Getting 'SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN' error after deploying site using Surge to a custom domain - ssl

I'm using to deploy a simple react app to a custom domain i bought from
I've followed the instructions regarding custom domains on their site and get a confirmation that my site was deployed successfully:
On GoDaddy I've configured the CNAME and A types to point to Surge:
However when I open up the domain at I receive an error message with error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN
I'm quite new to hosting sites on custom domains, so I'm sure I've misunderstood something. The certificate registered on the site is provided by
What configuration steps can I take to resolve this issue? Do I need to create a new certificate to be signed by a CA in order to use this domain, or have I missed something in my deployment?

SSl with surge comes out of the box with * domains. For these domains you can force a redirect of http to https. However, for custom domains surge does not offer SSL as stated explicitly here and they mentioned that it is a feature of surge plus. To answer your Q, yes you could generate a certificate using some provider (e.g. and add it to surge but that would be within the frame of surge plus (not the free tier anymore).
I would try if I were you maybe s3 with cloudfront? it does not cost that much if the traffic is not that high.


Custom Domain Heroku app cannot provide a secure connection: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

I have a Heroku app and am using a custom subdomain to point to it. Let's say my subdomain is
When I navigate to the site, chrome throws the error: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. In the address bar, it automatically reroutes to Is this the issue? Why is it not just
My domain is through bluehost if that matters.
If you are running a free dyno, you will not get TLS support on your custom subdomain. Upgrade it to at least the "Hobby" tier and it will provision a free certificate to match your custom subdomain.
As for why it automatically reroutes, that's something happening within your application or custom process configuration. Heroku doesn't automatically re-route from http to https.
For me, I'd neglected to set up Automated Certificate Management in Heroku. Enabling this fixed the problem.

Securing my Azure Web App with HTTPS

Say, for example, I have an Azure web app named MyApp and is hosted on Azure as It's my understanding that there is nothing I need to do to secure the URL with SSL, as it's done, by default, with a single certificate. So I can already have my users access the app via, and it will be secure right out of the box.
However, say I have another URL named that I want to point (redirect) to Do I have to secure with a certificate?
Do I have to secure with a certificate?
Yes, we could get more detail info from the official document .
To secure your custom domain name with HTTPS, you bind a custom SSL certificate to that custom domain in Azure.
Before binding a custom certificate, we need to do the following:
Configure the custom domain - App Service only allows adding a certificate for a domain name that's already configured in your app. For instructions, see Map a custom domain name to an Azure app.
Scale up to Basic tier or higher App Service plans in lower pricing tiers don't support custom SSL certificates. For instructions, see Scale up an app in Azure.
Get an SSL certificate - If you do not already have one, you need to get one from a trusted certificate authority (CA).
Yes, if you use a custom host name, then you will need to have a certificate for it. There is really no way around this, based on how SSL works.

How to add a certificate to a sub-sub-domain with Cloudflare?

I'm wondering how I could add a SSL Certificate to a sub-sub-domain on Cloudflare like for example I've already added the sub-sub-domain to my site but I keep getting this error This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response. Try running Windows Network Diagnostics. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Our default/free certificates—"Universal SSL"—cover the apex of your domain ( and one level of wildcard (*
If you'd like to cover additional levels beyond that, e.g., * or, you can either purchase a Dedicated Certificate with Custom Hostnames or you can upload a custom certificate to a Business plan or higher.
I wrote a blog post describing Dedicated Certificates here:

How to make the azure web site as https enabled?

I would like to make my azure web site as https enabled one. As exactly like Though I have uploaded my SSL certificate in certificate section in web site configuration tab its not redirecting automatically. Is there any other settings I have to enable?
Appreciate your help.
So to clarify the sequence of steps:
After you configure your custom domain properly, then h_ttp:// will point to
After you bind an SSL certificate to a custom domain in a web app, then h_ttps:// will point to, using the bound SSL cert. If you still can't access h_ttps://, then you need to check whether you've configured your domain records properly at the domain registrar.
At this point, h_ttp:// will continue to work. If you want to enforce HTTPS for your web app, see

Managing SSL certs for a multi-tenant website

We have a multi-tenant website where we use a wildcard SSL cert to give people a subdomain to our site. Some of our customers would like to use their own domain, but I'm concerned about how we would manage each customer's certificate as our business grows. Currently the certificate resides on the web server, which means loading all of the certs to each web server as we add them.
I'm aware we could introduce a dedicated SSL device in front of the web servers, but are there other options to improve the management of these certificates?
I'm a Microsoft Technical Evangelist and one of my partners had exactly the same challenge.
I have created a sample source code that automates and manages SSL certificates for multiple domain bindings using a new IIS 8 (Windows Server 2012) feature called SNI, which is a kind of SSL hostheaders.
All you will need to do is to reuse my code (it's quite simple) and upload your custom SSL certificates to the blob storage, or you can write your own provider to fetch custom domains and certificates from your database.
I have posted a detailed explanation and a sample "plug & play" source-code at:
You could make your clients deal with their own certificates and make them run there own https site. They can serve a page containing a single frame with your content (over https). The users will see their domain and their certificate and the browser will load the frame without complaining as long as the frame contents are also loaded over a valid https connection. I created a quick an dirty test page so you can see it in action.
This solution will 'break' the address bar as it will keep the url of the page containing the frame. Depending on the type of site you're running this might be a showstopper.