Blazor Server Reverse Proxy with Authentication -

I have a blazor server-side application (netcore 3) which uses authentication through OpenID / Okta.
I started testing it through IIS, and running it as a regular website worked just fine.
But, I need to run it through a reverse proxy due to the rest of our setup, and after I set that up the blazor site no longer functions.
Our reverse proxy is simple, just takes a url (https: //, and routes it internally (http: //localhost:8093). There are other sites connected here, this was just an example.
I managed to get all the resources (css, js, images) working correctly by adding the "app.UseForwardedHeaders", but I am still having an issue with Authentication.
For Authentication, it's setup with services.AddAuthentcation, and AddOpenIdConnect, which is triggered by an MVC call to Account/Login, that issues the HttpContext.ChallengeAsync.
Running the application standalone, or in it's website, the Login works, and redirects to Okta (https: //
Through the reverse proxy, this url becomes relative to the Proxy address (https: // which is incorrect.
I've double checked the forward headers, and OpenId / Okta settings. I'm looking for anyone who has had this issue before and could point me in the right direction on how to get the absolute urls working from blazor through the reverse proxy.

I was able to solve this with one little checkbox is ARR:
In IIS Manager, Select the current server (not the website), open Application Request Routing, and on the right hand column there will be an option Server Proxy Settings. There you will see "Reverse rewrite host in response headers" option. If that is checked - uncheck it and your problem should be solved.


Conditional Https Redirection with .Net Core based on the Url

I have a Website that runs on a web farm (4 servers) behind a load balancer. The load balancer is the one that has the ssl certificate for https and decides to what server the requests go to.
In the code for the website, using .net Core I have in the startup.cs file logic in the Configure method to force the https redirection with app.UseHttpsRedirection(); So when we access the site without https the .net core permanent redirect the user to the https version (this is importand bc the web app is a PWA, so we need it for use service worker)
Imagine the url to access the website is, again if the user try to go to, it will redirects to https version. But you can also access each server in the web farm directly using these subdomains,,, (we have this set bc we want to test individual servers in case a deployment error happens on a specific server).
The problem is, bc the ssl certificate is in the load balancer ( domain), when you try to go directly to a individual server (prod1, prod2, prod3 or prod4) the .net core will redirect it to the https version and that server doesnt have a ssl certificate and the user will see an error on the browser, so we need a way to control that with a condition. So what the problem is? that at the startup.cs code we dont have access to the site url bc we dont have a request yet, I have research a lot and some workarounds that use to work in the past now with .net core 3.1 dont.
So how I can make that the code in the configure method doesnt force a https redirect if the users is accessing the individual servers and not the main domain for the web site?

Configure proxy in Apache to remove authentication

In the interest of avoiding yak-shaving, I'll try to provide as much context as possible.
We have an internal application that's also available on the public internet. This application runs on several instances of Apache on the IBM i - most of these instances require http basic authentication, except for one instance that acts as the 'welcome page' so to speak. This 'welcome page' has no authentication, but acts as a navigation hub with links for the user to go to other parts of the app (which DO have authentication and run on different instances of Apache).
We also have some documentation stored in Confluence (a wiki application) that runs on a separate server. This wiki application can display the documentation without requiring authentication, but if you authenticate, you then have the option to edit the documentation (assuming you're authorized to do so, of course). But the key is that the documentation is visible without requiring authentication.
My problem is: we want the documentation in Confluence to be accessible from within the main application (both when being accessed internally and over the internet) but, because the documentation is somewhat sensitive, we don't want it accessible to the internet at large.
The solution we came up with was to use a reverse proxy - we configure the Apache instances on the main application such that requests to /help/ on the main application are proxied to the confluence application. Thus, the Confluence application is not directly exposed to the Internet.
But this is where the problem starts.
If we just proxy /help/ through the main application Apache instance that doesn't require authentication, then the documentation is available from the main application without a problem - but since you don't require authentication, it's available to everyone on the Internet as well - so that's a no-go.
if we instead proxy '/help/' through the main application Apache instances that DO require authentication, it seems as though the basic authentication information is passed from the main application servers onto the Confluence server, and then we get an authentication failure, because not everyone who uses the main application has an account on the Confluence server. (For those that do, it works fine - but the majority of users won't have a Confluence account).
(Possible yak shaving alert from this point forward)
So, it seems as though when dealing with HTTP Basic authentication, if you set up proxy configuration from server A to server B, and set up the proxy on server A to require http basic authentication, then that authentication information is passed straight through to the server B, and in this scenario, server B complains since it doesn't expect authentication information.
My solution to that problem was to set up 2 levels of proxying - use the Apache instances requiring authentication to also require authentication for the proxy to /help/, but have /help/ proxy to a different server (Server C). This Server C doesn't require authentication but is not exposed to the internet. And Server C is configured to proxy /help/ to the actual Confluence server.
I did this on the basis of proxy-chain-auth - an environment variable which seems to indicate that by default, if you have a proxy chain, the authentication information is NOT automatically sent along the chain.
Alas, this did not work - i got an authentication error that seems to indicate that Server C did in fact proxy the authentication info onwards, even though i did not set proxy-chain-auth.
So, that's my yak-shaving journey.
I simply want to set up a configuration such that our documentation stored on Confluence requires some sort of authentication, but that authentication comes from the main application, not from Confluence.
(Without the requirement of having it accessible over the internet, none of this would've been an issue since the Confluence server can be viewed by anyone on its network without a problem).
I hope my question is clear enough - I honestly don't mind being pointed in a different direction to achieve the main goal, with the caveat that I can't change the main application (or Confluence for that matter) from using HTTP Basic Authentication.
Ideas, anyone?
PS. To retrieve the documentation from the Confluence server, I'm actually using their REST API to retrieve the page content - i don't know if that has any relevance, but I just wanted that made clear in case it does.
It turns out that the solution to the issue was pretty straightforward.
For my second proxy that does not require authentication, I had to change the Apache configuration to remove any authorization headers.
RequestHeader unset Authorization
This stops the authentication information from being passed from the second proxy onto Confluence.

Reverse proxy and ws-federation adfs 401 issue

We have a couple of back-end web applications to which we want to provide access via the public internet. To that end, we are setting up a reverse proxy (IIS 7.5) from our DMZ. At the same time, we want these web applications to be claims-enabled through ADFS 2.0.
WEB1.MYCORP.COM/WFE1 is the other back-end web application, on our internal network
WEB1.MYCORP.COM/WFE2 is the other back-end web application, on our internal network
ADFS.MYCORP.COM is the ADFS 2.0 server, on our internal network
FSPROXY.MYCORP.COM is the ADFS 2.0 proxy server, on our DMZ
RPROXY1.MYCORP.COM is the reverse proxy for WFE1, on our DMZ
RPROXY2.MYCORP.COM is the reverse proxy for WFE2, on our DMZ
In keeping with the proper configuration of ADFS, our internal DNS resolves ADFS.MYCORP.COM to the actual internal server, while external DNS points ADFS.MYCORP.COM to the ADFS proxy (FSPROXY).
So, here's the scenario:
End user browses to RPROXY.MYCORP.COM
Reverse proxy forwards request to WEB1.MYCORP.COM/WFE1
WFE1 redirects browser to ADFS.MYCORP.COM (actually FSPROXY)
ADFS Proxy prompts for credentials and authenticates against ADFS server
Upon successful authentication, browser redirected back to web app
I have a couple of questions. Do I need to configure something in the rp or the application to allow this. Also the adfs endpoint is the rp url is that an issue?
Do I need to set up something for the reverse proxy as well? (Should I/can I) set up a claims-enabled reverse proxy in IIS? How do I set up the reverse proxy rules to pass back the ADFS request unaltered? Currently, when I try to access the back-end application, it fails with a 401 authentication error. If I remove the proxy and just hit the app server it works fine.
This fails:
The path is client --> rp -->app -->adfs --> rp -->app --> rp -->client machine
this works:
The path is client -->rp -->app -->adfs -->app -->rp -->client machine
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Not familiar with how you enabled reverse proxy in IIS (ARR?). Something like this
One choice for you is to use ADFS 2012R2 (if possible) because the proxy in that, the Web Application Proxy, handles both ADFS authentication and can handle app publishing for your claims enabled application. There are 2 ways you can publish your app to the internet. Once is pass-through which is kinda what you are trying to do. But it also allows pre-authentication support for a claims aware app. This way, you can have a different policy that decides whether the application can get pass your EDGE network before a packet goes to your internal application.
After doing lots of digging and fiddler traces I found the issue. In testing idp setup the token was different then stage env. The fiddler traces showed that the token was making it back to the app server. The issue was it also looked like the cookie dropped off for no reason. The issue was because the old dev ipd value disagreed with the stage value...naturally. Once I cleared the old token from the database everything worked.

Building an intranet like page with Play framework

Let's say I'm running a dedicated server with owncloud and roundcube on it. First idea was to protect those URLs with some kind of reverse proxy. However I would like to make it more secured and implement a two factor authentication.
The idea is to redirect clients to a login page (implemented with Play Framework), once user is authenticated, he is free to use owncloud or roundcube.
I have been thinking about this problem for a while now, here are my thoughts:
Use play router to filter protected pages
redirect to login page built with play
[possible solution : once authenticated, redirect requests to internal web server running on a different port that can not be accessed from outside]
The main challenge is that owncloud is a PHP app running on apache, I need some magic to talk with the apache server (running play with apache as front-end is not excluded). This solution needs to be somewhat generic so that it can be used for other apps in the future.
I hope my idea is all clear, we can see this configuration as a private backend (with applications running in different environments) for a blog.
Question is, do you think this is the best way to go considering how play works and the configuration I want to implement ?
Thanks !

Using https only when user is logged in not otherwise in web app

I have a web application with servlets and jsps running on tomcat. I have enabled the tomcat to use https for all the users/visitors. I want to know if there is a way I can disable the https for users who are not logged in and are just browsing through the application.
Thank you
If you are searching by a Tomcat setting to do that, the answer is no. If you open a port https/ssl security, you opened it for everyone (the only exception is if you intent to use client authentication using ssl client certificates, that a guess is not the case here).
However, you can check if the user is accessing using https (using HttpSerlvetRequest.isSecure()) and send him back to http with a redirect, or change all page links to starts with 'http', if he is not logged in. That will make sure that any link the user clicks will send him back to http.