SSMS Set Statistics Time On/Off prints multiple lines instead of just one - sql

When I run my query, it prints multiple execution times instead of just one. I only want one so what do I need to do to get this to only print one time stamp?
DECLARE #firstNum INT, #secondNum INT, #thirdNum INT, #evenSum INT
SET #firstNum = 1
SET #secondNum = 2
set #thirdNum = 2
SET #evenSum = 2
WHILE (#thirdNum <= 4000000)
SET #thirdNum = #firstNum + #secondNum
SET #firstNum = #secondNum
SET #secondNum = #thirdNum
IF (#thirdNum % 2) = 0
SET #evenSum += #thirdNum
PRINT 'Answer = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, #evenSum)

If you remove PRINT 'Answer = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, #evenSum) from your code
then it won't print multiple execution time.
Here is the example of it.

Statistic time will print for each execution. Since you are looping you are performing multiple query statements (I believe this also applies for sets -i could be wrong though), each will provide an execution time. There really is no way to modify statistic time for what I think you are looking for.
You could declare a datetime2 and store the start time in the beginning by using SysDateTime, and get the end time upon completion, thus printing the difference onto the screen using DateDiff. (This will achieve what you are asking for. )
You could also look into client statistic (but that might not be what you want).
Side note and irrelevant: you are looping queries. This is not profient and you may be doing this to learn. I would recommend looking into Tally tables for replacing loops. You can greatly improve performance if you design your query correctly.


Is there a faster way to run an SQL Where Case

I have the following stored procedure (In MS SQL):
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_GetWorksWithEngineerVisits3]
#sTextSearch nvarchar(255) = NULL,
#bCompleteFlag bit = NULL,
#dExpectedStartDateTime datetime = NULL,
#dExpectedEndDateTime datetime = NULL,
#sResponsible_UserIDs nvarchar(255) = NULL,
#bEnableTextSearchFilter bit = false,
#bEnableCompleteFlagFilter bit = false,
#bEnableExpectedDateTimeRangeFilter bit = false,
#bEnableResponsible_UserIDFilter bit = false
FROM dbo.vwWorksWithEngineerVisits
--TextSearch Filter Start
(sCustomer LIKE CASE
WHEN #bEnableTextSearchFilter = 1
THEN '%' + #sTextSearch + '%'
ELSE sCustomer
WHEN #bEnableTextSearchFilter = 1
THEN '%' + #sTextSearch + '%'
ELSE sSite
WHEN #bEnableTextSearchFilter = 1
THEN '%' + #sTextSearch + '%'
--TextSearch Filter End
--Complete Filter Start
bIsComplete = CASE
WHEN #bEnableCompleteFlagFilter = 1
THEN #bCompleteFlag
ELSE bIsComplete
--Complete Filter End
--Expected DateTime Range Filter Start
dExpectedStartDateTime >= CASE
WHEN #bEnableExpectedDateTimeRangeFilter = 1
THEN #dExpectedStartDateTime
ELSE dExpectedStartDateTime
dExpectedEndDateTime <=
WHEN #bEnableExpectedDateTimeRangeFilter = 1
THEN #dExpectedEndDateTime
ELSE dExpectedEndDateTime
----Expected DateTime Range Filter End
--Responsible_UserID Filter Start
lResponsible_UserID in (
WHEN #bEnableResponsible_UserIDFilter = 0
THEN lResponsible_UserID
ELSE (SELECT Value FROM dbo.CSVToList(#sResponsible_UserIDs) AS CSVToList_1)
--Responsible_UserID Filter End
ORDER BY dExpectedEndDateTime
The output is fine, but it is very slow (15 sec for only 5000 rows) Executing dbo.vwWorksWithEngineerVisits directly takes 1sec for the same number. When executing the SP, I am setting all enable flags = 0.
DECLARE #return_value int
EXEC #return_value = [dbo].[proc_GetWorksWithEngineerVisits3]
#sTextSearch = NULL,
#bCompleteFlag = False,
#dExpectedStartDateTime = N'01/01/1969',
#dExpectedEndDateTime = N'01/01/2021',
#sResponsible_UserIDs = NULL,
#bEnableTextSearchFilter = 0,
#bEnableCompleteFlagFilter = 0,
#bEnableExpectedDateTimeRangeFilter = 0,
#bEnableResponsible_UserIDFilter = 0
SELECT 'Return Value' = #return_value
I want to be able to only filter a column, if the corresponding flag is set. I probably could just check for NULL in the primary parameters and reduce the parameters, but I don't think it changes the problem I am having.
The first 4 Case filters are very basic, and when I comment the remaining last 3 out, the performance/result is instantaneous. As soon as I add one of last 3 back into the mix, things slow down as above. What makes these different is that they do ">=" or "in", rather than just an "=" or "like". The other thing that I noticed is that when I changed the following:
lResponsible_UserID in (
WHEN #bEnableResponsible_UserIDFilter = 0
THEN lResponsible_UserID
ELSE (SELECT Value FROM dbo.CSVToList(#sResponsible_UserIDs) AS CSVToList_1)
lResponsible_UserID in (
WHEN #bEnableResponsible_UserIDFilter = 0
THEN lResponsible_UserID
ELSE lResponsible_UserID
This also speed things up to 1 sec. How is this the case that changing the else part of the statement makes any difference whatsoever, when the flag is always 0, so should never run?
I need these filters, and I need them dynamic. There are a mix of operator types (including an IN that targets a function). Is there a way to refactor this stored procedure to have the same result (it does work), but in a much more optional way?
Apologies if I have missed something in my post, and I will edit if this pointed out.
That's a big query!
SQL Server runs a compiler against the queries in your sp when you define it. Then it uses that compiled procedure, blithely ignoring any optimizations that might come from your specific parameter values. This page explains:
When SQL Server executes procedures, any parameter values that are used by the procedure when it compiles are included as part of generating the query plan. If these values represent the typical ones with which the procedure is subsequently called, then the procedure benefits from the query plan every time that it compiles and executes. If parameter values on the procedure are frequently atypical, forcing a recompile of the procedure and a new plan based on different parameter values can improve performance.
In your situation, your parameter settings dramatically simplify the search you want. But the compiled sp doesn't know that so it uses an excessively generalized search plan.
Try appending this to the query in your SP (after your ORDER BY clause) to force the generation of a new, hopefully more specific, execution plan.
Also, you can tidy up your filter clauses and make them a little less gnarly.
Try this for your text-search cases: Change
sCustomer LIKE CASE
WHEN #bEnableTextSearchFilter = 1
THEN '%' + #sTextSearch + '%'
ELSE sCustomer
(#bEnableTextSearchFilter <> 1 OR sCustomer LIKE '%' + #sTextSearch + '%')
This will refrain from saying column LIKE column when your filter is disabled, and may save some time.
You can apply the same principle to the rest of your CASE statements too.
Note: the filter pattern column LIKE '%value%' is inherently slow; it can't use an index range scan on column because the text-matching isn't anchored at the beginning of the pattern. Rather it must scan all the values.

SQL - How to call a part of query conditionally

I need to write a SQL query like this:
do step1
do step2
do step3
- this step does a lot of stuffs: define variables, use some variables defined in step 1, query a lot of data into temporary table...
do step 4
call step 3 here
do step 5
call step 3 here
How to make step 3 a reusable query to avoid calling step 3 unnecessarily? notice that step 3 should be a part of the whole query
When I try to create a #step3Query NVARCHAR(MAX), SET #step3Query = '...'
Then call this query in appropriated places by call "EXEC sp_executesql #step3Query". But I got a lot of errors, and I am not sure that is a correct way to do task like that.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Here is one method that could work (depending on your exact circumstance). The main thing for this is that it's easy, as well as easy to read.
You could have 3 variables to use as flags e.g., #Query3_Flag, #Query4_flag, #Query5_flag.
Your conditional checks just set these flags e.g.,
IF (condition1)
SET #Query4_Flag = 1;
SET #Query3_flag = 1;
SET #Query5_flag = 0;
Before each of queries 3, 4 and 5, have the IF statement check the flag and only run the query if the flag is set to 1 e.g.,
IF #Query3_Flag = 1
(run Query 3)
Note that the queries will need to be in the correct order.

PowerBuilder 12.5 sql cursors transaction size error

i have a major problem and trying to find a workaround. I have an application in PB12.5 that works on both sql and oracle dbs.. (with a lot of data)
and i m using CURSOR at a point,, but the aplications crashes only in sql. Using debuging in PB i found that the sql connection returs -1 due to huge transaction size. But i want to fetch row by row my data.. is any work around to fetch data like paging?? i mean lets fetch the first 1000 rows next the other 1000 and so on.. i hope that you understand what i want to achieve (to break the fetch process and so to reduce the transaction size if possible) , here is my code
SELECT associate_trans.trans_code
FROM associate_trans
WHERE associate_trans.usage_code = :ggs_vars.usage ORDER BY associate_trans.trans_code ;
OPEN trans_Curs;
FETCH trans_Curs INTO :ll_transId;
DO WHILE sqlca.sqlcode = 0
ll_index += 1
hpb_1.Position = ll_index
if not guo_associates.of_asstrans_updatemaster( ll_transId, ls_error) then
CLOSE trans_Curs;
MessageBox("Update Process", "Problem with the update process on~r~n" + sqlca.sqlerrtext)
cb_2.Enabled = TRUE
end if
FETCH trans_Curs INTO :ll_transId;
CLOSE trans_Curs;
Since the structure of your source table s not fully presented, I'll make some assumptions here.
Let's assume that the records include a unique field that can be used as a reference (could be a counter or a timestamp). I'll assume here that the field is a timestamp.
Let's also assume that PB accepts cursors with parameters (not all solutions do; if it does not, there are simple workarounds).
You could modify your cursor to be something like:
[Note: I'm assuming also that the syntax presented here is valid for your environment; if not, adaptations are simple]
SELECT ots.associate_trans.trans_code
FROM ots.associate_trans
WHERE ots.associate_trans.usage_code = :ggs_vars.usage
AND ots.associate_trans.Timestamp < TopTime
ORDER BY ots.associate_trans.trans_code
LIMIT 1000 ;
IF (p_Start_Timestamp IS NULL) THEN
TopTime = p_Start_Timestamp ;
OPEN trans_Curs;
FETCH trans_Curs INTO :ll_transId;
In the above:
p_Start_Timestamp is a received timestamp parameter which would initially be empty and then will contain the OLDEST timestamp fetched in the previous invocation,
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() is a function of your environment returning the current timestamp.
This solution will work solely when you need to progress in one direction (i.e. from present to past) and that you are accumulating all the fetched records in an internal buffer in case you need to scroll up again.
Hope this makes things clearer.
First of all thank you FDavidov for your effort, so i managed to do it using dynamic datastore instead of cursor,, so here is my solution in case someone else need this.
String ls_sql, ls_syntax, ls_err
Long ll_row
DataStore lds_info
ls_sql = "SELECT associate_trans.trans_code " &
+ " FROM associate_trans " &
+ " WHERE associate_trans.usage_code = '" + ggs_vars.usage +"' "&
+ " ORDER BY associate_trans.trans_code"
ls_syntax = SQLCA.SyntaxFromSQL( ls_sql, "", ls_err )
IF ls_err <> '' THEN
MessageBox( 'Error...', ls_err )
lds_info = CREATE DataStore
lds_info.Create( ls_syntax, ls_err )
lds_info.SetTransObject( SQLCA )
lds_info.Retrieve( )
DO WHILE sqlca.sqlcode = 0 and ll_row <= ll_count
FOR ll_row = 1 TO ll_count
ll_transId = lds_info.GetItemNumber( ll_row, 'trans_code' )
ll_index += 1
hpb_1.Position = ll_index
do while yield(); loop
if not guo_associates.of_asstrans_updatemaster( ll_transId, ls_error) then
DESTROY lds_info
MessageBox("Update Process", "Problem with the update process on~r~n" + sqlca.sqlerrtext)
cb_2.Enabled = TRUE
end if
DESTROY lds_info

T-SQL: Stop query after certain time

I am looking to run a query in t-SQL (MS SQL SMS) that will stop after X number of seconds. Say 30 seconds. My goal is to stop a query after 6 minutes. I know the query is not correct, but wanted to give you an idea.
Select * from DB_Table
where (gatedate()+datepart(seconds,'00:00:30')) < getdate()
In SQL Server Management Studio, bring up the options dialog (Tools..Options). Drill down to "Query Execution/SQL Server/General". You should see something like this:
The Execution time-out setting is what you want. A value of 0 specifies an infinite time-out. A positive value the time-out limit in seconds.
NOTE: this value "is the cumulative time-out for all network reads during command execution or processing of the results. A time-out can still occur after the first row is returned, and does not include user processing time, only network read time." (per MSDN).
If you are using ADO.Net (System.Data.SqlClient), the SqlCommand object's CommandTimeout property is what you want. The connect string timeout verb: Connect Timeout, Connection Timeout or Timeout specifies how long to wait whilst establishing a connection with SQL Server. It's got nothing to do with query execution.
Yes, let's try it out.
This is a query that will run for 6 minutes:
WHILE (#i <= 360)
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01'
print FORMAT(GETDATE(),'hh:mm:ss')
SET #i = #i + 1;
Now create an Agent Job that will run every 10 seconds with this step:
-- Put here a part of the code you are targeting or even the whole query
DECLARE #Search_for_query NVARCHAR(300) SET #Search_for_query = '%FORMAT(GETDATE(),''hh:mm:ss'')%'
-- Define the maximum time you want the query to run
DECLARE #Time_to_run_in_minutes INT SET #Time_to_run_in_minutes = 1
DECLARE #SPID_older_than smallint
SET #SPID_older_than = (
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)
WHERE text LIKE #Search_for_query
AND text NOT LIKE '%sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle)%' -- This will avoid the killing job to kill itself
AND start_time < DATEADD(MINUTE, -#Time_to_run_in_minutes, GETDATE())
-- SELECT #SPID_older_than -- Use this for testing
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(1000)
SET #SQL = 'KILL ' + CAST(#SPID_older_than as varchar(20))
Make sure the job is run by sa or some valid alternative.
Now you can adapt it to your code by changing:
#Search_for_query = put here a part of the query you are looking for
#Time_to_run_in_minutes = the max number of minutes you want the job to run
What will you be using to execute this query? If you create a .NET application, the timeout for stored procedures by default is 30 seconds. You can change the timeout to be 6 minutes if you wish by changing SqlCommand.CommandTimeout
In SQL Server, I just right click on the connection in the left Object Explorer pane, choose Activity Monitor, then Processes, right click the query that's running, and choose Kill Process.

Not able to remove injected script from database rows

I've been handed a MS SQL 2000 database which has been injected with malware.
The malware script is as follows:
<script src=></script>
Now I want to remove this piece of code from the table rows.
As a test, I inputed < h1> Test < /h1> on a row, and successfully ran the following query:
UPDATE myTable
SET description = REPLACE (description, '<h1>','')
WHERE id = 2;
This removed the h1 tag.
But trying the same with the script tag does not work:
UPDATE myTable
set description = REPLACE (description, '<script src=></script>','')
WHERE id = 2
Why does this not work?
WOHO! I found the solution!
I'm using the folloing code, which I found here:
-- Look for open and close HTML tags making sure a letter or / follows < ensuring its an opening
-- HTML tag or closing HTML tag and not an unencoded < symbol
(#HTMLText VARCHAR(8000))
SET #Start = CHARINDEX('<',#HTMLText)
SET #Length = (#End - #Start) + 1
WHILE #Start > 0
AND #End > 0
AND #Length > 0
SET #HTMLText = STUFF(#HTMLText,#Start,#Length,'')
SET #Start = CHARINDEX('<',#HTMLText)
SET #Length = (#End - #Start) + 1
RETURN Replace(LTRIM(RTRIM(#HTMLText)),' ',' ')
To remove the HTML tags / scripts, I run the following query:
UPDATE mytable
SET description = [dbo].[udf_StripHTML](description)
//WHERE id = 35;
This works perfectly. Note that this script removes ALL html. So if I only want to remove < script> , I just replace '<' with '< script'.
Have you tried looking for just aScript.js, the entry could be url_encoded, or something similar, so it gives something like
Reread Question
Do you mean that even when you have the script tag in a column with id=2 it doesn't work? Because if its not working are you sure that it exists in row with id=2? :p
Should work, unless there are other hidden characters in there you can't see, or there is some form of encoding going on. Can you SELECT a suspect row to look at more closely.
I would tend to completely DELETE FROM myTable WHERE description LIKE '' where possible.
However, fixing the database isn't a real solution; the application must be fixed. It shouldn't ever be echoing text out of the database unencoded. If someone enters some data including the string <script> it should simply appear on the page as the literal string <script>, or in the source <script>.
Wouldn't the src attribute value be surrounded by quotes? If so, you would have to escape them to get a proper match on the replace.
Why not try:
UPDATE myTable
set description = REPLACE (description, '','localhost')
WHERE id = 2
That would eliminate the immediate hijacking problem, and would likely avoid line break / funky characters problems.
You could try the following to strip the code out of your field (I'm assuming you have information in the same field that you want to keep):
update myTable
set description = case when PATINDEX('%<script%', notes) > 0
then SUBSTRING(notes, 1, PATINDEX('%<script%', notes)-1) + SUBSTRING(notes, PATINDEX('%script>%', notes) + 7, LEN(notes))
else notes
where id=2
You could first run a select to see if the value returned by the CASE statement is correct before running the update. It should not affect fields without a script tag in them, though.
Hold on...
Is the database related to a financial system? Is the application under Sarbanes-Oxley? Has any fraud been committed?
Any of those things preclude you from making changes that would, "destroy evidence." Those little guys running around with "FBI" on their jackets don't take kindly to that. It would be a good thing to back it up now, and the logs (SQL and Web), and put that backup on a few DVDs. It would be better to remove the disk and put in another one (but that may not be an option).
Moving on to cleansing:
bobince's direction is the correct one. Don't look for the whole SCRIPT tag, or try to find variations. Instead, look for something in the script tag that isn't part of the normal dataset. That's what you key off. If it SELECTs okay, then turn it into a DELETE and save that query, because you will need it while you turn to fixing the application (guaranteed your database will get corrupted again).