Calling user reference properties in CATIA using VBA - vba

I'm looking to call user referenced properties in CATIA. Currently I am able to do this through a direct path using:
xyz = CATIA.Activedocument.product.UserRefProperties.Item("DESIGNER").Value
MsgBox (xyz),0
I'm looking to generalize so that what ever the user is selecting in the window, that information will be displayed. I'm able to do something similar to what my goal is using code like this:
abc = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection.Item(1).Value.Name
MsgBox (abc),0
This gets to my issue. The above code will call system defined properties based on selection, however, this will not work on the user defined properties.
How can I modify this code to take the information stored in a user defined property and display it?

You might have a problem due to the fact that starting at level 2 substructure, your selection does not hold a Reference, but an instance, try this code (I display the 1st User Added Property of the selected product)
MsgBox CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection.Item(1).LeafProduct.ReferenceProduct.UserRefProperties.Item(1).ValueAsString


Losing ability to change properties when changing SourceObject of subform in Access 2007

I have a subform that changes where it gets its data from based on user input by using the Me.SubForm.SourceObject = Query.SomeQuery. It seems that by doing this, I am losing the ability to set the BeforeUpdate property.
The code I am using is as follows:
Forms![PartsDatabase]![RepsSubform].Form![Pack Rank].BeforeUpdate = "=ToTracking()"
I have confirmed that this works before the SubForm.SourceObject is changed, but afterwards it throws the following error: RTE 2455 "You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property BeforeUpdate."
I was wondering if this is a known issue or if I just need to modify my code to adjust.
You are getting things muddled up here. You should never be changing Source Objects, rather you should be changing the Record Source. The code involved in the Form is Form level. If you wish to use the Before Update event, it belongs to the Form and not the Recordsource. So you always go to change the RecordSource.
You would use,
Forms!Parentform!SubForm.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT someFields FROM someTable;"
Forms!ParentForm!SubForm.Form.RecordSource = "yourCompiledQueryName"

Microsoft Access 2013 Form Objects

I have a database that was create in Access 2010. We recently updated our systems to Access 2013. In Access 2010 I have no errors accessing a form object with
However, when using Access 2013 I get a runtime 2424 error stating that "The expression you entered has a field, control, or property name that Microsoft Access can't find. I am accessing from a module.
The module sets these fields visible using
With Form_frmName
.txtFieldName.Visible = True
End With
before attempting to access them.
Has there been any changes in the way form objects are accessed between 2010 and 2013? Is this an issue others have faced?
In Response to #WayneGDunn's questions below
I need to know exactly what and how you are using this.
1. You have a bound textbox named 'txtFieldName' on a form. As #brad asked, is there a subform, and if so, is this field on the subform?
2. You said the code is in a module, but is the code in the form where the field is defined?
3. Please explain where/what form 'frmQAtab' is (you said your form name was 'frmName', so what is the other, how related?)
4. Is the code in an event? Can you share the entire subroutine?
5. Have you tried creating a dummy query and using the builder to reference the field?
1. I have a form (frmMain) with multiple tabbed pages. frmName is one of those tabs, containing the bound field txtFieldName.
2. The module is run from the form the field is in.
3. My apologies frmQAtab is frmName, I just neglected to make that generic in my copy-paste.
4. The event is a button click. The button click runs a sub from a module. That sub makes visible the fields, runs a query based on user input (two date fields), populates the bound fields with the returned record set, then attempts to access them for processing (another query is run to process a complete other set of fields). To post the entire subroutine would be a bit more than I would ask you to chew on. This is legacy code I'm trying to fix, and it's rather large.
5. I have not tried a dummy query. Access is not my field (I'm mainly a C#, scripting, guy.) Is there some suggestions in this area you could give?
One of the following references to your fields should work. I created a form (named 'frmMain'), then created a Tab Control with two tabs. On the first tab, I inserted another form (named 'frm3197'). I also created a text box on the tab control named 'txtFieldName' AND in form 'frm3197'. From a button click on 'frmMain', the following will reference each of those fields.
Private Sub cmdButton1_Click()
Forms![frmMain]![txtFieldName] = Now()
Forms![frmMain]![frm3197].Form![txtFieldName] = Now()
End Sub

How to assign an output to a label in a second form through the first form?

I wanna show the output of the calculations in a second form but I am writing the code in the first form. How can I do it?
Use the parent form name in front of the control that you are trying to work with. You may need to set the modifier to Friend.
Say that the label exists in form2 and you have code in form1 that is needing to change it. So you would do it like this: form2.label.text = "the string value here"
However, keep in mind that if the control was created or is owned by a different thread then the one that is trying to edit the control, you will receive a runtime exception.
To resolve that you will need to create a delegate for the calling sub or function.

creating fields in lotus notes document?

I am trying to export items from my access database into lotus notes. The document I am trying to export to is a stationary, and has all the data written into it, I just need to somehow mark placeholders and then update the values. I have read the documentation and it appears I will need to address fields and then call a method to replace the text like so:
'where body is the field and the following string is what to replace field with
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("body", "REPLACE BODY")
To be clear, my entire code looks like:
Set session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set maildb = session.GetDatabase("server", "mail\box.nsf")
Set View = maildb.GetView("Stationery")
Set entries = View.AllEntries
Set entry = entries.GetFirstEntry
Set doc = entry.Document
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", "Report - " & Date)
'add code here
Call doc.send(False, "")
End Sub
I have noticed that while perusing documentation, there seems to be an ability to create fields, and then address those fields to update values. So for example, if I have a field named $COST, then one could do:
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("$COST", "The cost is $3000")
And that field should be updated to reflect the value I passed through the method. My big problem is, even looking through documentation, I cannot figure out where I need to go to add in my custom fields. It seems that the documentation assumes that you know how to create these fields and just address them. Or am I only supposed to create these fields programatically and then fill in the data? My client is Lotus Notes 8. Thanks!
Yes, that is the cool thing about IBM Lotus Notes databases: you can put items (=fields) in a Notes document without a prior definition of fields.
If you create items in a document with doc.ReplaceItemValue() and save or send the document then the items are just there. You can check the items when you open the property box for a selected document. All items are listed on document properties' second tab.
Another question is of course to define fields in a form so that the created items are visible to user without looking at document properties box. Open database in Designer and put the fields in right position and size to form.
Your question and comments telling that you want to create a document, fill it with data and send it to users.
If all users have access to your Notes server then you can create that document in your existing database and send just a link mail to users. This way you can create a good looking form and position all your data fields. Users will access the document in database through link.
An alternative is to create an nice looking HTML file, attach it to the mail and send it.
In this case you would add this code to your example at 'add code here:
Call doc.RemoveItem("Body")
Set rtitem = doc.CreateRichTextItem( "Body" )
Call rtitem.AppendText("your mail text")
Call rtitem.EmbedObject(EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", "report.html")
Based on the comment thread on #Knut Herrmann's answer, I believe that the solution you really want involves using "stored form". The first argument to the NotesDocument.Send() method is a boolean that specifies whether you want to store the form or not.
Normally, you would use Domino Designer to create a stored form. You would not need Designer rights to anyone's mailbox. You would just need to create an empty database of your own, and put a form into it. You woould change your code to open that database and create the document in there instead of in a mailbox database as you are doing now. (One of the other cool things about Notes is that you don't actually have to be working in a mailbox database in order to mail a document. You can mail any document from any database, as long as you put the approporiate fields into it.)
There is also a way to do this without Domino Designer, and you could even dynamically generate the form with truly custom fields that your code only discovers as it runs. You could do this with DXL, which is an XML format for describing Lotus Notes objects, including forms. You would just need some sample DXL to work from. Preferably that should be of an empty database that contains a simple form that is set up more or less in the layout that you would want, though again you would need Domino Designer for that. You could just use the same mailbox database that your code is currently using, but that will leave you with a lot of extra stuff in the DXL that doesn't need to be there; and given that you're not all that familiar with Notes, it would likely be difficult for you to navigate through it all to find what you need.
Either way, though, you could use the NotesDXLExporter class to generate the DXL file. Your code could manipulate the DXL, adding/changing elements as needed (following the pattern that you see in sample, of course), and they you could use NotesDXLImporter to create the database that your code will actually use to create the document in and mail the message with the stored form.

Get Values from Listbox for if functions

Hey guys very new here.
Have a listbox that gets account names from a specific game server using this command line
Dim apikeyinfo As APIKeyInfo = api.getApiKeyInfo()
lstbxCharacters.DataSource = apikeyinfo.Characters
this code gets all the characters in a single account by displaying it in a listbox.
Now i would like to reference a character from the lisbox but not sure how
Any method such as Listbox.Get to get the value and compare it with something else?
you can try something like
To read the data from the listbox I think there are multiple ways (Assuming that it is readable).
-> Usually listbox display strings, so it should work to read to a string variable
Dim a_string as Strin = lstbxCharacters.SelectedItem
also you may like to add a small check before, assuring that an Item is currently selected:
If lstbxCharacters.SelectedIndex < 0 then return
This jumps out of current sub if no item is selected
And finally, to read the first entry, you can also do it this way:
a_string = lstbxCharacters.Items(0)
if it returns objects, then instead of accessing the object directly, it may work to do
a_string = lstbxCharacters.Items(0).ToString
(most objects allow a .ToString() Function )
Here two ideas for different solutions:
As a user commented, you could access the DataSource directly + the information which listIndex was selected. But if you do so, then maybe it is more easy (if you need to access it anyways, to go with solution 2)
Create a variable of type list(Of some_object) and fill it with the data from the datasource. It will take some time to do this, but if you define for the class some_object a function ToString, then you can fill all objects directly to the lstbxCharacters, and access them without any worries, by doing CType(lstbxCharacters.SelectedItem, some_object)
Update 2
If with reference you mean to access further information from the datasource, then you need to build some kind of query, or set the content of the listbox in relation to another control that shows the database content (in that way the listbox lstbxCharacters would act like a filter)