How to update Puppet ini_setting or ini_subsetting resource without section header in conf file? - automation

I wonder if someone can help me with my conf file problem. I need to get the output like below but I get problems in using the inifile. I have put below my code and testing output. My service won't start because of the '[]'. Your comments and ideas are highly appreciated. Thanks!
Expected output
cat /etc/service.conf
info something something...
without section header
ini_setting {'setx':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/service.conf',
key_val_separator => '=',
setting => 'setting1',
value => 'value1',
output of testscript1.pp
cat /etc/service.conf
info something something...
$defaults = {
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/service.conf',
key_val_separator => '=',
$settings = {
' ' => {
'setting1' => 'value1',
output of testscript2.pp
cat /etc/service.conf
info something something...
[ ]
Since I really wanted to delete the [] character because it's causing error during service restart, I used section_prefix => '#',. The first puppet agent run is smooth and working. Problem now is if puppet agent runs on its frequency time (like let's say every hour), it will auto-append details in conf file due to lack of section header. I decided to use ini_subsetting but I'm getting errors with it.
ini_subsetting {'subset':
ensure => present,
section => '',
key_val_separator => '=',
path => '/etc/service.conf',
setting => 'setting1',
subsetting => '',
value => 'value1',
output of testscript3.pp
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter path failed on Ini_subsetting[subset]: File paths must be fully qualified, not '/etc/service.conf'.
Any suggestions or advises are highly appreciated.
Thank you.

If the file you are managing does not have section markers of some kind, then it is not an INI file, not even in the generalized sense that the puppetlabs/inifile module supports. To the best of my knowledge, you'll need to choose a different approach to managing the file.
You could consider templating the whole file, or writing a custom type and provider for it, but before going to so much trouble, you should consider whether a good old file_line resource from puppetlabs/stdlib would be adequate for your needs.

Have you tried your testscript1.pp with section => ''?
It would look like this:
ini_setting {'setx':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/service.conf',
key_val_separator => '=',
section => '',
setting => 'setting1',
value => 'value1',
And the output would be:
cat /etc/service.conf
info something something...
Or you could try to use force_new_section_creation => false, as it is true by default and forces the creation of a section, as stated in the module’s reference.
As for your 3rd example, it probably fails because of the blank subsetting parameter. The ini_subsetting resource type requires both setting and subsetting parameters to work.


Puppet conditional only if file exists in a particular directory

I have the following file resource in my puppet manifest:
path => "/path/to/example.dat",
owner => devops,
mode => "0644",
source => "/path/to/example.txt"
I want to run the above snippet only when the .txt file is present in a particular directory. Otherwise, I do not want the snippet to run.
How do I go about doing that in puppet?
In general, you would create a custom fact that returns true when the directory in question satisfies your condition. For example:
Facter.add('contains_txt') do
setcode do
! Dir.glob("/path/to/dir/*.txt").empty?
Then you would write:
if $facts['contains_txt'] {
file { 'example.dat':
path => "/path/to/example.dat",
owner => devops,
mode => "0644",
source => "/path/to/example.txt",

How can I use 'puppetlabs/rabbitmq' module to set up HA rabbitMQ?

I am in no ways an expert on RabbitMQ, but I am trying to puppetize the setup of a RabbitMQ cluster. In the documentation a co-worker of mine wrote I need to implement the equivalent of executing ...
rabbitmqctl set_policy HA '^(?!amq.).*' '{"ha-mode": "all"}
... in my puppet manifest. I tried this ...
rabbitmq_policy { 'HA':
pattern => '^(?!amq.).*',
priority => 0,
applyto => 'all',
definition => {
'ha-mode' => 'all',
'ha-sync-mode' => 'automatic',
... but I get this error when I do my "puppet agent -t" on my rabbit code:
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter name failed on Rabbitmq_policy[HA]: Invalid value "HA". Valid values match /^\S+#\S+$/. at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/core/wraprabbitmq/manifests/init.pp:59
What am I doing wrong? Also do I have/need to have something like this ...
rabbitmq_vhost { 'myvhost':
ensure => present,
... if I am setting up HA rabbitMQ?
Update: Thanks Matt.
I am using this now:
rabbitmq_policy { 'HA#/':
pattern => '^(?!amq.).*',
priority => 0,
applyto => 'all',
definition => {
'ha-mode' => 'all',
'ha-sync-mode' => 'automatic',
Also I did not need to use this:
rabbitmq_vhost { 'myvhost':
ensure => present,
Checking the source code here:
we see that the name parameter for that type needs to be 'combination of policy#vhost to create policy for.' Your value of 'HA' does not follow that nomenclature and thus fails the regexp check of /^\S+#\S+$/.
You need to put a name following the format of 'policy#vhost' for the rabbitmq_policy resource and then your code will compile.

why chef-metal-ssh is failed

I was trying to follow
I'm running the code below, it throws the exception:
[2015-01-19T06:03:39-06:00] ERROR: machineone had an error: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (2 for 0)
require 'chef_metal_ssh'
name = "one"
machine name do
action [:ready, :converge]
machine_options 'ip_address' => '',
'ssh_options' => {
'user' => 'root',
'keys' => ['/home/chefuser/test.rsa']
files '/remote/path.txt' => { :content => 'foo' }
machine_execute name do
command "pwd" # this uses new_daemon_key to register with halo
I want to know what's wrong of this code. And I don't understand for with_ssh_cluster("~/metal_ssh") what content should be in "~/metal_ssh"? thanks.
I had to dig a little with the code to understand (I'm not using it).
According to the comment below found here
# cluster_path - path to the directory containing the vagrant files,
# which should have been created with the vagrant_cluster resource.
The "~/metal_ssh" file should be the Vagrantfile path.
chaf-metal-ssh is a driver for chef-metal, I'm not sure you're comfortable with chef-metal, so I would advise starting by reading This and This
I've found that the issue is I was using chef 12.0.3, and in line 109 of /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p598/gems/chef-12.0.3/lib/chef/dsl/recipe.rb
resource.load_prior_resource(type, name)
But in chef-metal-ssh-0.1.2/lib/chef/resource/ssh_cluster.rb:18
it's defined as
def load_prior_resource
Chef::Log.debug("Overloading #{resource_name}.load_prior_resource with NOOP")
so it throws
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (2 for 0)

RavenDB Query: Have to use Customize() instead of Include()

I'm getting an error that I'm exceeding the number of requests allowed per session (30) when using this query (using Include instead of Customize):
ApplicationServer appServer = QuerySingleResultAndSetEtag(session => session
.Include<ApplicationServer>(x => x.CustomVariableGroupIds)
.Include<ApplicationServer>(x => x.ApplicationIdsForAllAppWithGroups)
.Include<ApplicationServer>(x => x.CustomVariableGroupIdsForAllAppWithGroups)
.Include<ApplicationServer>(x => x.CustomVariableGroupIdsForGroupsWithinApps)
.Include<ApplicationServer>(x => x.InstallationEnvironmentId)
.Load <ApplicationServer>(id))
as ApplicationServer;
Note, the error occurs on this line, which is called for each AppWithGroup within an application:
appGroup.Application = QuerySingleResultAndSetEtag(session =>
session.Load<Application>(appGroup.ApplicationId)) as Application;
However, this query (using Customize) doesn't create extra requests:
ApplicationServer appServer = QuerySingleResultAndSetEtag(session =>
.Customize(x => x.Include<ApplicationServer>(y => y.CustomVariableGroupIds))
.Customize(x => x.Include<ApplicationServer>(y => y.ApplicationIdsForAllAppWithGroups))
.Customize(x => x.Include<ApplicationServer>(y => y.CustomVariableGroupIdsForAllAppWithGroups))
.Customize(x => x.Include<ApplicationServer>(y => y.CustomVariableGroupIdsForGroupsWithinApps))
.Customize(x => x.Include<ApplicationServer>(y => y.InstallationEnvironmentId))
.Where(server => server.Id == id).FirstOrDefault())
as ApplicationServer;
However, the above query causes an error:
Attempt to query by id only is blocked, you should use call
session.Load("applications/2017"); instead of
session.Query().Where(x=>x.Id == "applications/2017");
You can turn this error off by specifying
documentStore.Conventions.AllowQueriesOnId = true;, but that is not
recommend and provided for backward compatibility reasons only.
I had to set AllowQueriesOnId = true because it was the only way I could get this to work.
What am I doing wrong in the first query to cause the includes not to work?
By the way, another post had the same issue where he had to use Customize. I'd like to do this correctly though.
I'm not sure why the load isn't doing this for you, What version of raven are you on? I just tested this in Raven 2.5 build 2700 and the include is bringing back the information for me in a single request.
Anyway, with the load not working quite like i would expect, i would switch to a set of lazy queries to get what you want in 2 server round trips.
Another option that might work out better for you, (depending on what you are really doing with all of that data) is a transformer.
Hope that helps.

How to order resources from a specific module?

I got some trouble ordering resources from a module.
class { 'postgres' :
charset => 'UTF8',
locale => 'fr_FR',
require => Service['postgresqld'],
class { 'postgresql::server':
postgresql::role { 'role1' :
namevar => 'redmine',
password_hash => 'random_md5',
createdb => true,
require => Class['postgres'],
postgresql::database_user {'charly':
password => 'random',
role => 'redmine',
require => postgresql::role['role1'],
I want to order this, but it appears to have a syntax error on the last line at role.
I'm pretty sure it comes from the capitalized first letter. But Puppet doesn't want to run the manifest if I put a capital letter Postgresql::role['role1] or postgresql::Role['role1]. Without capital letter, I "just" get a warning :
warning: Deprecation notice: Resource references should now be capitalized on line 61 in file /home/charly/testManifests/part1.pp
I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what. I searched for an answer on the Internet but can't find what I want neither in tutorials nor on the forums.
Try using chaining arrows to your resource group references e.g.
Class['postgres'] -> Class['postgresql::server']
class { 'postgres' :
charset => 'UTF8',
locale => 'fr_FR',
require => Service['postgresqld']
class { 'postgresql::server': }
More detail can be found here in the puppet reference Chaining Arrows