUO')]/parent::div/following::div[contains(.,'Some remarks of TSYNTORSAC')][last()]
//span[contains(.,'CDYCUQYGNKYNFNFCWOUO')]/parent::div/following::div[contains(.,'Some remarks of TSYNTORSAC') and contains(#class, 'uk-text-large uk-margin-remove')]
//span[contains(.,'CDYCUQYGNKYNFNFCWOUO')]/parent::div/following-sibling::div[contains(.,'Some remarks of TSYNTORSAC')]/descendant::div[contains(#class, 'uk-text-large uk-margin-remove')]
//span[contains(.,'CDYCUQYGNKYNFNFCWOUO')]/parent::div/following-sibling::div[contains(.,'Some remarks of TSYNTORSAC')]/div/div
Hope it will help you..:)
In addition to the ways described by Saurabh gaur you can also use following-sibling to locate the desired element.
.//span[text()='CDYCUQYGNKYNFNFCWOUO']/../following-sibling::div[position()=3]//div[contains(.,'Some remarks of TSYNTORSAC')]
.//span[text()='CDYCUQYGNKYNFNFCWOUO']/../following-sibling::div[position()=3]/div/div[contains(text(),'Some remarks of TSYNTORSAC']
Hope this helps
You could simply get the element containing the desired text instead of using following:
//li[div[normalize-space(.)='face CDYCUQYGNKYNFNFCWOUO']]/div[last()]
try this :-
//div[contains(#class,'md-card-list-item-sende') and contains(.,'CDYCUQYGNKYNFNFCWOUO')]/following::div[contains(#class,'md-card-list-item-content') and descendant::b[contains(.,'Remarks')]]

Selenium - Not able to Click Dynamically Visible Menu

I have a Menu which have li
(list) elements which gets enabled after you mouse-hover a particular label.
driver.get(""); Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
//Wait for 5 Secs
driver.findElement(By.className("accountLink")).click();// Here it's throwing Element not visible exception
This code is doing the mouse-hover properly but not able to click the "SignIn Link" Link. Though on manually checking the element is Visible
DOM Structure -
<div id="loggedOutAccount" class="hd-rvmp-logout">
<a class="signIn" href="javascript:void(0);">
<i class="iconHeader accountUser"></i>
<label class="my-account-lang"> My Account</label>
<i class="mar_2_left right-downArrow breadcrumbArrow-down"></i>
<div class="sdNavDropWrapper accDetails" style="display: none; z-index: 999;">
<ul class="positionAbsolute pull-right">
<li class="customLoggedInState">
<div class="left triangle"></div>
<div class="right triangle"></div>
<a class="accountLink" href="javascript:void(0);">Click here to sign in ></a>
<li class="stop-event">
<li class="stop-event">
<li class="stop-event">
<li class="stop-event">
<li class="stop-event">
Please use xpath for both element like below :
Actions actions = new Actions(driver);
I think class/Id repeating for other elements also for style purpose. so Xpath is better to find unique element.

extracting currency values using scrapy/xpath

Trying to get currency values from some html using scrapy.Code is
links ='//a[#class="product-image"]/div[#class="price-box"]//span[#class="price"]/text()').extract()')
And the HTML
<li class="item first">
<a href="" title="Image for Pitch Perfect" class="product-image">
<span class="exclusive-star">
<img src="" alt="Image for Pitch Perfect" />
<h2 class="product-name">Pitch Perfect</h2>
<div class="price-box">
<span class="regular-price" id="product-price-5174">
<span class="price">
<sub class="price-bit">.99</sub>
The resulting price i get is \u20ac15\t\t\t\t\t\t
Is there some way I can extract 15.99 from this html using xpath
I used a combination of xpath and Python so might not be quite what you were after, although this was mainly employed to get rid of the extraneous tabs added to the end of the "price".
price ='//span[#class="price"]/text()').extract()
pricebit ='//span[#class="price"]/sub[#class="price-bit"]/text()').extract()
totalprice = price + price-bit
totalstr = ''.join(totalprice).replace('\t','')