How can I multiply a tensor with an unknown dimension to a tensorflow variable? - tensorflow

I'm working in Keras (Tensorflow 2). I'd like to multiply each element of a tensor with its own trainable weight. Let's say that my input tensor is 1D, with 10 elements; so I try to define the input as a Keras input tensor, the weights as a tf.Variable, and I try to use the Keras Multiply layer, thus:
import tensorflow as tf
inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(10), name='inputs')
weights = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([10]), name='weights')
outputs = tf.keras.layers.Multiply()([inputs, weights])
Now when I inspect the dimensions they are:
inputs: shape=(None, 10)
weights: shape=(10,)
outputs: shape=(10, 10)
The input dimension has a None dimension, for the batch size, which is what I expect and want. However I expected outputs to have shape=(None, 10). Instead, the initial dimension for the batch size seems to have taken a fixed size of 10. How should I correct this?

You need to broadcast weights along dimenstion 0. The shape of the dimension you want to fix must be constant.
That is, weights must have the shape (1, 10), not (10,).
This can be done using:
weights = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([1, 10]), name='weights')
weights = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([10]), name='weights')
weights = tf.expand_dims(weights, axis=0)


Understanding shapes in keras layers

I am learning Tensorflow and Keras to implement LSTM many-to-many model where the length of input sequence is equal to the length of the output sequence.
Sample Code:
voc_size = 10000
embed_dim = 64
lstm_units = 75
size_batch = 30
count_classes = 5
from tensorflow.keras.layers import ( Bidirectional, LSTM,
Dense, Embedding, TimeDistributed )
from tensorflow.keras import Sequential
def sample_build(embed_dim, voc_size, batch_size, lstm_units, count_classes):
model = Sequential()
# Compile model
return model
sample_model = sample_build(embed_dim,voc_size,
size_batch, rnn_units,
I am having trouble understanding the shapes of input and output for each layer. For example, the shape of the output of Embedding_Layer is (BATCH_SIZE, time_steps, length_of_input) and in this case, it is (30, 50, 64).
Similarly, the output shape of Bidirectional LSTM later is (30, 50, 75). This is will be the input for the next Dense Layer with 200 units. But the shape of the weight matrix of Dense Layer is (number of units in the current layer, number of units in the previous layer, which is (200,75) in this case. So how does the matrix calculation happen between 2D shape of the Dense Layer and the 3D shape of the Bidirectional Layer? Any explanations on the shape clarification will be helpful
The Dense can do 3D operation, it will flatten the the input to shape (batch_size * time_steps, features) and then apply a dense layer and reshape it back to orignal (batch_size, time_steps, units). In keras's documentation of Dense layer, it says:
Note: If the input to the layer has a rank greater than 2, then Dense computes the dot product between the inputs and the kernel along the last axis of the inputs and axis 1 of the kernel (using tf.tensordot). For example, if input has dimensions (batch_size, d0, d1), then we create a kernel with shape (d1, units), and the kernel operates along axis 2 of the input, on every sub-tensor of shape (1, 1, d1) (there are batch_size * d0 such sub-tensors). The output in this case will have shape (batch_size, d0, units).
Another point regarding the output of Embedding layer. As you said, it is correct that it is a 3D output, but correctly the shape correspond to (BATCH_SIZE, input_dim, embeddings_dim)

Strange tensors

What does it mean when I print a tensor and it shows some sort of operation name instead of its value?
Tensor("gradients/block1_conv1/convolution_grad/Conv2DBackpropInput:0", shape=(?, ?, ?, 3), dtype=float32)
Tensor("truediv_1:0", shape=(?, ?, ?, 3), dtype=float32)
The code that originates these prints is:
from keras.applications import VGG16
from keras import backend as K
model = VGG16(weights='imagenet',
layer_name = 'block3_conv1'
filter_index = 0
layer_output = model.get_layer(layer_name).output
loss = K.mean(layer_output[:, :, :, filter_index])
# The call to `gradients` returns a list of tensors (of size 1 in this case)
# hence we only keep the first element -- which is a tensor.
grads = K.gradients(loss, model.input)[0]
print("Print 1:")
# We add 1e-5 before dividing so as to avoid accidentally dividing by 0.
grads /= (K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(grads))) + 1e-5)
grads /= (K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(grads))) + 1e-5)
print("Print 2:")
According to the documentation a Tensor has no values, but means for reaching a final value in a given CPU or GPU session. At least as I understood it.
Is this what it really means?
How can I list all operations within a tensor, like in a sequential way, that take me from its input to the final value?
Eg. The grads tensor would be a gradient function, and two divisions, to calculate the final value.
Keras/Tensorflow (except when in eager mode, but I don't think Keras supports eager mode) is a "symbolic graph" language.
When you create a model and its operations, you are just creating a "graph", not the operations themselves. Then you only have the tensors.
The Keras models have "input tensors", which in Tensorflow are "placeholders". They are special tensors that "will" receive values when training or predicting. (In Keras:, model.predict, model.evaluate, etc. In Tensorflow,
Here an example of how to feed the inputs with data and get the actual values of the gradients: Getting gradient of model output w.r.t weights using Keras

The input dimension of the LSTM layer in Keras

I'm trying keras.layers.LSTM.
The following code works.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
data = np.array([1, 2, 3]).reshape((1, 3, 1))
x = keras.layers.Input(shape=(3, 1))
y = keras.layers.LSTM(10)(x)
model = keras.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y)
print (model.predict(data))
As shown above, the input data shape is (1, 3, 1), and the actual input shape in the Input layer is (3, 1). I'm a little bit confused about this inconsistency of the dimension.
If I use the following shape in the Input layer, it doesn't work:
x = keras.layers.Input(shape=(1, 3, 1))
The error message is as follows:
ValueError: Input 0 of layer lstm is incompatible with the layer: expected ndim=3, found ndim=4. Full shape received: [None, 1, 3, 1]
It seems that the rank of the input must be 3, but why should we use a rank-2 shape in the Input layer?
Keras works with "batches" of "samples". Since most models use variable batch sizes that you define only when fitting, for convenience you don't need to care about the batch dimension, but only with the sample dimension.
That said, when you use shape = (3,1), this is the same as defining batch_shape = (None, 3, 1) or batch_input_shape = (None, 3, 1).
The three options mean:
A variable batch size: None
With samples of shape (3, 1).
It's important to know this distinction especially when you are going to create custom layers, losses or metrics. The actual tensors all have the batch dimension and you should take that into account when making operations with tensors.
Check out the documentation for tf.keras.Input. The syntax is as-
shape: defines the shape of a single sample, with variable batch size.
Notice, that it expects the first value as batch_size otherwise pass batch_size as a parameter explicitly

What's the difference between _keras_shape and _shape for a tensor in tensorflow?

In tensorflow, I find that a tensor has two variable: _shape and _keras_shape. The following picture is an example:
The K.int_shape() would return the _keras_shape.
What's the difference between _shape and _keras_shape?
The difference is already mentioned in the picture above. See the output type. One is tuple while other output is of type TensorShape.
For Example:
import tensorflow as tf
a = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 128])
# output: TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(128)])
from keras import backend as K
# output: (None, 128)
tf.keras.backend.int_shape returns the shape of tensor or variable as a tuple of int or None entries while _shape is of type the TensorShape.
Read more about tf.keras.backend.int_shape from here and TensorShape from here.
The keras layer would compute the shape of the tensor, but the tensorflow would not. In this way, the _keras_shape was the shape calculated by the self defined layer.

CNN features(dimensions) feed to LSTM Tensorflow

So recently i am working on a project which i am supposed to take images as input to a CNN and extract the features and feed them to LSTM for training. I am using 2 Layer CNN for feature extraction and im taking the features form fully connected layer and trying to feed them to LSTM. Problem is when i want to feed the FC layer to LSTM as input i get error regarding to wrong dimension. my FC layer is a Tensor with (128,1024) dimension. I tried to reshape it like this tf.reshape(fc,[-1]) which gives me a tensor ok (131072, )
dimension and still wont work. Could anyone give me any ideas of how im suppose to feed the FC to LSTM?here i just write part of my code and teh error i get.
Convolution Layer with 32 filters and a kernel size of 5
conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 32, 5, activation=tf.nn.relu)
# Max Pooling (down-sampling) with strides of 2 and kernel size of 2
conv1 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(conv1, 2, 2)
# Convolution Layer with 32 filters and a kernel size of 5
conv2 = tf.layers.conv2d(conv1, 64, 3, activation=tf.nn.relu)
# Max Pooling (down-sampling) with strides of 2 and kernel size of 2
conv2 = tf.layers.max_pooling2d(conv2, 2, 2)
# Flatten the data to a 1-D vector for the fully connected layer
fc1 = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(conv2)
# Fully connected layer (in contrib folder for now)
fc1 = tf.layers.dense(fc1, 1024)
# Apply Dropout (if is_training is False, dropout is not applied)
fc1 = tf.layers.dropout(fc1, rate=dropout, training=is_training)
s = tf.reshape(fc1, [1])
rnn_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden, forget_bias=1.0)
outputs, states = rnn.static_rnn(rnn_cell, s, dtype=tf.float32)
return tf.matmul(outputs[-1], rnn_weights['out']) + rnn_biases['out']
here is the error:
ValueError: Cannot reshape a tensor with 131072 elements to shape [1] (1 elements) for 'ConvNet/Reshape' (op: 'Reshape') with input shapes: [128,1024], [1] and with input tensors computed as partial shapes: input[1] = [1].
You have a logical error in how you approach the problem. Collapsing the data to a 1D tensor is not going to solve anything (even if you get it to work correctly).
If you are taking a sequence of images as input your input tensor should be 5D (batch, sequence_index, x, y, channel) or something permutation like that. conv2d should complain about the extra dimension but you probably missing one of them. You should try to fix it first.
Next use conv3d and max_pool3d with a window of 1 for the depth (since you don't want the different frames to interact at this stage).
When you are done you should still have 5D tensor, but x and y dimensions should be 1 (you should check this, and fix the operation if that's not the case).
The RNN part expects 3D tensors (batch, sequence_index, fature_index). You can use tf.squeeze to remove the 1 sized dimensions from your 5D tensor and get this 3D tensor. You shouldn't have to reshape anything.
If you don't use batches, it's OK, but the operations will still expect the dimension to be there (but for you it will be 1). Missing the dimension will cause problems with shapes down the line.