how do I assert request payload value against response body - karate

I am trying to assert request payload values into response body.
Scenario Outline: Check userIds
Given path '/api/test/'
And request {"userId": <users>,"age": "32"}
When method POST
Then status 201
And match response.userId == request.userId
| userId |

Try this:
And request {"userId": "#(userId)", "age": "32" }
And match response.userId == userId
Please try to read the docs and examples carefully, you are missing some fundamentals.


Can we pass dynamic values within values in Scenario Outline in Karate

Scenario Outline: User payload validation
Given url usermessagesAPI
* request
"first_name" : "<first_name>",
"last_name" : "<last_name>",
"transaction_id" : "<transaction_id>,
"user_message" : "<user_message>"
When method POST
Then assert responseStatus == 202
|xyz|xyz|87690|<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><MsgId>201060024</MsgId><CreDtTm>2020-04- 14T13:45:02</CreDtTm>|
|abc|abc|76565|<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><MsgId>7858757</MsgId><CreDtTm>2022-04-14T13:45:02</CreDtTm>| */
In the above example, how do I pass random values for MsgId and CreDtTm which are within the XML message
The data within the Examples: is fixed and cannot be changed at run-time. You can however do modifications within the Scenario Outline block. So I think you can achieve what you want. Here is an example:
Scenario Outline:
* def rand = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()
* xml payload = message
* karate.set('payload', '/root/CreDtTm', rand)
* print payload
| message |
| <root><MsgId>201060024</MsgId><CreDtTm></CreDtTm></root> |
There are other ways to modify an XML, for example using replace:

Getting Illegal character in query when doing a conditional GET with multiple parameters

Feature: GET API headers feature
Scenario: pass GetWatchList with headers
Given header x-apisignatures = '543aba07839'
And header uniqueid = 'ca38003e-0a8b-47b9-9ac5-4c327c05520f'
And header x-page = 'Home'
When url '[["Movie"],["Show"]]'
When method GET
Then status 200
* print response
Try this public API to test:
* url ''
* param groups = '[["Movie"],["Show"]]'
* method get
And you can verify in the response you see this:
"args": {
"groups": "[[\"Movie\"],[\"Show\"]]"
And also:
"url": "[[\"Movie\"]%2C[\"Show\"]]"
This proves that Karate is sending the right thing. Keep in mind that your server may have a bug.

Karate Authentication only valid for the first request in scenario

My issue is that I am authorized for the first request (Create article) but not for the 2nd request (getById) although the authorization itself has not changed. What am I doing wrong?
Feature: Test Article Endpoint
* url 'http://localhost:8080/webapp/api/v1'
* header AuthenticationToken = 'sys-test-api-token'
Scenario: create article, get article ById, update article & delete article
And request {name: 'TestArtikel', unitName: 'Stk.', articleNumber: '0001'}
Given path 'article'
When method post
Then status 201
And match == '#notnull'
* def articleId =
Given path 'article/id/:id'
And param id = articleId
When method get
Then status 200
For headers that "span" requests, use configure headers:
* configure headers = { AuthenticationToken: 'sys-test-api-token' }
And refer the docs:

Karate framework variable usage

I have this steps:
Then status 200
And match response.requests[0].request.url == "/endpoint"
And json body = response.requests[0].request.body
And match body == { "something": "something"}
To simplify, I tried to put response.requests[0].request in a variable called request:
Then status 200
And def request = response.requests[0].request
And match request.url == "/endpoint"
And json body = request.body
And match body == { "something": "something"}
I'm having the following error:
'request' is not a variable, use the form '* request <expression>' instead
I read the documentation and the use of request seems to be fine:
Given def color = 'red '
And def num = 5
Then assert color + num == 'red 5'
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Just make this change:
* def req = response.requests[0].request
# other steps
* request req
We simply disallow def request (using request as a variable name) because a lot of newbie users get confused. The error message has worked 99.9% of the time for users to understand what the problem is, but I guess you fall in the 0.1% :)

Sending a SOAP request with a file attachment [duplicate]

I have an endpoint who consumes Json with 2 attributes, like
{id='12344', data=byte_array}
so I've wrote a test
Feature: submitted request
Scenario: submitted request
* def convertToBytes =
function(arg) {
var StreamUtils = Java.type('my.utils.StreamUtils');
// it reads stream and convert it to a byte array
return StreamUtils.getBytes(arg);
Given url 'http://my-server/post'
And def image = convertToBytes(read('classpath:images/image_1.jpg'));
And request {id:1, data: "#(image)"}
When method POST
Then status 200
However is got an exception form karate without much details
ERROR - http request failed: [B cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Object;
Any hits how to submit byte arrays as a part of Json with karate?
I don't think you can do that. Either the whole request should be binary (byte-array) or you do a multi-part request, where binary is Base64 encoded. As far as I know you can't put binary inside JSON. There is something called Binary JSON though.
EDIT: after assuming that the byte[] has to be Base64 encoded:
* url demoBaseUrl
* def Base64 = Java.type('java.util.Base64')
Scenario: json with byte-array
Given path 'echo', 'binary'
And def encoded = Base64.encoder.encodeToString('hello'.bytes);
And request { message: 'hello', data: '#(encoded)' }
When method post
Then status 200
And def expected = Base64.encoder.encodeToString('world'.bytes);
And match response == { message: 'world', data: '#(expected)' }
I just added this test to the Karate demos, and it is working fine. Here is the commit.