Reverse Split_part SQL - sql

Is there a way to there a way to delimit data and select the 2nd to last substring
Sample Input:
| Name |
|Mike__NYC_180x9_School |
|Oak_Ann_1_LA_1x190_Uni |
|Tiger_King_Al_car_12_10x15_sample |
Desired Output:
|Account number|
|180x9 |
|1x190 |
|10x15 |

reverse the string then take the second word and then reverse it again.
select reverse(split_part(reverse(Name),'_',2));


snowflake getting everything except the last part SQL

When using snowflake I need everything except the last part of these:
for example1 :
xxx | YYY | XXX | asda | dasd12 | adasda
I just need
xxx | YYY | XXX | asda | dasd12
32131| Y\ZYY | XXX | asda | dasd12 | 213131 | adsadfd
I just need
32131| Y\ZYY | XXX | asda | dasd12 | 213131
can anyone help me please?
The number of pipes can be random
I need everything except the last pipe and whatever there is after
there may be prettier ways of doing this but this should work (the functions to use are in caps)
REVERSE the string
Find the POSITION of the first pipe
Get the RIGHT portion of the string from that pipe position
REVERSE the result
You can split the string to array, slice it, and stitch it back as string
select array_to_string(array_slice(split(your_column,'|'),0,-1),'|')
In case you fancy regex
select regexp_substr(your_column,'(.*)[|]',1, 1, 'e')

Redshift skip the first character of split_part()

I have a table column like below:
| cloumn_a |
| ------------------ |
| Alpha_Black_1 |
| Alpha_Black_2323 |
| Alpha_Red_100 |
| Alpha_Blue_2344 |
| Alpha_Orange_33333 |
| Alpha_White_2 |
| |
Usually, when I want to split with any symbol or character I am using the split_part(text, text, integer) so split_part(column_a, '_', 1)
I need to remove the numeric part of each variable and keep only the text part like Alpha_Black.
I cannot use the trim function because the numeric part can change
How can I skip the first underscore and split from the second one?
I would suggest using REGEXP_REPLACE here:
REGEXP_REPLACE(column_a, '_\\d+$', '') AS column_a_out
FROM yourTable;

How to get part of the String before last delimiter in AWS Athena

Suppose I have the following table in AWS Athena
| Thread |
| poll-23 |
| poll-34 |
| pool-thread-24 |
| spartan.error |
I need to extract the part of the string from columns before last delimiter(Here '-' is delimiter)
Basically need a query which can give me output as
| Thread |
| poll |
| poll |
| pool-thread |
| spartan.error |
Also i need a group by query which ca generate this
| Thread | Count |
| poll | 2 |
| pool-thread | 1 |
| spartan.error | 1 |
I tried various forms of MySql queries using LEFT(), RIGHT(), LOCATE(), SUBSTRING_INDEX() functions but it seems that athena does not support all these functions.
You could use regexp_replace() to remove the part of the string that follows the last '-':
select regexp_replace(thread, '-[^-]*$', ''), count(*)
from mytable
group by regexp_replace(thread, '-[^-]*$', '')

hive regexp_extract after second occurrence of delimiter

we have a Hive table column which has string separated by ';' and we need to extract the string after second occurrence of ';'
| col1 |
| a;b;c;d |
| e;f; ;h |
| i;j;k;l |
Required output:
| col1 |
| c |
| <null> |
| k |
select regexp_extract
Split the string on ; which will return an array of values and from this you can get the element at index 2.
select split(str,';')[2]
from tbl
If you want to convert empty and space-only strings to NULLs like in your example, then this macro can be useful:
create temporary macro empty_to_null(s string) case when trim(s)!='' then s end;
select empty_to_null(split(col1,'\\;')[2]);

SQL LIKE (Reverse)

I'm kinda confused on how this thing can be done.
I have a database table having these values:
| id | file_type | code | position |
| 1 | Order | SO | 1 |
| 2 | Order | 1-SO | 7 |
| 3 | Order | 1_SO | 7 |
Now, I want to get the position and the file type of my filename so I come up with this query:
SET #FileName = '1-SO1234567890.pdf'
FROM tbl_FileTypes
WHERE CHARINDEX(code,#FileName)> 0
Sadly, I'm getting two results here, I only need the data with the "1-SO" result.
| id | file_type | code | position |
| 1 | Order | SO | 1 |
| 2 | Order | 1-SO | 7 |
I believe that my WHERE Clause causes this to happen.
Is there any better way for me to get my desired results?
Thank you very much in advance.
You might want to use SUBSTRING instead (assuming T-SQL):
WHERE code = SUBSTRING(#FileName,1, LEN(code));
Which checks if the first n-chars of FileName equal a given code.
SET #FileName = '1-SO1234567890.pdf'
FROM tbl_FileTypes
WHERE CHARINDEX(code,#FileName) = 1
would work in this case but if you had a code '1-SOS' it's going to fail again.
Since you are cheking left most characters, you could also use LEFT() function as below. Also use TOP (1) to get a single record and consider ordering as needed.
FROM tbl_FileTypes
WHERE LEFT(#FileName,LEN(code)) = code
--ORDER BY yourCol