SQL set a column to true if some conditions meet - sql

Got 3 tables, said
id: number,
content: string
id: number,
name: string
mail_id: number,
player_id: number
What I want to achieve:
Given a player_id, return the mails with a column is_read which is true (or 1) if there is a record in is_mail_read, false if there isn't.
For example:
id: 2,
content: "I am a mail",
is_read: true
id: 3,
content: "I am a mail too",
is_read: false
I have tried left join but got no idea what to do next.
The database is MariaDB.

I would use exists:
select m.*,
(exists (select 1
from is_mail_read imr
where imr.mail_id = m.id and
imr.player_id = ? -- your desired player id
) as read_flag
from mail m;

You're on the right track with using LEFT JOIN. Now you simply check, if for the record in the mail table there is a record in the player table by checking if the joined record is NULL or not.
I'm assuming that you want to display all mails and return the info if a mail is read for a specific player. Then you have to filter for the player in the JOIN clause, not the WHERE clause. If you do it in the WHERE clause, you implicitly turn the LEFT JOIN into an INNER JOIN. Except when you write the WHERE clause like
WHERE p.name = "John" OR p.name IS NULL
So your query should look like this:
IF(p.id IS NULL, false, true) AS is_read
mail m
LEFT JOIN is_mail_read imr ON m.id = imr.mail_id
LEFT JOIN player p ON imr.player_id = p.id AND p.name = "John"


How to make multiple SELECT queries at once in PostgreSQL?

Update: See the "Update" section below for the latest.
I have been working with Knex.js to build SQL queries in Node.js, and have the following code. This code works on a sort of graph data model (nodes and links), where there is a links table which has everything (links link to links). Given this code, I am wondering how I can make it one query instead of one query per attribute which is how it is now. The getTableName() function returns a string_links table for string values, and <x>_links tables for the other datatypes, while the "basic" links table is just called links.
Essentially how this works is, first query the top level where the parent_id is equal to some "type" ID, say we are querying "user" objects, the type would be "user". So let instance = ... is getting all the instance links from this user type. Then we go through each field of a query (a query for now is just boolean-valued map, like { email: true, name: true }). For each field of the query, we make a query to find all those nodes, linked off the instance, as so-called property links.
There are two types of properties, but don't need to go into too much detail on that. Essentially there are complex properties with audit trails and simple properties without audit trails. That is what is meant by the interactive branch in the logic.
How can I make this into one SQL query? The SQL query it prints out for an example is like this:
select "id" from "links" where "parent_id" = '47c1956bz31330c' and "name" = 'link' limit 1
select "value" from "string_links" where "parent_id" = (select "value" from "links" where "parent_id" = '47c1956bz31330cv' and "name" = 'name' limit 1) and "name" = 'value' limit 1
select "value" from "text_links" where "parent_id" = (select "value" from "links" where "parent_id" = '47c1956bz31330cv' and "name" = 'website' limit 1) and "name" = 'value' limit 1
select "value" from "integer_links" where "parent_id" = (select "value" from "links" where "parent_id" = '47c1956bz31330cv' and "name" = 'revenue' limit 1) and "name" = 'value' limit 1
select "value" from "boolean_links" where "parent_id" = '47c1956bz31330' and "name" = 'verified' limit 1
The original Node.js for Knex.js is here, but really I'm just concerned with how to write this as one regular SQL query, and I can figure out how to make it in Knex.js from there:
async function selectInteractiveInstance(user, name, query) {
const type = model.types[name]
const typeId = await baseSchemaController.selectType(name)
let instance = await knex.from(`links`)
.where('parent_id', typeId)
.where('name', 'instance')
// { id: 123, props: { ... } }
instance.props = {}
for (let field in query) {
let data = query[field]
let attrSchema = type[field]
const tableName = baseSchemaController.getTableName(attrSchema.type)
if (attrSchema.interactive) {
const query1 = knex
.where('parent_id', instance.link)
.where('name', field)
const record = await knex
.where('home', query1)
.where('name', 'value')
if (record) {
instance.props[field] = record.value
} else {
const record = await knex
.where('parent_id', instance.id)
.where('name', field)
if (record) {
instance.props[field] = record.value
return instance
The reason for asking is because the number of queries of this function is equal to the number of properties on the object, and I would like to avoid that, but not really that great at SQL yet. I don't see a straightforward or clear path on how to make this into one query, or know if it's possible.
It's also an issue for the following reason. If I want to grab 100 links, and their "fields" (in the primitive link tables), such that the primitive link values match a certain value, then you need to query all field tables simultaneously to see if the query can be satisfied.
I finally landed on a query that works in the optimistic case:
"x"."id" as "id",
"s1"."value" as "name",
"s2"."value" as "inc_id",
"s3"."value" as "website",
"s4"."value" as "revenue",
"s5"."value" as "verified"
from "links" as "x"
inner join "links" as "c1" on "c1"."parent_id" = "x"."id"
inner join "string_links" as "s1" on "s1"."parent_id" = "c1"."value"
inner join "links" as "c2" on "c2"."parent_id" = "x"."id"
inner join "string_links" as "s2" on "s2"."parent_id" = "c2"."value"
inner join "links" as "c3" on "c3"."parent_id" = "x"."id"
inner join "text_links" as "s3" on "s3"."parent_id" = "c3"."value"
inner join "links" as "c4" on "c4"."parent_id" = "x"."id"
inner join "integer_links" as "s4" on "s4"."parent_id" = "c4"."value"
inner join "boolean_links" as "s5" on "s5"."parent_id" = "x"."id"
where "x"."parent_id" = '47c1956bz31330'
and "x"."name" = 'link'
and "c1"."name" = 'name'
and "s1"."name" = 'value'
and "c2"."name" = 'inc_id'
and "s2"."name" = 'value'
and "c3"."name" = 'website'
and "s3"."name" = 'value'
and "c4"."name" = 'revenue'
and "s4"."name" = 'value'
and "s5"."name" = 'verified'
This returns an object similar to what I am looking for, joining the same table several times, along with the primitive tables.
However, if any of the values are not linked (are socalled "null" in this context), then the inner join will fail and it will return nothing. How can I still have it return a subset of the object properties, whatever it can find? Is there anything like optional inner joins or anything like that?
Use LEFT JOIN and move possibly unsatisfied predicates to ON clause. Kind of
"x"."id" as "id",
"s1"."value" as "name",
"s2"."value" as "inc_id",
"s3"."value" as "website",
"s4"."value" as "revenue",
"s5"."value" as "verified"
from "links" as "x"
left join "links" as "c1" on "c1"."parent_id" = "x"."id" and "c1"."name" = 'name'
left join "string_links" as "s1" on "s1"."parent_id" = "c1"."value" and "s1"."name" = 'value'
left join "links" as "c2" on "c2"."parent_id" = "x"."id" and "c2"."name" = 'inc_id'
left join "string_links" as "s2" on "s2"."parent_id" = "c2"."value" and "s2"."name" = 'value'
left join "links" as "c3" on "c3"."parent_id" = "x"."id" and "c3"."name" = 'website'
left join "text_links" as "s3" on "s3"."parent_id" = "c3"."value" and "s3"."name" = 'value'
left join "links" as "c4" on "c4"."parent_id" = "x"."id" and "c4"."name" = 'revenue'
left join "integer_links" as "s4" on "s4"."parent_id" = "c4"."value" and "s4"."name" = 'value'
left join "boolean_links" as "s5" on "s5"."parent_id" = "x"."id" and "s5"."name" = 'verified'
where "x"."parent_id" = '47c1956bz31330'
and "x"."name" = 'link'

Sequelize is automatically adding a sub query within the where clause. Is there a way to make it skip adding the where clause

I have a Sequelize query that uses INNER JOINS. The issue is that sequelize is internally adding another where clause with a sub-query on the child table. That is eating up the query performance. Below are an examples of my code and the raw query output.
Is there a way to make sequelize skip adding this where clause?
Sequelize version: 6.x
where: {
id: 1,
include: [
model: CommentsModel,
required: true,
The query builds an SQL query as below.
SELECT "post".*
FROM (SELECT "post"."*"
FROM "posts" AS "post"
WHERE "post"."id" = 2
AND (SELECT "post_id"
FROM "comments" AS "c"
WHERE "comments"."post_id" = "post"."id" AND ("c"."text_search" ## 'who:*')) IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY "post"."id" DESC
LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0) AS "post"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "post_tags" AS "tags" ON "post"."id" = "tags"."post_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "tag" AS "tags->tag" ON "tags"."tag_id" = "tags->tag"."id"
INNER JOIN "comments" AS "c" ON "post"."id" = "c"."post_id" AND ("c"."text_search" ## 'who:*')
ORDER BY "post"."id" DESC;
As you can see the WHERE clause has a new added
(SELECT "post_id"
FROM "comments" AS "c"
WHERE "comments"."post_id" = "post"."id" AND ("c"."text_search" ## 'who:*'))
This is basically killing the performance of the query.
After a lot research I figured out the solution.
We need to add subQuery: false within the association.
where: {
id: 1,
include: [
subQuery: false,
model: CommentsModel,
required: true,
Query output:
SELECT "post".*
FROM (SELECT "post"."*"
FROM "posts" AS "post"
WHERE "post"."id" = 2
ORDER BY "post"."id" DESC
LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0) AS "post"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "post_tags" AS "tags" ON "post"."id" = "tags"."post_id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "tag" AS "tags->tag" ON "tags"."tag_id" = "tags->tag"."id"
INNER JOIN "comments" AS "c" ON "post"."id" = "c"."post_id" AND ("c"."text_search" ## 'who:*')
ORDER BY "post"."id" DESC;

How to write nested where condition with left join using npm Sequqlize

I am trying to implement left join query by clubbing
select product.* from products
left outer join cart as c on c.prodId = product.prodId
left outer join order as order on c.cid = p.pid
where product.secondaryId = 10 and c.cpid = 210;
How can I write, Sequelize code for this.
Here is the actual MYSQL query, what I am implementing to:
select products.* from products
left outer join Cart as cart on cart.CartId = products.CartId
left outer join Orders as order on order.OrderId = cart.PartId
where cart.CartId = 1 and order.CustId = 12;
Association at Sequelize end
Cart.hasMany(models.Products, {as: 'Products', foreignKey: 'CartId'})
Cart.belongsTo(models.Orders, { as: 'Orders', foreignKey: 'PartId'})
Products.belongsTo(models.Cart, {onDelete: "CASCADE", foreignKey: { name: 'CartId', allowNull: false})
Products -> PrimaryKey: ProduceId
Cart -> PrimaryKey: CartId
Orders -> PrimaryKey: OrderId
First of all left outer join cart as c on c.prodId = product.prodId will work as a usual join because of c.cpid = 210 condition. Either remove it or move it to on clause like this:
left outer join cart as c on c.prodId = product.prodId and c.cpid = 210
As of Sequelize query because you didn't show your model definitions and associations I'll try to guess and write like this (so you can get the whole idea):
const products = await db.Products.findAll({
where: {
secondaryId: 10
include: [{
model: db.Cart,
required: false, // this is LEFT OUTER JOIN
where: {
cpid: 210
include: [{
model: db.Order,
as: 'Orders',
required: false // this is LEFT OUTER JOIN
If you indicate your model definitions and associations then I can correct my answer as well (if necessary).

Trying to make query on condition

I read most of the solutions here with similar questions and it did not solve my problem and I cannot find anything online that can help me.
I am trying to make query on condition where user_id = session user_id but I get error when I make INNER join
ambiguous column name
for this
public List<CartModelClass>getCarts1(){
SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase();
SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();
String[] sqlSelect = { "ID" , "user_id", "food_id", "quantity", "price", "origin", "destination","description","company_name","search_id"};
String sqltable2 = "OrderDetails LEFT JOIN OrderDetails WHERE user_id LIKE '%%' ";
Cursor c = qb.query(db,sqlSelect, null, null ,null ,null ,null);
final List<CartModelClass> result = new ArrayList<>();
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
do {
result.add(new CartModelClass(
} while (c.moveToNext());
return result;
so I changed InnerJoin and made it just table where user_id like"%%" but I only get the last user_id who added to cart and show all data for all users
I want to show only added cart for user_id = session user_id so i can use it in here
private void loadListFood(){
sessionManager= new SessionManager(getActivity());
final Hashmap<String, String> user = sessionManager.getUserDetail();
listdata = new Database(this.getContext.getCarts1());
for(CartModelClass order : listdata)
user_id = order.getUser_id
listdata = new Database(this.getContext()).getCarts();
adapter = new CartAdapter(listdata, this.getContext());
int total = 0;
for (CartModelClass order : listdata) {
total += (Integer.parseInt(order.getPrice())) * (Integer.parseInt(order.getQuantity()));
Locale locale = new Locale("en", "US");
NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
}else {
Toast.makeText(getContext(), "No Cart Added", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
You are self joining the table OrderDetails.
In this case you must set aliases to both copies of the table, like:
OrderDetails as o1 LEFT JOIN OrderDetails as o2 ...
Now in the ON clause you must qualify the column names properly, like:
ON o1.user_id = o2.something
If you don't, you get that error message, because the column name user_id could belong to either of the 2 copies of the table.
What is session user_id? Is it a column name?
If it is then the problem is that it contains a space in its name.
Enclose it in square brackets, so the statemnet should be:
OrderDetails as o1 LEFT JOIN OrderDetails as o2
ON o1.user_id = o2.[session user_id]

How to get other column value in different table into the query?

I had searching application, finding personal information which had been filtered by some criteria (category, years of experience etc)
I had problem with the last filter, 'tempoh perkhidmatan by negeri'. I need to calculate the number of working experience by state(negeri). For example, when searching for people of 5 years in the state(negeri) 'x', the sql will sum years of experience of each person in the state selected.
This is the full code of SQL searching by criteria:
$query = DB::table('itemregistrations')
->join('sections', 'itemregistrations.SectionID', '=', 'sections.SectionID')
->join('categories', 'itemregistrations.CategoryID', '=', 'categories.CategoryID')
->join('operasi', 'itemregistrations.OperasiID', '=', 'operasi.OperasiID')
->join('negeri', 'itemregistrations.NegeriID', '=', 'negeri.NegeriID')
->join('gred', 'itemregistrations.GredID', '=', 'gred.GredID')
->where('itemregistrations.statusProID', '=', 1)
->select('itemregistrations.name','sections.sectionname', 'categories.categoryname', 'operasi.operasiname', 'itemregistrations.Nobadan', 'itemregistrations.lahir_yy', 'itemregistrations.pdrm_yy', 'gred.namagred', 'itemregistrations.itemRegistrationID', '');
if($request->input('negeri_lahir') != ''){
$query->where('itemregistrations.NegeriID', $request->input('negeri_lahir'));
if($request->input('kategori') != '') {
$query->where('itemregistrations.CategoryID', $request->input('kategori'));
if($request->input('pangkat') != '') {
$query->where('itemregistrations.OperasiID', $request->input('pangkat'));
if(request('umur')) {
$query->whereRaw('YEAR(CURDATE()) - lahir_yy >= ?', [request('umur')]);
if($request->input('gred') != '') {
$query->where('itemregistrations.GredID', $request->input('gred'));
if(request('tempoh')) {
$query->whereRaw('YEAR(CURDATE()) - pdrm_yy >= ?', [request('tempoh')]);
if($request->input('negeri_perkhidmatan') != '') {
$query->join('itemregistrationpangkat', 'itemregistrationpangkat.itemRegistrationID', '=', 'itemregistrations.itemRegistrationID')
->where('itemregistrationpangkat.NegeriID', $request->input('negeri_perkhidmatan'));
if(request('tempoh_negeri')) {
$query->select(DB::raw('m.itemRegistrationID, sum(m.duration)'))
->from(DB::raw('(SELECT itemRegistrationID, NegeriID, yeartamatkhidmat - yearmulakhidmat as duration FROM itemregistrationpangkat) AS m
RIGHT JOIN itemregistrations ON itemregistrations.itemRegistrationID=m.itemRegistrationID'))
$newitem = $query->get();
return response::json($newitem);
The code involve to be solve is this(the last filter):
if(request('tempoh_negeri')) {
$query->select(DB::raw('m.itemRegistrationID, m.NegeriID, sum(distinct m.duration)'))
->from(DB::raw('(SELECT itemRegistrationID, NegeriID, yeartamatkhidmat - yearmulakhidmat as duration FROM itemregistrationpangkat) AS m
RIGHT JOIN itemregistrations ON itemregistrations.itemRegistrationID=m.itemRegistrationID'))
->groupBy('m.itemRegistrationID', 'm.NegeriID');
The problem is I need to get name column, sectionID column, CategoryID, OperasiID, NegeriID, GredID, from itemregistrations table from the $query statement. How to combine the last query filter in 'tempoh_negeri' with the previous one?
I didn't know about Laravel in particular, so I had much trouble trying to understand how your query was built, but this syntax seems to enable people to write a request by adding chunks, but not necessarily in the right order. So here's what I believe your query is supposed to do, for SQL speakers:
SELECT itemregistrations .name,
sections .sectionname,
categories .categoryname,
operasi .operasiname,
itemregistrations .Nobadan,
itemregistrations .lahir_yy,
itemregistrations .pdrm_yy,
gred .namagred,
itemregistrations .itemRegistrationID
-- if($tempoh_negeri) (request)
,m .itemRegistrationID,
FROM itemregistrations
-- if($tempoh_negeri) (request)
,(SELECT DISTINCT itemRegistrationID,
yeartamatkhidmat - yearmulakhidmat as duration
FROM itemregistrationpangkat) AS m
RIGHT JOIN itemregistrations
ON itemregistrations.itemRegistrationID = m.itemRegistrationID
JOIN sections
ON itemregistrations.SectionID = sections.SectionID
JOIN categories
ON itemregistrations.CategoryID = categories.CategoryID
JOIN operasi
ON itemregistrations.OperasiID = operasi.OperasiID
JOIN negeri
ON itemregistrations.NegeriID = negeri.NegeriID
JOIN gred
ON itemregistrations.GredID = gred.GredID
-- if($negeri_perkhidmatan)
JOIN itemregistrationpangkat
ON itemregistrationpangkat.itemRegistrationID = itemregistrations.itemRegistrationID
WHERE itemregistrations.statusProID = 1
-- if($negeri_lahir) (WHERE)
AND itemregistrations.NegeriID = $negeri_lahir
-- if($kategori) (WHERE)
AND itemregistrations.CategoryID = $kategori
-- if($pangkat) (WHERE)
AND itemregistrations.OperasiID = $pangkat
-- if(umur) (WHERERAW) (request)
AND YEAR(CURDATE()) - lahir_yy >= umur
-- if($gred) (WHERE)
AND itemregistrations.GredID = $gred
-- if($tempoh) (WHERERAW) (request)
AND YEAR(CURDATE()) - pdrm_yy >= tempoh
-- if($negeri_perkhidmatan)
AND itemregistrationpangkat.NegeriID = $negeri_perkhidmatan
-- if($tempoh_negeri) (request)
GROUP BY m.itemRegistrationID
If it's so, you cannot do what you want following that way (including main columns into the subquery) because your subquery will be evaluated BEFORE the main one is.
Instead, you need to write a proper filter at main query level, that is : among the others "JOIN…ON" clauses already in place. Which would give:
LEFT JOIN itemregistrationpangkat
ON itemregistrationpangkat.itemRegistrationID = itemregistrations.itemRegistrationID
… then specify the substraction directly in your sum() function
sum(yeartamatkhidmat - yearmulakhidma)
As regards Lavarel, this probably would give something like:
if(request('tempoh_negeri')) {
$query->select(DB:raw('sum(yeartamatkhidmat - yearmulakhidmat'));