React native chrome debugger not showing that console.log and default logs - react-native

i recently upgraded from RN 0.61.5 to 0.62.2.
However, chrome debugger won't work from some point on. This means that the debugger and simulator are well connected, but I don't see any of the basic logs that I use console.log, or that first pops up logs.
So, i try some solutions.
first, I reset the project. and run react-native init <my-project>. and copy & paste past source code(Except for system files or node_modules) that src, .gitignore etc
but, this situations keep goes on now.
second, git revert when it worked well before upgrade.
but this is same bad result like above. everything is good. project's Run or Build ยทยทยท.
what should i do ?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Please look this picture

One of the Babel packages I'm using, the Babel-plugin-transform-remove-console, had eliminated all the logs even in development mode.
If you remove this from the project, it works normally.


Why expo hot reload sometimes happend with no aparent reason?

Sometimes with no aparent reason the app gets refreshed, sometimes when i open a file. And when i add a library the expo development server crash, i think that maybe is something with watchman configuration that i don't know how to change. This is enoying.Any help?
PD: I'm using vscode
fast refresh will happen any time a file is changed in your project directory. if you have some other tools that run in that same directory and cause files to be changed then it could be happening seemingly randomly

Stuck on Downloading Javascript Bundle 100% - Expo

I guess that I've tried every solution that exists on the internet about this issue, and nothing works, and I don't even know where to look anymore. It started to happen from nowhere and I can't even open the app settings shaking the phone, it's completely stuck on this screen.
I cleaned up NPM, Yarn, Expo's caches and disabled the Remote Dev Tools.
I would be so much thankful for any help.
In my case it was due to the a remote debugger.
I left the remote debugging on, put the mac in sleep and when I turned it on again the iOS Simulator remained stuck at bundling 100%, irrespective of what I've tried (kill simulator, expo r -c, Reload app, etc.)
However, I could have realized the root cause earlier because on the physical device it was working the entire time.
Hope this saves someone some time.
You could try reverting to your last known working commit, then incrementally adding back the changes until this happens again. This often is a result of delaying hiding the splash screen (perhaps via AppLoading or SplashScreen) and then not hiding it because of some error in the app code preventing the code to hide it from being called.
Try Disable Debug Remote JS in the IOS Simulator
by clicking ctrl + cmd +Z on Mac
It works for me.
Seems like something is wrong with the dependencies, just close down the react-native environment ( android studio) and your IDE, just closing and restarting may work if not, check for updates or delete and reinstall your dependencies ( expo i )

"Unable to resolve module" debuggerWorker errors in recent react-native releases

I keep my project(s) relatively up to date with the latest RN releases. This error seems to be coming up more and more lately.
Error: Unable to resolve module `./debugger-ui/debuggerWorker.d9da4ed7` from ``:
None of these files exist:
* debugger-ui/debuggerWorker.d9da4ed7(.native|.native.js|.js|.native.json|.json|.native.ts|.ts|.native.tsx|.tsx)
Really makes it hard when trying to debug issues and a debugger statement does noting and errors are not reported to the browser tab where the console output goes.
I've already tried wiping node_modules. Is this a known issue with a concrete fix available?
Got stuck with this exact issue for hours. Just found that this occurs only on device where app is already installed with debug mode enabled.
I fixed it by:
uninstalling manually app from device (cmd+H to display simulator home) then long click on app icon and click on cross to delete app => this forces disabling debug mode,
then run app again from xcode.
Enabling debug mode after that works normally.
I had to come across a similar issue after updating #react-native-community/cli-debugger-ui to 4.2.1. Tried out several methods, nothing worked. Reverting #react-native-community/cli-debugger-ui back to 3.0.0 resolved the issue for me.
I closed the app (pressing home twice and swiping up), then started it again from the simulator and it worked.
Happens to me recently using expo and android.
The solution was to clear all Expo Go data:
Long press the Expo go icon
Then select App info
At the bottom of the screen, press Clear Data
And press Clear all data
Relaunch expo go and the react native app

React-native watchman doesn't work anymore

Few days ago I noticed watchman stopped working.
Using a real android device with shake gesture I cannot Reload the app (a reload doesn't take the changes to the code). Live reload and hot reloading don't work either.
The only way I have to get the app take the changes is to kill the packager and relaunch it (often neither this method makes the app takes changes!).
There is a way I can solve? This issue It's pretty frustrating.
I'll answer to myself. After further research, this issue looks to be caused by this option in app.json
"packagerOpts": {
"nonPersistent": "--nonPersistent"
which I've added to be able to produce a release build using Expo (otherwise I get error "socket hang up").
It would be nice if some Expo developer would post some infos about this issue and what that option in app.json really does (the docs says nothing).

Application stuck at "Powered by Titanium screen"

I'm trying to run an app made on Titanium in my cellphone. At first it was working fine, until i decided to debug my code. After that whenever i try to run it on my cellphone, it gets stuck # the powered by titanium screen (that red one).
I tried to delete my build folder as some people said after a bit o research but it won't work.
How can i solve this?
What I would try to do is:
clean the project (it also deletes the build folder, but I think it also cleans some more stuff in there).
when the app starts try to set an alert in app.js as the first thing - see if this alert shows, and if it does - move it to the next step until you find a place where it is no longer shown which might indicate that this is where you problem is.
Look at the device logs - if it's an android device open ddms and look at the logs while you run the app - see if anything pops up. If it's an iPhone on xCode you have some sort of console viewer for the phone (sorry - can't remember the name right now).
make sure you are not still running under debug mode.
BTW - you didn't mention if it happens on iPhone or Android? does it happens on the simulator as well?
I was having the same issue. From digging through Appcelerator's Jira I found we weren't alone, and also got a workaround that allows us to get past the splash screen. Check to see if there is a deploy.json file located in your application's directory on the device. If so delete it!
Here is more info on the issue
It's rated as a high priority to be corrected for the 3.3.0 SDK release.