pandas read csv is returning extra unknown column - pandas

I am creating a csv file from pandas dataframe by combining two lists using:
df= pd.DataFrame(list(zip(patients_full, labels)),
but when I read the csv back there is an unknown column unnamed that shows up ? how do I remove that ?
Unnamed: 0 id cancer
0 0 HF0953.npy 1
1 1 HF1058.npy 3
2 2 HF1071.npy 3
3 3 HF1122.npy 3
4 4 HF1235.npy 1
5 5 HF1280.npy 2
6 6 HF1344.npy 1
7 7 HF1463.npy 1
8 8 HF1489.npy 1
9 9 HF1490.npy 2
10 10 HF1587.npy 2
11 11 HF1613.npy 2

This is happening because of the index column that is saved by default when you do to_csv("labels.csv"). As the index column in the data frame that you were saving didn't have a name, when you read your read_csv("labels.csv") it is treated as all other columns but with 'Blank' column named that is becoming Unnamed: 0. To avoid this you have 2 options:
Option 1 - not read the index:
read_csv("labels.csv", index_col=False)
Option 2 - not save the index:
to_csv("labels.csv", index=False)

What that column is in your output is the index of the dataframe. To not include it in the output: df.to_csv('labels.csv', index=False). More information is available on that method here in the pandas docs


Subtract a specific row from a csv using phyton

I have two csv files: one containing data, the other one containing a single row with the same columns as the first file. I am trying to subtract the one row from the second file from all the rows from the first file using pandas.
I have tried the following, but to no avail.
df = df.subtract(row, axis=1)
You're looking for the "drop" method. From pandas docs:
0 0 1 2 3
1 4 5 6 7
2 8 9 10 11
drop by index:
df.drop([0, 1])
2 8 9 10 11

Convert subset of rows to column pyspark dataframe

Suppose we have the following df
Id PlaceCod Val
1 1 0
1 2 3
2 2 4
2 1 5
3 1 6
How can I convert this DF to this one:
Id Store Warehouse
1 0 3
2 5 4
3 6 null
I've tried to use df.pivot(f.col("PlaceCod")) but got error message 'DataFrame has no pivot attribute'
As posted by #Emma on the comments:
Using the above solution my problem was solved!

the column in csv that comes from the index of DataFrame does not have a header name

here is a pandas DataFrame
>>> print(df)
0 0 1 2
1 3 4 5
2 6 7 8
with df.to_csv('df.csv') I got this file
the column in csv that comes from the index of DataFrame does not have a header name. Is it possible to specify a column name with pandas?
Try with rename_axis

How to get the mode of a column in pandas where there are few of the same mode values pandas

I have a data frame and i'd like to get the mode of a specific column.
i'm using:
freq_mode = df.mode()['my_col'][0]
However I get the error:
ValueError: ('The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()', 'occurred at index my_col')
I'm guessing it's because I have few mode that are the same.
I need any of the mode, it doesn't matter. How can I use any() to get any of the mode existed?
For me your code working nice with sample data.
If necessary select first value of Series from mode use:
freq_mode = df['my_col'].mode().iat[0]
We can see the one column
A B C train_label
0 14 5 20 7
1 4 2 20 7
2 5 54 7 6
3 4 3 3 6
4 1 2 8 6
5 5 7 7 7
0 6
1 7
dtype: int64

How to check dependency of one column to another in a pandas dataframe

I have the following dataframe:
import pandas as pd
id code name
0 1 11 a
1 1 12 a
2 1 11 a
3 1 12 a
4 1 7 a
5 1 12 a
As shown in the above dataframe, the value of column "id" is directly related to the value of column "name". If I have say, a million records, how can I know that a column is totally dependent on other column in a dataframe?
If they are totally dependent, then their factorizations will be the same
([0] ==[0]).all()