Yii2 is possible run .bat file or python script - yii

How to run python script in Yii2 framework?
I try
$outputArr = shell_exec('python3 '.Yii::$app->basePath."/common/python/hello.py");
but it's not response
Thank you!


How to run a karate script using power-shell command prompt

In power-shell window command prompt how to run a karate script. can you briefly explain the process on this.
Download the standalone JAR file: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/karate-netty#standalone-jar
Assuming you have the JAR and feature file in the same directory, you can trigger the script from the command prompt using the following command:
> karate.jar testscript.feature
Since you are new to stack overflow, please do read the following to best get help:

How to generate mocha test case report and show using Jenkins?

I am doing mocha unit testing for my JavaScript functions. I am running mocha in a browser not using Node. I am using require.js to load files.
When I do mocha.run() it shows reports in the browser.
Now I want to make a Jenkins job to display the report.
So how do I generate the report file so that I can provide it to Jenkins?
Running the command:
$ npm install mocha-junit-reporter --save-dev
Will generate an XML file that you can give to Jenkins
Run the command
$ mocha ./test.js --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --reporter-options ./test-results.xml
For docker file use below command
CMD ["mocha", "./test.js" , "--reporter", "mocha-junit-reporter", "--reporter-options","./test-results.xml"]
Both command will do the same.
test-results.xml file be generate in the folder .
I am answering my own question, I have solve this problem by using NGINX server which is open source.
I have added form tag in index.html of mocha and wrote on function on submit form to run mocha suit, this will return you output , parse that output and make file of that according to your need like total success count, failure count etc. and gave to Jenkins.

How to upload a file using Selenium IDE V2.9.0

I have a scenario where in i need to upload a file using Selenium IDE version 2.9.0.
I tried using "Type" command with id of that element and path of that file as argument. But its not working.
Is there any other way to upload a file using IDE?
If there is no other way to upload using IDE, then what might be the issue? Please suggest
Try this:

Executing AutoIT script from vb.net

I am successfully running a Autoit script from command prompt.
"Z:\AutoItScripts\test.au3" "parameter1"
I need to do same from VB.net. Please help how can I do this.
Use Shell
Shell("Z:\AutoItScripts\test.au3 parameter1")

yiic webapp problem

i'm still new to yii framework.
so, i want to try running yiic so that i could see the structure of the files created.
but, i could not run it in console. Does anyone have a solution? thanks.
I'm using wamp on win xp.
i go to the directory of the yiic framework
its in D:\wamp\www\framework\
and run yiic and any other variations per Larry Ullman's blog. but still got: "..." is not a recognizable internal/ external command...
How should i be able to run yiic? thanks.
just read this:
It's always better to follow yii official documentation.
You can find Installing Yii process step by step here
documentation> tutorial > The Yii Blog Tutorial > Testdriving with
Yii # Installing Yii
here is the link http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/blog/1.1/en/start.testdrive#installing-yii
If you getting this kind of error when you try to use yiic webapp ..\app-name
'"php.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Open the yiic.bat file under yii framework folder ( C:\wamp\www\framework ) and change the bellow line
if "%PHP_COMMAND%" == "" set PHP_COMMAND=php.exe
if "%PHP_COMMAND%" == "" set PHP_COMMAND=C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.16\php.exe
php5.4.16 this might be change accroding to you php version, please check in C:\wamp\bin\php folder before change