Implementing a planning optimization algorithm on hierarchical problem - optaplanner

I am working on a planning problem involving:
a collection of planning entities each containing the planning variable A
a global planning variable B (contained in the planning solution)
Since I am a beginner with Optaplanner and planning optimization in general, I started on a simpler version problem, focusing on optimizing A with B modeled as a planning fact.
Now that I have a program successfully optimizing A given B. I want to implement a new solver optimizing both A and B. It turns out that the best optimization search strategy is to first select a B value, and then optimize A given that B value. This process should be repeated until an optimum is found (the problem at hand is hierarchical)
I am looking for advice on how to implement this with Optaplanner. I initially thought I would implement this as two phases (optimize B -> optimize A) but I now understand Optaplanner phases are not meant to do that. For example, the solver cannot loop over this ordered sequence of two phases.
Instead, I think I should implement a custom MoveSelector which starts with a move on B, and then an infinite list of A move..
What do you think ? Am I on the right track ?
Kind regards,

A and B are different stages, not different phases (in OptaPlanner terminology).
In multi-stage planning (see short entry in docs), it's basically 2 different solvers, with one feeding into the other. This is very common when A and B occur at different times (think strategic vs tactical vs operation planning) or due to Conway's law (the organization structure of the users). This is the easy solution and often also by far the most practical during change management for the business. It's the least risk. However, it's suboptimal (in theory at least).
The alternative is indeed to have multiple planning entities, which makes it one big planning problem. That is the perfect solution. That is challenging. Perfect can be the enemy of good. OptaPlanner's architecture supports it, but custom moves are indeed required (today in OptaPlanner 7.35), as the default move selectors won't escape local optima often enough.


Complex Boolean expression optimization, normal forms?

I'm working on a streaming rules engine, and some of my customers have a few hundred rules they'd like to evaluate on every event that arrives at the system. The rules are pure (i.e. non-side-effecting) Boolean expressions, and they can be nested arbitrarily deeply.
Customers are creating, updating and deleting rules at runtime, and I need to detect and adapt to the population of rules dynamically. At the moment, the expression evaluation uses an interpreter over the internal AST, and I haven't started thinking about codegen yet.
As always, some of the predicates in the tree are MUCH cheaper to evaluate than others, and I've been looking for an algorithm or data structure that makes it easier to find the predicates that are cheap, and that are validly interpretable as controlling the entire expression. My mental headline for this pattern is "ANDs all the way to the root", i.e. any predicate for which all ancestors are ANDs can be interpreted as controlling.
Despite several days of literature search, reading about ROBDDs, CNF, DNF, etc., I haven't been able to close the loop from what might be common practice in the industry to my particular use case. One thing I've found that seems related is Analysis and optimization for boolean expression indexing
but it's not clear how I could apply it without implementing the BE-Tree data structure myself, as there doesn't seem to be an open source implementation.
I keep half-jokingly mentioning to my team that we're going to need a SAT solver one of these days. 😅 I guess it would probably suffice to write a recursive algorithm that traverses the tree and keeps track of whether every ancestor is an AND or an OR, but I keep getting the "surely this is a solved problem" feeling. :)
Edit: After talking to a couple of friends, I think I may have a sketch of a solution!
Transform the expressions into Conjunctive Normal Form, in which, by definition, every node is in a valid short-circuit position.
Use the Tseitin algorithm to try to avoid exponential blowups in expression size as a result of the CNF transform
For each AND in the tree, sort it in ascending order of cost (i.e. cheapest to the left)
Profit!^Weval as usual :)
You should seriously consider compiling the rules (and the predicates). An interpreter is 10-50x slower than machine code for the same thing. This is a good idea if the rule set doesn't change very often. Its even a good idea if the rules can change dynamically because in practice they still don't change very fast, although now your rule compiler has be online. Eh, just makes for a bigger application program and memory isn't much of an issue anymore.
A Boolean expression evaluation using individual machine instructions is even better. Any complex boolean equation can be compiled in branchless sequences of individual machine instructions over the leaf values. No branches, no cache misses; stuff runs pretty damn fast. Now, if you have expensive predicates, you probably want to compile code with branches to skip subtrees that don't affect the result of the expression, if they contain expensive predicates.
Within reason, you can generate any equivalent form (I'd run screaming into the night over the idea of using CNF because it always blows up on you). What you really want is the shortest boolean equation (deepest expression tree) equivalent to what the clients provided because that will take the fewest machine instructions to execute. This may sound crazy, but you might consider exhaustive search code generation, e.g., literally try every combination that has a chance of working, especially if the number of operators in the equation is relatively small. The VLSI world has been working hard on doing various optimizations when synthesizing boolean equations into gates. You should look into the the Espresso hueristic boolean logic optimizer (
One thing that might drive you expression evaluation is literally the cost of the predicates. if I have formula A and B, and I know that A is expensive to evaluate and usually returns true, then clearly I want to evaluate B and A instead.
You should consider common sub expression evaluation, so that any common subterm is only computed once. This is especially important when one has expensive predicates; you never want to evaluate the same expensive predicate twice.
I implemented these tricks in a PLC emulator (these are basically machines that evaluate buckets [like hundreds of thousands] of boolean equations telling factory actuators when to move) using x86 machine instructions for AND/OR/NOT for Rockwell Automation some 20 years ago. It outran Rockwell's "premier" PLC which had custom hardware but was essentially an interpreter.
You might also consider incremental evaluation of the equations. The basic idea is not to re-evaluate all the equations over and over, but rather to re-evaluate only those equations whose input changed. Details are too long to include here, but a patent I did back then explains how to do it. See

Nullable chained planning variable in Optaplanner

So I am looking at modelling an overconstrained routing problem, where not all tasks have to be picked up in that specific planning problem. Rather the objective will be to maximise the tasks picked up in that planning problem.
I was thinking this should be easy to achieve by allowing the planning variable to be nullable, but it seems that Optaplanner does not allow this on chained planning variables.
So the workaround I am thinking about would be to devise a Dummy/Ghost vehicle for which the objective be to rather minimise the tasks assigned to this vehicle. This approach seems to echo what has been said here.
Alternatively, I think I can put the value null in the valueRangeProvider but I am not sure if this would work as intended.
Is this a reasonable approach, or are there caveats using this approach ?
null in ValueRangeProvider doesn't work.
The Dummy workaround is very, very common - I did it a few times myself (including for the RH summit demo). But once PLANNER-226 is fixed, we can get rid of that dummy workaround.

Optaplanner select only entities in conflict

In the change and swap move selector, I would like to only consider moves that involve entities in conflict as they are more likely to improve the heuristic score.
How should this be done? What classes and interfaces do I have to reuse/extend? I looked at ScoreDirector and PhaseLifecycleListener.
A MoveFilter might do that (if it's not in phase or solver cached as it changes ever step). See the course scheduling example and docs for how to use a filter.
I wouldn't recommend it though, as you still want to move non-conflicting entities at times. You might just want to focus more on those conflicting lectures. So I would keep a vanilla move selector in the mix.
The move filter isn't perfect either - the Guided Local Search feature (not yet available) is a better way to deal with this.
However, given the other question about the model and similar cases I 've seen, I 'd say moves are not your problem. A better model will make all these kinds of move tweaking obsolete.

Common optimization rules

This is a dangerous question, so let me try to phrase it correctly. Premature optimization is the root of all evil, but if you know you need it, there is a basic set of rules that should be considered. This set is what I'm wondering about.
For instance, imagine you got a list of a few thousand items. How do you look up an item with a specific, unique ID? Of course, you simply use a Dictionary to map the ID to the item.
And if you know that there is a setting stored in a database that is required all the time, you simply cache it instead of issuing a database request hundred times a second.
Or even something as simple as using a release instead of a debug build in prod.
I guess there are a few even more basic ideas.
I am specifically not looking for "don't do it, for experts: don't do it yet" or "use a profiler" answers, but for really simple, general hints. If you feel this is an argumentative question, you probably misunderstood my intention.
I am also not looking for concrete advice in any of my projects nor any sophisticated low level tricks. Think of it as an overview of how to avoid the most important performance mistakes you made as a very beginner.
Edit: This might be a good description of what I am looking for: Create a presentation (not a practical example) of common optimization rules for people who have a basic technical understanding (let's say they got a CS degree) but for some reason never wrote a single line of code. Point out the most important aspects. Pseudocode is fine. Do not assume specific languages or even architectures.
Two rules:
Use the right data structures.
Use the right algorithms.
I think that covers it.
Minimize the number of network roundtrips
Minimize the number of harddisk seeks
These are several orders of magnitude slower than anything else your program is likely to do, so avoiding them can be very important indeed. Typical methods to achieve this are:
Increasing the granularity of network and HD accesses
For example, B-Trees are absolutely ubiquitous in DB systems because the reduce the granularity of HD access for on-disk index lookups.
I think something extremely important is to be very carefully on all code that is frequently executed. This is normally the code in critical inner loops.
Rule 1: Know this code
For this code avoid all overhead. Small differences in runtime can make a big impact on the overall performance. E.g. if you implement an image filter a difference of 0.001ms per pixel will make a difference in 1s in the filter runtime on a image with size 1000x1000 (which is not big).
Things to avoid/do in inner loops are:
don't go through interfaces (e.g DB queries, RPC calls etc)
don't jump around in the RAM, try to access it linearly
if you have to read from disk then read large chunks outside the inner loop (paging)
avoid virtual function calls
avoid function calls / use inline functions
use float instead of double if possible
avoid numerical casts if possible
use ++a instead of a++ in C++
iterate directly on pointers if possible
The second general advice: Each layer/interface costs, try to avoid large stacks of different technologies, the system will spend more time in data transformation then in doing the actual job, keep things simple.
And as the others said, use the right algorithm, try to optimize the algorithm complexity first before you optimize the algorithm implementation.
I know you're looking for specific coding hints, but those are easy to find: cacheing, loop unrolling, code hoisting, data & code locality, blah, blah...
The biggest hint of all is don't use them.
Would it help to make this point if I said "This is the secret that the almighty Powers That Be don't want you to know!!"? Pick your Powers: Microsoft, Google, Sun, etc. etc.
Don't Use Them
Until you know, with dead certainty, what the problems are, and then the coding hints are obvious.
Here's an example where many coding tricks were used, but the heart and soul of the exercise is not the coding techniques, but the diagnostic technique.
Are your algorithms correct for the situation or are there better ones available?

Metrics & Object-oriented programming

I would like to know if somebody often uses metrics to validate its code/design.
As example, I think I will use:
number of lines per method (< 20)
number of variables per method (< 7)
number of paremeters per method (< 8)
number of methods per class (< 20)
number of field per class (< 20)
inheritance tree depth (< 6).
Lack of Cohesion in Methods
Most of these metrics are very simple.
What is your policy about this kind of mesure ? Do you use a tool to check their (e.g. NDepend) ?
Imposing numerical limits on those values (as you seem to imply with the numbers) is, in my opinion, not very good idea. The number of lines in a method could be very large if there is a significant switch statement, and yet the method is still simple and proper. The number of fields in a class can be appropriately very large if the fields are simple. And five levels of inheritance could be way too many, sometimes.
I think it is better to analyze the class cohesion (more is better) and coupling (less is better), but even then I am doubtful of the utility of such metrics. Experience is usually a better guide (though that is, admittedly, expensive).
A metric I didn't see in your list is McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity. It measures the complexity of a given function, and has a correlation with bugginess. E.g. high complexity scores for a function indicate: 1) It is likely to be a buggy function and 2) It is likely to be hard to fix properly (e.g. fixes will introduce their own bugs).
Ultimately, metrics are best used at a gross level -- like control charts. You look for points above and below the control limits to identify likely special cases, then you look at the details. For example a function with a high cyclomatic complexity may cause you to look at it, only to discover that it is appropriate because it a dispatcher method with a number of cases.
management by metrics does not work for people or for code; no metrics or absolute values will always work. Please don't let a fascination with metrics distract from truly evaluating the quality of the code. Metrics may appear to tell you important things about the code, but the best they can do is hint at areas to investigate.
That is not to say that metrics are not useful. Metrics are most useful when they are changing, to look for areas that may be changing in unexpected ways. For example, if you suddenly go from 3 levels of inheritance to 15, or 4 parms per method to 12, dig in and figure out why.
example: a stored procedure to update a database table may have as many parameters as the table has columns; an object interface to this procedure may have the same, or it may have one if there is an object to represent the data entity. But the constructor for the data entity may have all of those parameters. So what would the metrics for this tell you? Not much! And if you have enough situations like this in the code base, the target averages will be blown out of the water.
So don't rely on metrics as absolute indicators of anything; there is no substitute for reading/reviewing the code.
Personally I think it's very difficult to adhere to these types of requirements (i.e. sometimes you just really need a method with more than 20 lines), but in the spirit of your question I'll mention some of the guidelines used in an essay called Object Calisthenics (part of the Thoughtworks Anthology if you're interested).
Levels of indentation per method (<2)
Number of 'dots' per line (<2)
Number of lines per class (<50)
Number of classes per package (<10)
Number of instance variances per class (<3)
He also advocates not using the 'else' keyword nor any getters or setters, but I think that's a bit overboard.
Hard numbers don't work for every solution. Some solutions are more complex than others. I would start with these as your guidelines and see where your project(s) end up.
But, regarding these number specifically, these numbers seem pretty high. I usually find in my particular coding style that I usually have:
no more than 3 parameters per method
signature about 5-10 lines per method
no more than 3 levels of inheritance
That isn't to say I never go over these generalities, but I usually think more about the code when I do because most of the time I can break things down.
As others have said, keeping to a strict standard is going to be tough. I think one of the most valuable uses of these metrics is to watch how they change as the application evolves. This helps to give you an idea how good a job you're doing on getting the necessary refactoring done as functionality is added, and helps prevent making a big mess :)
OO Metrics are a bit of a pet project for me (It was the subject of my master thesis). So yes I'm using these and I use a tool of my own.
For years the book "Object Oriented Software Metrics" by Mark Lorenz was the best resource for OO metrics. But recently I have seen more resources.
Unfortunately I have other deadlines so no time to work on the tool. But eventually I will be adding new metrics (and new language constructs).
We are using the tool now to detect possible problems in the source. Several metrics we added (not all pure OO):
use of assert
use of magic constants
use of comments, in relation to the compelxity of methods
statement nesting level
class dependency
number of public fields in a class
relative number of overridden methods
use of goto statements
There are still more. We keep the ones that give a good image of the pain spots in the code. So we have direct feedback if these are corrected.