Want to update my input value with v-model - vue.js

I am trying to change the value of an hidden input with vue js. I added a v-model to the input and I am trying to update it in a method.
My input looks like this:
<input type="hidden" name="payment_method" v-model="payment_method">
My vue js:
data: function() {
return {
name: '',
payment_method: '',
methods: {
this.clientSecret, card, {
payment_method_data: {
//billing_details: { name: cardHolderName.value }
).then(function(result) {
if(result.error) {
var errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors');
errorElement.textContent = result.error.message;
} else {
// has no effect on my input
this.payment_method = result.setupIntent.payment_method;
Maybe someone has an idea how to do this. Would appreciate that!

You are getting a different this in the promise callback than the one you're expecting.
Use fat arrow to solve this.
.then(result => {
if(result.error) {
var errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors');
errorElement.textContent = result.error.message;
} else {
// has no effect on my input
this.payment_method = result.setupIntent.payment_method;

I needed to add nextick() to wait for the DOM to be updated.


How to pass an array values from one function to another function in vuejs?

I am trying to get the array values from
"validateBeforeSubmit" function to "saveForm" function. But I am
getting values of "undefined" in "arrlength". Please help me to solve.
This my code in vue.js
export default {
name: '',
data() {
return {}
ready: function() {
methods: {
validateBeforeSubmit() {
var fieldsVal = new Array();
var firstName = document.getElementById('firstName').value
var lastName = document.getElementById('lastName').value
var designation = document.getElementById('designation').value
if (firstName != "" && lastName != "" && designation != "") {
return fieldsVal;
} else {
fieldsVal.length = 0;
return fieldsVal;
return fieldsVal;
saveForm() {
var fieldsValArray = this.validateBeforeSubmit();
var arrLength = fieldsValArray.length;
I can see multiple issues in your code:
1) Don't apply jQuery-like approach for getting input values. Use v-model instead. This will simplify your code
<input v-model="form.firstName" type="text"/>
export default {
data: {
form: {
firstName: '',
methods: {
validateBeforeSubmit() {
// take `firstName` directly from `data` not need for `getElementById`
const firstName = this.form.firstName;
2) Remove validateBeforeSubmit and saveForm from ready. Ready hook is obsolete in vue#2. And also it makes no sense. It's better to call it on form #submit.
3) It's better to create array using [] syntax instead of new Array()
Why never use new Array in Javascript
4) Always provide name for your component for easier debug
export default {
name: 'ValidationForm',
5) I don't know where was an issue but it works. Check this link below. I have updated your code. Try to submit form and check the console:

Vue / Vuex : paste event triggered before input binded value is updated

I have a simple form in a component :
<form v-on:submit.prevent="submitSearch">
<input v-model="objId" #paste="submitSearch">
var searchForm = {
methods : {
submitSearch() {
computed : {
objId: {
get () {
return ...
set (id) {
store.commit('objId', id)
It works well when typing and submitting, however when pasting a value submitSearch is called just before objId is updated so it doesn't. Is there a consise and vue-friendly way to handle this?
One way you could do it is have a local variable isPaste and set it to true, when the paste event is triggered. Then also register an input event which will trigger after the paste event and check if isPaste is true. If it is, then submit and set isPaste to false again.
<input v-model="objId" #paste="paste" #input="input">
data(): {
return {
isPaste: false
methods: {
paste() {
this.isPaste = true;
input() {
if (this.isPaste) {
isPaste = false;
Solved it using nextTick() :
submitSearch() {
Vue.nextTick().then(function () {
Not sure if it's the recommended way but it works well and avoid extra variables.

Getting reactivity from watch in Vue.js

Trying to make a component in Vue.js, which first shows image via thumbnail, loading full image in background, and when loaded, show full image.
The thing which does not work, component does not react on change of showThumb flag in watch section. What is wrong?
props: ['data'],
'<img v-if="showThumb == true" v-bind:src="thumbSrc"></img>'+
'<img v-else v-bind:src="fullSrc"></img>',
data: function()
return { thumbSrc: '', fullSrc: '', showThumb: true };
data: function()
this.thumbSrc = data.thumbImg.url;
this.fullSrc = data.fullImg.url;
this.showThumb = true;
var imgElement = new Image();
imgElement.src = this.fullSrc;
imgElement.onload = (function()
this.showThumb = false; // <<-- this part is broken
} );
} );
Note: there is a reason why I do it via 2 img tags - this example is simplified.
Your onload callback will have a different scope than the surrounding watch function, so you cannot set your data property like this. Change it to an arrow function to keep scope:
imgElement.onload = () =>
this.showThumb = false;
See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions

Two-way filter updating on the fly | Vue.js

How one can do custom two-way filter for model, updating on the fly in Vue.js.
The following code example from docs works on input blur. But I need it work on keypress.
Vue.filter('currencyDisplay', {
read: function(val) {
return '$'+val.toFixed(2)
write: function(val, oldVal) {
var number = +val.replace(/[^\d.]/g, '')
return isNaN(number) ? 0 : parseFloat(number.toFixed(2))
Many thanks in advance for any help!
You can apply a filter to a Vue data property by creating a computed property with a get and set method that fire the read and write methods of the filter, respectively:
data() {
return {
foo: 0,
computed: {
filteredFoo: {
get() {
return Vue.filter('currencyDisplay').read(this.foo);
set(value) {
this.foo = Vue.filter('currencyDisplay').write(value);
Here's a working fiddle.

Migrating from YUI2 to YUI3 and domready

I want to migrate the javascript in my site from YU2 to YUI3, but I am only a poor amateur programer and I am stuck at the first pitfall.
I have the following code:
MyApp.Core = function() {
return {
init: function(e, MyAppConfig) {
if (MyAppConfig.tabpanels) {
prepareTabpanels: function(tabpanels) {
// Code here
var MyAppConfig = {
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", MyApp.Core.init, MyAppConfig);
How can I pass the MyAppConfig object to the MyApp.Core.init function by using YUI3 "domready" event listener?
Thanks in advance!
You should be able to do something like:
var MyApp = {};
MyApp.Core = function(){ return {
init: function(MyAppConfig) {
prepareTabpanels: function(tabpanels) {
// Code here
var MyAppConfig = {
YUI().use('node', 'event', function(Y){
Y.on('domready', MyApp.Core.init, this, MyAppConfig);
Note that the event is not passed in as the first parameter, it is the config.
Y.on accepts parameters as <event_type>, <callback_function>, <context>, <params>..
any parameter after the third item is passed through to the callback function so MyAppConfig becomes the first parameter in your init.
See the YUI3 API documentation here: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/api/YUI.html#method_on