How do I write a SPARQL query for this - sparql

How do i write a SPARQL query to retrieve all the movies and co-directors of a movie having director with name "George".
triples are
#prefix : <http://org.example/> .
:movie1 :hasDirectors :d1, :d2, :d3 .
:movie2 :hasDirectors :d3, :d4 .
:movie3 :hasDirectors :d1, :d3
:d1 :name "George" .
:d2 :name "Jack" .
:d6 :name "Raj" .
:d3 :name "Henry" .
:d4 :name "Williams" .

As posted in the comments the query should be as follows:
SELECT ?movie ?name ?coDirectors_name WHERE { ?movie :hasDirectors ?d. ?d :name ?
name. FILTER(?name="George") ?movie :hasDirectors ?coDirectors . ?coDirectors :name
?coDirectors_name FILTER(?coDirectors_name != "George") }


Replace multiple value in SPARQL

I'm trying to use the BIND and REPLACE functions to create a new column in which there is the real title of an object code.
For example, I have a column with ENV_TOB and I would like to create a column that changes "ENV_TOB" to "SLIDE". I have several codes like "ENV_XXX" that I would also like to include in my query. So far, I've only managed to replace one value.
select ?code_type
GRAPH xxx:optimized {
OPTIONAL {?o xxx:code_type ?code_type}
FILTER (?code_type IN
("ENV_BAL"^^xsd:string, "ENV_BBF"^^xsd:string, "ENV_CAB"^^xsd:string, "ENV_JRG"^^xsd:string, "ENV_STO"^^xsd:string, "ENV_TJE"^^xsd:string, "ENV_TOB"^^xsd:string, "ENV_TPP"^^xsd:string ))
BIND (REPLACE(?code_type, "ENV_TOB", "Slide") AS ?TYPE_JEU)
If you just want to get a different value occurs in the data, and the mapping a direct mapping, that is, if you want "Slide" when the value is exactly "ENV_TOB", you can use a VALUES block. For instance:
#prefix : <urn:ex:>
:a :label "ENV_TOB" .
:b :label "ENV_TOB" .
:c :label "ENV_BBF" .
:d :label "ENV_CAB" .
:e :label "Other Label" .
:f :label "I went down the ENV_TOB" .
:g :label "I live in a ENV_CAB" .
prefix : <urn:ex:>
select ?subject ?label ?better_label where {
?subject :label ?label .
optional {
values (?label ?better_label) {
("ENV_TOB" "Slide")
("ENV_CAB" "House")
"Other Label"
"I went down the ENV_TOB"
"I live in a ENV_CAB"

How to create a visual graph config in workbench mode

This is my example.ttl:
#prefix : <> .
:NewYork a :City .
:London a :City .
:bob a :Person, :Man;
:name "Bob";
:bornIn :London.
:susan a :Person, :Woman;
:name "Susan";
:bornIn :NewYork.
:jane a :Person, :Woman;
:name "Jane".
<<:bob :meet :susan>> :venue :NewYork;
:date "2020-10-12" .
<<:jane :told :susan>> :about <<:bob :love :susan>>;
:date "2021-06-15" .
I import it into GraphDB, and Create visual graph config : I choose "Start with graph query results", I want get all nodes and edges in the graph, but I still don't know how to set the Graph expansion, Node basics and Edge basics.
Would anyone show me how to do it?
Thanks a lot!
The Visual Graph doesn't support RDF*, but you could expand all nodes by creating a construct query, using Standard Reification.
Go to Create graph config -> Start with graph query results and write following construct query:
PREFIX rdf: <>
prefix : <>
?s a ?o;
a ?o1;
:name ?name;
:bornIn ?cityBorn.
:meeting rdf:subject ?pers1;
rdf:predicate :meet;
rdf:object ?pers2;
:venue ?city.
:gossip rdf:subject ?pers5;
rdf:predicate :love;
rdf:object ?pers6.
:story rdf:subject ?pers3;
rdf:predicate :told;
rdf:object ?pers4.
:story :about :gossip;
:date ?date .
?s a ?o;
a ?o1;
:name ?name.
<<?pers1 :meet ?pers2>> :venue ?city.
<<?pers3 :told ?pers4>> :about <<?pers5 :love ?pers6>>;
:date ?date .
?s :bornIn ?cityBorn.

SPARQL subquery with limit

I'm using Apache Jena Fuseki to query my graph using SPARQL.
I need to do subquery with limit, and I found one example similar to my requirements here.
The example looks like this.
#prefix : <http://people.example/> .
:alice :name "Alice", "Alice Foo", "A. Foo" .
:alice :knows :bob, :carol .
:bob :name "Bob", "Bob Bar", "B. Bar" .
:carol :name "Carol", "Carol Baz", "C. Baz" .
PREFIX : <http://people.example/>
SELECT ?y ?name WHERE {
:alice :knows ?y .
SELECT ?y ?name WHERE {
?y :name ?name
ORDER BY ?name
?y ?name
:bob "B. Bar"
:carol "C. Baz"
I did the same query with the same data on Fuseki, but the result is empty.
Is it problem of SPARQL implementation in Fuseki?
Which SPARQL engine can I use to get the same result as showed in the example?

SPARQL MIN on string

I am studying SPARQL and there is this example on the documentation page:
PREFIX : <http://people.example/>
PREFIX : <http://people.example/>
SELECT ?y ?minName
:alice :knows ?y .
SELECT ?y (MIN(?name) AS ?minName)
?y :name ?name .
From this dabase:
#prefix : <http://people.example/> .
:alice :name "Alice", "Alice Foo", "A. Foo" .
:alice :knows :bob, :carol .
:bob :name "Bob", "Bob Bar", "B. Bar" .
:carol :name "Carol", "Carol Baz", "C. Baz" .
There is says that this query:
"Return a name (the one with the lowest sort order) for all the people that know Alice and have a name."
and the output is:
y minName
:bob "B. Bar"
:carol "C. Baz"
But I can't understand how "B. Bar" is smaller than "Bob", for example. I cannot understand what the docs means with "lowest sort order".
For me the output should be:
y minName
:bob "Bob"
:carol "Carol"
Thank you for your help.

querying child data-properties on RDF-store

I have, in my ontology, an entity named "person" that has a class child named "member". Some like this (indenting for indicate the hierarchy),
Also, I have some attributes (dataProperty), associated with "person", and another attributes associated with "member". Specifically, that attributes could be phone numbers. I propose a hierarchy of attributes in this way,
phone (domain: person)
office-phone (domain: member)
office-phone-1 (domain: member)
office-phone-2 (domain: member)
personal-phone (domain: person)
I'm doing the following,
SELECT ?s ?attr ?data
value ?attr {:phone} .
?s rdf:type :member .
?s ?attr ?data .
to get all phone-numbers,
instance-member :phone "value-of-personal-phone"
instance-member :phone "value-of-office-phone-1"
instance-member :phone "value-of-office-phone-2"
how could I ONLY to get the two office-phone WITHOUT USE the specific attribute ":office-phone"?? Some owl: restriction or definition??
First, you have to use the property hierarchy in your data, otherwise, this can't work (it would be good if you provide proper sample data next time...):
#prefix : <> .
#prefix rdf: <> .
#prefix rdfs: <> .
:officePhone rdfs:subPropertyOf :phone .
:officePhone1 rdfs:subPropertyOf :officePhone .
:officePhone2 rdfs:subPropertyOf :officePhone .
:personalPhone rdfs:subPropertyOf :phone .
:instance-member rdf:type :member .
:instance-member :personalPhone "value-of-personal-phone" .
:instance-member :officePhone1 "value-of-office-phone-1" .
:instance-member :officePhone2 "value-of-office-phone-2" .
Regarding the querying, there are at least two options:
1) The triple store supports reasoning, RDFS would be enough in your example - then your query would be sufficient.
2) You rewrite your query such that the property hierarchy is taken into account using SPARQL 1.1 property paths:
prefix : <>
prefix rdf: <>
prefix rdfs: <>
SELECT ?s ?attr ?data
values ?p {:officePhone}
?s rdf:type :member .
?attr rdfs:subPropertyOf* ?p .
?s ?attr ?data .
| s | attr | data |
| :instance-member | :officePhone1 | "value-of-office-phone-1" |
| :instance-member | :officePhone2 | "value-of-office-phone-2" |
...I got it in a similar way, showing the superproperty, restrincting the domain and including a distinct...
SELECT distinct ?s ?attr_father ?data
values ?attr_father {:phone} .
?s rdf:type :member .
?attr rdfs:subPropertyOf* ?attr_father .
?attr rdfs:domain :member .
?s ?attr ?data .
In this way, we get,
instance-member :phone "value-of-office-phone-1" .
instance-member :phone "value-of-office-phone-2" .