postgres insert data from an other table inside array type columns - sql

I have tow table on Postgres 11 like so, with some ARRAY types columns.
category TEXT NOT NULL,
quantitie NUMERIC,
quantities INT[],
dates INT[]
INSERT INTO test (id, category, quantitie, quantities, dates) VALUES (1, 'cat1', 33, ARRAY[66], ARRAY[123678]);
INSERT INTO test (id, category, quantitie, quantities, dates) VALUES (2, 'cat2', 99, ARRAY[22], ARRAY[879889]);
quantities INT[],
dates INT[]
INSERT INTO test2 (idweb, quantities, dates) VALUES (1, ARRAY[34], ARRAY[8776]);
INSERT INTO test2 (idweb, quantities, dates) VALUES (3, ARRAY[67], ARRAY[5443]);
I'm trying to update data from table test2 to table test only on rows with same id. inside ARRAY of table test and keeping originals values.
I use INSERT on conflict,
how to update only 2 columns quantities and dates.
running the sql under i've got also an error that i don't understand the origin.
Schema Error: error: column "quantitie" is of type numeric but expression is of type integer[]
INSERT INTO test (SELECT * FROM test2 WHERE idweb IN (SELECT id FROM test))
quantities = array_cat(EXCLUDED.quantities, test.quantities),
dates = array_cat(EXCLUDED.dates, test.dates);
is there a better way to update table test from table test2, or where i'm missing the sql?
update to show result needed on table test:
**Schema (PostgreSQL v11)**
| id | quantitie | quantities | dates | category |
| --- | --------- | ---------- | ----------- | --------- |
| 2 | 99 | 22 | 879889 | cat2 |
| 1 | 33 | 34,66 | 8776,123678 | cat1 |

Basically, your query fails because the structures of the tables do not match - so you cannot insert into test select * from test2.
You could work around this by adding "fake" columns to the select list, like so:
insert into test
select idweb, 'foo', 0, quantities, dates from test2 where idweb in (select id from test)
on conflict (id)
do update set
quantities = array_cat(excluded.quantities, test.quantities),
dates = array_cat(excluded.dates, test.dates);
But this looks much more convoluted than needed. Essentially, you want an update statement, so I would just recommend:
update test
dates = test2.dates || test.dates,
quantities = test2.quantities || test.quantities
from test2
where = test2.idweb
Note that this ues || concatenation operator instead of array_cat() - it is shorter to write.
Demo on DB Fiddle:
id | category | quantitie | quantities | dates
-: | :------- | --------: | :--------- | :------------
2 | cat2 | 99 | {22} | {879889}
1 | cat1 | 33 | {34,66} | {8776,123678}


PostgreSQL add new not null column and fill with ids from insert statement

I´ve got 2 tables.
CREATE TABLE content (
id bigserial NOT NULL,
name text
id bigserial NOT NULL,
The tables are already filled with a lot of data.
Now I want to add a new column content_id (NOT NULL) to the data table.
It should be a foreign key to the content table.
Is it possible to automatically create an entry in the content table to set a content_id in the data table.
For example
| id | name |
| 1 | abc |
| 2 | cde |
| id |... |
| 1 |... |
| 2 |... |
| 3 |... |
Now I need an update statement that creates 3 (in this example) content entries and add the ids to the data table to get this result:
| id | name |
| 1 | abc |
| 2 | cde |
| 3 | ... |
| 4 | ... |
| 5 | ... |
| id |... | content_id |
| 1 |... | 3 |
| 2 |... | 4 |
| 3 |... | 5 |
According to the answers presented here: How can I add a column that doesn't allow nulls in a Postgresql database?, there are several ways of adding a new NOT NULL column and fill this directly.
Basicly there are 3 steps. Choose the best fitting (with or without transaction, setting a default value first and remove after, leave the NOT NULL contraint first and add afterwards, ...)
Step 1: Adding new column (without NOT NULL constraint, because the values of the new column values are not available at this point)
ALTER TABLE data ADD COLUMN content_id integer;
Step 2: Inserting the data into both tables in a row:
WITH inserted AS ( -- 1
(SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM content),
(SELECT MAX(id) FROM content) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data)
'dummy text'
), matched AS ( -- 2
SELECT AS data_id, AS content_id
row_number() OVER ()
FROM data
) d
row_number() OVER ()
FROM inserted
) i ON i.row_number = d.row_number
) -- 3
UPDATE data d
SET content_id = s.content_id
SELECT * FROM matched
) s
WHERE = s.data_id;
Executing several statements one after another by using the results of the previous one can be achieved using WITH clauses (CTEs):
Insert data into content table: This generates an integer series starting at the MAX() + 1 value of the current content's id values and has as many records as the data table. Afterwards the new ids are returned
Now we need to match the current records of the data table with the new ids. So for both sides, we use row_number() window function to generate a consecutive row count for each records. Because both, the insert result and the actual data table have the same number of records, this can be used as join criterion. So we can match the id column of the data table with the new content's id values
This matched data can used in the final update of the new content_id column
Step 3: Add the NOT NULL constraint

How to insert a Number value which is a difference between field 1 and field 2 of another table in Oracle?

I have a table name ITEM that consist of
| Item | PrevValue | CurrentValue |
| ItemA | 2 | 10 |
| ItemB | 1 | 2 |
And another table name PAYMENT that will require insert.
INSERT INTO PAYMENT(ID, Billing_Date, Due_Date, Value_Amount)
**CurValue - PrevValue** );
How do i correctly calculate the differences between PrevValue and CurValue in ITEM and insert them into PAYMENT?
The query will be, simply INSERT....SELECT:
INSERT INTO PAYMENT(ID, Billing_Date, Due_Date, Value_Amount)
select 1,TO_DATE('23-JULY-2020','DD-MON-YYYY'), TO_DATE('21-AUGUST-2020','DD-MON-YYYY'), (CurValue - PrevValue) from ITEM where Item = '<Item_Name>';

Use IN to compare Array of Values against a table of data

I want to compare an array of values against the the rows of a table and return only the rows in which the data are different.
Suppose I have myTable:
| ItemCode | ItemName | FrgnName |
| CD1 | Apple | Mela |
| CD2 | Mirror | Specchio |
| CD3 | Bag | Borsa |
Now using the SQL instruction IN I would like to compare the rows above against an array of values pasted from an excel file and so in theory I would have to write something like:
ARRAY[CD1, Apple, Mella],
ARRAY[CD2, Miror, Specchio],
ARRAY[CD3, Bag, Borsa]
The QUERY should return rows 1 and 2 "MELLA" and "MIROR" are in fact typos.
You could use a VALUES expression to emulate a table of those arrays, like so:
... myTable AS t
VALUES (1, 'CD1','Apple','Mella')
, (1, 'CD2', 'Miror', 'Specchio')
, (1, 'CD3', 'Bag', 'Borsa')
) AS v(rowPresence, a, b, c)
ON t.ItemCode = v.a AND t.ItemName = v.b AND t.FrgnName = v.c
WHERE v.rowPresence IS NULL
Technically, in your scenario, you can do without the "rowPresence" field I added, since none of the values in your arrays are NULL any would do; I basically added it to point to a more general case.

Can I count the occurences for postgres array field?

I have a table postgres that uses the array type of data, it allows some magic making it possible to avoid having more tables, but the non-standard nature of this makes it more difficult to operate with for a beginner.
I would like to get some summary data out of it.
Sample content:
CREATE TABLE public.cts (
id serial NOT NULL,
day timestamp NULL,
ct varchar[] NULL,
CONSTRAINT ctrlcts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
INSERT INTO public.cts
(id, day, ct)
VALUES(29, '2015-01-24 00:00:00.000', '{ct286,ct281}');
INSERT INTO public.cts
(id, day, ct)
VALUES(30, '2015-01-25 00:00:00.000', '{ct286,ct281}');
INSERT INTO public.cts
(id, day, ct)
VALUES(31, '2015-01-26 00:00:00.000', '{ct286,ct277,ct281}');
I would like to get the totals per array member occurence totalized, with an output like this for example:
name | value
ct286 | 3
ct281 | 3
ct277 | 1
Use Postgres function array unnest():
SELECT name, COUNT(*) cnt
FROM cts, unnest(ct) as u(name)
Demo on DB Fiddle:
| name | cnt |
| ----- | --- |
| ct277 | 1 |
| ct281 | 3 |
| ct286 | 3 |

Get rows where value is not a substring in another row

I'm writing recursive sql against a table that contains circular references.
No problem! I read that you can build a unique path to prevent infinite loops. Now I need to filter the list down to only the last record in the chain. I must be doing something wrong though. -edit I'm adding more records to this sample to make it more clear why just selecting the longest record doesn't work.
This is an example table:
create table strings (id int, string varchar(200));
insert into strings values (1, '1');
insert into strings values (2, '1,2');
insert into strings values (3, '1,2,3');
insert into strings values (4, '1,2,3,4');
insert into strings values (5, '5');
And my query:
select * from strings str1 where not exists
select * from strings str2
where <>
and str1.string || '%' like str2.string
I'd expect to only get the last records
| id | string |
| 4 | 1,2,3,4 |
| 5 | 5 |
Instead I get them all
| id | string |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1,2 |
| 3 | 1,2,3 |
| 4 | 1,2,3,4 |
| 5 | 5 |
Link to sql fiddle:!15/7a974/1
My problem was all around the 'LIKE' comparison.
select * from strings str1
where not exists
strings str2
where <>
and str2.string like str1.string || '%'