Error : len() of unsized object - Wilconox signed-rank test - pandas

I am running Wilconox signed-rank test on the dataset which looks like :
df = {'Year': ['2019','2018','2017', ....], 'Name':{jon, tim, luca,...}, 'SelfPromotion': [1,0,1,...]}
the script is as follows:
import pandas
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
data1 = df['SelfPromotion']=1
data2 = df['SelfPromotion']=0
print(mannwhitneyu(data1, data2))
this gives me the following error:
TypeError: len() of unsized object
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-e49d9838e5ac> in <module>
3 data1 = data['SelfPromotion']=1
4 data2 = data['SelfPromotion']=0
----> 5 print(mannwhitneyu(data11, data22))
~/opt/anaconda3/envs/shityaar/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/stats/ in mannwhitneyu(x, y, use_continuity, alternative)
6391 x = np.asarray(x)
6392 y = np.asarray(y)
-> 6393 n1 = len(x)
6394 n2 = len(y)
6395 ranked = rankdata(np.concatenate((x, y)))
TypeError: len() of unsized object
I have tried every possible solution for this error by looking at similar questions but unfortunately, no solution could get it to work. I would appreciate some help.

mannwhitneyu expects array like parameters and you are passing integers as args, hence the failure.
Do something like this:
In [26]: data1 = df['SelfPromotion'] == 1
In [28]: data2 = df['SelfPromotion'] == 0
In [31]: mannwhitneyu(data1, data2)
Out[31]: MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=3.0, pvalue=0.30962837708843105)


IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable error

For each gene, I want to perform McNemar's test and then evaluate if the p-value > 0.05. I want to calculate the number of genes that pass the test.
My code raised IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable.
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.stats.contingency_tables import mcnemar
from statsmodels.stats.gof import chisquare_effectsize
from statsmodels.stats.power import GofChisquarePower
def generate_gene_df(gene, n):
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
{"Gene" : gene,
"Cells": (f'Cell{x}' for x in range(1, n+1)),
"Control": np.random.choice([1,0], p=[0.1, 0.9], size=n),
"Experimental": np.random.choice([1,0], p=[0.1+0.1, 0.9-0.1], size=n)},
df = df.set_index(["Gene","Cells"])
return df
table = pd.crosstab([df["Gene"], df["Cells"]],
[df["Control"], df["Experimental"]]).to_numpy()
# List of simulated genes
gene_df_list = [generate_gene_df(gene, n) for gene in gene_list]
df = pd.concat(gene_df_list)
df = df.reset_index()
pass_test = []
# McNemar's test
result = mcnemar(table, exact=True)
# Bonferroni correction
p_adjusted = multipletests(result.pvalue, alpha=alpha, method="bonferroni")
for index, value in np.ndenumerate(table):
if result.pvalue > alpha:
np.append(pass_test, result.pvalue[index])
num_passed = len(pass_test)
print("Number of genes that failed to reject H0 is: %i" %num_passed)
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_593/ in <module>
11 for index, value in np.ndenumerate(table):
12 if result.pvalue > alpha:
---> 13 np.append(pass_test, result.pvalue[index])
IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable.
I haven't looked at mcnemar, so don't know what it produces. But the error tells us/youthat result.pvalue is a scalar value, and not indexable.
if result.pvalue > alpha:
np.append(pass_test, result.pvalue[index])
I also can deduce that from the fact that the if line works. It would return an ambiguity error if result.pvalue was an array.
Besides rereading the mcnemar docs, I'd suggest rereading the np.append docs (assuming you even did that!).
Generally we discourage use of np.append in a loop. np.append is not a list append clone

AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'dtype' appeared suddenly

I have df with features in my google colab, and suddenly appeared error:
df_features['cooling'] = df['cooling'].astype('object')
df_features['view'] = df['view'].astype('object')
cat_features = ['cooling', 'view', 'city_region']
X = df_features.drop('target', axis=1)
y = df_features['target']
num_cols = [col for col in X.columns if X[col].dtype in ['float64','int64']]
cat_cols = [col for col in X.columns if X[col].dtype not in ['float64','int64']]
Here is error:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
5 y = df_features['target']
----> 7 num_cols = [col for col in X.columns if X[col].dtype in ['float64','int64']]
8 cat_cols = [col for col in X.columns if X[col].dtype not in ['float64','int64']]
1 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in __getattr__(self, name)
5485 ):
5486 return self[name]
-> 5487 return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
5489 def __setattr__(self, name: str, value) -> None:
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'dtype'
I already tried to use !pip install --upgrade pandas but it had no success
You seem to somehow get back a DataFrame and not a Series by calling X[col]. Not sure why, because you did not supply the full structure and data of your dataframe.
.dtype is for pandas Series
.dtypes is for pandas Dataframes (and seems also to work with pandas Series)

How to get rid of "AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'log2' "

Say I have a data frame with columns of min value =36884326.0, and max value =6619162563.0, which I need to plot as box plot, so I tried to log transform the values, as follows,
diff["values"] = diff['value'].apply(lambda x: (x+1))
diff["log_values"] = diff['values'].apply(lambda x: x.log2(x))
However, the above lines are throwing the error as follows,
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-fe4e1d2286b0> in <module>
1 diff['value'].max()
2 diff["values"] = diff['value'].apply(lambda x: (x+1))
----> 3 diff["log_values"] = diff['values'].apply(lambda x: x.log2(x))
~/software/anaconda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ in apply(self, func, convert_dtype, args, **kwds)
3192 else:
3193 values = self.astype(object).values
-> 3194 mapped = lib.map_infer(values, f, convert=convert_dtype)
3196 if len(mapped) and isinstance(mapped[0], Series):
pandas/_libs/src/inference.pyx in pandas._libs.lib.map_infer()
<ipython-input-28-fe4e1d2286b0> in <lambda>(x)
1 diff['value'].max()
2 diff["values"] = diff['value'].apply(lambda x: (x+1))
----> 3 diff["log_values"] = diff['values'].apply(lambda x: x.log2(x))
AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'log2'
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
You need numpy.log2 function to aplly, please, check sintaxis here.

Can not access Pipelined Rdd in pyspark [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
pyspark: 'PipelinedRDD' object is not iterable
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am trying to implement K-means from scratch using pyspark. I am performing various operations on rdd's but when i try to display the result of the final processed rdd, some error like "Pipelined RDD's cant be iterated" or something like that and things like .collect() do not work again because of
the piplined rdd issue.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import numpy as np
def closestPoint(p, centers):
bestIndex = 0
closest = float("+inf")
for i in range(len(centers)):
tempDist = np.sum((p - centers[i]) ** 2)
if tempDist < closest:
closest = tempDist
bestIndex = i
return bestIndex
data=SC.parallelize([1, 2, 3,5,7,3,5,7,3,6,4,66,33,66,22,55,77])
K = 3
convergeDist = float(0.1)
kPoints = data.takeSample(False, K, 1)
tempDist = 1.0
while tempDist > convergeDist:
closest =
lambda p: (closestPoint(p, kPoints), (p, 1)))
pointStats = closest.reduceByKey(
lambda p1_c1, p2_c2: (p1_c1[0] + p2_c2[0], p1_c1[1] + p2_c2[1]))
newPoints =
lambda st: (st[0], st[1][0] / st[1][1]))
tempDist = sum(np.sum((kPoints[iK] - p) ** 2) for (iK, p) in newPoints).collect()
# tempDist = sum(np.sum((kPoints[iK] - p) ** 2) for (iK, p) in newPoints)
for (iK, p) in newPoints:
kPoints[iK] = p
print("Final centers: " + str(kPoints))
The error I am getting is:
TypeError: 'PipelinedRDD' object is not iterable
You cannot iterate over an RDD, you need first to call an action to get your data back to the driver. Quick sample:
>>> test = sc.parallelize([1,2,3])
>>> for i in test:
... print i
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'RDD' object is not iterable
This will not work because test is an RDD. On the other hand, if you bring your data back to the Driver with an action, now it will be an object over which you can iterate, for example:
>>> for i in test.collect():
... print i
There you go, call an action and bring the data back to the Driver, being careful of not having too much data or you can get an out of memory exception

TypeError: ufunc 'subtract' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U1') dtype('<U1') dtype('<U1')

Strange error from numpy via matplotlib when trying to get a histogram of a tiny toy dataset. I'm just not sure how to interpret the error, which makes it hard to see what to do next.
Didn't find much related, though this nltk question and this gdsCAD question are superficially similar.
I intend the debugging info at bottom to be more helpful than the driver code, but if I've missed something, please ask. This is reproducible as part of an existing test suite.
if n > 1:
return diff(a[slice1]-a[slice2], n-1, axis=axis)
> return a[slice1]-a[slice2]
E TypeError: ufunc 'subtract' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U1') dtype('<U1') dtype('<U1')
../py2.7.11-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ TypeError
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entering PDB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> py2.7.11-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/
-> return a[slice1]-a[slice2]
(Pdb) bt
-> m, bins = np.histogram(x[i], bins, weights=w[i], **hist_kwargs)
-> if (np.diff(bins) < 0).any():
> py2.7.11-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/
-> return a[slice1]-a[slice2]
(Pdb) p numpy.__version__
(Pdb) p matplotlib.__version__
(Pdb) a
a = [u'A' u'B' u'C' u'D' u'E']
n = 1
axis = -1
(Pdb) p slice1
(slice(1, None, None),)
(Pdb) p slice2
(slice(None, -1, None),)
I got the same error, but in my case I am subtracting dict.key from dict.value. I have fixed this by subtracting dict.value for corresponding key from other dict.value.
cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(e_b-e_a, w-e_c)
here I got error because e_b, e_a and e_c are embedding vector for word a,b,c respectively. I didn't know that 'w' is string, when I sought out w is string then I fix this by following line:
cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(e_b-e_a, word_to_vec_map[w]-e_c)
Instead of subtracting dict.key, now I have subtracted corresponding value for key
I had a similar issue where an integer in a row of a DataFrame I was iterating over was of type numpy.int64. I got the
TypeError: ufunc 'subtract' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U1') dtype('<U1') dtype('<U1')
error when trying to subtract a float from it.
The easiest fix for me was to convert the row using pd.to_numeric(row).
Why is it applying diff to an array of strings.
I get an error at the same point, though with a different message
In [23]: a=np.array([u'A' u'B' u'C' u'D' u'E'])
In [24]: np.diff(a)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-9d5a62fc3ff0> in <module>()
----> 1 np.diff(a)
C:\Users\paul\AppData\Local\Enthought\Canopy\User\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\function_base.pyc in diff(a, n, axis)
1112 return diff(a[slice1]-a[slice2], n-1, axis=axis)
1113 else:
-> 1114 return a[slice1]-a[slice2]
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'numpy.ndarray'
Is this a array the bins parameter? What does the docs say bins should be?
I am fairly new to this myself, but I had a similar error and found that it is due to a type casting issue. I was trying to concatenate rather than take the difference but I think the principle is the same here. I provided a similar answer on another question so I hope that is OK.
In essence you need to use a different data type cast, in my case I needed str not float, I suspect yours is the same so my suggested solution is. I am sorry I cannot test it before suggesting but I am unclear from your example what you were doing.
return diff(str(a[slice1])-str(a[slice2]), n-1, axis=axis)
Please see my example code below for the fix to my code, the change occurs on the third to last line. The code is to produce a basic random forest model.
import scipy
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn import preprocessing, metrics, cross_validation
Data = pd.read_csv("Free_Energy_exp.csv", sep=",")
Data = Data.fillna(Data.mean()) # replace the NA values with the mean of the descriptor
header = Data.columns.values # Ues the column headers as the descriptor labels
test_name = "Test.csv"
npArray = np.array(Data)
print header.shape
npheader = np.array(header[1:-1])
print("Array shape X = %d, Y = %d " % (npArray.shape))
datax, datay = npArray.shape
names = npArray[:,0]
X = npArray[:,1:-1].astype(float)
y = npArray[:,-1] .astype(float)
X = preprocessing.scale(X)
XTrain, XTest, yTrain, yTest = cross_validation.train_test_split(X,y, random_state=0)
# Predictions results initialised
RFpredictions = []
RF = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 10, max_features = 5, max_depth = 5, random_state=0), yTrain) # Train the model
print("Training R2 = %5.2f" % RF.score(XTrain,yTrain))
RFpreds = RF.predict(XTest)
with open(test_name,'a') as fpred :
lenpredictions = len(RFpreds)
lentrue = yTest.shape[0]
if lenpredictions == lentrue :
fpred.write("Names/Label,, Prediction Random Forest,, True Value,\n")
for i in range(0,lenpredictions) :
else :
print "ERROR - names, prediction and true value array size mismatch."
This leads to an error of;
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 40, in <module>
TypeError: ufunc 'add' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('S32') dtype('S32') dtype('S32')
The solution is to make each variable a str() type on the third to last line then write to file. No other changes to then code have been made from the above.
import scipy
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn import preprocessing, metrics, cross_validation
Data = pd.read_csv("Free_Energy_exp.csv", sep=",")
Data = Data.fillna(Data.mean()) # replace the NA values with the mean of the descriptor
header = Data.columns.values # Ues the column headers as the descriptor labels
test_name = "Test.csv"
npArray = np.array(Data)
print header.shape
npheader = np.array(header[1:-1])
print("Array shape X = %d, Y = %d " % (npArray.shape))
datax, datay = npArray.shape
names = npArray[:,0]
X = npArray[:,1:-1].astype(float)
y = npArray[:,-1] .astype(float)
X = preprocessing.scale(X)
XTrain, XTest, yTrain, yTest = cross_validation.train_test_split(X,y, random_state=0)
# Predictions results initialised
RFpredictions = []
RF = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 10, max_features = 5, max_depth = 5, random_state=0), yTrain) # Train the model
print("Training R2 = %5.2f" % RF.score(XTrain,yTrain))
RFpreds = RF.predict(XTest)
with open(test_name,'a') as fpred :
lenpredictions = len(RFpreds)
lentrue = yTest.shape[0]
if lenpredictions == lentrue :
fpred.write("Names/Label,, Prediction Random Forest,, True Value,\n")
for i in range(0,lenpredictions) :
else :
print "ERROR - names, prediction and true value array size mismatch."
These examples are from a larger code so I hope the examples are clear enough.
I think #James is right. I got stuck by same error while working on Polyval(). And yeah solution is to use the same type of variabes. You can use typecast to cast all variables in the same type.
import numpy
P = numpy.array(input().split(), float)
x = float(input())
here I used float as an output type. so even the user inputs the INT value (whole number). the final answer will be typecasted to float.
I ran into the same issue, but in my case it was just a Python list instead of a Numpy array used. Using two Numpy arrays solved the issue for me.