When I'm creating new C++ library-project in CLion, I'm getting these 3 files:
My problem is that I can't change default file extensions and content. For example: library.c++; library.h++
I have changed template settings but it works only when I'm creating a file not a project.
Files configuration:
Include configuration:
Unfortunately it cannot be done. There is 3 years old usability issue for that.
Looking at this question: How can I use a file-scoped namespace declaration in a class template?
The answer shows an example:
But when I add a file "Editor Config(.Net)" to my project it doesn't look the same:
many settings are hard-coded to Location = Visual Studio Settings
the severity options do not match that screenshot at all
I am also using VS2022 like the other question (Pro version in my case). What is going on? There's no point me adding a .editorconfig file to Git under my project if the settings I want to change aren't stored in that file.
I have a less file main.less that #imports other less files so they can all be compiled into a single main.css file.
With Web Essentials 2013, saving any of the imported files would trigger a compile of the main.less - which isn't happening with this extension.
Is there a configuration I'm missing?
Right now I use Alt-Shift-y as a workaround to force compile all the less files.
I don't want to go with the grunt solution, described here
Do you have Web Workbench installed? That helped me, then it compiles automatically. https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/2b96d16a-c986-4501-8f97-8008f9db141a
I have a situation where my module names need to be in a certain format. Typescript is fine when I do this:
// knockout interfaces, this is knockout.d.ts
declare var ko: KnockoutStatic;
declare module "core!lib/knockout" {
export = ko;
And then in my file that uses it:
import ko = require('core!lib/knockout');
IntelliJ doesn't like it though. It says "cannot find external module 'core!lib/knockout'. I'm using the latest stable version (14.1) and this happens with the in-built 1.4 compiler and a custom one.
I guess this may be a Jetbrains bug?
If you add this to the file with the import statement the error will probably go away
/// <reference path="test.ts" />
The real problem I think is that the configuration isn't fully correct. Is the config root correct or are you maybe using version control?
Relevant bits from the link:
From the Scope drop-down list, choose the scope to apply the compiler in. The available options are: – Project Files: all the files within the project content roots (see Content Root and Configuring Content Roots).
– Project Production Files: all the files within the project content roots excluding test sources.
– Project Test Files: all the files within the project test source roots.
– Open Files: all the files that are currently opened in the editor.
VCS Scopes: these scopes are only available if your project is under version control.
– Changed Files: all changed files, that is, all files associated with all existing changelists.
– Default: all the files associated with the changelist
See https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/transpiling-typescript-to-javascript.html
We are using IntelliJ IDEA 10.5. How can we ensure that everyone is using the same code style and Rearranger configuration? What files should be put under version control?
You should share most of the files in .idea directory when using the directory based format, check the FAQ.
In the Code style settings make the current scheme project specific, it will be stored in .idea/codeStyleSettings.xml (or project .ipr file when using the legacy format).
Rearranger is a third-party plug-in and as far as I know doesn't store its configuration inside the project. It has options to import configuration from a file and export it to a file which you can use to maintain the same configuration by putting this file in the version control.
Note that IDEA 12 will bundle a new Rearranger plug-in which will have better configuration management (similar to the code style settings, or a part of it).
My project uses Sandcastle and Sandcastle Help File Builder to generate documentation.
We're using a customized version of script_manifold.js that persists the user's language preference across pages (the default version resets the language preference with each page).
Currently, the script is located in the Sandcastle\presentation\VS2005\scripts folder.
Is there a way to override this script with a custom version, without having to mess with the Sandcastle installation? That is, can I have a file that is checked into source control along with my source code, and somehow have that file used by SHFB instead of the default Sandcastle one?
Never mind, I found the answer!
In the SHFB project explorer window, you can just create a folder with the same name as the presentation style content you wish to override. This works with any stock content, such as HTML, CSS or JS files. So in my situation, I needed to override the script_manifold.js file which lives in the Scripts folder of the VS2005 presentation style.
So I needed to create a folder called Scripts in my SHFB project, then put my script_manifold.js in that folder.
It all works perfectly. Excellent!