URL parsing in SQL - sql

I have an inconsistent url in of the tables.
The sample looks like
For the first URL "blue" is the result but it comes with two domains blue and decibal.
Second one is google.
Third is again google.
My requirement is to parse the url and match it with a look table with domain name which contains blue, google, bing etc.
However, the inconstancy in the URL that's stored in DB is a challenge. Need to write a sql which can identify the match and if there are two domain just pick the first one. The URL can be a sit and not expected to be a standard one.
Appreciate some help.

Are you looking for something like this? If not, I do believe that using the SPLIT as part of your parsing will help, since it then creates an array that you can manipulate. This is an example for Snowflake SQL, not SQL Server. They are both tagged in the OP, so not sure which you are looking for.
SELECT REPLACE(url,'3A%','//') as url
('https3A%google.com/Transact?pi=9024&pai=2&ct=0&gi=1950&byo=true&ai=49&pa=289&ppt=0')) as x (url)
SELECT split(split_part(split_part(url,'//',2),'/',1),'.') as url_array,
array_construct('google') as google_array,
array_construct('decibal') as decibal_array,
array_construct('bing') as bing_array,
CASE WHEN arrays_overlap(url_array,google_array) THEN 'GOOGLE'
WHEN arrays_overlap(url_array,decibal_array) THEN 'DECIBAL'
WHEN arrays_overlap(url_array,bing_array) THEN 'BING' END as domain_match


Using regexp in Big Query to extract URLs

I've been trying to extract any URL present within my 'Text' column in Big Query. The column contains a mixture of text and URLs dotted throughout (a cell might contain more than one URL) I'm trying to use this regexp:
REGEXP_EXTRACT (Text, r'(http(s)?:\/\/.)?(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9%_:?\+.~#&//=]*')
I currently get 'failed to parse regular expression' when I try to run the query. I've tried modifying it but to no avail.
The regexp works in an online builder but I'm just not sure how to incorporate it into Big Query.
Any help would be much appreciated - or at least pointers on how to incorporate regular expressions into Big Query!
Try below - it is for BigQuery Standard SQL (see Enabling Standard SQL and Migrating from legacy SQL)
WITH YourTable AS (
SELECT 1 AS id, 'What have you tried so far? Please edit your question to show a [Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve) of the code that you are having problems with, then we can try to help with the specific problem. You can also read [How to Ask](http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask). ' AS Text UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS id, 'Important on SO, you can mark accepted answer by using the tick on the left of the posted answer, below the voting. see http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5234/how-does-accepting-an-answer-work#5235 for why it is important. There are more ... You can check about what to do when someone answers your question - http://stackoverflow.com/help/someone-answers.' AS Text UNION ALL
SELECT 3 AS id, 'If an answer has helped you solve your problem and you accept it you should also consider voting it up. See more at http://stackoverflow.com/help/someone-answers and Upvote section in http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5234/how-does-accepting-an-answer-work#5235' AS Text
REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(Text, r'(?i:(?:(?:(?:ftp|https?):\/\/)(?:www\.)?|www\.)(?:[\da-z-_\.]+)(?:[a-z\.]{2,7})(?:[\/\w\.-_\?\&]*)*\/?)') AS URL
FROM YourTable
This gives you output with id field, and repeated field with all respective URLs
If you need flattened result - you can use below variation
WITH YourTable AS (
SELECT 1 AS id, 'What have you tried so far? Please edit your question to show a [Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve) of the code that you are having problems with, then we can try to help with the specific problem. You can also read [How to Ask](http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask). ' AS Text UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS id, 'Important on SO, you can mark accepted answer by using the tick on the left of the posted answer, below the voting. see http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5234/how-does-accepting-an-answer-work#5235 for why it is important. There are more ... You can check about what to do when someone answers your question - http://stackoverflow.com/help/someone-answers.' AS Text UNION ALL
SELECT 3 AS id, 'If an answer has helped you solve your problem and you accept it you should also consider voting it up. See more at http://stackoverflow.com/help/someone-answers and Upvote section in http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5234/how-does-accepting-an-answer-work#5235' AS Text
id, URL
SELECT id, REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(Text, r'(?i:(?:(?:(?:ftp|https?):\/\/)(?:www\.)?|www\.)(?:[\da-z-_\.]+)(?:[a-z\.]{2,7})(?:[\/\w\.-_\?\&]*)*\/?)') AS URL
FROM YourTable
Note: you can use here any regexp that you will be able to find on web - but what a must is - there is only one matching group is allowed! so all inner matching group should be escaped with ?: as you can see it in above examples. So the ONLY group that you expect to see in output should be left as is - w/o ?:
Your regex has an incomplete capturing group, and has 2 unescaped characters. I don't know which online regex builder you're using, but maybe you forgot to put your new regex into it?
The problems are as follows:
This is the start of a capturing group with no end. You probably want the ) right before the *.
All slashes need to be escaped. This should probably be \/ or maybe even \/\\.
Here is an example with both of my suggestions implemented: https://regex101.com/r/pt1hqS/1
Good luck fixing it!

How to make LIKE in SQL look for specific string instead of just a wildcard

My SQL Query:
[content_id] AS [LinkID]
, dbo.usp_ClearHTMLTags(CONVERT(nvarchar(600), CAST([content_html] AS XML).query('root/Physicians/name'))) AS [Physician Name]
[id] = '188'
(content LIKE '%Urology%')
(contentS = 'A')
dbo.usp_ClearHTMLTags(CONVERT(nvarchar(600), CAST([content_html] AS XML).query('root/Physicians/name')))
The issue I am having is, if the content is Neurology or Urology it appears in the result.
Is there any way to make it so that if it's Urology, it will only give Urology result and if it's Neurology, it will only give Neurology result.
It can be Urology, Neurology, Internal Medicine, etc. etc... So the two above used are what is causing the issue.
The content is a ntext column with XML tag inside, for example:
<Address><image><img src="Rd.jpg?n=7513" /></image>
<Address1>1 Road</Address1>
With the update this content column has the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Doctor #1</name>
<img src="phys_lab coat_gradation2.jpg?n=7529" />
<a title="Neurology" href="neu.aspx">Neurology</a>
If I search for Lab the result appears because there is the text lab in the column.
This is what I would do if you're not into making a CLR proc to use Regexes (SQL Server doesn't have regex capabilities natively)
(content LIKE #strService OR
content LIKE '%[^a-z]' + #strService + '[^a-z]%' OR
content LIKE #strService + '[^a-z]%' OR
content LIKE '%[^a-z]' + #strService)
This way you check to see if content is equal to #strService OR if the word exists somewhere within content with non-letters around it OR if it's at the very beginning or very end of content with a non-letter either following or preceding respectively.
[^...] means "a character that is none of these". If there are other characters you don't want to accept before or after the search query, put them in every 4 of the square brackets (after the ^!). For instance [^a-zA-Z_].
As I see it, your options are to either:
Create a function that processes a string and finds a whole match inside it
Create a CLR extension that allows you to call .NET code and leverage the REGEX capabilities of .NET
Aaron's suggestion is a good one IF you can know up front all the terms that could be used for searching. The problem I could see is if someone searches for a specific word combination.
Databases are notoriously bad at semantics (i.e. they don't understand the concept of neurology or urology - everything is just a string of characters).
The best solution would be to create a table which defines the terms (two columns, PK and the name of the term).
The query is then a join:
join table1.term_id = terms.term_id and terms.term = 'Urology'
That way, you can avoid the LIKE and search for specific results.
If you can't do this, then SQL is probably the wrong tool. Use LIKE to get a set of results which match and then, in an imperative programming language, clean those results from unwanted ones.
Judging from your content, can you not leverage the fact that there are quotes in the string you're searching for?
(content LIKE '%""Urology""%')

SQL Full Text Contains not returning expected rows

I have a Body column that is full text indexed and is nvarchar(max)
One row has this in the Body column
You want slighty mad this sat the 60th runing of the 3peaks race! Peny-ghent whernside and inglbauher! Only in yorkshire!
If I run: select body from messages where CONTAINS(Body,'you') it doesn't return any data.
If I run the below adding wildcards select messageid,body from messages where CONTAINS(body,'"*you*"') it still doesnt return the data.
Can you help me understand what's going on please?
UPDATE : It makes no difference if its you or You, either way no results
It can be case sensitivity issue. Try with select messageid,body from messages where CONTAINS(body,'"*You*"') and see if you are getting the result or not
A full text catalog has a set of words in a “stoplist” that it won’t search on as SQL Server considers them “unimportant for search purposes”
To get this you can run
select ssw.*
from sys.fulltext_system_stopwords ssw
where ssw.language_id = 1033;
Below are the words it won’t search on and you’ll see it contains “you” hence why it didn’t find my data.

Modify a column, to get rid of html surrounding an ID

I have a table and one of the columns contains html for an iFrame & within it an external video, specifically it's like
<iframe src="http://host.com/videos/ID" otherattributes...></iframe>.
I need to update the current column or create a new one (doesn't matter) so what I have is just the ID of that video, I know I could use a regex for it but I'm really weak with it.
perhaps so it find the content that is within literal characters: [videos/] and the upcoming ["] which comes right after the ID but I'm unsure how.
You can use CHARINDEX() function:
update T SET
SQLFiddle demo
This should work, assuming the text videos/ doesn't appear anywhere else in the html.
update htmltable
CHARINDEX('videos/', html) + 7,
CHARINDEX('videos/', html) + 7,
This updates a field named otherfield in table htmltable where the id in the url is '123'. It's pretty ugly code, but SQL Server has limited string functions.
If you have any control over the table structure, I would suggest you make some changes. The video ID should be stored in its own column, separate from the rest of the url. Then when you need to retrieve the url, you would concatenate the two parts to get the whole url. That would be much more maintainable.

Apache solr - more like this score

I have a small index with ~1000 documents with only two fields:
- id (string)
- content (text_general)
I noticed that when I do MLT search by id for similar content, the original document(which id is the searched id) have a score 5.241327.
There is 1:1 duplicated document and for the duplicated content it is returning score = 1.5258181. Why? Why it is not 5.241327 when it is 100% duplicate.
Another question is can I in any way to get similarity documents by content by passing some text in the query.
/mlt/?q=content:Some encoded long text&mlt.fl=content
I am trying to check if there is similar content uploaded and the check must be performed at new content upload time.
It might be worth to try some different parameters. I also use MLT on only one field, I use the following parameters:
'mlt.boost': 'true',
'mlt.fl': 'my_field_name',
'mlt.maxqt': 1000,
'mlt.mindf': '0',
'mlt.mintf': '0',
'qt': 'mlt',
'rows': '10'
See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/MoreLikeThis for an explanation of the parameters. I think with a small index mindf might be important and I see the default mintf (term frequency) is 2, so I assume an ID is only one term, so this is probably ignored!
First, how does Solr More-Like-This works?
A regular Solr query is conducted (e.g. "?q=content:Some encoded long text&.....".
For each document returned by the above query, More-Like-This conduct More like this query...
So, the first result set "response", is just like any Solr query results set.
The More-Like-This appears below and start with something like that (Json format):
For an explanation about More Like This algorithm, please read that:
and: http://cephas.net/blog/2008/03/30/how-morelikethis-works-in-lucene/
If you didn't solved the problem yet, please let me know and I will guide you through.