Standard approach for multi browser test execution in Selenium Jupiter - junit5

I went through Selenium Jupiter manual and still cannot get the idea of how I can set multiple
browsers in Selenium Jupiter to run every test in every browser.
Should use Test Template for that purpose?
Again I did not see an example of how can I do it in Selenium Jupiter?
p.s. An example with RemoteDrivers on Selenium Grid.
Here is my attempt to do it:
public class BaseTestWithRemoteDrivers {
static SeleniumExtension extension = new SeleniumExtension();
public static void setupAll() {
Browser chrome =;
Browser firefox = BrowserBuilder.firefox().build();
extension.addBrowsers(chrome, firefox);
public void testWithBrowser(WebDriver driver) {
public static void tearDownAll(WebDriver driver) {
Unfortunately, only the Chrome browser will open.
Upd: I also found that there is a message saying:
Browser list for context id is not found. Not sure how to set up Browsers List if it is needed.

So far I did not find multi browsers support except by explicitly putting the browsers type into mvn command like below:
mvn verify -Dtest=BaseTest
public class BaseTest {
public void testNumber1(RemoteWebDriver driver) throws {
public static void tearDown(RemoteWebDriver driver) {
I figured out the way I can do it with Test Template too.
Below is the working example:
public class MultiBrowserTestTemplate {
static SeleniumExtension extension = new SeleniumExtension();
static void setup() {
String browsersList = System.getProperty("prop.browsers.list");
List<String> browsers = Arrays.asList(browsersList.split(","));
if (browsers.contains("chrome")) {
if (browsers.contains("firefox")) {
public class MultiBrowserDemoTest extends MultiBrowserTestTemplate {
public void testInMultipleBrowsers(WebDriver driver) {
WebElement search = driver.findElement("q"));
search.sendKeys("JUnit5 extensions");
And the maven command goes like this:
mvn verify -DMultiBrowserDemoTest


ChromeDriver FlashPolicyHelper does not work remotely

We're using the
new FlashPolicyHelper(driver).addSite("")
In order to bypass the getFlash prompt when trying to navigate to our websites that use Flash.
However this does not seem to work when executed remotely.
Current Implementation
Calling the FlashPolicyHelper Class
if(browser.driver instanceof ChromeDriver)
new FlashPolicyHelper((ChromeDriver) browser.driver).addSite(odysseyURL)
public class FlashPolicyHelper
private final ChromeDriver driver;
public FlashPolicyHelper(ChromeDriver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
public FlashPolicyHelper addSite(String site) {
try {
this.driver.get("chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=" + site);
... rest of code for FlashPolicyHelper found here...
Allow Flash content in Chrome 69 running via chromedriver
I realized I needed to instantiate a Remote Web Driver in order to have functionality remotely. Solved.
if(browser.driver instanceof RemoteWebDriver)
new FlashPolicyHelper((RemoteWebDriver) browser.driver).addSite(odysseyURL)
public class FlashPolicyHelper
private final RemoteWebDriver driver;
public FlashPolicyHelper(RemoteWebDriver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
public FlashPolicyHelper addSite(String site) {
try {
this.driver.get("chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=" + site);
... rest of code for FlashPolicyHelper found here...
Allow Flash content in Chrome 69 running via chromedriver

Parallel execution using POM with PageFactory

I started encountering problems when I use static objects reference for WebDriver and run the tests in parallel.
public static WebDriver driver;
Hence I decided to use non-static object reference for the WebDriver.
private WebDriver driver;
Now when I use POM with Page Factory, my understanding is that everytime I create a Test I will have to be creating a new Object in the test class as shown below.
/* Constructor in the Page Object class */
private WebDriver driver;
public LoginPage(WebDriver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);
2 testcases as shown below in the same class.
private LoginPage loginPage;
public void testCase1() {
loginPage = new LoginPage(getDriver());
public void testCase2() {
loginPage = new LoginPage(getDriver());
My question here is a
Am I right in creating page object for every test cases?
Is there any way I can optimize this? Because One doubt I got is that non-static object reference may be getting overridden and causing problems in one of the methods if I run them in parallel.
Sorry if my query is naive. Any help would be appreciated.
You do not need to initialize it again. Also, initialize the pages in #BeforeTest rather than in test cases.
Here i would like to give you example of Page object model. Hope you can relate this.
My Main test:
public void SelectBrowser(){
driver = WebUtils.SelectBrowser(driver,"Chrome");
public void LoginToGmail() throws InterruptedException{
//WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
//MAximize the Screen
//Go to Gmail Login Page
SignInPage SignInPage = new SignInPage();
WebUtils.GoToSignInPageForPropertyFile(driver, "URL");
//Click on Next
SignInPage.ClickToLogin(driver, By.cssSelector("input[id='next']"));
Now Supporting class:
GoToSignInPageForPropertyFile method will be in WebUtils
Whatever i write in Webutils will be used by each page object class.
For e.g.
public class WebUtils {
public static pageobject.SignInPage GoToSignInPageForPropertyFile(WebDriver driver, String URL) {
ReadFileData File = new ReadFileData();
Properties Values = File.ReadFile();
return PageFactory.initElements(driver, pageobject.SignInPage.class);
Now the method ClickToLogin is defined under SignInPage class as:
public class SignInPage {
public EmailViewPage ClickToLogin(WebDriver driver, By by) {
WebUtils.Click(driver, by);
return PageFactory.initElements(driver, EmailViewPage.class);
Which will further be in Webutils
public class WebUtils {
public static void Click(WebDriver driver, By by) {
WebElement Element = driver.findElement(by);;

Cucumber Junit Testing Code

I tried to work with webdriver to see if the cucumber will open browser with junit. It is recognizing everything except for opening the web browser or even doing what I asked to do. Here is the code snippet:
public class JobSearch {
WebDriver driver;
public void JobSearchSteps()
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
#Given("^I am on the page Find Jobs$")
public void I_am_on_the_page_Find_Jobs()throws Throwable{
System.out.println("#Given -- I am on the page Find Jobs");
#When("^I enter \"([a-zA-Z]{1,})\" in the Keywords textbox$")
public void I_enter_QA_in_the_Keywords_textbox(String Job){
System.out.println("The search is "+Job);
#And("^I enter\"([a-zA-Z]{1,})\" in the Location textbox$")
public void I_enter_my_location_in_the_Location_textbox(String Loc)throws Throwable{
System.out.println("The location is "+ Loc);
#And ("^I Select\"([a-zA-Z]{1,})\" from the Careers Category List$")
public void I_Select_from_the_Careers_Category_List(String Option)throws Throwable{
WebElement ListBox =driver.findElement("s_jobtypes"));
List options = ListBox.findElements(By.tagName(Option));
#And ("^I click the button Find Jobs$")
public void I_click_the_button_Find_Jobs()throws Throwable{
#Then("^the page Jobs should be shown$")
public void the_page_Jos_should_be_shown()throws Throwable{
You cannot combine Junit annotations with Cucumber annotations. I suggest you to remove #Test annotation. You should rather write a step to launch the site and implement it. For example put this at the top of your scenario,
Given I navigate to ""
This will translate to a step like,
#Given("^I navigate to \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void I_navigate_to_site(String url) throws Throwable {
driver = new FirefoxDriver();

NUnit Selenium Structure

I'm trying to write some Selenium tests with NUnit and doing my best to keep a clean test design (testing one thing for each test). So I got something like this
public class SomeTest
IWebDriver driver;
public void Setup()
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
public void Test1()
public void Test2()
public void Teardown()
Now this is fine, but things get insanely slow as the number of tests increase. Starting and stopping the entire browser for each test is a bottleneck.
Any way to keep the browser open until the last test? Or perhaps a better approach/design?
In order to only bring up one browser per fixture you can use [TestFixtureSetUp] [TestFixtureTearDown] instead of [SetUp] and [TearDown]:
public class SomeTest
IWebDriver driver;
public void Setup()
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
public void Test1()
public void Test2()
public void Teardown()
Of course this does not help across fixtures, but could still give some performance gain.
You can make just one method with 'test' in its name. This test method will contain calling other methods (without 'test' in its name). Those other methods will be your tests cases.
Every method with 'test' in its name causes opening and closing browser. By using above solution you will open browser only one time and you will do all your tests cases one by one, at once.

How can I share one Selenium webdriver instance in NUnit and C#?

I want easy way to launch Selenium webdriver instance and run various tests on it. I'm trying to do this in Suite file, but it doesn't work. Instance is killed instantly. Is there any alternatives on how to do this?
Potentially I want to add more drivers (IE, Chrome) in this suite and if possible launch separately. Any suggestions welcome.
namespace NUnit.Tests
public class AllTests
private static IWebDriver _Driver;
public void SuiteSetUp()
_Driver = new FirefoxDriver();
public void SuiteTearDown()
catch (Exception)
// Ignore errors if unable to close the browser
public static TestSuite Suite
LoginTest lt = new LoginTest { Driver=_Driver };
AnotherTest at = new AnotherTest { Driver=_Driver };
return suite;
I did this in Java, I made a base class, declared the webdriver as static, put my startup/config methods in this class and then extended it in to each test class i made.
Im sure its the same for C#.
Trying to run this with base class / extended classes failed. As webdriver instance didn't get initialized properly and couldn't be killed properly. Instead I created SetupIE(), SetupChrome(), SetupFirefox() methods in Suite and also created teardown method that would work as last test for suite.
Here is the code:
namespace TestNamespace
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Core;
using SeleniumTests;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;
class AllTests
public static IWebDriver WebDriver { get; private set; }
public static TestSuite Suite
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite("All Tests");
//Setup a Web driver (see methods below for different browsers) - SetupIE(), SetupChrome(), SetupFirefox()
// Add tests to suite
suite.Add(new FlashLoadedTest { Driver = WebDriver });
// Tear down a Web driver
suite.Add(new TearDownTest { DriverToTearDown = WebDriver });
// return suite to NUnit
return suite;
// Method that's initialises FireFox Driver
private static void SetupFireFox()
WebDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
// Method that's initialises IE Driver
private static void SetupIE()
WebDriver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
// Can't get this working, but this is how its supposed to work
private static void SetupChrome()
WebDriver = new ChromeDriver(#"C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application");
// Class with a test that tears down browser instance
class TearDownTest
public IWebDriver DriverToTearDown;
public void TearDownBrowser()
if (DriverToTearDown == null)
Assert.Fail("No Browser to Tear Down");
Assert.Fail("Browser failed to tear down");
I appreciate this is a little late but may prove useful for future readers.
I created a base class containing a firefox driver with the following and it works perfectly for me. You can then simply reference the base class (Driver in this instance) from your derived test class. Worth noting I'm using C# and Nunit.
Code for base class is:
namespace yournamespace
public class Driver
public IWebDriver driver;
public StringBuilder verificationErrors;
public Driver()
driver = new FirefoxDriver(); //replace with required driver
verificationErrors = new StringBuilder();
Then simply called the 'Driver' class from my test class:
public class IMSLogin : Driver
//.. all the usual bits and bobs!