PostgreSQL 12 `quote_literal` function explanation - sql

I want to understand how quote_literal() function works.
This is my table:
CREATE TABLE temp_emp (
id integer,
name text
INSERT INTO TEMP_EMP (id, name) VALUES (1, 'Super Pavel');
When I do:
SELECT * FROM "public".temp_emp WHERE name like '%Pavel%';
I have 1 row in result.
However, when I do:
SELECT * FROM "public".temp_emp WHERE name like quote_literal('%Pavel%');
I have 0 rows in result.
At the same time:
SELECT * FROM quote_literal('%Pavel%');
returns '%Pavel%'.
Could anyone explain why like '%Pavel%' and like quote_literal('%Pavel%') give different results?

The purpose of quote_literal() -- as explained in the documentation -- is to quote values for dynamic SQL. Dynamic SQL means that you are putting SQL into a string.
If you run this on different values, you will see that it includes the single quotes:
select str, '"' || quote_literal(str) || '"'
from (values ('abc'), ('abc def'), ('abc '' def')) v(str);
This returns:
abc "'abc'"
abc def "'abc def'"
abc ' def "'abc '' def'"
In particular, the single quotes are inside the string -- the double quotes are there too, but just to illustrate the boundaries of the string.
Clearly, although your data might have 'Pavel' embedded in them, none of your rows have 'Pavel' with single quotes.


SQL Server removing necessary whitespaces

I'm trying to add whitespaces to a column. However, the SPACE function is not working.
Returns 3 instead 13.
This behavior also happens with the REPLICATE function.
Returns ''
What I need:
Returns ' '
This suggestion works, but it needs do add : to the string.
DECLARE #Test varchar(32);
SELECT #Test = 'ABC' + SPACE(10);
SELECT #Test + ':';
Returns ABC :
I need ABC
--This table is in SQL Server
Code varchar(35)
--This table is on DB2
code char(35),
description varchar(100)
INSERT INTO Product VALUES ('ABC', 'My Test')
Iten.Code, Product.description,
IBMServerD.DatabaseD.LDAT.Product AS Product ON Iten.Code = Product.code
This query returns no rows.
Because that, I need to fill spaces on the right to Iten.Code, but it does not respect it.
If both tables were in SQL Server, it would work fine.
Try using trim functions
SELECT Iten.Code, Product.description, DataLength(Iten.Code),
from Iten INNER JOIN IBMServerD.DatabaseD.LDAT.Product as Product
ON ltrim(rtrim(Iten.Code)) = ltrim(rtrim(Product.code))
'ABC' + REPLICATE(' ',10)
SPACE(INTEGER) is working fine
select LEN('abc'+SPACE(10)) `3`
LEN() function excludes trailing blanks/whitespaces
select DATALENGTH('abc'+SPACE(10)) `13`
using DATALENGTH() give you 13, DATALENGTH() includes trailing blanks/whitespaces

SQL Server : exploding CSV for SELECT statement

I have a table structure as below;
id txtName intReferences
1 Fred 1,4,6,444,56,43,
2 Sam 5,33,5904,43
3 Tom 1200
4 Samantha 43,44,888,99
I'd like to write a T-SQL query to return all the records based on a series of numbers provided.
For example, querying for 43 would return Fred, Sam and Samantha. The catch is, when querying for 3, it shouldn't return results for Sam or Samantha, given that that isn't the number in its entirety. Looking for a direct and whole number match.
The CSV value may end in a comma.
I've tried to use the "IN" statement, but it returns results if any portion of the number exists. Ideally trying to achieve without creating a function given some database restrictions.
Use string_split():
select t.*
from t cross apply
string_split(t.intReferences, ',') s
where s.value = '3';
Then, fix your data model so your are not storing integer values in strings. This is bad, bad, bad. Here are some reasons why:
Numbers should be stored as numbers, not strings (using the correct type).
SQL Server has lousy string manipulation functions.
Only one value should be stored in a column.
Foreign key relationships should be properly declared.
Resulting queries cannot be optimized to using indexes or partitions.
SQL has a great way to store lists. It is called a table not a string.
Clearly, the best way to accommodate this situation is to have properly normalized data.
Another method for querying the data with the current structure would be to check for comma + (your number) + comma. Something like this...
Declare #Temp Table(id int, txtName varchar(200), intReferences varchar(200))
Insert Into #Temp Values(1, 'Fred', '1,4,6,444,56,43,')
Insert Into #Temp Values(2, 'Sam', '5,33,5904,43')
Insert Into #Temp Values(3, 'Tom', '1200')
Insert Into #Temp Values(4, 'Samantha', '43,44,888,99')
Select *
From #Temp
Where ',' + intReferences + ',' like '%,' + '43' + ',%'
Select *
From #Temp
Where ',' + intReferences + ',' like '%,' + '3' + ',%'

How to replace underscore with a blank space with a regular expression in SQL

I'm trying to insert post codes into my database but getting rid of the underscores.
I have a table called FeedDataSetMapping that is used to map the fields before they get inserted:
INSERT INTO FeedDataSetMapping (
This already contains some condition regex that in case that this field contains some text it converts it to true or false respectively.
What I need is a condition_regex that gets rid of these underscores and replaces it with a blank space i.e: 'GDB_A45' to 'GDB A45'. I don't know much about regex so any idea would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
SQL Server does not have much of regular expression support, but in this case I don't think you need it. You can do a simple replace:
UPDATE mytable
SET mycolumn = REPLACE(mycolumn, '_', ' ')
WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%[_]%'
To do this while updating you can use INSERT ... SELECT instead of INSERT ... VALUES:
INSERT INTO mytable (mycolumn)
SELECT REPLACE('my data 1', '_', ' ') UNION
SELECT REPLACE('my data 2', '_', ' ') UNION
SELECT REPLACE('my_data_3', '_', ' ') UNION
There will be some maximum number of unions you can do, so you should split your inserts into batches with this method.
Or, you could define a trigger on the target table that will do the job for you:
CREATE TRIGGER mytrigger ON mytable
UPDATE mytable
SET mytable.mycolumn = REPLACE(i.mycolumn, '_', ' ')
FROM mytable
INNER JOIN inserted i
ON =
AND i.mycolumn LIKE '%[_]%'
... where it is assumed your table has a primary key named id.
Well after been thinking a while I got to the conclusion that would be easier if I replace the underscore from the scraped data during the scraping (in the c# code) before I generate the XML file. That would avoid me a lot of headaches. Anyway thank you for your help guys ;)

Replace ; with blank in SQL

I have a table like this:
(note VARCHAR (50))
SELECT 'Amplifier'
How can I replace the semicolon (';') with blank ('').
Expected Output:
'' -- here semicolon replace with blank
If you want to replace ALL semicolons from any outputted cell you can use REPLACE like this:
SELECT REPLACE(note,';','') AS [note] FROM #T
Fetching from the given table, use a CASE statement:
SELECT CASE WHEN note = ';' THEN '' ELSE note END AS note FROM #T;
replace() would replace all occurrences of the character. Doesn't seem like you'd want that. This expression only replaces exact matches of the whole string.
It looks like you need to REPLACE all your semicolons:
(note VARCHAR (50))
SELECT REPLACE(SourceColumn, ';', '')
FROM SourceTable
SQL Server 2017 introduced the function TRANSLATE where you can specifiy a list of characters to be replaced
SELECT TRANSLATE('MAX(0,MIN(h-36,8))', '(,-)', ' ') -->'MAX 0 MIN h 36 8 '

Look for trailing spaces in a table

I'd like to know how I can identify trailing spaces in a table. I'm using SQL Server 2008 and create the following table as a test
CREATE TABLE first_test_name
firstName varchar(255)
And then inserted a record like this:
insert into first_test_name (firstName)
I then tried inserting a space and then adding a new record like this:
insert into first_test_name (firstName)
values('Bob ') -- just 1 space
And for a 3rd time,
insert into first_test_name (firstName)
values('Bob ') -- two spaces used this time.
Now if I query for for 'Bob' (no spaces), I still get a count of 3.
My query was:
select count(*) from first_test_name WHERE firstName = 'Bob'
Shouldn't the answer have been 1?
Also, I used sp_help on this table and the value for "Trim Trailing Blanks" is set to no.
So why am I getting a count of 3? I was expecting just 1.
On a related note, if I search using this query
select * from first_test_name
where firstName like '% '
I then get the right answer of two rows found.
So just to reiterate, the question is why I get a count of 3 when searching for 'Bob'.
Also, what does "Trim Trailing Blanks" mean in this case?
Why I get a count of 3 when searching for 'Bob'?
SQL Server ignores trailing spaces in most string comparisons.
Also, what does "Trim Trailing Blanks" mean in this case?
This tells you the ANSI_PADDING option set when the table was created.
How can I identify those two with 1 or 2 trailing spaces?
Here's one way.
FROM first_test_name
WHERE firstName LIKE 'Bob '
And to find ones with no trailing space
FROM first_test_name
WHERE firstName LIKE 'Bob' AND firstName NOT LIKE 'Bob '
SQL Server will expand strings with whitespace during comparisons.
This is what I would do:
FROM first_test_name
WHERE REPLACE(firstName, ' ', '_') = 'Bob'
Another way might be to append something on the string.
declare #test table(
id varchar(4) not null,
firstname varchar(255) not null)
insert into #test values('1', 'Bob')
insert into #test values('2', 'Bob ')
insert into #test values('3', 'Bob ')
insert into #test values('4', ' Bob')
select count((firstname + 'end')) from #test
where (firstname + 'end') not like '% %'
The query will return a count of 1.
A good clean way to do this would be to compare your original string against an Rtrim version of itself where they don't match e.g.:
FROM First_Test_Name
WHERE Firstname <> RTrim(Firstname)
This should return all records where Firstname has trailing spaces (I think ...)
I was looking recently and couldn't find the answer to this. Thought I'd share since coming across one.
LEN trims trailing whitespaces by default. Using the below they are moved to the front and then the field length is counted.
Hope this helps anyone searching in the future.