Why is which `executable software` and `software -v` refer to different things? - system

I was installing GNU make in an HPC cluster. There is pre-installed lower version make there.
And after I successfully configure and make the GNU make, I realized that another program is looking for gmake. So I just soft-link gmake to make. And add them to the $PATH.
The weird thing is, even if which gmake refers to the newly installed location, gmake -v showed the old version. I'd like to know how to fix it and in what order the system looks up the software.
Thank you.


MXE compile on linux for linux

So I saw this project http://mxe.cc/ and tried it, it seems like it is very easy to compile stuff for windows with this. I tried to hack it a little bit to compile binaries for linux instead, because, if it compiles for other system so easily how can it be hard to compile for host? 90% of the stuff seems to just build out of the box, but there are some errors and therefore I cannot build. I want to ask, how correctly should I configure mxe to build for the linux host? I know this is not supported but I don't think it should be that hard because we build from source anyway. And there are next to no modifications for downloaded sources too (in a windows build that is).
For people who might ask why I don't want to use shared stuff, I want to basically have two options:
dpkg package for user with dependencies specified (the linux way)
single standalone static executable
Any suggestions? Or maybe there's whole another guide on linux on how to build things from scratch (without a lot of manual work like mxe does)?

Bugzilla install on Windows 7 with Apache & Mysql

Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
Apache 2.2.25
ActivePerl 5.18.2 Build 1802 (64 bit)
Bugzilla 4.4.5 (extracted)
Okay, I have followed step-by-step instructions as indicated here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:Win32Install
There's 1 major issue that I've researched all day and cannot find a solution. It's the "ppm install DBD-mysql" issue. There is no "DBD-mysql". When I use the ppm gui, there's a DBD-mysqlpp , but that's not what's needed.
When I run in a command window: C:\bugzilla\checksetup.pl , I get the only error:
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) not found
For MySQL, Bugzilla requires that perl's DBD::mysql 4.001 or later be
installed. To install this module, run the following command (as Administrator):
ppm install DBD-mysql
Well, I found DBD-mysql 4.028 here: http://search.cpan.org/~capttofu/DBD-mysql-4.028
However, trying to get the perl ppm (perl package manager) gui to see it, but even pointing the link in the gui preferences it still wouldn't see it to download and install it. This sucks.
So, I manually downloaded it and saw some crap "makefile.pl" file. Look, I use WINDOWS not LINUX, so naturally I rolled my eyes but it quickly became clear that I HAD to do this. Well, after about an hour of screwing around I was finally able to make a mysql_config.pl file. Oh wow, great.... now what!? What do I do next with this??
Not only is this part aggravating, but now I need mod_perl in my Apache. Okay, so I look in my .conf file where I can uncomment:
#LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
Guess what... it's not there. (facepalm)
So I researched and downloaded mod_perl 2.0.8 from: http://perl.apache.org/download/index.html
Heh, ... guess what... another damn "makefile" file!! Let me tell you, this is as bad as being a MAC user in the late 90's and trying to find a program to be compatible.
So, my 2 main questions are these:
How do I get DBD-mysql properly installed
How do I get the mod_perl properly installed
I have been working 12 hours non-stop trying to get Bugzilla installed. At this point, I'm so frustrated beyond believe I'm ready to scrap this and install flyspray or some other php/mysql bug tracking system.
For future reference in case anyone stumbles upon this item:
Most Perl modules have installation instructions, either in their .pod documentation or in a README or INSTALL file.
Most Perl modules follow a similar installation mechanism: create a makefile; run make; make test (which runs a set of tests, unsurprisingly), and then install the module. From the commandline, this looks like the following:
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
Both mod_perl and DBD::mysql have platform-specific installation information in the release notes.
DBD-mysql is a package that you can find in ActiveState Package Repository. That means that it should be installed at the time you installed ActivePerl, making your question really strange. I know it because I just did it yesterday, and everything worked just fine.
A possible solution for this issue is:
Open the command line in Windows;
Type ppm, press enter and wait. A GUI for the Perl Package Manager will be displayed;
Search for DBD-mysql. If you find it, schedule it for installation by right-clicking it and clicking on Install DBD-mysql 4.022;
Although, you probably won't find it. If you don't, press Ctrl+P and, in the dialog that appears, select the Repositories tab. Add a new repository:
Name: ActiveState-Package-Repository
Location: http://ppm4.activestate.com/MSWin32-x64/5.16/1604/package.xml
It will update the list of packages. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
If you prefer doing it by the command line, these are the instructions:
ppm repo add ActiveState-Package-Repository http://ppm4.activestate.com/MSWin32-x64/5.16/1604/package.xml
ppm install DBD-mysql

Cygwin & OCaml: OPAM + Batteries

I extensively use Cygwin on a Windows 8 environment (I do not want to go ahead and boot/load Linux directly on the machine). I use the OCamlIDE plug-in for Eclipse and have experienced relatively no problems using this workflow setup.
However, I would like to use Batteries so that I may make use of use of its dynamic arrays among a few other interesting features that will speed up my development process.
I have tried this method: http://ocaml.org/install.html, but I get the following error:
$ sh ./opam_installer.sh /usr/local/bin
No file yet for i686:CYGWIN_NT-6.2-WOW64
What am I missing and how would I configure Cygwin so that it can accept the Opam installer? When I tried yet a different way of building Opam, I got:
'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
as a Makefile error and reason for building failure. It seems something is wrong related to mingw32-gcc, what do I need to install and/or configure for my Cygwin to get it to compile/build things properly. I have wget and curl installed as well.
My overall question: What is the best way to get Batteries installed on my system with the minimum of time spent tracing all of its dependencies by hand? Is there a way I can just build the library module, such as BatDynArray and the includes:
include BatEnum.Enumerable
include BatInterfaces.Mappable
That way I can just call them directly in my code with open...;; and/or include...;;;
OCaml works beautifully on Windows with WODI, which is a Cygwin-based distribution that includes Batteries and tons of other useful packages (which are a pain to install manually on Windows).
I urge you to take a shot at WODI, which I believe to be an indispensable tool for the
rest of us, the forgotten souls, who have to deal with Windows.
First of all, include does not do what you think it does. open Batteries should be exactly what you're looking for. OPAM is not yet solid on windows (maybe Thomas could give an update on where things stand).
Frankly, I would recommend to install a linux on a VM, you should be able to get started with OPAM instantly then. Otherwise, take a look at this package manager for OCaml which focuses on cross platform support: http://yypkg.forge.ocamlcore.org/. I've never tried it myself however. The last package manger you could try is GODI, I'm not sure about its windows support though.
Finally, if none of these options work then it should be possible to install batteries from the source. All you need is OCaml and make. And if there are problems with this approach then you should definitely follow up on them either here or on the bug tracker because batteries does intend to support windows AFAIK.

AIX apache rpm dependencies

I am evaluating the Crowd SSO by Atlassian. Now to get apache to use Crowd for authentication, there is a connector available by the vendor.
Unfortunately they do not provide anything for my OS (AIX). Instead they provide source code with instructions. Now the example here uses yum -y install autoconf automake gcc httpd-devel libcurl-devel libtool libxml2-devel mod_dav_svn subversion-devel to download the required packages for which there is no alternate in AIX (AFAIK).
So I went to the AIX toolbox and got some packages. For the rest, I took Mr Perzl's help. And while installing the rpms ended up getting dependency errors.
Do I go with
The solution given here dependency hell.
IBM way
Something else which Google and my limited exposure to AIX are not telling me.
I am not *nix expert, rather at basic user level. And any installations are actually done by the admins. I need expert advice so as to get it right and efficiently if possible.
Appreciate if someone would like to retag this question for getting attention from the right people.
It has been a while since I struggled with AIX and Linux, and have success with the Crowd Connector on Linux. So, having taken a look at both links, I would say:
The IBM documentation is only for the packages supplied with their Toolbox and there is a risk that if you use it for other things, you may end up with a dead-end as the utilities may refuse to play ball.
With Mr. Perzl's way, you are building it brick by brick, with known certainty. The main risk is that the right versions may not be available and/or one of the build tools may not work. In that case, you may still have to tweak the source and/or the build/make files to compile properly, but it will eventually work.
Once you have a compiled plugin and it works with a certain version of Apache, you will not need many of the dependencies, so the instructions you give to the admins to deploy will be minimal. Most likely, the runtime dependencies will be mod_dav_svn, curl and libxml
Please post an update when you get it working.

GNUStep make problems

I have installed the GNUStep gnustep-msys-system-0.29.0-setup.exe and gnustep-core-0.29.1-setup.exe on my WinXp Machine
I am able to compile problems. The documentation says that gnustep-core comes with the make utility but I am unable to locate it or use it !!
Assuming everything is installed correctly, jacekmigacz's answer may work.
However, an easier path might be to simply install Linux. That will give you the ability to trivially install GNUStep and LLVM.
Alternatively, grab the GNUStep Live CD (http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/GNUstep_Live_CD).
cd gnustep/core/make
make install