How to place a component's logic outside the file .vue itself - vue.js

I'm building a webapp in Nuxt.js and it's growing quite a bit.
I have a page which does two things: one when i'm creating a task and one when managing that task.
This page has a lot of methods, divided for when i create the task and when i manage the task.
How can i split these modules in two files and then import then only when I need them?
These methods need also to access the component's state and other function Nuxt imports such as axios.
async create() {
if (this.isSondaggioReady()) {
try {
await this.getImagesPath()
const o = { ...this.sondaggio }
o.questions = => {
delete question.garbageCollector
if (question.type !== 'checkbox' && question.type !== 'radio') {
delete question.answers
delete question.hasAltro
} else {
question.answers = => {
delete answer._id
delete answer.file
delete answer.error
if (answer.type !== 'image') delete answer.caption
return answer
if (question.hasAltro) {
type: 'altro',
value: ''
return question
console.log('TO SEND', JSON.stringify(o, null, 2))
this.$store.commit('temp/showBottomLoader', {
show: true,
message: 'Crezione del sondaggio in corso'
const { data } = await this.$'/sondaggi/admin/create', o) = data
const s = {
_id: data,
author: this.$, -13),
title: this.sondaggio.title
this.$store.commit('temp/pushHome', { key: 'sondaggi', attr: 'data', data: [...this.$, s] })
this.$store.dispatch('temp/showToast', 'Sondaggio creato correttamente')
} catch (e) {
this.$store.dispatch('temp/showToast', this.$getErrorMessage(e))
} finally {
this.$store.commit('temp/showBottomLoader', {
show: false,
message: 'Crezione del sondaggio in corso'
Here there's an example of what a method does. It calls an async functions which relies on HTTP axios requests:
async getImagesPath() {
this.sondaggio.questions.forEach((question, i) => {
question.answers.forEach((answer, j) => {
if (answer.file instanceof File || answer.value.includes('data:image')) {
coords: [i, j],
percentage: 0,
file: answer.file || answer.value
const requests = []
this.uploadingImages.forEach((img) => {
const temp = new FormData()
temp.append('img', img.file)
const req = this.$'/sondaggi/admin/images/add/' + this.sondaggio.title.replace(/\s+/g, ''), temp, {
onUploadProgress: function (progressEvent) {
img.percentage = Math.round(((progressEvent.loaded * 100) / * 90 / 100)
onDownloadProgress: function (progressEvent) {
img.percentage = 90 + Math.round(((progressEvent.loaded * 100) / * 10 / 100)
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }
.catch((err) => {
img.percentage = 150
try {
const response = await Promise.all(requests)
response.forEach(({ data }, i) => {
this.sondaggio.questions[this.uploadingImages[i].coords[0]].answers[this.uploadingImages[i].coords[1]].value = data[0]
this.$set(this.sondaggio, 'hasImages', this.uploadingImages.length > 0)
this.uploadingImages = []
await Promise.resolve()
} catch (e) {
console.log('handling gloval err', e)
await Promise.reject(e)
As you can see axios requests modify the component's state


change toolkit redux state inside of fetch

I just want to update state outside of component after server give me failed response.
the project is react native .
After a lot of online search on website like this , I learn that i need to import my store and use dispatch method. but when i import storage and dispatch it, it give me this error: Property 'crypto' doesn't exist .
this is my feachService.js code:
import { URL } from 'react-native-url-polyfill';
import { store } from '../store/index'
import { errorSliceActions } from '../store/slices/global/errorSlice'
export default (url, isGet) => {
let headers = {
Referer: new URL(url).origin,
headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
return fetch(
method: (isGet ? 'GET' : 'POST'),
headers: headers
.then(function (res) {
return res.json();
.then(function (res)
if(res && res.isSuccess == false && res.message) {
return {json: function() { return res; }};
.catch(function (error) { console.log(error.message); })
this is my storage js file:
import { configureStore } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
import errorSliceReducer from './slices/global/errorSlice';
export const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
errorSlice: errorSliceReducer
this is my error slice.js file:
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit"
function uuidv4() {
return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c =>
(c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)
const errorSlice = createSlice({
name: "errorSlice",
initialState: {
errors: [
add: (state, action) => {
const newItem = {
id: uuidv4(),
message: action.payload
return [...state, newItem];
remove: (state, action) => {
return { errors: state.errors.filter(function(item) { return != action.payload; }) }
export const errorSliceActions = errorSlice.actions;
export default errorSlice.reducer
and this is my code for executing fetch request
async function loadInfo (inputSearch, inputPage) {
if(config.dataurl) {
const hasQuestionMark = config.dataurl.indexOf('?') > 0;
let targetUrl = '/test/test' + config.dataurl + (!hasQuestionMark ? '?' : '&');
targetUrl += 'page=' + inputPage;
targetUrl += '&search=' + inputSearch;
const response = await feachService(appJSon.baseUrl + targetUrl , true);
const responseData = await response.json();
useEffect(() => {
loadInfo('', 1).catch(function (error) { console.log(error.message); });
}, [])
what am i doing wrong ?

vue unit test get data of component

I am testing if a function works,
The function doesn't return anything but infact changes the data in the component
This is the test I am trying to write
describe('ModalAddCollectionCSV', () => {
it('Test load csv function', () => {
const localVue = createLocalVue()
const wrapper = shallowMount(AddCSV, {
propsData: {
visible: true,
var fileDict = [{ file: new Blob([wrongDateFormat]) }]
I am expecting some changes to the data of the component
data() {
return {
collections: [],
inlineVisibility: false,
inlineTitle: '',
inlineSubtitle: '',
inlineKind: 'info',
loading: false,
This is the function I am testing in unit test, as you see it doesn't return anything just changes the data at the end of it
async loadcsv(element) {
const reader = new FileReader()
const file = element[0].file
reader.onload = async (e) => {
try {
//Normalising headers
const results =
let resultSplit = results.split('\n')
const header = resultSplit[0]
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z,]/g, '')
resultSplit[0] = header
let table = resultSplit.join('\n')
const rows = await d3.csvParse(table)
await Promise.all( (row) => {
if (!(this.getSerial(row).length == 9)) {
if (!this.getName(row)) {
throw `Please enter Person of interest`
if (! {
throw `Country for ${this.getName(
)} is empty`
this.inlineVisibility = false
this.$emit('rowEmit', {
collections: this.row,
this.collections = []
} catch (err) {
this.collections = []
this.inlineNotification('error', 'Unable to process CSV', `${err}.`)
Is there a way to check emit action or error action?
I tried wrapper.text()
but no difference

Why updating object in array is not working in VUE?

I'm trying to make an update and I managed to do it in the firebase, but in the store is not updating. Here is my code
editCar() {
let result = this.balmUI.validate(this.formData);
let { valid, message } = result;
this.message = message;
console.log(`Vrei sa editezi masina: ${this.formData.vehicle}`);
if (valid) {
let data = {
vehicle: this.formData.vehicle,
color: this.formData.color,
fuel: this.formData.fuel,
status: this.formData.status,
price: this.formData.price,
let requestParameters = { ...utils.globalRequestParameters };
let token = window.localStorage.getItem("token");
requestParameters.headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + token;
requestParameters.method = "PUT";
requestParameters.body = JSON.stringify(data);
fetch(utils.url + "cars/" +, requestParameters)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((res) => {
if (
res.message === "Decoding error!" ||
res.message === "Your token expired!"
) {
console.log("nu ai voie!");
} else { =;
this.$store.dispatch("editCar", data);
This is the index from store, which contais my mutation and action. Anything else is working properly
import { createStore } from 'vuex'
export default createStore({
state: {
cars: [],
isAuthentif: false
getters: {
cars: state => {
mutations: {
SET_AUTH: (state, status) => {
state.isAuthentif = status
SET_CARS: (state, cars) => { = cars
ADD_CAR: (state, car) => {
DELETE_CAR: (state, id) => {
var index = => == id), 1);
EDIT_CAR: (state, car) => { => {
if( === {
c = car;
actions: {
login: ({ commit }, payload) => {
commit('SET_AUTH', payload)
fetchCars: ({ commit }, payload) => {
commit('SET_CARS', payload)
addCar: ({ commit }, payload) => {
commit('ADD_CAR', payload)
deleteCar: ({ commit }, payload) => {
commit('DELETE_CAR', payload)
editCar: ({ commit }, payload) => {
commit('EDIT_CAR', payload)
modules: {
EDIT_CAR is the problem, I think.
What is wrong? Why it is not updating on the screen.
I've also tried to use this
like this c = {...c, car} but is not working
Your problem is not in the mutation. The problem is in your editCar() in here this.$store.dispatch("editCar", data);
You put data, and with vehicle, color, fuel, status and price and then in your mutation you verify ID. You didn't pass any id. You cand make a new object if you don't want you id, like this:
editCar() {
let result = this.balmUI.validate(this.formData);
let { valid, message } = result;
this.message = message;
console.log(`Vrei sa editezi masina: ${this.formData.vehicle}`);
if (valid) {
let data = {
vehicle: this.formData.vehicle,
color: this.formData.color,
fuel: this.formData.fuel,
status: this.formData.status,
price: this.formData.price,
let requestParameters = { ...utils.globalRequestParameters };
let token = window.localStorage.getItem("token");
requestParameters.headers.Authorization = "Bearer " + token;
requestParameters.method = "PUT";
requestParameters.body = JSON.stringify(data);
fetch(utils.url + "cars/" +, requestParameters)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((res) => {
if (
res.message === "Decoding error!" ||
res.message === "Your token expired!"
) {
console.log("nu ai voie!");
} else {
let newData = {
vehicle: data.vehicle,
color: data.color,
fuel: data.fuel,
status: data.status,
price: data.price,
this.$store.dispatch("editCar", newData);
Also in your mutation cand make something like this:
EDIT_CAR: (state, car) => {
Object.assign([ => ===], car);
Can you try to change your EDIT_CAR mutation to:
const index = => ===, 1, car)
If you haven't done already, place a console.log(car) at the beginning of the mutation so you make sure it gets called and the car payload is what you expect.

Request body is empty when submitting data using "form data"

When I update using raw JSON, it's working but when I use the form data it is not updating. the request body when using form data is an empty object. Why is this happening?
Here's my update code:
exports.updateProgram = catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => {
console.log('req ko body',req.body)
let doc = await Program.findByIdAndUpdate(, req.body, { runValidators: true, new: true })
if (!doc) {
return next(new AppError('No document found with that ID', 404))
status: 'success!',
data: { doc }
In Postman:
I am using multer, I actually pass the photo in req.body. Here's the code:
let multerStorage = multer.memoryStorage()
let multerFilter = (req, file, cb) => {
if (file.mimetype.split('/')[0] == 'image') {
cb(null, true)
} else {
cb(new AppError('Not an image!', 400), false)
let upload = multer({
storage: multerStorage,
fileFilter: multerFilter
exports.uploadPhotos = upload.fields([
{ name: 'abcd', maxCount: 10 },
{ name: 'photos', maxCount: 10 },
{name: 'photos3', maxCount: 10}
exports.resizePhotos = catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => {
// if (! || !req.files.abcd) return next()
if(req.files.abcd) {
req.body.abcd = []
await Promise.all( (file, i) => {
let filename = `tour-${}-${i + 1}.jpeg`
await sharp(file.buffer)
.jpeg({ quality: 90 })
)} else if(req.files.photos3) {
req.body.photos3 = []
await Promise.all( (file, i) => {
let filename = `tour-${}-${i + 1}.jpeg`
await sharp(file.buffer)
.jpeg({ quality: 90 })
else if( {
// console.log('codee here')
// } else if( { = []
console.log('req.files>>>', req.files)
await Promise.all( (file, i) => {
let filename = `tour-${}-${i + 1}.jpeg`
await sharp(file.buffer)
.jpeg({ quality: 90 })
return next()
I'm importing in the routes file
Express (bodyParser) can't handle multipart form-data and that's why your code isn't working.
Take a look at multer, an express package. It is a middleware which provides the functionality you're looking for.
var cpUpload = upload.fields([{ name: 'avatar', maxCount: 1 }, { name: 'gallery', maxCount: 8 }]);'/cool-profile', cpUpload, function (req, res, next) {
// req.files is an object (String -> Array) where fieldname is the key, and the value is array of files
// e.g.
// req.files['avatar'][0] -> File
// req.files['gallery'] -> Array
// req.body will contain the text fields, if there were any
This might be help you. Quoted from

In a Redux's Action, Calling a Function with Callbacks (Using async/await with React-Native-Contacts)

I am developing a mobile app, which uses React-Native, Redux and React-Native-Contacts.
In an action creator, I am trying to call a function (from React-Native-Contacts), which has callbacks (rather than promises). Following is my code.
I want the action "acContactImport" to wait for the helper function "fContactImport" to finish before proceeding to the "dispatch" statement. It does not wait for it. How can I make it wait for it?
// Action Creator:
import Contacts from 'react-native-contacts';
import { PermissionsAndroid } from 'react-native';
export const acContactImport = (userID) => {
return async (dispatch) => {
let contactList = [];
try {
// The following statement should be executed asynchronously.
// However, it is not. How can I make it asynchronous?
contactList = await fContactImport();
payload: { contactList: contactList },
catch (err) {
console.log("acContactImport - catch: ", err);
// Helper Function 1
export const fContactImport = async () => {
let contactList = [];
if (Platform.OS === "android") {
PermissionsAndroid.request(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_CONTACTS, {
title: "Contacts",
message: "This app would like to view your contacts."
.then(() => {
contactList = _loadContacts();
} else {
contactList = _loadContacts();
// Helper Function 2
export const _loadContacts = () => {
Contacts.getAll((err, data2) => {
if (err) {
return [];
else {
let candidates = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data2.length; i++) {
let candidateObject = { name: candidateRecord.givenName + " " + candidateRecord.middleName + " " + candidateRecord.familyName };
return contactList;
Apparently, the problem is NOT in the action creator, but in the helper functions, which do not support the new style of promises (async/wait). So, here is the solution...
// Action Creator:
// No changes are required. Original code is good.
// Helper Function 1
export const fContactImport = async () => {
let contactList = [];
if (Platform.OS === "android") {
try {
const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request(
title: "Contacts",
message: "This app would like to view your contacts."
if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) {
contactList = await _loadContacts();
} else {
console.log('Contacts access denied');
} catch (err) {
} else {
contactList = await _loadContacts();
return contactList;
// Helper Function 2
export const _loadContacts = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Contacts.getAll((err, data2) => {
if (err) {
else {
let candidates = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data2.length; i++) {
let candidateObject = { name: candidateRecord.givenName + " " + candidateRecord.middleName + " " + candidateRecord.familyName };