Angularjs - what are the possible reasons for duplicate records being inserted by the following code? - sql

The following code is called on the click of a button
$scope.someFunction = function () {
$scope.submitting = true; // the button is disabled if submitting is true
var query = { query: { id: $scope.employeeID } };
// this api call inserts a record in a table
httpFactory.patch("/someURL", query).then(function (data) {
$scope.submitting = false;
if (data.error) {
// display error message
else {
// display success message
$scope.submitting = false;
}, function () {
$scope.submitting = false;
can duplicate records be inserted from the call above if a user has poor connectivity or if the server is slow and the request is not completed and soon another same request is received?
If so.. could any one please suggest a suitable way to handle this?


Apollo/graphql request result buffered in vuejs

In a Vue component controlling users subsciption to newsletters, I have the fellowing code:
async newSubscriber(event) {
// Validate email
if (!this.isEmailValid(this.subscriber_email))
this.subscribeResult = "Email not valid";
else {
// If valid, check if email is not already recorded
let alreadyRecorded = false;
let recordedEmails = await this.$apollo.query({ query: gql`query { newslettersEmails { email } }` });
console.log('length ' +;
for (let i = 0; !alreadyRecorded && i <; i++)
alreadyRecorded = this.subscriber_email ===[i].email;
if (alreadyRecorded)
this.subscribeResult = "Email already recorded";
else {
// If not, record it and warn the user
mutation: gql`mutation ($subscriber_email: String!){
createNewslettersEmail(input: { data: { email: $subscriber_email } }) {
newslettersEmail {
variables: {
subscriber_email: this.subscriber_email,
.then((data) => { this.subscribeResult = "Email recorded"; })
.catch((error) => { this.subscribeResult = "Error recording the email: " + error.graphQLErrors[0].message; });
At the very first email subscription test, $apollo.query returns me the correct number of emails already recorded (let's say, 10) and record the new subscriber email. But if I try to record a second email without hard refreshing (F5) the browser, $apollo.query returns me the exact same result than the first time (10), EVEN IF the first test email has been correctly recorded by strapi (graphql palyground showns me the added email with the very same query!). Even if I add ten emails, apollo will always return me what it got during its first call (10 recorded emails), as if it uses a buffered result. Of course, that allows Vue to record several times the same email, which I obviously want to avoid!
Does it speaks to anyone ?
After a lot of Google digging (giving the desired results by simply changing in my requests, at the end, "buffering" by "caching" !), I understood that Apollo cache its queries by default (at least, in the configuration of the Vue project I received). To solve the problem I just added "fetchPolicy: 'network-only'" to the query I make:
let recordedEmails = await this.$apollo.query({
query: gql`query { newslettersEmails { email } }`,
let recordedEmails = await this.$apollo.query({
query: gql`query { newslettersEmails { email } }`,
fetchPolicy: 'network-only'
And problem solved ^^

Pop Up message when deleting contact

If you delete partner from form view. you go actions> delete and then you get the message "Do you really want to delete this records?"
This is original method
on_button_delete: function() {
var self = this;
var def = $.Deferred();
this.has_been_loaded.done(function() {
if ( && confirm(_t("Do you really want to delete this recordss?"))) {
self.dataset.unlink([]).done(function() {
if (self.dataset.size()) {
} else {
} else {
$.async_when().done(function () {
return def.promise();
but if you add a contact to partner, when you want to delete it(it's in the bottom inside contact & addresses tab) there is no such message, so I want to make the same popup work when I delete a contact from a partner. But as have 0 knowledge in JS I need your help guys.
That could be done using the following js code:
odoo.define('x2many_kanban_delete_confirm', function (require) {
"use strict";
var KanbanView = require('web_kanban.KanbanView');
init: function (parent, dataset, view_id, options) {
this._super(parent, dataset, view_id, options);
this.options.confirm_on_delete = true;
Just load it into your Odoo and it will allow you to confirm the delete in the kanban view of an x2many field that are the ones that don't allow the confirm check before delete.
If you wanna you could check for an specific model, using this condition:
if(this.model == 'res.partner') {
this.options.confirm_on_delete = true;
But I don't find it necessary as it won't break anything

Vue. Where does this code go?

We jumped into Vue, and totally loved the idea of a store, separating page state from presentation. We wrote a zippy alert component, that displayed whatever alert string was in store.pageError.
Then we wanted to add confirm(), so we gave our component a ref, and a popConfirm() method that returned a promise, and whenever we wanted to confirm something, we called...
vm.$refs.alertConfirm.confirm("Are you sure?")
.then(function(conf){if(conf) /* do it */ })
...and the component became responsible for managing its own visibility, without anything happening in the store.
This worked so well that soon lots of components started sprouting refs, so they could be called directly as methods. In the latest incarnation, we implemented a tunnel with six steps, with api calls and user actions called in parallel with Promise.all(), and it works great, but the store has taken a big step back, and more and more state is being managed directly in Vue components. These components are no longer dumb representations of store state, but increasingly little functional sequences with state managed internally.
How do we reassert the idea of a store, while keeping the convenience of calling these short functional sequences as methods?
Here is our tunnel code. This currently lives in the methods of a Vue component, where markup, state, and sequential logic are joyously mixed. This can't be good?
startTunnel(idNote) {
var rslt = {
idNote: idNote,
photoJustif: null,
date: null,
currency: "",
montant: null
//---------------Step 1: photo et count notes in parallel
//---------------Step 2: Choose note if > 1
.then(function (results) {
rslt.photoJustif = results[0];
// if we already know the note, go straight to Step 3.
if (rslt.idNote)
return true;
// if no idNote supplied, and only one returned from server, assign it.
if (results[1].notes.length === 1 && !rslt.idNote) {
rslt.idNote = results[1].notes[0].idNote;
return true;
else {
return me.$refs.chooseNote.choose(results[1].notes)
// combine photoJustif from Step 1 with idNote chosen just above.
.then(function (idNoteChosen) { rslt.idNote = idNoteChosen; return true })
//--------------Step 3: OCR
.then(() => me.doOcr(rslt))
//--------------Step 4: Choose nature and retrieve card statement from server in parallel
.then(function (ocrResult) {
if (ocrResult != null) { //Si ocr n'a pas échoué =;
rslt.montant = ocrResult.montant;
rslt.currency = ocrResult.currency;
return Promise.all([
me.$refs.chooseNature.init(rslt.idNote, ocrResult.grpNatures),
getUrlAsJson("api/expense/relevecarte/filterpers", { IdPerson: 1, montant: ocrResult.montant })
else return null;
//--------------Step 5: Choose card transaction
.then(function (natureAndFraisCartes) {
if (natureAndFraisCartes != null) {
rslt.idNature = natureAndFraisCartes[0].id;
if (rslt.montant != null && natureAndFraisCartes[1].length > 1)
return me.$refs.choixFraisCarte.init(rslt, natureAndFraisCartes[1]);
return null;
else return null;
//------------- Step 6: End tunnel
.then(function (fraisCarte) {
me.$refs.form.idNote.value = rslt.idNote;
var jsonObject;
if (fraisCarte != null) {
me.$refs.form.action.value = 15;
jsonObject = {
"IdNature": rslt.idNature,
"MontantTicket": rslt.montant,
"Justificatif": rslt.photoJustif,
else {
me.$refs.form.action.value = 14;
jsonObject = {
"IdNature": rslt.idNature,
"MontantTicket": rslt.montant,
"Justificatif": rslt.photoJustif,
"idCarte": 0
me.$refs.form.obj.value = JSON.stringify(jsonObject);
.catch(function (error) {
me.$refs.loader.hide(); = false;
me.rslt = {
idNote: idNote,
photoJustif: null,
date: null,
montant: null
vueStore.pageError = me.allStrings.tunnelPhoto.erreurTunnel;
It looks like the problem is that you got away from thinking declaratively and went to thinking imperatively. When you want to confirm something, you should set a confirmPrompt data item, and the component should be watching it in much the same way it watches the alert string.
There should be a data item for the confirmation response to indicate whether you're waiting for a response, or it was confirmed or it was canceled. It's all program state.
Using $refs is a code smell. It's not always wrong, but you should always think about why you're doing it. Things like me.$refs.loader.hide(); suggest program state changes that should be controlled by setting a loaderIsVisible data item, for example.

Returning value from file read with WinJS for use in page

I currently have an issue with a file read in a Windows 8/WinRT application. I have a simple navigation style app, several pages have access to the same data and I have a data.js file that defines a namespace (Data) with a number of members. One part of the application saves items to a txt file stored in the applications local data folder. But on some of the other pages I need to read this in or check for the existence of an item within the list of previously saved items. To do this I added another method into the data.js file. The trouble is, when I call this method to check for the existence of an item, it doesn't return the value straight away due to the async nature, but the rest of code in the page specific js file still seems to execute before it jumps back into the parsing. This means that the logic to check for an item doesn't seem to work. I have a feeling it's down to my use of either .done or .then but my code is as follows:
var doesItemExist= function(item_id){
var appFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder;
//note I've tried this with and without the first "return" statement
return appFolder.getFileAsync(dataFile).then(function (file) {
Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(file).done(function (text) {
try {
var json = JSON.parse(text);
if (json) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.items.length; i++) {
var temp_item = json.items[i];
if ( === item_id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (e) {
return false;
}, function (e) { return false;console.log(e); });
}, function (e) { // error handling
return false;
WinJS.Namespace.define("Data", {
doesItemExist: doesItemExist
}); //all of the above is wrapped in a self executing function
Then on Page.js I have the following:
var add = document.getElementById('add');
if (Data.doesItemExist( { = 'block';
} else { = 'none';
All the variables here are assigned and debugging doesn't produce any errors, control just appears to go back to the if/else statement after it hits the getFileAsync but before it even goes through the for loop. But subsequently it does go in to the for loop but after the if statement has finished. I'm guessing this is down to the async nature of it all, but I'm not sure how to get around it. Any ideas?
A Promise should work here.
I created a new Navigation app, and added a Data.js file containing the following code:
(function () {
var appData = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData;
function doesItemExist(item_id) {
return new WinJS.Promise(
function (completed, error, progress) {
var exists = false;
appData.current.localFolder.createFileAsync("data.txt", Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.openIfExists).then(
function (file) {
function (fileContents) {
if (fileContents) {
if (fileContents = "foo!") {
else {
else {
function (e) {
WinJS.Namespace.define("Data", {
doesItemExist: doesItemExist
Note that I've simplified the code for retrieving and parsing the file, since that's not really relevant to the problem. The important part is that once you've determined whether the item exists, you call completed(exists) which triggers the .then or .done of the Promise you're returning. Note that you'd call error(e) if an exception occurs, as I'm doing if there's an exception from the call to createFileAsync (I use this call rather than getFileAsync when I want to be able to either create a file if it does not exist, or return the existing file if it does, using the openIfExists option).
Then, in Home.js, I added the following code to the ready handler:
var itemExists;
var itemExistsPromise = Data.doesItemExist(42);
itemExistsPromise = itemExistsPromise.then(function (exists) {
itemExists = exists;
var content = document.getElementById("content");
content.innerText = "ItemExists is " + itemExists;
itemExistsPromise.done(function () {
var a = 42;
var b = 0;
The code above sets the variable itemExistsPromise to the returned promise from the function in Data.js, and then uses an anonymous function in the .then function of the Promise to set the variable itemExists to the Boolean value returned from the doesItemExist Promise, and grabs the <p> tag from Home.html (I added an id so I could get to it from code) and sets its text to indicate whether the item exists or not). Because I'm calling .then rather than .done, the call returns another promise, which is passed into the itemExistsPromise variable.
Next, I call itemExistsPromise.done to do any work that has to wait until after the work performed in the .then above it.
If you set a breakpoint on the lines "var a = 42" and "var b = 0" (only included for the purpose of setting breakpoints) as well as on the line "itemExists = exists", you should find that this gives you the control you need over when the various parts are executed.
Hope that helps!

Sencha Touch Sync and Get New Data from Server

My app is a list of ToDo's of forms that need to be completed.
When the app is opened, it goes to the server and collects (from a database) a list of forms to be completed.
When you click on a form you can then fill in the data (using LocalStorage proxy) and then save/update the data. The data is stored locally on the device.
As of now : When I open the app again, it collects the same list of ToDo's and overwrites the data in the LocalStorage (ie my filled up forms) with new empty forms and therefore I need to fill them again.
What I want : Instead of overwriting filled up forms I need to only collect those forms that are not already in my localstorage.
My Code :
Store :-
FMS.stores.onlineTodo = new{
model: 'ToDoMod',
proxy: {
id : 'fmsonlinetodo',
type: 'ajax',
url: 'app/data/dummydata.json',
reader: new{
root: 'items'
timeout: 2000,
listeners: {
exception:function () {
console.log("I think we are offline");
flagoffline = 1;
FMS.stores.offlineTodo = new{
model : 'ToDoMod',
proxy : {
type : 'localstorage',
id : 'fmsofflinetodo'
Controller function that loads data into store :
loadDataInitial : function(){
FMS.stores.onlineTodo.addListener('load', function () {
console.log("I think we are online");
FMS.stores.onlineTodo.each(function (record) {
flagoffline = 0;
if(flagoffline == 0){
HELP !!!!!
If I'm not mistaken, you are clearing all of your localStorage records when you use this:
What you would want to do is use the online store to collect all of the database records and then for each record, query local storage for the same record and if it exists, don't update it.
Basically a version control approach but definitely don't clear the store, you will delete everything in it!
Here is some sample code:
//load remotestore
scope: this,
callback: function (records, operation, success) {
//get record count
var localCount = localStore.getCount();
if (localCount == 0) {
//iterate each record in remotestore
remoteStore.each(function (record) {
//add record to localStorage
//save localstore
} else {
//set count var
var count = 0;
//iterate each record in remotestore
remoteStore.each(function (record) {
//reset var
var localRecord = null;
//find matching record in localstore
localRecord = localStore.findRecord('xid',, null, false, false, true);
//if the record exists
if (localRecord) {
//version check
if ( > {
//remove record from localstore and add new one
//increment counter
} else {
//add record to localstore
//save localstore
if (localStore.sync()) {
alert("store saved");
//if records were added we need to reload
if (count > 0) {
this.onUpdate();// or whatever your function is.
}); //ends
in your store's load method, just pass addRecords:true, like so:
FMS.stores.onlineTodo.load({addRecords: true});