Postgres SQL column aliasing based on a query - sql

I am trying to find a way to do SQL column aliasing based on a query. I'm well aware that the SQL below is not valid, it's just provided as an example of what I wish did worked. Can anyone think of a way of doing this?
select col_001_name AS (select col_001_name FROM public.intparms WHERE base_tbl_name = '130')
FROM public.intparms WHERE base_tbl_name = '130';


Sub-Queries in Sybase SQL

We have an application which indexes data using user-written SQL statements. We place those statements within parenthesis so we can limit that query to a certain criteria. For example:
select * from (select F_Name from table_1)q where ID > 25
Though we have discovered that this format does not function using a Sybase database. Reporting a syntax error around the parenthesis. I've tried playing around on a test instance but haven't been able to find a way to achieve this result. I'm not directly involved in the development and my SQL knowledge is limited. I'm assuming the 'q' is to give the subresult an alias for the application to use.
Does Sybase have a specific syntax? If so, how could this query be adapted for it?
Thanks in advance.
Sybase ASE is case sensitive w.r.t. all identifiers and the query shall work:
as per #HannoBinder query :
select id from ... is not the same as select ID from... so make sure of the case.
Also make sure that the column ID is returned by the Q query in order to be used in where clause .
If the table and column names are in Upper case the following query shall work:
select * from (select F_NAME, ID from TABLE_1) Q where ID > 25

Update from aggregate in same table if aggregate value wrong - SQL Server/Oracle/Firebird

I have a table with grouped tasks:
tt_plan_task_id is the id
records with tt_plantype=1 represent 'groups'
tasks in/under a group have a tt_group_id pointing to the tt_plan_task_id
there are tasks that don't belong to a group (tt_group_id is null)
groups nest multiple levels
I need to fix (update) the tt_fromdate field values for the group records if they do not match the min(tt_fromdate) from the underlying tasks (they always have a value).
To fix them all I could do
update tt_plan_task g
set tt_fromdate=
(select min(t.tt_fromdate) from tt_plan_task t
where (t.tt_group_id=g.tt_plan_task_id))
where (g.tt_plantype=1)
This statement avoids the UPDATE FROM syntax that I see in many (SQL server) answers - Firebird does not support that.
There are 2 complications
I want to do the update only if g.tt_fromdate <> min(t.tt_fromdate), so I would have to add a reference to min(tt_fromdate) to the outer where.
I tried using an alias for the aggregate and referencing that but that got me nowhere (syntax errors)
SQL Server does not like the table alias in the update, but solutions like these use the UPDATE FROM syntax again ;-( How do I work around that then?
How do I tie 1. and 2. into my update statement so that it works?
As noted in the title, this needs to execute in SQL Server, Oracle, and Firebird
Note: Since groups can contain groups, the update should ideally be executed 'from the bottom up', i.e. deepest groups first.
But since this is just a rough correction for a corrupt database, doing one 'lineair' pass over all groups is good enough.
To get around SQL Server's non-standard way for update table aliases, simply don't use any.
As to using the aggregate result in both the SET clause and the WHERE clause, I suppose the only way all DBMS work with, is to write the aggregation query twice.
update tt_plan_task
set tt_fromdate =
select min(t.tt_fromdate)
from tt_plan_task t
where t.tt_group_id = tt_plan_task.tt_plan_task_id
where (tt_plantype=1)
tt_fromdate <>
select min(t.tt_fromdate)
from tt_plan_task t
where t.tt_group_id = tt_plan_task.tt_plan_task_id

understanding existing SQL query

I am trying to read some exiting SQL queries written for MS SQL server.
I don't have access to database, table names etc.. Just raw query format...And I need to do some analysis on the fields required..
I need some help in understanding what certain query statements are doing...such as in the following block...
select FIELD1, x2.FIELD2
into #temp
from #temp1 x1 join #temp2 x2
on x1.FIELD1 = x2.FIELD2
and x1.FIELD3 = x2.MAXOCCUR
I have basic SQL understanding.. But I need to understand couple of things....Why does 'into' and 'from' statements have a '#' infront of table names.....what are x1 and x2 in this case. Why not just say
temp1.FIELD1 = temp2.FIELD2 instead of
x1.FIELD1 = x2.FIELD2
.....Am I missing something or is this query formed weird to begin with....I understand joins etc...
Can someone help me out...
That is selecting from two already temp existing temp tables into a new temp table. The x1.FIELD1 is called aliasing. It's used so you don't have to type full table names when writing the query
As mentioned, the # signs indicate a TEMPORARY table.
x1 and x2 are used as "table alias" in this query. Yes, you could write
temp1.FIELD1 = temp2.FIELD2 instead of x1.FIELD1 = x2.FIELD2
but, consider if the tables had long names. Then using an alias makes the query easier to read (for humans. the computer doesn't really care).

OleDbDataReader not giving same results as SQL Developer

The following query on my oracle db gives results that look fine when run in SQL Developer.
select *
from guideline$ a left outer join textfragment$ t
start with a.knowledge$_Code = 71122 and a.guideline$_pcode is null
connect by prior a.guideline$_Code = a.guideline$_pcode
order SIBLINGS by a.tag_order
All rows are populated correctly. When the same exact query is ran in my program using OleDbReader.ExecuteReader() some of the rows contain a null value for a specific column when they didn't in my SQL Developer results. The data type of that column is CLOB. I can not see any pattern as to why some of the rows have a null value and some do not.
Not sure what other information would be helpful...
Does anyone have any ideas on what might be going on?
Your problem may be related to the way that binary data is retrieved with OleDbDataReader.
You should use GetBytes(), and follow this article.

Using an Alias column in the where clause in ms-sql 2000

I know you cannot use a alias column in the where clause for T-SQL; however, has Microsoft provided some kind of workaround for this?
Related Questions:
Unknown Column In Where Clause
Can you use an alias in the WHERE clause in mysql?
“Invalid column name” error on SQL statement from OpenQuery results
One workaround would be to use a derived table.
For example:
select *
select a + b as aliased_column
from table
) dt
where dt.aliased_column = something.
I hope this helps.
Depending on what you are aliasing, you could turn it into a user defined function and reference that in both places. Otherwise your copying the aliased code in several places, which tends to become very ugly and means updating 3+ spots if you are also ordering on that column.