Understanding Validated.applicative in kotlin arrow library - kotlin

I come across below generic function which takes two Either type and a function as an argument. If both arguments are Either.Right then apply the function over it and returns the result, if any of the argument is Either.Left it returns NonEmptyList(Either.Left). Basically it performs the independent operation and accumulates the errors.
fun <T, E, A, B> constructFromParts(a: Either<E, A>, b: Either<E, B>, fn: (Tuple2<A, B>) -> T): Either<Nel<E>, T> {
val va = Validated.fromEither(a).toValidatedNel()
val vb = Validated.fromEither(b).toValidatedNel()
return Validated.applicative<Nel<E>>(NonEmptyList.semigroup()).map(va, vb, fn).fix().toEither()
val error1:Either<String, Int> = "error 1".left()
val error2:Either<String, Int> = "error 2".left()
val valid:Either<Nel<String>, Int> = constructFromParts(
){(a, b) -> a+b}
fun main() {
is Either.Right -> println(valid.b)
is Either.Left -> println(valid.a.all)
Above code prints
[error 1, error 2]
Inside the function, it converts Either to ValidatedNel type and accumulates both errors
( Invalid(e=NonEmptyList(all=[error 1])) Invalid(e=NonEmptyList(all=[error 2])) )
My question is how it performs this operation or could anyone explain the below line from the code.
return Validated.applicative<Nel<E>>(NonEmptyList.semigroup()).map(va, vb, fn).fix().toEither()

Let's say I have a similar data type to Validated called ValRes
sealed class ValRes<out E, out A> {
data class Valid<A>(val a: A) : ValRes<Nothing, A>()
data class Invalid<E>(val e: E) : ValRes<E, Nothing>()
If I have two values of type ValRes and I want to combine them accumulating the errors I could write a function like this:
fun <E, A, B> tupled(
a: ValRes<E, A>,
b: ValRes<E, B>,
combine: (E, E) -> E
): ValRes<E, Pair<A, B>> =
if (a is Valid && b is Valid) valid(Pair(a.a, b.a))
else if (a is Invalid && b is Invalid) invalid(combine(a.e, b.e))
else if (a is Invalid) invalid(a.e)
else if (b is Invalid) invalid(b.e)
else throw IllegalStateException("This is impossible")
if both values are Valid I build a pair of the two values
if one of them is invalid, I get a new Invalid instance with the single value
if both are invalid, I use the combine function to build Invalid instance containing both values.
validateEmail("stojan"), //invalid
validateName(null) //invalid
) { e1, e2 -> "$e1, $e2" }
This works in a generic way, independent of the types E, A and B. But it only works for two values. We could build such a function for N values of type ValRes.
Now back to arrow:
Validated.applicative<Nel<E>>(NonEmptyList.semigroup()).map(va, vb, fn).fix().toEither()
tupled is similar to map (with hardcoded success function). va and vb here are similar to a and b in my example. Instead of returning a pair of values, here we have a custom function (fn) that combines the two values in case of success.
Combining the errors:
interface Semigroup<A> {
* Combine two [A] values.
fun A.combine(b: A): A
Semigroup in arrow is a way for combining two values from the same type in a single value of that same type. Similar to my combine function. NonEmptyList.semigroup() is the implementation of Semigroup for NonEmptyList that given two lists adds the elements together into a single NonEmptyList.
To sum up:
If both values are Valid -> it will combine them using the supplied function
If one value is Valid and one Invalid -> gives back the error
If both values are Invalid -> Uses the Semigroup instance for Nel to combine the errors
Under the hood this scales for 2 up to X values (22 I believe).


How to use `when` with 2 sealed classes and getting the inner value?

Consider this extreme simplified code (available on https://pl.kotl.in/bb2Irv8dD):
sealed class Person {
data class A(val i: Int) :
fun main() {
val a = Person.A(i = 0)
val b = Person.A(i = 1)
// Compiles
when (a) {
is Person.A -> print("I have access to {$a.i}")
// Does not compile :(
when (a to b) {
is Person.A to is Person.A -> print("I have access to {$a.i} and b {$b.i}")
Why does the (a to b) code not work? It works for 1 variable, I was hoping I can match on both classes and get both inner values.
The error is:
Incompatible types: Person.A and Pair<Person.A, Person.A> Expecting
'->' Expecting an element Incompatible types: Person.A and
Pair<Person.A, Person.A>
Aside from that syntax not being supported (you can only use is on one thing in a when branch), by using to you're literally creating an instance of the Pair class.
Pair uses generics for the types of its two variables, so this type information is lost at runtime due to type erasure.
So although, you can do this:
when (a to b) {
is Pair<Person.A, Person.A> -> print("I have access to {$a.i} and b {$b.i}")
it is only allowed when both a and b are local variables whose types are declared locally, so that the generic types of the Pair are known at compile time. But this makes it mostly useless, because if a and b are local variables with known type at compile time, then you could just replace the above with true or false.
To be able to do something like this in a general way, you must either create local variables to use:
val aIsTypeA = a is Person.A
val bIsTypeA = b is Person.A
when (aIsTypeA to bIsTypeA) {
true to true -> //...
or use when without a subject and put the full condition on each branch:
when {
a is Person.A && b is Person.A -> //...
The (a to b) returns a Pair<Person.A,Person.A> but what you are checking is Type Person.A to Type Person.A instead of the Type Pair<Person.A,Person.A>.
What you can do instead is:
when (a to b) {
is Pair<Person.A,Person.A> -> print("I have access to {$a.i} and b {$b.i}")

Why doesn't Kotlin treat numbers as "Int" by default inside sumOf function lambda?

In the below code:
val sum = listOf(1, 2, 3).sumOf { if (it % 2 == 0) 1 else 0 }
Kotlin gives the following error:
Kotlin: Overload resolution ambiguity:
public inline fun <T> Iterable<TypeVariable(T)>.sumOf(selector: (TypeVariable(T)) -> Int): Int defined in kotlin.collections
public inline fun <T> Iterable<TypeVariable(T)>.sumOf(selector: (TypeVariable(T)) -> Long): Long defined in kotlin.collections
If I explicitly use toInt(), the error is gone but I get a warning of redundant call
val sum = listOf(1, 2, 3).sumOf { if (it % 2 == 0) 1.toInt() else 0 }
Why doesn't Kotlin automatically use Int here?
The spec says the following about the types of integer literals:
A literal without the mark has a special integer literal type
dependent on the value of the literal:
If the value is greater than maximum kotlin.Long value, it is an illegal integer literal and should be a compile-time error;
Otherwise, if the value is greater than maximum kotlin.Int value, it has type kotlin.Long;
Otherwise, it has an integer literal type containing all the built-in integer types guaranteed to be able to represent this value.
So integer literals like "1" doesn't have a simple type like kotlin.Int or kotlin.Long. It has an "integer literal type".
Example: integer literal 0x01 has value 1 and therefore has type ILT(kotlin.Byte,kotlin.Short,kotlin.Int,kotlin.Long). Integer literal 70000 has value 70000, which is not representable using types kotlin.Byte and kotlin.Short and therefore has type ILT(kotlin.Int,kotlin.Long).
Here are the subtyping rules of these ILTs. Importantly for your question:
This rule basically says that ILTs work like an intersection type. For example, ILT(kotlin.Int,kotlin.Long) is a subtype of kotlin.Int and also a subtype of kotlin.Long.
Now let's look at your lambda { if (it % 2 == 0) 1 else 0 }. It returns either the literal 0 or the literal 1. These both have the type:
which is a subtype of kotlin.Long and kotlin.Int. Therefore, your lambda can be converted to both a (T) -> Long and a (T) -> Int, in the same way that a (T) -> Dog can be converted to a (T) -> Animal.
When you use toInt(), then only the (T) -> Int overload matches the return type, since Int is not convertible to Long implicitly.
Apparently, if you do toInt() on the whole expression, there is no redundant toInt warning:
fun main() {
val sum = listOf(1, 2, 3).sumOf { (if (it % 2 == 0) 1 else 0).toInt() }
Also note that the compiler looks at the lambda return type only because sumOf is annotated with OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType. If not for this, you would still get an ambiguity error even if you use toInt(). See Using lambda return type to refine function applicability for more info.
The reason why it is able to choose the Int overload in simple cases like:
fun foo(x: Int) {}
fun foo(x: Long) {}
fun main() { foo(43) }
is because of the "Choosing the most specific candidate" step in overload resolution. In this step, it handles built in numeric types differently, and considers Int the "most specific". However, this step happens just before "Using lambda return type to refine function applicability", and thinks that (T) -> Int and (T) -> Long are equally specific.

Error when trying to convert a list of objects in a string using reduce function

I am playing with kotlin language and I tried the following code:
data class D( val n: Int, val s: String )
val lst = listOf( D(1,"one"), D(2, "two" ) )
val res = lst.reduce { acc:String, d:D -> acc + ", " + d.toString() }
The last statement causes the following errors:
Expected parameter of type String
Expected parameter of type String
Type mismatch: inferred type is D but String was expected
while this version of the last statement works:
val res = lst.map { e -> e.toString() }.reduce { acc, el -> acc + ", " + el }
I do not understand why the first version does not work. The formal definition of the reduce function, found here, is the following:
inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.reduce(
operation: (acc: S, T) -> S
): S
But this seems in contrast with the following sentence, on the same page:
Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying
operation from left to right to current accumulator value and each
That is, as explained here:
The difference between the two functions is that fold() takes an
initial value and uses it as the accumulated value on the first step,
whereas the first step of reduce() uses the first and the second
elements as operation arguments on the first step.
But, to be able to apply the operation on first and second element, and so on, it seems to me tha the operation shall have both arguments of the base type of the Iterable.
So, what am I missing ?
Reduce is not the right tool here. The best function in this case is joinToString:
listOf(D(1, "one"), D(2, "two"))
.joinToString(", ")
.let { println(it) }
This prints:
D(n=1, s=one), D(n=2, s=two)
reduce is not designed for converting types, it's designed for reducing a collection of elements to a single element of the same type. You don't want to reduce to a single D, you want a string. You could try implementing it with fold, which is like reduce but takes an initial element you want to fold into:
listOf(D(1, "one"), D(2, "two"))
.fold("") { acc, d -> "$acc, $d" }
.let { println(it) }
However, this will add an extra comma:
, D(n=1, s=one), D(n=2, s=two)
Which is exactly why joinToString exists.
You can see the definition to understand why its not working
To make it work, you can simply create an extension function:
fun List<D>.reduce(operation: (acc: String, D) -> String): String {
if (isEmpty())
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Empty list can't be reduced.")
var accumulator = this[0].toString()
for (index in 1..lastIndex) {
accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])
return accumulator
you can use it as:
val res = lst.reduce { acc:String, d:D -> acc + ", " + d.toString() }
or simply:
val res = lst.reduce { acc, d -> "$acc, $d" }
You can modify the function to be more generic if you want to.
Your code acc:String is already a false statement inside this line:
val res = lst.reduce { acc:String, d:D -> acc + ", " + d.toString() }
Because acc can only be D, never a String! Reduce returns the same type as the Iterable it is performed on and lst is Iterable<D>.
You already looked up the definition of reduce
inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.reduce(
operation: (acc: S, T) -> S
): S
so lets try to put your code inside:
lst is of type List<D>
since List extends Iterable, we can write lst : Iterable<D>
reduce will look like this now:
inline fun <D, T : D> Iterable<T>.reduce(
operation: (acc: D, T) -> D //String is literally impossible here, because D is not a String
): S
and written out:
lst<D>.reduce { acc:D, d:D -> }

How can I construct a generic object with a reified type parameter in Kotlin?

I have a class called Column<E> that delegates to a MutableList<E>.
To sort the Comparable elements ("e") of columns without providing a comparator, I pass a reified type argument ("type") to determine whether e implements comparable using reflection and then use e's compareTo method to construct a comparator. This all works fine.
I also have a function object called AggregateFunction that is used in reduce operations. AggregateFunction holds an actual function (to do the reduction operation), and a name (for programmatically creating a name for the result). There are several subtypes of AggregateFunction. NumericAggregateFunction, for example, takes an input column of type Column and always returns a Double.
The typical use case is to partition the input data into subgroups and return a Column containing the computed values for each subgroup. The catch is that I want to programmatically construct a column to hold the results. In the case of NumericAggregateFunction, I want to create a Column<Double>. For BooleanAggregateFunction, a Column<Boolean>, etc.
If I want Aggregate function to return a MutableList<Double> I can create it without a problem using:
fun resultList() : MutableList<OUT> {
return ArrayList<OUT>()
However, the same approach fails to compile for Column, apparently because of the reified type. If I attempt to use the inline function, e.g.
fun resultColumnA() : Column<OUT> {
return Column<OUT>("column name")
I get:
Cannot use 'OUT' as reified type parameter. Use a class instead.
I also attempted to call the primary constructor directly, passing in the type parameter as shown below, it also fails to compile:
fun resultColumn() : Column<OUT> {
return Column<OUT>(
"column name")
I now get the error:
Type mismatch. Required: OUT Found: Any!
Finally, I tried reifying the type parameter in the context of the Aggregate function, adding these two methods:
inline fun <reified OUT> col(nm:String) =
fun resultColumnB() : Column<OUT> {
return this.col("name")
But the line return this.col("name") results in a compile time error:
Cannot use 'OUT' as reified type parameter. Use a class instead.
Is there a way to create a Column similar to how the MutableList was created?
If not, is there a way to determine whether the elements of a MutableList are comparable without using a reified type? If I didn't have to do that I could get rid of the type entirely.
Partial Implementation of class Column is included below
package com.fathom.core.tables
inline fun <reified E> Column(nm:String) =
open class Column<E>(val type: Class<E>, var name: String, val comparator : Comparator<E>? = null, val elements: MutableList<E?> = ArrayList()) : MutableList<E?> by elements{
var formatter: (E?) -> String = { e ->
if (e == null) "" else e.toString()
// when present, allows sorting on this vector without providing a comparator to the sort method
var defaultComparator: Comparator<E>? = null
* Returns true if elements contained in this column implement comparable.
* That makes the column sortable
fun isComparable(): Boolean {
return type.interfaces.contains(Comparable::class.java)
* Returns an int comparator where the ints are the indexes of the elements of the column rather than the elements.
* It uses the indexes to get the values, which are then compared using
* (a) a Comparator<E> column property named 'comparator', or
* (b) the natural comparator for any column that implements Comparable
* #throws UnsupportedOperationException if the column has no comparator and doesn't implement Comparable
fun rowComparator() : Comparator<Int> {
if (comparator != null) {
return Comparator { r1, r2 ->
val v : E = get(r1) as E
val f1 : E = this[r1] as E
val f2 : E = this[r2] as E
comparator.compare(f1, f2)
if (!isComparable()) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException(
"Columns that are used in table sorts must either " +
"provide a comparator or contain elements that " +
"implement comparable"
return Comparator { r1, r2 ->
val v : E = get(r1) as E
val f1 : Comparable<E> = this[r1] as Comparable<E>
val f2 : E = get(r2) as E

Smart cast of map access proven with `when in`

I’m trying to use Kotlin’s when block to look up an element in different maps. After confirming the element exists, the code subsequently does not smart-cast the resulting lookup in the map to not null.
Below is a minimum working example: is it possible to rework it such that !! is not needed?
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val string = "abc"
val map1 = mapOf('a' to 5)
val map2 = mapOf('b' to 4)
when (val char = string.firstOrNull()) {
null -> println("Nothing to find")
in map1 -> println("Found in map1: ${map1[char]!!+1}")
in map2 -> println("Found in map2: ${map2[char]!!-1}")
else -> println("Unrecognised character $char")
Unfortunately, in Kotlin, functions can't have contracts of the form "if f returns true, then g doesn't return null." Hence, the compiler doesn't use information about definitely successful contains calls.
The workaround with !! is OK in this case because you can be sure that get returns not null. Implementation of complex patterns in when (KT-186) would cover this use case by allowing declaring a variable inside when clauses and providing static guarantees that it's not null.