How to Change background colors on only one page on Squarespace Henson template? - background

I try everything on this and other forum to do it and not ask people..
But nothing happened! haha
I would like to know if someone here know how to change the background colors on Henson template on Squarespace ? (So also all the texte of the page).
I try this in the CSS section but it didn't worked.
And i try this in the injection code :
#collection-5e827250f835166c09c3dcbe {
Thank you in advance,
hope someone can help me!

The Henson template has a "title-card-overlay" that, if enabled, makes it non-obvious to change the initial background color of a the page.
To change the background color of a specific page, add the following CSS via the CSS Editor/Custom CSS:
#collection-57ae1156e3df28c4ce90ea48 .main-content {
background-color: #000000;
#collection-57ae1156e3df28c4ce90ea48 .title-card-overlay {
background-color: #000000;
Of course, in the above code, change the collection ID 57ae1156e3df28c4ce90ea48 to the ID of the page in question.


adding background colour to webpage

new to core, how do I add background colour to the page using the cshtml? I am using the automatically generated page but this is invariable white with black text and it doesn't seem to like the use of inline.
In .net core application,there is a default layout in shared/_layout.cshtml.And each view will use the layout.And in _layout.cshtml,we often reference site.css in <head></head>.So if you want to change the background color of all the pages,you can change the style in site.css.Also, you can change the style in _layout.cshtml by.
For example,I change the background color of body:
In site.css:
body {
/* Margin bottom by footer height */
margin-bottom: 60px;
In _layout.cshtml:
body {
You could also do something like...
<body style="background-color:red">

Override background-color in <html> tag with Vue-Material

I am using Vue-material with the default theme.
This theme adds a background-color on the <html> as below -
Is there an easy way to change this to white? I do not want to change anything else in the theme, so I don't know if it makes sense to customise the theme. Though I tried to customise the theme using instructions from here but no success. I just couldn't figure out where to include the customisation code snippet as demonstrated in the link.
Why don't you just write the style to have your own background color: {
background-color: white;

Ionic4 Print Media Query for Scrollable ion-content

Pretty straightforward problem. Have scroll-able ion-content in my Ionic4 application. I want to be able to print it gracefully by applying #media only print styles. I'm almost there, but I have one major problem. I cannot get the vertical scrollbar to disappear for printing. Additionally, I only ever get one page printed, containing only the content that is in view when I print the page. I've scoured the web for solutions, and come across and tried various suggestions in the context of Ionic3 and earlier, but I haven't found the magic bullet for Ionic4 yet. Has anyone encountered and gotten to the bottom of this yet?
I have been through the ringer on trying to print content in Ionic 4. Some of the steps i followed to print multiple pages.
remove any flex-box styled lists. They just will not print how you want them to across pages, though they have worked fine for me if the content fits in a page.
for items you want to be seperated by page, its best if they are a display: block; styled item, so that that in the print style sheet you can use one of the page-break properties on it
on the item containing your list, the ion-content for example, make sure you remove any max-height attributes from it or any of its ancestor or child elements, as well as removing the overflow: scroll from these elements as well so that it allows your content to go from page to page. for example on my stylesheet for printing (cant share it because of NDAs) I had a lot of overflow-y: visible on elements just to make sure it shows. if you find an element thats cutting off your html, it should be the primary target for experimentation.
you can simulate a print in the dev tools, i found it useful, it's good for iteration here's a link
some other things that may help, but i am not sure as I did so much testing across browsers, and only vaguely remember what impact that css property had is to have the body with a static position, as well as having contain: none on the body to say that the browser should render as normal, little more explanation here
i do not know the specifics of your use case, but if you don't mind foregoing the native print button, and just giving the user a button to click to trigger the print, then that would be more manageable as you do not have to account for all the scaffolding around that specific element that you want to print (the ion-router, ion-page, and all the ancestors)
If you did that then you could put all your items you want to print into a div with an id of printSection or what you prefer, and then the javascript that is responsible for that page you can create your own print function. In my example i will use angular, if you are not using that then preform whatever DOM selecting you need to to get the native html out of your template.
#Component({ ... })
export class Page {
// select the item holding your print content by `#property` you gave it
#ViewChild('printSection', { read: ElementRef }) printSection: ElementRef;
customPrint() {
const printContent = this.printSection.nativeElement;
const WindowPrt ='', '', 'left=0,top=0,width=900,height=900,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0');
WindowPrt.document.write(printContent.innerHTML); // pass in the native html you got
* you should probably use an observable instead of an interval for this,
* but this is just to illustrate a bug where the print would be fired before
* all the content was written
const interval = setInterval(
() => {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
I Solved it following this process
First, remove the content to be printed from ion-content. Use a div instead of ion-content(shadow-dom is implemented with ion-content which blocks your CSS classes)
You also need to force the CSS below on ion-page when printing (it is initially set to position: absolute, by default)
In my case I was printing from a modal component which has a default class "show-modal". I was able to print on multiple pages by target that class this way
#media print {
.ion-page {
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
display: block;
position: relative;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
contain: none;
overflow: visible;
z-index: 0;
.scroll-content,, .modal-wrapper,, > ion-content,, > ion-content,
body {
contain: none;
position: relative !important;
height: auto;
overflow: visible;
I'm also trying to solve this same issue. I've scoured the Internet, and tried many an idea, but none has worked so far.
Perhaps we could solve this collaboratively. I'd put this as a comment, but I don't have enough rating points, so the system will not let me.
This is what I've found so far. In Chrome Developer Tools, you can click on a settings icon, then scroll to "Rendering," and on "Emulate CSS media type," select "print."
When I do that, it shows what the print view is. I created a separate css file, let's call it print.css, and in it, there is
#media print {
/* add your css styles for print here */
I know my print.css is being processed because I've
display: none
for ion-header and some tabs at the bottom, and they do disappear when I select "print" emulation in Chrome.
What is interesting is, I'm seeing the whole page -- scrollable and all -- on the screen in this print mode. However, every time I try to print it, only one page shows up.
That page, however, doesn't always start at the top. It includes the current viewport.
Which is why, I'm wondering if there is something in the css that is trying to keep the whole thing as a page. i.e., preventing a page break?
I'm experimenting with things like this:
ion-content, .foo, .bar, ion-list, ion-tabs, ion-item {
break-inside : auto !important;
break-after : auto !important;
break-before : auto !important;
(where foo and bar are classes you might have of your own.)
This above one breaks things. Removing ion-tabs, ion-list, and ion-item shows the full page.
I'm also experimenting with the following. None has worked so far, but that is probably because I haven't selected the right tag or class.
display: block !important;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: visible !important;
max-height: unset !important;
contain: none;
You may want to experiment with the tag in question that might be preventing a page break. Some people are suggesting it's flexbox or grid that's the root cause. I'd love to know how to find the root cause.
Good luck! If something works, let us know, so I'll also try it in my code.

how to remove videojs's seekbar click event?

I just want to keep the drag event of seekbar, and I don't want users to click on it to adjust the video schedule.
I've tried to do this:
this.player.controlBar.progressControl.seekBar.handleClick = () => {}
But none of this is helpful.
Please help me. I've tried my best.
Using only CSS, putting these 3 lines in your html seems to solve it:
.video-js .vjs-progress-holder .vjs-play-progress { display: none; }
this worked for me.

Safari with unexpected vertical tile for icons on footer, should display in line

I was trying to add twitter/facebook icon to the site footer, much like footer. I got everything working, except that safari having unexpected vertical tile for twitter and facebook. I tried to upload screenshot but I am new user, so can't do that right now.
So I was searching for the answer and found this q/a here, Is <img> element block level or inline level?
So I went to again to see its css does have user agent stylesheet.
I added this line of code to my css:
.footer ul li img.t, li img.f {
width: 40px;
vertical-align: middle;
display: inline-block;
and it fixed the problem.
But I have a few questions in head:
why does's css show as non-editable user agent, while I have to add that display-inline to my css?
How does "display: inline-block" fix the problem?
Notice that: When mouse over to the gray twitter, it triggers swap.js, changing the icon image to the colored one, but in safari, the highlighted icon is bigger than the gray one. I think i almost know the answer. Just need someone who knows all the kinks behind this.
To fix this problem make sure you set the height and width on the image so that it doesn't change during loading.
<img src=""
class="twitter_bird img_swap" height="52px" width="52px" />
.twitter_bird {
When you switch the images name, safari begins to load the image but it doesn't know the height or width until it's done downloading. If you set the height and width it will not grow from 0px to 52px.