How to update data property value in Vuejs? - vue.js

I am new in Vuejs & still not pretty clear about vue reactivity system. Here in the following code I am trying to update the initial value of a variable in data property using a method.
name: "OrderDetails",
calculateSubtotal:()=> {
let subtotal;
-----some code--------
this.subtotal = subtotal;
But still the subtotal remains 0. How can I Update the value ?
Here is the code snippet
Thanks in advace.

There are a few errors in your code
You must not use fat arrow when declaring computed methods. this will not bind to your instance.
calculateSubtotal() {
let subtotal;
-----some code--------
this.subtotal = subtotal;
Your computed methods should not have side effects. This means that you must compute values based on data or external information, but do not update data from within the method. You should return the value you want.
calculateSubtotal() {
let subtotal;
-----some code--------
return subtotal;
If you never reference the computed method (call it) it will not execute. You're not calling calculateSubtotal anywhere and as such it is never run. You need to call it somewhere. In the template for instance.
Here's an example with proper this, returning a value and calling the computed method. But you shouldn't do this. This bring me to no 4.
You should just use the computed method as any other data, and not pass it as params to other methods. This will work in methods also.
This is a complete example


Vue v-model issue when using a computed setter

I want to create an input field that the user can fill out. The catch is that I don't want them to fill this field in with special characters. Currently, I have this html setup:
<input class="rc-input-editing" id="bioInput" type="text" v-model="wrappedBioName">
And this Vue.js setup (As you can see, I'm trying to approach this problem using a computed setter) :
data () {
return {
newBioName: '',
computed: {
wrappedBioName: {
get () {
alert('getting new name!')
return this.newBioName
set: function (newValue) {
const restrictedChars = new RegExp('[.*\\W.*]')
if (!restrictedChars.test(newValue)) {
this.newBioName = newValue
Currently, my issue is that the client is able to continue filling out the text input field, even when this.newBioName isn't updating. In other words, they are able to enter special characters into the input field, even though the this.newBioName isn't being updated with these special characters.
This behavior is different than what I'm expecting, given my current understanding of v-model. Based on what I've read until now, v-model binds the input element to some vue instance data, and that vue instance data to the input element (two way binding). Therefore, I'm expecting that the text in the text input field will directly match the value of this.newBioName.
Clearly, I'm missing something, and would appreciate a second pair of eyes!
Vue.js two way binding system doesn't work as you expected. Each binding process works one way each time. So, the thing you should do is not to let the input text change.
Try keypress event instead of computed property like this:
<input class="rc-input-editing" id="bioInput" type="text" v-model="newBioName" #keypress="nameKeyPressAction">
data() {
return {
newBioName: ""
methods: {
nameKeyPressAction(event) {
const restrictedChars = new RegExp("[.*\\W.*]");
const newValue = this.newBioName + event.key;
if (!restrictedChars.test(newValue))
this.newBioName = newValue;
return event.preventDefault();
When you set a data property or a computed property as v-model of an input, vue associates them and yet, if user updates dom object via the input, property's setter is triggered and the process ends here. On the other hand, when you change the value of the property on javascript side, vue updates the dom object and this process also ends here.
In your sample code, it seems like you expect that the computed property's getter to set the dom again but it can't. The property is already updated via dom change and it can't also update it. Othervise, there might occur infinite loop.

Computed function running without to call it

I'm setting an array in my data property through a computed function and it's working. But I wonder how is possible if I don't call it anywhere?
If I try to add a console.log in my function it doesn't print anything, but it's still setting my data, how is that possible?
My data:
data() {
return {
projects: []
My computed:
computed: {
loadedProjects() {
console.log("Hello there")
this.projects = this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
I expect that it doesn't run because I'm not calling, and if it is running(I don't know why) to print the console.log before to set my data. Any clarification?
You're confusing computed props with methods. If you want to have a method like above that sets a data value of your vue instace, you should use a method, not a computed prop:
data() {
return {
projects: []
methods: {
loadProjects() {
console.log("Hello there")
this.projects = this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
This would get the value of this.$store.getters.loadedProjects once and assign it to your local projects value. Now since you're using Vuex, you probably want your local reference to stay in sync with updates you do to the store value. This is where computed props come in handy. You actually won't need the projects in data at all. All you need is the computed prop:
computed: {
projects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
Now vue will update your local reference to projects whenever the store updates. Then you can use it just like a normal value in your template. For example
<div v-for='item in projects' :key='item.uuid'>
Avoid side effects in your computed properties, e.g. assigning values directly, computed values should always return a value themselves. This could be applying a filter to your existing data e.g.
computed: {
completedProjects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects.filter(x => x.projectCompleted)
projectIds() {
return this.$ => x.uuid)
You get the idea..
More about best practices to bring vuex state to your components here:
Computed props docs:
You should check Vue docs about computed properties and methods
and shouldn't run methods inside computed property getter
Instead of a computed property, we can define the same function as a method. For the end result, the two approaches are indeed exactly the same. However, the difference is that computed properties are cached based on their reactive dependencies. A computed property will only re-evaluate when some of its reactive dependencies have changed.

How to reference a Vue data property from another data property

I'm learning Vue.JS and all my attempts to reference the dashboards property from the currentDashboard data expression result in 'dashboards is not defined'. Is Vue somehow evaluating the currentDashboard expression prior to dashboards or do I need some qualifier to reference it, this does not help?
vue = new Vue({
el: '#dashboard',
data: {
dashboards: store.getDashboards(),
currentDashboard: dashboards[0],
I think that one solution is that you could use the computed method for it, because dashboards[0] are not defined in the same created cycle. Try with something like:
data: {
dashboards: store.getDashboards(),
computed: {
currentDashboard: function () { return this.dashboards[0] }
This way the variable is defined when you make the currentDashboard call and you don't have to refactor the Vue.js call for this var.
Yes, if you want to know why, as points Joel, in the official documentation you can read:
If you know you’ll need a property later, but it starts out empty or
non-existent, you’ll need to set some initial value.
In this case, the data() method starts with all the values in a queue, without assigning it, and for this, the starting value is undefined.
Hope it helps!
you can create dashboard variable before you return data properties so that you can use it multiple times in data properties.
vue = new Vue({
el: '#dashboard',
data() {
let dashboard = store.getDashboards()
dashboards: dashboard,
currentDashboard: dashboard[0],
I hope this is helpful

Computed property that tracks external variable in vue.js not updating

I have a computed property - playerId that is referencing an external object that is not updating.
For example:
var player = require('players');
computed: {
playerId: function() {
If I run this call in a click event it outputs the correct ID. However when this gets updated - computed on its own doesn't update. How do I get this to work? Or am I going about this incorrectly?
Computed Property in Vue.js does not get reactive with the data which doesn't have any reactive dependecy. For example, the code below would not be updated in each time, because has no reactive dependency. The result of this computed value gets cached and it always returns the same value as the one returned at the first time.
computed: {
now: function () {
Then, you probably would like to know how to make your external object reactive. The point is, you better put your object into data section in order to track the change of it with Vue's internal watcher. If your computed property has even one a reactive dependency such referencing data or calling method, it is notified every time the dependency get updated and the content returned from the computed property is going to be updated as well.

How to Initialize Data Properties with Prop Values

Still a little bit young in VueJS but I'm loving every bit of it. But now, fixated somewhere.
I want to initialize some values in data() using values passed via props. This is so that I can be able to mutate them later on, since it is not recommended to mutate props inside a component. In fact the official docs recommend this property initialization using prop values as shown below:
props: ['initialCounter'],
data: function () {
return { counter: this.initialCounter }
I have something like the one below:
<div class="well">
<!-- Use Prop value directly on the template: works (but of no help in initializing data) -->
Department: {{}}
<!-- Use prop value but gotten via computed property: Works inside the template but not in the initialization -->
Department: {{}}
<!-- Use the array I initialized with the prop value: Does not work -->
Department: {{}}
export default {
name: 'test',
props: ['department'],
data() {
return {
this_department: this.department
// below does not work either
//this_department: this.fetchDepartment
created() {
// shows empty array
mounted() {
// shows empty array
computed: {
fetchDepartment() {
return this.department
As seen in the commented sections above, the initialization is not successful. Neither does the value of this.department appear either from the created() or the mounted() hooks. And note, I can see it is defined using the Chrome Vue Devtools. So my question is, how exactly should I initialize data() attributes using props values, or which is the best way of going around this issue?
I know my answer comes in late but it helps me and hopefully someone else coming here. When props' data are async:
// in the parent component
<child :foo="bar" v-if="bar" />
That way, you render the component when props are already available making it safer to follow the guide's recommended ways to initialize data value with props as so:
props: ['initialCounter'],
data: function () {
return {
counter: this.initialCounter
Happy coding!
You CAN modify a prop. Use the '.sync' modifier. I use it frequently because it is convenient and intuitive. This requires emitting an event to update the value on the parent. I am not really sure the warning of how it results in maintenance issues.
Another method I use if I want to modify a value and not update the parent is using Lodash clone. For example (assuming its available on mounted)
this_department = _.clone(this.department)
If you consistently want to mutate the prop and have it change with the parent, then use a computed property. However, in most cases you will want to depend on the state of that data within the component and change it using other functions and thus a computed property will not be what you need.
A computed property is the simplest way to provide a mutable version of a prop, but you might not want to lose data when the prop is updated. You could use an explicit watch.
While computed properties are more appropriate in most cases, there
are times when a custom watcher is necessary. That’s why Vue provides
a more generic way to react to data changes through the watch option.
This is most useful when you want to perform asynchronous or expensive
operations in response to changing data.
This is most useful when you want to perform asynchronous or expensive
operations in response to changing data.