Organising csv. file data in Python - pandas

I am quite a beginner with Python but I have a programming-related project to work on, so, I really would like to ask some help. I didn´t find many simple solutions to organize the data such a way that I could do some analysis with that.
First, I have multiple csv-files, which I read in as DataFrame objects. In the end, I need them all to analyze together (right now the files are separated to the list of DataFrames but later on I probably will need those as one DataFrame object).
However, I have a problem with organizing and separating the data. These are thousands of rows in one column, a part of it is presented:
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/03/2020;1;0 057;R
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/03/2020;2;0 078;R
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/03/2020;3;0 033;R
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/03/2020;4;0 085;R
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/03/2020;5;0 019;R
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/04/2020;20;0 786;R
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/04/2020;21;0 288;R
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/04/2020;22;0 198;R
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/04/2020;23;0 728;R
EN025140855608477018TC2L;11/04/2020;24;0 275;R
The area, where the huge space between, the number should be merged together, for example, 0.057, which information represents "Cons" (actually it is the most important information).
I should be able to split data into 5 columns in order to proceed with the analysis. However, it should be a universal tool for different csv-files without knowing the including symbols. But the structure of the content and the heading is always the same.
I would be happy if anyone might know to recommend a way to work with this kind of data.

Sounds like what you are trying to do is convert the Cons column so that the spaces become a dot.
df = pd.read_csv("file.txt", sep=";")
df['Cons'] = df['Cons'].str.replace("\s+",".")
0 0.057
1 0.078
2 0.033
3 0.085
4 0.019


How can I recode 53k unique addresses (saved as objects) w/o One-Hot-Encoding in Pandas?

My data frame has 3.8 million rows and 20 or so features, many of which are categorical. After paring down the number of features, I can "dummy up" one critical column with 20 or so categories and my COLAB with (allegedly) TPU running won't crash.
But there's another column with about 53,000 unique values. Trying to "dummy up" this feature crashes my session. I can't ditch this column.
I've looked up target encoding, but the data set is very imbalanced and I'm concerned about target leakage. Is there a way around this?
EDIT: My target variable is a simple binary one.
Without knowing more details of the problem/feature, there's no obvious way to do this. This is the part of Data Science/Machine Learning that is an art, not a science. A couple ideas:
One hot encode everything, then use a dimensionality reduction algorithm to remove some of the columns (PCA, SVD, etc).
Only one hot encode some values (say limit it to 10 or 100 categories, rather than 53,000), then for the rest, use an "other" category.
If it's possible to construct an embedding for these variables (Not always possible), you can explore this.
Group/bin the values in the columns by some underlying feature. I.e. if the feature is something like days_since_X, bin it by 100 or something. Or if it's names of animals, group it by type instead (mammal, reptile, etc.)

Loading a spark DF from S3, multiple files. Which of these approaches is best?

I have a s3 bucket with partitioned data underlying Athena. Using Athena I see there are 104 billion rows in my table. This about 2 years of data.
Let's call it big_table.
Partitioning is by day, by hour so 07-12-2018-00,01,02 ... 24 for each day. Athena field is partition_datetime.
In my use case I need the data from 1 month only, which is about 400 million rows.
So the question has arisen - load directly from:
1. files
's3://my_bucket/my_schema/my_table_directory/07-01-2018-01/file.snappy.parquet' ],\
or 2. via pyspark using SQL
df ='s3://my_bucket/my_schema/my_table_directory')
df = df.registerTempTable('tmp')
df = spark.sql("select * from my_schema.my_table_directory where partition_datetime >= '07-01-2018-00' and partition_datetime < '08-01-2018-00'")
I think #1 is more efficient because we are only bringing in the data for the period in question.
2 seems inefficient to me because the entire 104 billion rows (or more accurately partition_datetime fields) have to be traversed to satisfy the SELECT. I'm counseled that this really isn't an issue because of lazy execution and there is never a df with all 104 billion rows. I still say at some point each partition must be visited by the SELECT, therefore option 1 is more efficient.
I am interested in other opinions on this. Please chime in
What you are saying might be true, but it is not efficient as it will never scale. If you want data for three months, you cannot specify 90 lines of code in your load command. It is just not a good idea when it comes to big data. You can always perform operations on a dataset that big by using a spark standalone or a YARN cluster.
You could use wildcards in your path to load only files in a given range.'s3://my_bucket/my_schema/my_table_directory/07-{01,02,03}-2018-*/')
Thom, you are right. #1 is more efficient and the way to do it. However, you can create a collection of list of files to read and then ask spark to read those files only.
This blog might be helpful for your situation.

Looping through columns to conduct data manipulations in a data frame

One struggle I have with using Python Pandas is to repeat the same coding scheme for a large number of columns. For example, below is trying to create a new column age_b in a data frame called data. How do I easily loop through a long (100s or even 1000s) of numeric columns, do the exact same thing, with the newly created column names being the existing name with a prefix or suffix string such as "_b".
labels = [1,2,3,4,5]
data['age_b'] = pd.cut(data['age'],bins=5, labels=labels)
In general, I have many simply data frame column manipulations or calculations, and it's easy to write the code. However, so often I want to repeat the same process for dozens of columns, that's when I get bogged down, because most functions or manipulations would work for one column, but not easily repeatable to many columns. It would be nice if someone can suggest a looping code "structure". Thanks!

Pig: how to loop through all fields/columns?

I'm new to Pig. I need to do some calculation for all fields/columns in a table. However, I can't find a way to do it by searching online. It would be great if someone here can give some help!
For example: I have a table with 100 fields/columns, most of them are numeric. I need to find the average of each field/column, is there an elegant way to do it without repeat AVERAGE(column_xxx) for 100 times?
If there's just one or two columns, then I can do
B = group A by ALL;
C = foreach B generate AVERAGE(column_1), AVERAGE(columkn_2);
However, if there's 100 fields, it's really tedious to repeatedly write AVERAGE for 100 times and it's easy to have errors.
One way I can think of is embed Pig in Python and use Python to generate a string like that and put into compile. However, that still sounds weird even if it works.
Thank you in advance for help!
I don't think there is a nice way to do this with pig. However, this should work well enough and can be done in 5 minutes:
Describe the table (or alias) in question
Copy the output, and reorgaize it manually into the script part you need (for example with excel)
Finish and store the script
If you need to be able with columns that can suddenly change etc. there is probably no good way to do it in pig. Perhaps you could read it in all columns (in R for example) and do your operation there.

Storing trillions of document similarities

I wrote a program to compute similarities among a set of 2 million documents. The program works, but I'm having trouble storing the results. I won't need to access the results often, but will occasionally need to query them and pull out subsets for analysis. The output basically looks like this:
Columns 1 and 2 are document ids, and column 3 is the similarity score. Since the similarity scores are symmetric I don't need to compute them all, but that still leaves me with 2000000*(2000000-1)/2 ≈ 2,000,000,000,000 lines of records.
A text file with 1 million lines of records is already 9MB. Extrapolating, that means I'd need 17 TB to store the results like this (in flat text files).
Are there more efficient ways to store these sorts of data? I could have one row for each document and get rid of the repeated document ids in the first column. But that'd only go so far. What about file formats, or special database systems? This must be a common problem in "big data"; I've seen papers/blogs reporting similar analyses, but none discuss practical dimensions like storage.
DISCLAIMER: I don't have any practical experience with this, but it's a fun exercise and after some thinking this is what I came up with:
Since you have 2.000.000 documents you're kind of stuck with an integer for the document id's; that makes 4 bytes + 4 bytes; the comparison seems to be between 0.00 and 1.00, I guess a byte would do by encoding the 0.00-1.00 as 0..100.
So your table would be : id1, id2, relationship_value
That brings it to exactly 9 bytes per record. Thus (without any overhead) ((2 * 10^6)^2)*9/2bytes are needed, that's about 17Tb.
Off course that's if you have just a basic table. Since you don't plan on querying it very often I guess performance isn't that much of an issue. So you could go 'creative' by storing the values 'horizontally'.
Simplifying things, you would store the values in a 2 million by 2 million square and each 'intersection' would be a byte representing the relationship between their coordinates. This would "only" require about 3.6Tb, but it would be a pain to maintain, and it also doesn't make use of the fact that the relations are symmetrical.
So I'd suggest to use a hybrid approach, a table with 2 columns. First column would hold the 'left' document-id (4 bytes), 2nd column would hold a string of all values of documents starting with an id above the id in the first column using a varbinary. Since a varbinary only takes the space that it needs, this helps us win back some space offered by the symmetry of the relationship.
In other words,
record 1 would have a string of (2.000.000-1) bytes as value for the 2nd column
record 2 would have a string of (2.000.000-2) bytes as value for the 2nd column
record 3 would have a string of (2.000.000-3) bytes as value for the 2nd column
That way you should be able to get away with something like 2Tb (inc overhead) to store the information. Add compression to it and I'm pretty sure you can store it on a modern disk.
Off course the system is far from optimal. In fact, querying the information will require some patience as you can't approach things set-based and you'll pretty much have to scan things byte by byte. A nice 'benefit' of this approach would be that you can easily add new documents by adding a new byte to the string of EACH record + 1 extra record in the end. Operations like that will be costly though as it will result in page-splits; but at least it will be possible without having to completely rewrite the table. But it will cause quite bit of fragmentation over time and you might want to rebuild the table once in a while to make it more 'aligned' again. Ah.. technicalities.
Selecting and Updating will require some creative use of SubString() operations, but nothing too complex..
PS: Strictly speaking, for 0..100 you only need 7 bytes, so if you really want to squeeze the last bit out of it you could actually store 8 values in 7 bytes and save another ca 300Mb, but it would make things quite a bit more complex... then again, it's not like the data is going to be human-readable anyway =)
PS: this line of thinking is completely geared towards reducing the amount of space needed while remaining practical in terms of updating the data. I'm not saying it's going to be fast; in fact, if you'd go searching for all documents that have a relation-value of 0.89 or above the system will have to scan the entire table and even with modern disks that IS going to take a while.
Mind you that all of this is the result of half an hour brainstorming; I'm actually hoping that someone might chime in with a neater approach =)