Why won't CodeBlocks attach to a process? - process

I recently ran into an issue that I want to share Q&A style here. Hopefully it will help others, at minimum it is documented so I can find it later :)
When trying to run Ncurses in CodeBlocks it blows up when it hit initscr();. With VSCode this was not a problem, so I know there was something I am missing. With the help of StackOverflow it appears the best way to approach this with gdb (and CodeBlocks) is to attach to the process itself after it is running, rather than starting it in CodeBlocks. (Debugging ncurses application with gdb)
However, when I try to attach to the PID it just says that it was unable to attach to the process. Why is this?

I found that if I tried to run it through gdb on the commandline I also got this same issue. It comes from Kernal Hardening to prevent hacking. With this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32274645/1770034
I discovered I needed to switch over to the root user. Then run echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope Now Code blocks will happily attach to the process and you can use your break points.


Error when i try to install the rxyhn dotfiles to personalize my arch linux

I already configurate the system and established a gnome graphic environment, but i don´t like it so much, so i decided to personalize with the dotfiles of rxyhn https://github.com/rxyhn/dotfiles because i like the style he give to it.
I have done the step by step that he tell there but when i try to start this enviroment (with awesome) it tells me that it has an error in /home/giral0/.config/awesome/modules/b and there is only better-resize.lua and bling (https://github.com/BlingCorp/bling) and i think the error is with bling. When i start this it appears to me the basic awesome but it's strange because it also has thing of the dotfiles environment.
I don´t know what to do because i am kinda new in arch so i hope some of you can help me.

How to troubleshoot React Native build error?

Below you can see the output I get when I try to run npx react-native run-android. It suggests some options to try in order to further pinpoint the problem, however they don't work with the aforementioned command so I assume that they are related to a gradle (just an educated guess).
I know ZERO about gradle; I have just seen the name here and there and in the output shown below. So please keep that in mind when you answer. If I need to learn how to run some gradle command(s) directly, please be as verbose as possible in your answer.
The project was working fine just a bit ago, but I wanted the ability to force portrait mode for certain screens but without configuring my entire app to always have to stick to portrait mode. So I found what looked to be a solution in the react-native-orientation-locker module. I installed it with yarn and then proceeded to update files as directed: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-orientation-locker.
After updating the appropriate files, I got an error that suggested axios was the problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled axios. After that didn't work, I proceeded to undo all the file changes I had just made. Then I uninstalled the react-native-orientation-locker module.
To my knowledge, I have undone everything I did between the time the project worked and stopped working.
Sadly, I had not put this into source control yet (a mistake I won't make again), so I can't revert.
Where to go from here?
Problems like this are hard to pin point. What you can do is open the android project in android studio and see the logs as the project is being assembled. I assume you do not have much knowledge about android either so you might need some senior resource to help you.
What I usually do in this case is open android studio and if I am lucky enough, it tells me which file has an issue and I go to the file and do what android studio suggests me. Some times it fixes the problem and sometimes it doesn't.
Another thing I would like to mention is that the documentation of the package you are using is important to follow. I assume you did that already but I would suggest to review it narrowly and closely.
Another guess I can tell you is try to go to your-project/android/build.gradle and over there, you'll see something like this in the start. The package you are using mentions something about target SDK 27. I think you should check that out too. May be it helps
Lastly I would say always use source control while working with react native. It can easily blow up at any time so you should always have a safety net to fallback to :)

How to resolve error 0xc0000139

I'm developing a program on Widows10 with Qt. If I run it from the command line, it exits silently, immediately. When I try to debug it, a dialog box is displayed saying "During startup program exited with code 0xc0000139."
I know this means that Windows failed to load one or more DLLs.
How do I find which DLLs they were?
Ideally, I would prefer not to download any additional utilities beyond what is provided by Windows10 and Qt.
For what it's worth I resolved my problem.
It turned out the the program I was trying to run hadn't been rebuild since my last set of changes. I'm unsure why that was so, clearly my own error but I'm not sure what, precisely.
For the benefit of anyone coming here trying to find an answer to the question at the top of the page, if you have cygwin or another Unix-alike on your system, ldd is a good program with which to start looking through the sharable images you link to.

WiX Toolset - Handling the case of running the installer again after it's been installed

I have a custom bootstrapper (C# WPF) and it works well enough. If the installer gets run from the command line after it was installed, it brings up a window allowing the user to select if they want to modify, repair or uninstall. So far so good. Modify mode starts the UI which ends up calling Bootstrapper.Plan(LaunchAction.Modify). The problem is that if I call it from the launcher UI it immediately complains that a prior install requires a reboot.
I have not found any good examples on what this should do. Even the WiX mailing list came up blank.
Any ideas?
It would be helpful with the screenshot for that reboot message - just to get a feel for where it might be coming from and to get a literal string to search for. Did you have a look in the WiX source code yourself btw? (WiX 3.111 branch)
I started writing a lot of stuff about reboots. Not good. Maybe just some questions instead:
Does this happen every time you invoke modify and is it reproducible on more than one computer? Or maybe it is just Windows Update acting up on a problem computer?
I assume you have rebooted the computer where you see the problem and you see the problem again when you re-launch the bundle?
Do you schedule any reboots inside your MSI files during the initial installation?
Either using the ScheduleReboot action or a custom action which schedules a reboot with a call to MsiSetMode (for example)?
There is a long explanation here why such reboot-constructs cause problems, but that may be besides the point. Essentially badly configured reboot-constructs can trigger spontaneous, unexpected reboots without warning when packages are run in silent mode (plus other problems).
Could you try to run the test VBScript found in this answer: WiX behaving badly on XP machine with windows update issues in order to check if the script reports a reboot being necessary?
Other than that I guess you could try to run Burn yourself in debug mode (not sure how much plumbing that would be to get running) or perhaps first try a ProcMon.exe session to see if you can see something obvious. The latter should be quick to do?
There are some registry locations you can hunt down to see if you can figure out what triggered the reboot warning. Get-PendingReboot-Query. And a similar PowerShell script.
So in the end it was user error. :-( O well. I did learn a lot about how to figure out how Windows checks for the need to reboot etc.
The issue was simple in the end. During the modify run it was uninstalling, then reinstalling a number of services. The problem is that when it runs (seeing as you have to set it to repair to get it to work) it copies all the files again and the services were still running at the start of the install. The fix was to uninstall anything that might lock a file before the actual file copy starts and that solved the issue for me.
Thanks for your help guys, all the info helped me look in different directions until I found the issue. Awesome community as always!

Start with MonetDB development

I want to integrate features into MonetDB, more specifically into the dictionary part of it. I found some information here, but this is not really elaborate.
The concrete feature I want to integrate is secondary in my question here. My biggest hurdle at the moment is: how do I start to develop MonetDB?
I was able to download the source and build it as described here. But where to go from there?
My preferred way would be: get MonetDB in some form of an IDE, set various breakpoints, send a SQL query and explore the code from there.
Is this possible? What development environment do you use? Is gdb debugging the only possibility? How do you debug?
Meanwhile, I figured it out myself. Maybe, somebody else will face this problem, wherefore I answer my own question. I finally ended up with Eclipse and describe a possible way to start MonetDB development/debugging:
Clone MonetDB repository from the official repository, e.g., from Github
Download the C++ version of a current Eclipse release
In Eclipse click on File > New > C/C++ > Makefile Project with Existing Code > Next. Insert the cloned repository dictionary as Existing Code Location and select the GNU Autotools Toolchain
Now you should be able to build MonetDB inside of Eclipse
After a successful build, you can choose Binaries from the Project Explorer. There you can right click the different binaries and use to run as or debug as
This finishes the setup of MonetDB inside Eclipse. Now, it depends on what you want to debug. If you want to change something at the server, you might want to debug monetdbd. My tips to do this are:
Start debugging of monetdbd per right click as explained before
Close the debug session and adjust the debug configuration
On the Arguments tab, insert the arguments: start -n <path to your dbfarm>. This will keep the database daemon from going into the background
On the Debugger tab, select Automatically debug forked process and optionally Non-stop mode
A new debug session will now automatically stop at the main of monetdbd and will also show the threads of the forked mserver5 process