Downloading Output files from Google Colabortory - google-colaboratory

For some reason I am not able to download my output files from colaboratory. I am able to upload input files but I can not download my output files separately. I am also using a mac.

For information on various ways to download files from Colab, see


Download output file from Kaggle kernel

I have modified a notebook on the Kaggle kernel. The output file is saved in the /kaggle/working, but as I look into the files, the web page crashes every time. I tried this solution Download Kaggle output file as well but it did not work for me. Can anyone please help me with a guide to download these files? The code can be found here:

Making python-based .exe file accessible to anyone

I have used Spyder (Anaconda) to generate a Python GUI App. The app can browse & load any time series csv file on the user's pc, perform few statistical tests and print the results on to a txt file and save it to the user's desktop screen.
Is it possible to upload the executable file on to any repository so that others could try it out. For example, Google Earth Engine based apps can be easily shared via a link and anyone with that link can access the app. Similarly, is there anything for my case ?
This may not be the answer your looking for,
But you can upload .exe to Google drive and share it. So anyone could download it from the link generated.
File types: Users can upload any type of file, including executables
(for example, .exe or .vbs) and compressed files.

Why my ipynb files are downloaded as txt file in Google Colab

This seems wierd, but my Google Colab was working fine until the last two days the Download .ipynb option is not downloading .ipynb files but rather txt files. I have to rename the file to ipynb and the notebooks are working fine. Anybody have faced such issues with Colab?
facing same problem while downloading kaggle file as .txt rather than ipynb file i just Re-named file name as ipynb then after got it.
The simple solution to this is, while saving to local system,by default colab may give as json or text file. But we can change it to All files and add .ipynb as suffix to the file name

Add data to Google Colab

I have some problems when trying to add .csv files to my Google Colab
I already added these file to my Drive, and copy its exact links to my notebooks, but I still received error File not found
Please help me
My data files 're more than 25 MB, so I cannot add them from Github
Can you try adding the files using Upload option from files tab in the left side of your colab notebook.

Copying large BigQuery Tables to Google Cloud Storage and subsequent local download

My goal is to locally save a BigQuery table to be able to perform some analyses. To save it locally, i tried to export it to Google Cloud Storage as a csv file. Alas the dataset is too big to move it as one file, thus it is splitted into many different files, looking like this:
Is there a way to put them back together again in the Google Cloud Storage? Maybe even change the format to csv?
My approach was to download it and try to change it manually. Clicking on it does not work, as it will save it as a BIN.file and is also very time consuming. Furthermore I do not know how to assemble them back together.
I also tried to get it via the gsutil command, and I was able to save them on my machine, but as zipped files. When unzipping with WinRar, it gives me exampledata.out files, which I do not know what to do with. Additionally I am clueless how to put them back together in one file..
How can I get the table to my computer, as one file, and as a csv?
The computer I am working with runs on Ubuntu, but I need to have the data on a Google Virtual Machine, using Windows Server 2012.
try using the following to merge all files into one from the windows command prompt
copy *.cs* merged.csv
Suggest you to save the file as .gzip file, then you can download it from Google Cloud easily as BIN file. If you get these splited files in bigquery as following:
Export Table -> csv format, compression as GZIP, URI: file_name*
Then you can combine them back by doing steps as below:
In windows:
add .zip at the end all these files.
use 7-zip to unzip the first .zip file, with name "...000000000000", then it will automatically detect all the rest .zip files. This is just like the normal way to unzip a splitted .zip file.
In Ubuntu:
I failed to unzip the file following the method I can find in internet. Will update the answer if I figure it out.