How to Take Average of Data Within a Column to create new Variable - sql

I have a simple task which I cannot wrap my head around being a novice coder.
I have a data set which I am trying to manipulate.
It appears as this:
UniqueID Day Var AverageVar
1 1 X
1 2 Y
1 3 Z
2 1 A
2 2 B
2 3 C
I would like to create this new "AverageVar" variable which computes an average across the three days for each unique ID.
So, for example, the AverageVar for the first three rows I would like to create and have (X + Y + Z)/3 displayed. Is there any easy code for this in SQL or R?

SELECT * INTO newtable
(SELECT UniqueID, AVG(Var) as AverageVar
FROM table
SELECT O.UniqueID, O.Day, O.Var, N.AverageVar
FROM oldtable O
newtable N
ON O.UniqueID = N.UniqueID;


sum of query result form two different table that have nothing in common

hi i have two query result:
Table A
Id u
1 50,00
2 60,00
3 70,00
Table B
id c
4 110,00
5 120,01
6 130,02
Now i have doing two query on this table and i want sum their query result.
I want update column c from table B with 160 that is sum of(110+50).
Table B
Id c
4 160,00
Table B and Table A they have nothing in common.
Now i have doing two query for select their value ed for sum two data:
$query_updatee="update B set c= (integer)$data where c=110,00";
Can i sum the data from two different table that don't have nothing in comon?
My output is pg_query(): Query failed: ERRORE: syntax error at or near "1" LINE 1: update B set punti = (integer)1680,00 where c=110,00 ^ in C:\xampp\htdocs\table_A.php on line 81
You can use a subquery to fetch the increment. The rest seems to just be filtering:
update B
set c = c + (select a.u from a where = 1)
where = 4;
Obviously, you can use where b.c = 110.00 if you want to filter by a number (or use a comma if that is how the database is set up).

SQL Update table with all corresponding data from another table concatenated?

Running PostgreSQL 12.4. I am trying to accomplish this but the syntax given there doesn't seem to be working on psql, and I could not find another approach.
I have the following data:
Table 1
ID Trait
1 X
1 Y
1 Z
2 A
2 B
Table 2
ID Traits, Listed
I would like to create the following result:
Table 2
ID Traits, Listed
1 X + Y + Z
2 A + B
Concatenating with + would be ideal, as some traits have inherent commas.
Thank you for any help!
Try something like:
update table2
SET traits = agg.t
(select id,string_agg(trait, ',') t from table1 group by id) agg
where =;
Concatenating with + would be ideal, as some traits have inherent commas.
You can use whatever delimiter you like (just change the second argument to string_agg).

Create SQL query with dynamic WHERE statement

I'm using Postgresql as my database, in case that's helpful, although I'd like to find a pure SQL approach instead of a Postgresql specific implementation.
I have a large set of test data obtained from manufacturing a piece of electronics and I'd like to take that set of data and extract from it which units met certain criteria during test, ideally using a separate table that contains the test criteria from each step of manufacturing.
As a simple example, let's say I check the temperature readback from the unit in two different steps of the test. In step 1, the temperature should be in the range of 20C-30C while step 2 should be in the range of 50C-60C.
Let's assume the following table structure with a set of example data (table name 'test_data'):
temperature step serial_number
25 1 1
55 2 1
19 1 2
20 2 2
and let's assume the following table that contains the above mentioned pass criteria (table name 'criteria'):
temperature_upper temperature_lower step
20 30 1
50 60 2
At the moment, using a static approach, I can just use the following query:
( test_data.step = 1 AND test_data.temperature > 20 AND test_data.temperature < 30 ) OR
( test_data.step = 2 AND test_data.temperature > 50 AND test_data.temperature < 60 );
which would effectively yield the following table:
temperature step serial_number
25 1 1
55 2 1
I'd like to make my select query more dynamic and instead of begin statically defined, make it construct itself off of a list of results from the test_criteria table. The hope is to grow this into a complex query where temperature, voltage and current might be checked in step 1 but only current in step 2, for example.
Thanks for any insight!
You can solve using a join between the tables
FROM test_data t
INNER JOIN criteria c ON t.step = c.step
AND t.temperature > c.temperature_upper
AND t.temperature < c.temperature_lower
OR if you want >= and <=
FROM test_data t
INNER JOIN criteria c ON t.step = c.step
AND t.temperature netween c.temperature_upper AND c.temperature_lower

Update a Column from another Column using SQLite?

I have a DB with two columns with many records and from these two columns I have to do some mathematical operations and create other two columns.
For now I did like this:
I made a SELECT and read the two columns, and put everything in a List
Then I go through the List and UPDATE the table line by line
Do you think there is a faster way to do it? I also tried like this:
UPDATE myTable SET X_GAUSS = (SELECT X FROM myTable ) + 1, Y_GAUSS = (SELECT Y FROM myTable) + 2
(it's only an example)
But in this way every line of the new columns is the same as the line before, instead I want something like:
1 2 2 4
3 4 4 6
5 6 6 8
A subquery like SELECT X FROM myTable returns the first row of the table.
You can simply access the columns of the same row directly:
UPDATE myTable
SET X_GAUSS = X + 1,
Y_GAUSS = Y + 2;

please help me in building a query for the below mentioned table in sql

i have a table name conversion and i have these below mentioned columns in it i want to multiply Length\width row elements l*w of 'dimension' values and display them in another new table
Please let me know if anything changes for the same logic in ms access
probably it is simple but i dont know exact query to solve the problem waiting for your solutions
ID area length/width dimensions **new column(L*W) here**
1 1 l 3 3*5=15
2 1 w 5
3 2 l 4
4 2 w 8
5 3 l 6
6 3 w 10
7 4 l 12
8 4 w 13
9 4 W 10
waiting for your reply
You could query the table twice: once for lengths and once for widths and then join by area and multiply the values:
select length.area, length.dimension * width.dimension
(select area, dimension from conversion where lenwidth = 'l') length
inner join
(select area, dimension from conversion where lenwidth = 'w') width
on length.area = width.area;
Two remarks:
I suppose that it is a typo that you have two width entries for area 4? Otherwise you would have to decide which value to take in above select statement.
It would not be a good idea to keep the old table and have a new table holding the results. What if you change a value? You would have to remember to change the result accordingly every time. So either ditch the old table or use a view instead of a new table.
Try this
select *,
dimensions*(lead(dimensions) over(order by id)) product
from table1;
Or if you want for the set of area then
select *,
case when length_width='l' and (lead(length_width) over(order by id))='w'
then dimensions*(lead(dimensions) over(order by id))
else 0
end as product
from table1;