Nuxt: Fetching data only on server side - vue.js

I am using Github's API to fetch the list of my pinned repositories, and I put the call in the AsyncData method so that I have the list on the first render. But I just learnt that AsyncData is called once on ServerSide, then everytime the page is loaded on the client. That means that the client no longer has the token to make API calls, and anyways, I wouldn't let my Github token in the client.
And when I switch page (from another page to the page with the list) the data is not there I just have the default empty array
I can't figure out what is the best way to be sure that my data is always loaded on server side ?
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Index',
components: { GithubProject, Socials },
asyncData(context: Context) {
return context.$axios.$post<Query<UserPinnedRepositoriesQuery>>('', {
}, {
headers: {
// Token is defined on the server, but not on the client
Authorization: `bearer ${process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN}`,
.then((data) => ({ projects: }))
.catch(() => {});
setup() {
const projects = ref<Repository[]>([]);
return {

Wrap your request in if(process.server) within the asyncData method of the page.
If you absolutely require the server-side to call and cannot do it from the client side, then you can just manipulate the location.href to force the page to do a full load.

You should use Vuex with nuxtServerInit.
nuxtServerInit will fire always on first page load no matter on what page you are. So you should navigate first to store/index.js.
After that you create an state:
export const state = () => ({
data: []
Now you create the action that is always being executed whenever you refresh the page. Nuxt have access to the store even if its on the server side.
Now you need to get the data from the store in your component:
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit ({ state }, { req }) {
let response = await axios.get("some/path/..."); =;
You can store your token in an cookie. Cookies are on the client side but the nuxtServerInit has an second argument. The request req. With that you are able to access the headers and there is your cookie aswell.
let cookie = req.headers.cookie;


Insert localstorage with vuex

My script I'm using axios and vuex but it was necessary to make a change from formData to Json in the script and with that it's returning from the POST/loginB2B 200 api, but it doesn't insert in the localstorage so it doesn't direct to the dashboard page.
import axios from "axios";
const state = {
user: null,
const getters = {
isAuthenticated: (state) => !!state.user,
StateUser: (state) => state.user,
async LogIn({commit}, user) {
await"loginB2B", user);
await commit("setUser", user.get("email"));
async LogOut({ commit }) {
let user = null;
commit("logout", user);
methods: {
async submit() {
/*const User = new FormData();
User.append("email", this.form.username)
User.append("password", this.form.password)*/
try {
await this.LogIn({
"email": this.form.username,
"password": this.form.password
this.showError = false
} catch (error) {
this.showError = true
name: "App",
created() {
const currentPath = this.$router.history.current.path;
if (window.localStorage.getItem("authenticated") === "false") {
if (currentPath === "/") {
The api /loginB2B returns 200 but it doesn't create the storage to redirect to the dashboard.
I use this example, but I need to pass json instead of formData:
There are a couple of problems here:
You do a window.localStorage.getItem call, but you never do a window.localStorage.setItem call anywhere that we can see, so that item is probably always empty. There also does not seem to be a good reason to use localStorage here, because you can just access your vuex store. I noticed in the link you provided that they use the vuex-persistedstate package. This does store stuff in localStorage by default under the vuex key, but you should not manually query that.
You are using the created lifecycle hook in App.vue, which usually is the main component that is mounted when you start the application. This also means that the code in this lifecycle hook is executed before you log in, or really do anything in the application. Instead use Route Navigation Guards from vue-router (
Unrelated, but you are not checking the response from your axios post call, which means you are relying on this call always returning a status code that is not between 200 and 299, and that nothing and no-one will ever change the range of status codes that result in an error and which codes result in a response. It's not uncommon to widen the range of "successful" status codes and perform their own global code based on that. It's also not uncommon for these kind of endpoints to return a 200 OK status code with a response body that indicates that no login took place, to make it easier on the frontend to display something useful to the user. That may result in people logging in with invalid credentials.
Unrelated, but vuex mutations are always synchronous. You never should await them.
There's no easy way to solve your problem, so I would suggest making it robust from the get-go.
To properly solve your issue I would suggest using a global navigation guard in router.js, mark with the meta key which routes require authentication and which do not, and let the global navigation guard decide if it lets you load a new route or not. It looks like the article you linked goes a similar route. For completeness sake I will post it here as well for anyone visiting.
First of all, modify your router file under router/index.js to contain meta information about the routes you include. Load the store by importing it from the file where you define your store. We will then use the Global Navigation Guard beforeEach to check if the user may continue to that route.
We define the requiresAuth meta key for each route to check if we need to redirect someone if they are not logged in.
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import store from '../store';
const routes = [
path: '/',
name: 'Dashboard',
component: Dashboard,
meta: {
requiresAuth: true
path: '/login',
name: 'Login',
component: Login,
meta: {
requiresAuth: false
// Create a router with the routes we just defined
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
// This navigation guard is called everytime you go to a new route,
// including the first route you try to load
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
// to is the route object that we want to go to
const requiresAuthentication = to.meta.requiresAuth;
// Figure out if we are logged in
const userIsLoggedIn = store.getters['isAuthenticated']; // (maybe auth/isAuthenticated if you are using modules)
if (
(!requiresAuthentication) ||
(requiresAuthentication && userIsLoggedIn)
) {
// We meet the requirements to go to our intended destination, so we call
// the function next without any arguments to go where we intended to go
// Then we return so we do not run any other code
// Oh dear, we did try to access a route while we did not have the required
// permissions. Let's redirect the user to the login page by calling next
// with an object like you would do with `this.$router.push(..)`.
next({ name: 'Login' });
export default router;
Now you can remove the created hook from App.vue. Now when you manually change the url in the address bar, or use this.$router.push(..) or this.$router.replace(..) it will check this function, and redirect you to the login page if you are not allowed to access it.

Nuxt.js - The best place for API calls

I'm new to Vue.js Nuxt and all front-end stuff.
I have a question about API calls. I'm not sure what is the right way, the best practice here.
I have a store. In that store, I have actions that are calling my API and sets state eg.
async fetchArticle({ state, commit }, uuid) {
const response = await this.$axios.get(`articles/${uuid}/`)
And that is fine it is working for one component.
But what if I want to just fetch the article and not changing the state.
To be DRY first thing that comes to my mind is to create the service layer that is fetching the data and is used where it is needed.
Is it the right approach? Where can I find some real-world examples that I can take inspiration from?
Using the repository pattern to abstract your API is definitely a good idea! Whether you use the #nuxtjs/axios module or the #nuxt/http module, you can pass either instance to your repository class/function. Below a real world example of an abstracted "repository.js" file.
export default $axios => resource => ({
index() {
return $axios.$get(`/${resource}`)
create(payload) {
return $axios.$post(`/${resource}`, payload)
show(id) {
return $axios.$get(`/${resource}/${id}`)
update(payload, id) {
return $axios.$put(`/${resource}/${id}`, payload)
delete(id) {
return $axios.$delete(`/${resource}/${id}`)
You can then create a plugin to initialize all different kinds of repositories for your endpoints:
import createRepository from '~/path/to/repository.js'
export default (ctx, inject) => {
const repositoryWithAxios = createRepository(ctx.$axios)
const repositories = {
posts: repositoryWithAxios('posts'),
users: repositoryWithAxios('users')
inject('repositories', repositories)
Further read: Organize and decouple your API calls in Nuxt.js
I will an example of a service layer implementation for my portfolio to create my dashboard that shows some statics about my github and stackoverflow profiles, to do this i created a folder called services inside the project root :
in the AxiosConfig.js file i put i created an axios instance with its configuration :
import axios from 'axios';
const clientAPI = url =>
baseURL: url,
withCredentials: false,
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
export default clientAPI;
then in my GitHubService.js i imported that axios instance called clientAPI which i used to my requests :
import clientAPI from './AxiosConfig';
const baseURL = '';
export default {
getUser(name) {
return clientAPI(baseURL).get('/users/' + name);
return clientAPI(baseURL).get('/users/' + name+'/repos');
return clientAPI(baseURL).get('/users/' + name+'/events?per_page=100&page='+page);
return clientAPI(baseURL).get('/repos/' + name+'/'+repo+'/stats/commit_activity');
then in my page i used asyncData hook to fetch my data :
import GitHubService from '../../services/GitHubService'
export default {
async asyncData({ error }) {
try {
const { data } = await GitHubService.getUser("boussadjra");
const resRepos = await GitHubService.getRepos("boussadjra");
return {
user: data,
} catch (e) {
statusCode: 503,
message: "We cannot find the user"
I wanted to use axios in my service/service.js file, so instead of passing axios, I accessed it directly like this:
export default {
async fetchArticle() {
let response = await $nuxt.$axios.$get('/api-url')
return response
In Nuxt, if you want to just get the data without keeping it in your store, you could use the asyncData function, which asynchronously loads data (from API calls and the like) and pushes it into the component's data object before rendering.

No token being sent with request

I have a Vuex action that gets run each time a page loads (not router.push), this function seems to run fine in the sense that it checks for a token and if the token exists it moves on. My issue is that I am dispatching another action which requires this token.
Okay so a bit clearer, I am using Axios with Vue.js to send API request. I have the authorization header set to a Vuex store value in my main.js file. I then have my App.uve load which triggers a default action to run which checks for the existance of a token (JWT). This default action also dispatches another action called storeUser which sends off a GET request to a user info API endpoint. When sending this user info API call I am seeing on my back end that it is not an authorized API call. Checking into the headers I need the authorization header is undefined. Below is what I believe to be the relavent code.
Default action that runs on App.vue load
tryAutoLogin({commit, dispatch}) {
const token = localStorage.getItem('token')
if(!token) {return}
second action that is causing the issue
storeUser({commit, state}, userData) {
if(!state.token) return
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
main.js needed parts
import store from './store/store.js'
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = store.token
new Vue({
render: h => h(App),
I cut out a ton in main.js to make it cleaner but those are the related parts to this issue. I don't think that there is anything else.
store.js state
state: {
token: null,
name: '',
companyName: ''
Thanks to Phil in the comments on the OP I have the below code working.
axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
config.headers.Authorization = store.state.token;
return config;
}, function (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);

Middleware executing before Vuex Store restore from localstorage

In nuxtjs project, I created an auth middleware to protect page.
and using vuex-persistedstate (also tried vuex-persist and nuxt-vuex-persist) to persist vuex store.
Everything is working fine when navigating from page to page, but when i refresh page or directly land to protected route, it redirect me to login page.
localStorage plugin
import createPersistedState from 'vuex-persistedstate'
export default ({ store }) => {
key: 'store-key'
auth middleware
export default function ({ req, store, redirect, route }) {
const userIsLoggedIn = !!store.state.auth.user
if (!userIsLoggedIn) {
return redirect(`/auth/login?redirect=${route.fullPath}`)
return Promise.resolve()
I solved this problem by using this plugin vuex-persistedstate instead of the vuex-persist plugin. It seems there's some bug (or probably design architecture) in vuex-persist that's causing it.
With the Current approach, we will always fail.
Actual Problem is Vuex Store can never be sync with server side Vuex store.
The fact is we only need data string to be sync with client and server (token).
We can achieve this synchronization with Cookies. because cookies automatically pass to every request from browser. So we don't need to set to any request. Either you just hit the URL from browser address bar or through navigation.
I recommend using module 'cookie-universal-nuxt' for set and remove of cookies.
For Setting cookie after login
this.$cookies.set('token', 'Bearer '+response.tokens.access_token, { path: '/', maxAge: 60 * 60 * 12 })
For Removing cookie on logout
Please go through the docs for better understanding.
Also I'm using #nuxt/http module for api request.
Now nuxt has a function called nuxtServerInit() in vuex store index file. You should use it to retrieve the token from request and set to http module headers.
async nuxtServerInit ({dispatch, commit}, {app, $http, req}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let token = app.$cookies.get('token')
if(!!token) {
$http.setToken(token, 'Bearer')
return resolve(true)
Below is my nuxt page level middleware
export default function ({app, req, store, redirect, route, context }) {
if(process.server) {
let token = app.$cookies.get('token')
if(!token) {
return redirect({path: '/auth/login', query: {redirect: route.fullPath, message: 'Token Not Provided'}})
} else if(!isTokenValid(token.slice(7))) { // slice(7) used to trim Bearer(space)
return redirect({path: '/auth/login', query: {redirect: route.fullPath, message: 'Token Expired'}})
return Promise.resolve()
else {
const userIsLoggedIn = !!store.state.auth.user
if (!userIsLoggedIn) {
return redirect({path: '/auth/login', query: {redirect: route.fullPath}})
// return redirect(`/auth/login?redirect=${route.fullPath}`)
} else if (!isTokenValid(store.state.auth.tokens.access_token)) {
return redirect({path: '/auth/login', query: {redirect: route.fullPath, message: 'Token Expired'}})
// return redirect(`/auth/login?redirect=${route.fullPath}&message=Token Expired`)
} else if (isTokenValid(store.state.auth.tokens.refresh_token)) {
return redirect(`/auth/refresh`)
} else if (store.state.auth.user.role !== 'admin')
return redirect(`/403?message=Not having sufficient permission`)
return Promise.resolve()
I have write different condition for with different source of token, as in code. On Server Process i'm getting token from cookies and on client getting token store. (Here we can also get from cookies)
After this you may get Some hydration issue because of store data binding in layout. To overcome this issue use <no-ssr></no-ssr> wrapping for such type of template code.

Why is it considered poor practice to use Axios or HTTP calls in components?

In this article, it says:
While it’s generally poor practice, you can use Axios directly in your components to fetch data from a method, lifecycle hook, or whenever.
I am wondering why? I usually use lifecycle hooks a lot to fetch data (especially from created()). Where should we write the request calls?
Writing API methods directly in components increases code lines and make difficult to read.
As far as I believe the author is suggesting to separate API methods into a Service.
Let's take a case where you have to fetch top posts and operate on data. If you do that in component it is not re-usable, you have to duplicate it in other components where ever you want to use it.
export default {
data: () => ({
top: [],
errors: []
// Fetches posts when the component is created.
created() {
.then(response => {
// flattening the response = => {
title: item.title,
timestamp: item.timestamp,
.catch(e => {
So when you need to fetch top post in another component you have to duplicate the code.
Now let's put API methods in a Service.
api.js file
const fetchTopPosts = function() {
return axios.get(``)
.then(response => {
// flattening the response = => {
title: item.title,
timestamp: item.timestamp,
}) // you can also make a chain.
export default {
fetchTopPosts: fetchTopPosts
So you use the above API methods in any components you wish.
After this:
import API from 'path_to_api.js_file'
export default {
data: () => ({
top: [],
errors: []
// Fetches posts when the component is created.
created() {
API.fetchTopPosts().then(top => { = top
.catch(e => {
It's fine for small apps or widgets, but in a real SPA, it's better to abstract away your API into its own module, and if you use vuex, to use actions to call that api module.
Your component should not be concerned with how and from where its data is coming. The component is responsible for UI, not AJAX.
import api from './api.js'
created() {
api.getUsers().then( users => {
this.users = users
// vs.
created() {
axios.get('/users').then({ data }=> {
this.users = data
In the above example, your "axios-free" code is not really much shorter, but imagine what you could potentially keep out of the component:
handling HTTP errors, e.g. retrying
pre-formatting data from the server so it fits your component
header configuration (content-type, access token ...)
creating FormData for POSTing e.g. image files
the list can get long. all of that doesn't belong into the component because it has nothing to do with the view. The view only needs the resulting data or error message.
It also means that you can test your components and api independently.