Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. VB.NET AND MS-ACCESS -

I think I have check thoroughly, I indicated the 7 field names as well as the the seven boxes where the data will be stored and send to the database...
I'm not sure where specifically the syntax error, thank you!
Private Sub AddBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AddBtn.Click
If UsernameTxt.Text = Nothing Or PasswordTxt.Text = Nothing Or FullNameTxt.Text = Nothing Or EmailTxt.Text = Nothing Or AddressTxt.Text = Nothing Or ContactNumberTxt.Text = Nothing Or UserTypeTxt.Text = Nothing Then
MsgBox("Please Input Credentials", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
Dim sql As String
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim i As Integer
sql = "INSERT INTO userTable (userName,passWord,fullName,userType,e_mail,home_address,contact_number) values ('" & UsernameTxt.Text & "', '" & PasswordTxt.Text & "', '" & FullNameTxt.Text & "', '" & UserTypeTxt.Text & "', '" & EmailTxt.Text & "', '" & AddressTxt.Text & "', '" & ContactNumberTxt.Text & "');"
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = sql
i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
If i > 0 Then
MsgBox("Record Added SuccessFully")
MsgBox("Error Adding Record")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub

All the advice about parameters stands but, even if there are other issues, one that has not been addressed is that "Password" is a reserved word in Jet/ACE SQL. That means that you need to escape that column name no matter what else you do:
sql = "INSERT INTO userTable (userName,[passWord],fullName,..."
Passwords should not be stored in the clear anyway so, if you are doing the right thing and hashing passwords, you can name your column "PasswordHash" and there's no issue.

Congratulations, you've discovered one of the reasons why it's important to use parameters in your SQL command statements -- they allow you to write a statement and fill in arbitrary data values without worrying about how the SQL syntax will be affected:
For Each textbox As TextBox In {UsernameTxt, PasswordTxt, FullNameTxt, UserTypeTxt, EmailTxt, AddressTxt, ContactNumberTxt}
Dim prm = cmd.Parameters.Add(textbox.Name, OleDbType.VarWChar)
prm.Value = textbox.Text
sql = "INSERT INTO userTable (userName, passWord, fullName, userType, e_mail, home_address, contact_number) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = sql
For an introduction on how to use parameters in ADO.NET, see here.


INSERT INTO and UPDATE SQL using visual basic into access database

I'm working on my A Level coursework using VB forms as my front end and an Access database as the back end. I've tried loads of different ways but I can't get the program to update or insert data into the database.
I know for a fact the connection is fine because I've had no problem retrieving data from access into the program.
This the code for one of the forms:
(the database connection is in a separate form)
Access.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Exam;")
Dim user As String = TxtStudent.Text
Dim board As String = CmbBoard.Text
Dim instrument As String = CmbInstrument.Text
Dim grade As String = CmbGrade.Text
Dim result As String = CmbResult.Text
Access.ExecQuery("INSERT INTO Grade (Username, Instrument, Exam Board, Grade, Result) VALUES ('" & user & "', '" & board & "', '" & instrument & ", " & grade & ", " & result & "');")
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Access.Exception) Then MsgBox(Access.Exception) : Exit Sub
The error message says there is a syntax error on INSERT INTO statement.
Am i just being really stupid?
you are missing closing "'" for instrument '" & instrument & "', " . and also, just confirm the values for fields without single quotes(grade ) are numeric otherwise add single quotes
Your single and double parenthesis are a bit of a mess. This alone is a good reason to use parameters but it also protects you from malicious input by users. The important thing with Access is that you must add the parameters in the same order that the command uses them.
Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("Your Access connection string")
Dim s As String = "INSERT INTO Grade (Username, Instrument, Exam Board, Grade, Result) VALUES (#User, #Instrument, #Board, #Grade, #Result);"
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(s, cn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#User", TxtStudent.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Instrument", CmbInstrument.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Board", cmdBoard.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Grade", CmdGrade.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Result", CmdResult.Text)
Double check the data types of the fields and adjust the code if they are not all strings.
In SQL Queries and statements , '(single quote) is used to pass a value of type string to any given parameter(or anything).You mistake was that you forgot to add ' in all the places.
"INSERT INTO Grade (Username, Instrument, Exam Board, Grade, Result) VALUES ('" & user & "', '" & board & "', '" & instrument & ", "'" & grade & "'", "'" & result & "'")"
This will solve it :)
However, one advice, don't give direct values in the statement itself,you are welcoming SQL-Injection.Rather,create parameters and values to them later :
Dim cmd as New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Grade (Username)Values(#uname)",con)
cmd.Parameter.Add("#uname",SqlDbType.Vachar) = "abc"
Hope this helps to enrich your knowledge :)
You must try this!
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Your Access connection string here")
Dim s As String = "INSERT INTO Grade ([Username], [Instrument], [Exam Board], [Grade], [Result]) VALUES (#User, #Instrument, #Board, #Grade, #Result)"
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(s, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#User", TxtStudent.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Instrument", CmbInstrument.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Board", cmdBoard.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Grade", CmdGrade.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Result", CmdResult.Text)
I hope it will works! :)
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Your Access connection string here")
Dim s As String = "INSERT INTO Grade ([Username], [Instrument], [Exam Board], [Grade], [Result]) VALUES (#User, #Instrument, #Board, #Grade, #Result)"
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(s, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#User", TxtStudent.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Instrument", CmbInstrument.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Board", cmdBoard.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Grade", CmdGrade.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Result", CmdResult.Text)

Using case-sensitive SELECT query for login module

I am developing a Windows Form application using in VS10 with user management. I am using following code when a user tries to login:
Dim sel As String
sel = "SELECT uid, name, loginid, password, type FROM user_master WHERE loginid = '" & UsernameTextBox.Text & "' AND password = '" & PasswordTextBox.Text & "'"
Dim cnn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\RSMS_DB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(sel, cnn)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox("Wrong Username and Password Combination!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Login Failed")
current_uid = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)(0)
current_name = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1)
current_loginid = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)(2)
current_password = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)(3)
current_type = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)(4)
MsgBox("Welcome '" & ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1) & "'!", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Login Successful")
Dim upd = "UPDATE user_master SET lastlogin = '" & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") & "' WHERE uid = " & current_uid & ""
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(upd, cnn)
If checkboxLoginState.Checked = True Then
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO login_state VALUES('" & current_uid & "', '" & current_name & "', '" & current_loginid & "', '" & current_password & "', '" & current_type & "')"
End If
load_user_permissions(current_uid) 'DISABLING OPTIONS ACCORDING TO USER RIGHTS
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Database Error")
End Try
All I want to ask is if it is the right method? Is the SELECT Query case sensitive by default?
The SQL Keywords are case-insensitive (SELECT, FROM, WHERE, etc), but are often written in all caps. However in some setups table and column names are case-sensitive. Usually case-sensitive table and column names are the default. If you want to change it then you can change it in a function of the database's collation settings.
Source - And this could also be helpful for you.
If security is important to you then you should hash the passwords - do not save passwords as plain text! You should check out the library libsodium

Solve error in update query

I have code that throws an error - I need your help to solve it.
The error is
Syntax error in update statement
My code:
Dim conn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(My.Resources.ConnectionString)
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim Sql As String = "select * from Administretor"
cmd = New OleDbCommand(Sql, conn)
Dim userE, userR As String
userE = txtOldPass.Text
Dim reder As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While reder.Read()
userR = reder.Item(0)
End While
If userE = userR Then
If txtNewPass.Text = txtNewConfromPass.Text And txtNewConfromPass.Text <> "" And txtNewPass.Text <> "" Then
Sql = "UPDATE Administretor SET PASSWORD='" & txtNewPass.Text & " where LogIn_id=" & txtOldPass.Text & ""
Dim cmd0 As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(Sql, conn)
MsgBox("Make sure that you have entered new password in both text Box and they both are same...!")
End If
MsgBox("Enter the correct Username")
End If
MsgBox("Done 2")
Catch ex As OleDbException
End Try
Two errors
"UPDATE Administretor SET PASSWORD='" & txtNewPass.Text & " where LogIn_id=" & txtOldPass.Text & ""
^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
Missing single quote here---+ |
LogIn_Id will never equal the old password--------------------------------+
But apart from the simple syntax errors you have a huge SQL injection vulnerability from building the SQL out of pieces including user input.
In this part,
"UPDATE Administretor SET PASSWORD='" & txtNewPass.Text & " where ...
The PASSWORD will have a single quote before it, and no single quote after it.
Change it to:
"UPDATE Administretor SET PASSWORD='" & txtNewPass.Text & "' where ...
Notice the extra single quote here ----------------------------------------^
Add this syntax :
Sql = "UPDATE Administretor SET PASSWORD='" & txtNewPass.Text & " where LogIn_id=" & txtOldPass.Text & ""
The query will be in your clipboard. Run it on SQL(whichever you are using), and see if the query runs smoothly?
Please show us what the query generation holds and what the error it produce when running directly from the SQL.

execute multiple command for update

i am working on a vb project . in this i need to save some record to one table and update some records in another table in one event or click .. i am doing like this .
dim simpan as new sqlcommand
conn = New SqlConnection(connectionstring)
simpan = New SqlCommand()
simpan.Connection = conn
simpan.CommandType = CommandType.Text
simpan.CommandText = "update barang set (nama_barang,harga)values(" & TextBox3.Text & ",'" & TextBox4.Text & "') where kode_barang = '" & TextBox2.Text & "'"
MsgBox("Data Berhasil Diubah", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Informasi")
but it giving error as "incorrect syntax near '('" .. i am not getting where i go wrong .. please help me
I see a couple issues with this...
Your Syntax is wrong on your update statement (Al-3sli beat me to that one).
Your textbox values will cause issues if a user types a single quote in the text box (For Example: The word "Wasn't".
Add the replace function to each textbox TextBox3.text.Replace("'","''") That will replace single ticks with two single ticks.
You might also consider using parameterized queries
You can't use update like this, change your code like so:
simpan.CommandText = "update barang set nama_barang = '" & TextBox3.Text & "',harga ='" & TextBox4.Text & "' where kode_barang = '" & TextBox2.Text & "'"

Multiple if statements, then, or else?

I'm having some problems getting a query to run based off another query. Here's the database diagram to give a little background. The primary keys for all the tables are automatically generated by identites. The first 2 insert statements (Donation and Food_Donation) work but I can't get the last insert into Donation_Details to work. Here's the code so far:
Dim con As New OleDbConnection(DBcon)
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim command As New OleDbCommand("Insert into Donation (Donor_ID) VALUES ( " & txtDonNum.Text & "); Select ##Identity;")
command.Connection = con
dr = command.ExecuteReader
Dim Donation_ID As String = ""
If dr.Read() Then
Donation_ID = dr(0).ToString
Dim food As New OleDbCommand("Insert into Food_Donation (Date_Received, Donation_ID) Values ( '" & maskedreceived.Text & "', " & Donation_ID & "); Select ##Identity")
food.Connection = con
End If
Dim Food_ID As String = ""
If dr.Read() Then
Food_ID = dr(0).ToString
Dim food2 As New OleDbCommand("Insert into Donation_Details (Quantity, Unit, Expiration_Date, Food_ID, Storage_ID, Type_ID) Values ( " & txtQuantity.Text & ", '" & boxUnit.Text & "', '" & maskedexpire.Text & "', " & Food_ID & ", " & txtStorageID.Text & ", " & txtTypeID.Text & ")")
food2.Connection = con
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End sub
I'm fairly correct my SQL statements are correct and it's just whether or not the last statements need to be an If or something else.
You should be using dr = food.ExecuteReader() rather than food.ExecuteNonQuery() if you want to reuse dr to acquire Food_ID?
I suspect your problem is that you're using If dr.Read() twice.
The dr.Read() method will move the reader forward to the next row but you are only selecting a single value in your initial query.
So, for example, your reader (being made from the insert) will return a single row value for the successful insert. Calling Read() on it will succeed but then move the row cursor to EOF causing subsequent Read() calls to return FALSE