Dynamically add json content with vue-if and other vue attributes - vue.js

I am working chrome extension which uses vue. I have found that google can take a while to publish updates, so there is some content that I would like to be able to edit with a json that is called by the extension via a $.getJSON https request. So far, that has worked pretty well for getting raw text. But I have problems when I try to add a span tag with a v-if statement such as the following:
Thank you for meeting. We have prepared the following <span v-if='docCount.length > 0'>documents</span><span v-else>document</span> for you today:
What happens is that it just says "prepared the following 'documentsdDocuments'" as if it takes all to be true.
I have gotten this result after putting the above JSON text in a v-html as follows:
<p v-html="coverLetterContent['p1']"></p>
I have gotten the same result after trying the following:
.bind(this)).then( function (result){
I also tried creating a dynamic component as follows but was getting an error and nothing was rendered:
dynamicComponent: function() {
return {
template: `<p>${coverLetterContent["p1"]}</p>`,
methods: {
someAction() {
The error I got on this was: "ReferenceError: coverLetterContent is not defined." coverLetterContent is defined in the vue app data and is accessible via the v-html call described above.


undefined data error on page reload Nuxt.js

I'm currently developing a universal app using Nuxt.js, the data on most of the pages is retrieved from an API using a fetch hook as well as vuex store. I started noticing errors on page reload/refresh and sometimes when I visit a page from the navbar. The page error is:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
where data is an object retrieved from an API. I have searched around the internet for this and found it has something to do with data not being loaded or page rendering whilst the data is not fully retrieved. i have found a work around by using a v-if on my template to check if the data is set then display the contents. my question is if there is a way to achieve this, i have tried using the async/await keywords but it doesn't help and i feel like the v-if method is not the best way to handle it.
edit: solved by using $fetchState.pending when using fetch()
If in your template you display right away the data you retrieve from the API, then indeed using the v-if is the right way to do.
If you are using the new fetch() hook, then in your template you can use $fetchState.pending to check if the loading has finished, for example:
<div v-if="$fetchState.pending">
<p> Content is loading... </p>
<div v-else>
<p> Content has loaded! {{data}}</p>
export default{
data: null
async fetch(){
this.data = await getSomeAPI

Vuelayers vl-style-icon syntax

I've been looking through the vuelayers documentation and have found little info on to use the vl-style-icon module, which is quite important if you want to create icons on your vuelayer map.
I'm pretty sure I have proper syntax when it comes to using it but marker.png won't load in through it. I've tried accessing it as just a normal image and it works fine so it is to my assumption that it's something with my syntax.
Here is my code:
<vl-map :load-tiles-while-animating="true" :load-tiles-while-interacting="true" style="height: 400px">
<vl-view :zoom.sync="zoom" :center.sync="center" :rotation.sync="rotation" projection="EPSG:4326"></vl-view>
<vl-feature v-for="crime in crimePoints" :key="crime.id">
<vl-geom-point :coordinates="crime.coords"></vl-geom-point>
<vl-style-icon src="./marker.png" :scale="0.4" :anchor="[0.5, 1]"></vl-style-icon>
vl-style-box and vl-style-icon are the main points here. I have also checked to see if the points come up without vl-style-box and they do. What could be wrong with my code?
You can try like this:
<vl-style-icon :src="require('./marker.png')" :scale="0.4" :anchor="[0.5, 1]"></vl-style-icon>
If you used Vue CLI to create your vue project include this in your vue.config.js file. First section tells webpack to parse url attribute on custom tags other than what is already configured (Source).
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
config.module.rule('vue').use('vue-loader').tap(options => {
options.transformAssetUrls = {
'vl-style-icon': 'src',
return options;
Run the following command to verify the correct vue-loader configuration is there
vue inspect > output.js

Add custom errors to vee validator(ErrorBag)

Is it possible to add custom errors into the ErrorBag
I am using nuxtjs. i have registered vee-validate into my plugin via nuxt.config.js
It works fine However
I want to use the same error code within the template
<div v-if="errors.all().length>0">
//loop through
i am using axios to fetch user information.
if the request doesnt return my expected data set. i was thinking i could simply
this.errors.push('this is my error message') //-> or some variant of this
When i do this i get that this.errors.push is not a function
I know that
this.errors = ErrorBag{ __ob__: Observer} //-> has items and a vmId attributes
If i amend the code to push onto ErrorBag i get push of undefined
It is documented in the API of ErrorBag. You can add custom messages such as:
// For example, you may want to add an error related to authentication:
field: 'auth',
msg: 'Wrong Credentials'
Check the documentation here for more info: https://vee-validate.logaretm.com/v2/api/errorbag.html

DRY for displaying meteor templates for different urls

I am having trouble setting up a simple website with different webpages and staying DRY.
I have everything set up so I the last fragment of the url is the name of the template that needs to be loaded in the content part of the webpage. All I want to do now is load that template in a specific location based on the url.
In any examples, they do this:
{{#if showCreateDialog}}
{{> createDialog}}
{{#if showInviteDialog}}
{{> inviteDialog}}
I'd like to do something along the lines of
{{> {{template_name}} }}
Sadly, that doesnt work. I tried this as well:
Template.content.content = function () {
var url_frag = Session.get("url_frag");
return Template[url_frag]();
This didnt work either. Please help!
hmm. perhaps, my error is not in loading the template but in capturing the url:
var TodosRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"*url": "main"
main: function (url) {
Session.set("url", url.split('/'))
The error I am getting arises when url_frag is undefined...
var url_frag = Session.get("url_frag");
initially, this works, but upon changing webpages, it fails...
Solved. I just left backbone out of it
Template.content.content = function () {
var url = window.location.pathname.split('/');
var url_frag = url.pop()
return Template[url_frag]();
Then in the html:
<template name="content">
You could also try the router smart package at atmosphere, which also supports complex routes and filters.
Install meteorite using npm install -g meteorite
Install router using mrt add router
Add {{renderPage}} to body
Tada! /login now renders {{> login}}
Read the document here: https://github.com/tmeasday/meteor-router

Problems interning strings for custom Dojo build

Trying to figure out why I can't seem to intern strings in my dojo build. My layer files get created correctly, but the code associated with each of the individual dijits doesn't get interned properly.
Here is a piece of portion of the build output that illustrates where it is failing:
release: Interning strings for : ../../release/fwijits5.31.2012/content/fwijits/optionalDijits/commenting.js
release: ../../release/fwijits5.31.2012/content/fwijits/optionalDijits/templates/commenting.htm
release: Optimizing (shrinksafe, stripConsole=normal) file: ../../release/fwijits5.31.2012/content/fwijits/optionalDijits/commenting.js
release: Could not strip comments for file: ../../release/fwijits5.31.2012/content/fwijits/optionalDijits/commenting.js,
error: InternalError: illegal character
It looks like the optimize fails because the template doesn't get added to the js file properly. Here is what the js looks like after the html gets interned. You can't tell from the output, but a byunch of special characters get tacked on at the end of the javascript.
if(!dojo._hasResource["fwijits.optionalDijits.commenting"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["fwijits.optionalDijits.commenting"] = true;
//The main widget that gets returned to the browser
dojo.declare("fwijits.optionalDijits.commenting", [dijit.layout.ContentPane, dijit._Templated], {
widgetsInTemplate: true,
_earlyTemplatedStartup: true,
templateString: dojo.cache("fwijits.optionalDijits", "templates/commenting.htm"),
basePath: dojo.moduleUrl("fwijits.optionalDijits"),
//This function contains all configurable parameters
constructor: function(params){
params = params ||{};
//This functions run on a "startup" call
startup: function(){
var _this = this;
console.debug("button clicked");
The htm file is pretty simple, so I don't think it's the root of my problem.
<div dojoAttachPoint="containerNode">
<div dojoattachpoint="_outerDiv">
<div dojoattachpoint="_addPoint" dojotype="dijit.form.Button" dojoattachevent="onClick:_addPointComment"><b>Add Comment</b></div>
Any suggestions?
Which version of Dojo? There is a bug in the build system with interning strings that do not end in HTML or HTM, although I've never tried with HTM to know for sure.
Might be worth a check. I know this was fixed in 1.7 and backported to 1.8.