I have this project that requires to add UIScrollView. I followed this Tutorial since it is my first time to use UIScrollView. But unfortunately, it is not working successfully. My scrollView is inside a .xib. Please help me fix this , aside from first time to use UIScrollView, I am not familiar with do's and don'ts in it. Also, been working from this for almost a week now. And to add some information, I removed the constraints in the objects inside ContentView, because even with or without constraints it is still not working.
This is my current setup
This is the setup from ScrollView to UIView
This is the setup from ContentView to ScrollView
I'm trying to display a Sprite Kit View inside my app's window (not taking up the full screen)
For that i used the SKView element available in the Xcode library
My Storyboard
Xcode allowed me to select a scene available in the project, i selected the scene, at that won't display
Selected Scene
I ended up making an #property with the scene linked in my Main ViewController and then loaded the scene from there and used the presentView function, but it will still not display
I also made sure Core Animation Layer was enabled for my view but that did nothing too.
I'm sure i'm missing very important steps into making it work and display, but since i'm on it for hours and won't progress at all, i wanted to know if you guys could help me, Thanks!
I Have a project here. Autolayout constraints is working only when loaded from a Xib file.
When you run the project you will see a single screen with a NSPagecontroller on it that has two views (swipe left/right to get the other view).
Both views are exactly the same with the exact same auto layout constraints on it. One is loaded using Xib, while the other is loaded using Story board.
Try resizing the window when the xib loaded one is on screen. You can see every thing resizes correctly. Now swipe the screen left. Try resizing the window now. The view loaded from story board will not autosize.
Is this Apple bug?
The views are not exactly the same. If I delete the view in the storyboard, and copy-paste the view from the xib, then the storyboard version behaves as expected.
The trouble with all of this storyboard/xib constraints goodness is that they are a complete pain to debug if something goes wrong.
Try spot the difference:
(1) ViewController.xib
For this reason, I tend to handle all of my constraints in code these days.
Top left button comparison:
(1) ViewController.xib
The other buttons constraints differ also.
I've found a problem in my OSX app that I think is a Mavericks bug.
I have the following hierarchy:
When the scroll view doesn't contain any records I'm creating an overlay view as a subview of the NSView, and positioning it above the other subviews. I do this using:
[containerView addSubview:overlay
FYI, the overlay view is a custom NSView subclass with a drawRect to draw the overlay itself.
On Mountain Lion this works fine, but on Mavericks the overlay does not appear. Googling around I think this is because the overlay is not being positioned above the other sibling views.
I found these links for reference:
Display Order Messed Up
Maverick Issue When Adding Subview on NSView (Stack Overflow)
The second link suggests the following code to fix the issue, which it appears to do, but as I don't have any layer-backed views in my app this feels a bit off:
[overlay setWantsLayer:YES];
Can anyone suggest a workaround for this problem other than the one suggested?
EDIT: I've found that if I put an Xcode breakpoint in the original code (without the workaround) at the point after the subview is added the subviews get added correctly, and my overlay view is displayed. If I remove the breakpoint, the overlay view is no longer displayed. Does this behaviour indicate anything?
It looks like you've been bitten by overlapping views:
Note: For performance reasons, Cocoa does not enforce clipping among sibling views or guarantee correct invalidation and drawing behavior when sibling views overlap. If you want a view to be drawn in front of another view, you should make the front view a subview (or descendant) of the rear view.
from Apple's Working With A View Heirarchy.
As you note, the common recommendation to fix this is to is to set a layer. However since 10.4 you can hide a view using setHidden:, see Hiding Views in the above reference. This may solve your particular problem as your overlap appears to be total (you don't want to see parts of both views, only one of them).
I'm struggling with this problem, and although there are quite some threads on this issue I've not figured it out yet.
I want to load a button into a subview of a scrollview. If I test this subview alone, the button works fine. Also, when I add the button to the scrollview directly, it works fine. But the two combined I don't get any touch event on the button.
My view hierarchy:
UIButton (A)
UIButton (B)
So button B works fine, A doesn't.
I've tried messing around with the attributes like Cancellable Content Touches, but so far no luck. I'm loading the subview from the storyboard with:
ViewVC *viewVC = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"ViewVC"];
From the posts I've read, this should just work, so either I'm missing something vital, or I've messed up some attributes along the way. Should I use a delegate to pass the events, or should this be done automatically?
Give your views some colours, and check if one of them is obscuring the other preventing it from being touched. Maybe you UIView is overlapping your UIButton(B), preventing it from being touched.
How are you sure you're adding it?
Make sure you're calling addSubview: on your UIScrollView with your subview as the parameter?
I have a UINavigationController within a UITabBarController. Within the navigation controller I have a ViewController that looks after flipping between two views using transitionWithView:duration:options:animations:completion one of the views i am trying to show is a TableView.
The problem is when showing the TableView it is off position.
and the flip view
I have tested flipping between two standard views without issue, it is only the TableView that shows off position. Also when the Tableview has more data then can be shown on screen the bottom rows are hidden by the Tabbar. It looks like the frame size is wrong but I am not sure how to proceed to fix the problem.
Full test project and code can be found on GitHub
Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated.
The root of the problem is that you are using UIViewControllers (FlipSide and FlipMain) as subviews for FlipController which is itself a UIViewController. Prior to iOS 5 this was not supported and inevitably led to problems. iOS 5 adds support for a view controller hierarchy but requires that you use the appropriate new methods.
You have a couple of choices: restructure the view controllers so they are not nested, rewrite the sub-controllers as UIViews, or use addChildViewController to add the subcontrollers.
I've forked and modified your original code here to illustrate that changing to UIViews resolves the problem with layout.
It's a bit hard to answer without the full code, but I would try playing with the "wantsFullScreenLayout" property of your view controllers. I say that because the offset seems to be 20px high, which corresponds to the status bar's height...
Let me know if this helped ;-)