Cloud Endpoints Auth returning JWT Issuer is not configured when using Access Token from CICP/Firebase Auth - firebase-authentication

Right now my OpenAPI yaml looks like this:
And my Access Token coming out of my JWT in raw format looks like this:
The Google-Issuer and the JWT iss are the exact same, the JWT kid matches the key ids inside the link provided by the google-jwks_uri, and the google-audiences match the aud.So, really, I can't see why this wouldn't work, and yet when i call the api with the Bearer access token i receive a 401 and "Jwt issuer is not configured".

#BryceSoker I ran into a similar problem and found that changing
x-google-issuer: ""
x-google-issuer: ""
to match the "iss": "" in the ID token fixed the problem.


How to use "user context access token" that I get from Twitter OAuth 1.0a in my request?

I have successfully (?) implement the Twitter three-legged authentication process to obtain user access token. The problem is the access token appears invalid... or I use it wrong. I already able to get the app's access token, which can access limited Twitter API. I use it by adding "Authentication: Bearer 'access token'" on the header. But when I did the same thing with the user context access token and did the same request, I always get error code 89 Invalid or expired token.
The access token I obtained has a structure of [several numerics]-[some alpha numeric chars]. Like 12345678-asd98f798asdf79asdfa9sdfs9df7a9sdf7. This looks similar with the access token example in step 3 of
I also notice that the example request there is like this:
POST statuses/update.json
Which I presume those two additional parameters are to be added to the body instead of the header. But, how if my request is a GET request? Like request to get home timeline, which absolutely requiring user context access token?
From this API ref, the example only give the GET url, and not how to supply the user context access token. Please help. I have the feeling that the solution is very simple (like a fix on the header), but I can't see it.
This is my current request:
curl -X GET \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 12345678-as3d12a3d1a3sd1232ads13asd123as1d23as3d32,Bearer 12345678-as3d12a3d1a3sd1232ads13asd123as1d23as3d32' \
This is the result:
"errors": [
"code": 89,
"message": "Invalid or expired token."
The user access token requires signing a request which includes parameters and headers.
You can use a library like to generate the signature.
For Java+OkHttp - you can use this library

Azure App Service Authentication with Google oAuth 2.0 Bearer Token

We are using App Service Authentication to protect a web API and using Google as authentication provider. It works as expected when we fire a request from a browser (when the session information is in the cookie)
IIS log:
2016-05-29T13:51:19 PID[3600] Verbose Received request: GET 2016-05-29T13:51:19
PID[3600] Verbose Found 'AppServiceAuthSession' cookie for site
''. Length: 728. 2016-05-29T13:51:19
PID[3600] Verbose Authenticated successfully
using 'Session Cookie' authentication.
But when we use API testing tool such as Postman and set the Authorization header with bearer token, it always results in redirection.
IIS log:
2016-05-29T13:53:38 PID[3600] Verbose Received request: POST 2016-05-29T13:53:38
PID[3600] Information Redirecting:
We also tried to set X-ZUMO-AUTH header with the same bearer token, we see error as the token is not in expected format. Apparently it expects encoded JWT token.
IIS log:
016-05-29T13:51:52 PID[3600] Verbose Received request: POST 2016-05-29T13:51:52
PID[3600] Warning JWT validation failed: IDX10708:
'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.JwtSecurityTokenHandler' cannot read this
string: 'Bearer
The string needs to be in compact JSON format, which is of the form:
'..'.. 2016-05-29T13:51:52 PID[3600]
Information Redirecting:
Bearer token obtained from Google is valid as we can verify the detail by making call to[token]
Please suggest.
The Google token you're using is an access token, not a bearer token. It can be used to access Google resources but cannot be used to authenticate with your Web API.
I wasn't able to find good documentation on this, but I can tell you it works here instead:
In your client app, you must obtain an id_token and an authorization code from Google. You normally get this when the user logs in using the Google OpenID Connect login. I assume you already know how to do this since you already know how to get the access token.
Send a POST request to https://{hostname}/.auth/login/google with a JSON payload that looks like {"authorization_code":"<code>", "id_token":"<id_token>"}.
A successful login response will contain a JSON payload that contains an authenticationToken field. Cache this token.
You can use the authentication token from #3 to make authenticated calls to your web API. Put it in the x-zumo-auth HTTP request header.
Turn on Authentication / Authorization from App Service Portal
Browse to the web app or API that requires authentication, you will be redirected to google login page, when you authenticate successfully, the response will contain:
"id_token": this token can be extracted from the response, or by accessing the Token Store /.auth/me
"redirect_uri" this token will be included in the response body, also you can just set it statically in the following step since this is the callback URL and it shouldn't change unless you change it from the google console
POST a request to https://{hostname}/.auth/login/google with the following JSON payload, {"redirect_uri":"", "id_token":""}. a successful response will contain "authenticationToken" store this token or cache it
Subsequent requests to the APIs that requires authentication should contain an HTTP request header:
"x-zumo-auth" with the value of "authenitcationToken"
In order to verify your token you can POST to https://{hostname}/.auth/login/google with the following JSON pay load {"id_token":""}, the response should specify if the token is valid or not

Sending JWT token in the headers with Postman

I'm testing an implementation of JWT Token based security based off the following article. I have successfully received a token from the test server. I can't figure out how to have the Chrome POSTMAN REST Client program send the token in the header.
My questions are as follows:
1) Am I using the right header name and/or POSTMAN interface?
2) Do I need to base 64 encode the token? I thought I could just send the token back.
For the request Header name just use Authorization.
Place Bearer before the Token. I just tried it out and it works for me.
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_STRING
Each part of the JWT is a base64url encoded value.
Here is an image if it helps :)
The postman team added "Bearer token" to the "authorization tab":
I am adding to this question a little interesting tip that may help you guys testing JWT Apis.
Its is very simple actually.
When you log in, in your Api (login endpoint), you will immediately receive your token, and as #mick-cullen said you will have to use the JWT on your header as:
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_STRING
Now if you like to automate or just make your life easier, your tests you can save the token as a global that you can call on all other endpoints as:
Authorization: Bearer {{jwt_token}}
On Postman:
Then make a Global variable in postman as jwt_token = TOKEN_STRING.
On your login endpoint:
To make it useful, add on the beginning of the Tests Tab add:
var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setGlobalVariable("jwt_token", data.jwt_token);
I am guessing that your api is returning the token as a json on the response as:
{"jwt_token":"TOKEN_STRING"}, there may be some sort of variation.
On the first line you add the response to the data varibale.
Clean your Global
And assign the value.
So now you have your token on the global variable, what makes easy to use Authorization: Bearer {{jwt_token}} on all your endpoints.
Hope this tip helps.
Something to read
About tests on Postman: testing examples
Command Line: Newman
CI: integrating with Jenkins
Nice blog post: master api test automation
Here is how to set token this automatically
On your login/auth request
Then for authenticated page
I had the same issue in Flask and after trying the first 2 solutions which are the same (Authorization: Bearer <token>), and getting this:
"description": "Unsupported authorization type",
"error": "Invalid JWT header",
"status_code": 401
I managed to finally solve it by using:
Authorization: jwt <token>
Thought it might save some time to people who encounter the same thing.
If you wish to use postman the right way is to use the headers as such
key: Authorization
value: jwt {token}
as simple as that.
Open postman.
go to "header" field.
there one can see "key value" blanks.
in key type "Authorization".
in value type "Bearer(space)your_access_token_value".
For people who are using wordpress plugin Advanced Access Manager to open up the JWT Authentication.
The Header field should put Authentication instead of Authorization
AAM mentioned it inside their documentation,
Note! AAM does not use standard Authorization header as it is skipped
by most Apache servers. ...
Hope it helps someone! Thanks for other answers helped me alot too!!
Everything else ie. Params, Authorization, Body, Pre-request Script, Tests is empty, just open the Headers tab and add as shown in image. Its the same for GET request as well.
I did as how moplin mentioned .But in my case service send the JWT in response headers ,as a value under the key "Authorization".
Authorization →Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJpbWFsIiwiZXhwIjoxNDk4OTIwOTEyfQ.dYEbf4x5TGr_kTtwywKPI2S-xYhsp5RIIBdOa_wl9soqaFkUUKfy73kaMAv_c-6cxTAqBwtskOfr-Gm3QI0gpQ
What I did was ,make a Global variable in postman as
in login request->Tests Tab, add
postman.setGlobalVariable("jwt", postman.getResponseHeader("Authorization"));
in other requests select the Headers tab and give
Somehow postman didn't work for me.
I had to use a chrome extension called RESTED which did work.
In Postman latest version(7++) may be there is no Bearer field in Authorization
So go to Header tab
select key as Authorization and in value write JWT
x-access-token on headers works for me.
key: x-access-token
value: token

REST client with OAuth2 on stackapps

I'm using Advanced REST Client in Chrome, to retrieve data from stackoverflow.
My goal is to replicate the result showed in this link:
Usage of /me
Simply I have to show the json from /me.
First of all, which method I have to use in Advanced REST Client in Chrome to improve this through OAuth2?
Request token
Request access token
Signed request
If I use 1, I got the following: error message: This method requires an access token.
Then, I've tried with implicit flow to get access_token, but 2 requires me also request token secret and 3, access token secret.
So, I assume that the right way is 3, but I don't know how to find this access token secret
See StackExchange Authentication API

Google auth token usage

I would like to use google fusion tables, for which I need to login first.
I do a http request and get the "auth" token as response.
But now I stuck and don't know how to use this token?
I could neither find any google docs on this nor this thread helped: Google Auth using Token
Because adding the auth token to the url does not work.
You use the authorization code to get an access_token.
This has useful information:
You then send the access_token with your sql query.