Make on Ubuntu a python executable that runs on Mac - cross-platform

Is there a way to create a python executable on Ubuntu that can also run on Mac?
This executable doesn't have to run on Linux.

You can't!. Please refer to the following link:
There it state:
The format/extension of the executable will depend on which operating
system you used for compilation. For example, if you run the
PyInstaller command on Windows the executable file will be .exe. If
you run it on Linux the extension will depend on the distribution you
are using.
A workaround to solve it is:
Run the OS virtually and, create executable in that virtual os and export it later.
WINE works as well! (Though, I didn’t try it myself), refer to the following link


What is the way to run c program's .exe file compiled on Windows OS to IMX8M Yocto Linux Board

I want to run hello.exe file generated on Windows OS platfrom for simpe hello.c file on IMX8M yocto linux board. I am very new to use this board and I am not finding any helping material on the same. Can anyone guide me is it possible or not and where can I find related documents.
If it's not possible, what are the other ways to run .exe generated from any HOST OS to Yocto Linux board.
I think there is some misunderstanding.
As the host and the device are not the same architecture (x64/ARM) and the same OS (Windows/Linux), you need to cross-compile your code. This is done by using a specific compiler, able to run on your host machine, to generate your binary for your device machine.
If you want to compile an application for your iMX8M from your Windows computer, you will need to find a cross-compiler toolchain able to run on Windows, generating binaries for Linux ARM architecture.
If you use Yocto, you can generate a SDK, which contains a cross-compiler toolchain by using bitbake <image> -c populate_sdk or bitbake <image> -c do_populate_sdk (depending on your Yocto version).
By default Yocto generates a SDK for a Linux host, so you will need to develop on a Linux OS.
There is aslo a specific meta that helps to generate a SDK for Windows: meta-mingw

Linux or Windows version of a library in Cygwin?

I have developed some codes in Linux which use boost::serialization library. Now I want to copy my files into Cygwin and compile them to produce executable for Windows. I know that I should use Mingw-64 g++ compiler. But how about boost library? Should I download the Windows version or the Linux version of this library?
In Cygwin, you install Boost libraries as per Unix/Linux. From the documentation
Getting Started on Windows
A note to Cygwin and MinGW users
If you plan to use your tools from the Windows command prompt, you're in the right place.
If you plan to build from the Cygwin bash shell, you're actually running on a POSIX
platform and should follow the instructions for getting started on Unix variants.
Other command shells, such as MinGW's MSYS, are not supported—they may or may not work.

Cannot run standalone psychopy if PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME set for different python version

I thought that the standalone PsychoPy install could coexist happily if Python was installed separately on the PC to but I can't get it to, nor can I find any docs. (I'm using Windows 7)
I have the lastest standalone version installed and the shortcut to run it is
"D:\Program Files (x86)\PsychoPy2\pythonw.exe" "D:\Program Files (x86)\PsychoPy2\Lib\site-packages\PsychoPy-1.81.02-py2.7.egg\psychopy\app\"
This works fine if my system env variables for PYTHONHOME & PYTHONPATH aren't set but I also use Python for other apps and need them setting to point to the other version of Python I have installed natively. When these env vars are set, Psychopy fails to load and gives no error messages at all.
Can anyone advise how I get them to play together nicely? (I thought it used to work last year, has something changed?)
[ I've tried a full uninstall of psychopy and freshly installed the latest standalone version v1.81.02
Yes, this is an unfortunate consequence of the way that PsychoPy is currently bundled with it's own closed environment in it's own python and dependencies installed seperately.
However, a new option to install psychopy using the conda package manager was introduced recently for Mac OS but some have also got it to work on Windows with a bit of tweaking.. Work is currently ongoing for this feature. I doubt that it was working previously unless you manually installed all dependencies in your default python, or ran linux:
On linux you can simply install psychopy from the neuro.debian repository, making it available for python system-wide. See PsychoPy documentation.
Thinking about it, I don't think it would ever worked if you had set PYTHONPATH (I don't know about PYTHONHOME).
BUT I did have a 'regular' python installation running alongside my Standalone PsychoPy install by not using the PYTHONPATH variable. You can add further paths to your python importing path (I assume that's the aim here) without setting any environment variable by adding text files ending in .pth to your site-packages directory. Essentially any lines in a .pth file that is found while navigating the existing path will also be added to the path!
Actually, according to the python docs you can also set a flag -E to ignore the environment variables:
To use that solution for the Standalone PsychoPy installation you'd have to alter the application shortcut to add this (that should get the app to load), but also make a couple of changes to the code for running scripts so that they also run with the flag set.
I still think not setting those variables is the easier solution though.

An after-build copy command compatible with Windows and Linux at the same time

I'm developing C# using Mono and MonoDevelop in Windows and Ubuntu. I might code the same project in Windows today and tomorrow in Ubuntu (which is why I chose Mono and MonoDevelop).
In project properties I need to add some After Build commands to copy some projects compiled files into some alternate folders. And I've done this like so:
cp ${TargetFile} ${SolutionDir}/SomePorject/bin/${ProjectConfigName}/Plugins
While this command works perfectly in my Ubuntu machine, each time I'm using Windows my Build requests get canceled since this command can not be executed in Windows (there's no cp in Windows). It makes this a pain to switch between Ubuntu and Windows since each time I need to change these commands.
Now my question is, is there a copy command which works in Windows and Ubuntu alike? Or maybe MonoDevelop has come up with a copy command of its own which works according to the OS it is running under!
I think "configurations" is your way to go.
Create separate configurations for each platform (Right click on solution -> options -> configurations). After that, in "Custom commands" create two "After Build" commands, one for Windows, and other for Ubuntu.
When you build solution just choose your platform from your configurations.
You could install cygwin on your Windows box.

Ubuntu-compiled program to run on Unix webserver

I have compiled an Ada program on Ubuntu using GNAT.
Afterwards, I tried a few test runs with that program and it worked properly.
But when I uploaded this to my Apache (UNIX) webserver and tried to run the program, there was no output. Why is this so?
Could it be that programs which have been compiled on Ubuntu don't work on a UNIX server?
(Sorry for the stupid question!)
Linux version of the system I use for compiling (uname -a):
Linux ubuntu 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu x86-64 GNU/Linux
Linux version of the system I want to run the program on later (uname -a):
Linux 2.6.37-he-xeon-64gb+1 i686 GNU/Linux
For compiling on the Ubuntu machine, I use:
gnatmake -O3 myprogram -bargs -static
When you build a GNAT program (gnatmake my_program), by default it links against dynamic libraries (, These libraries are part of the GNAT system and are very unlikely to be available on your web server.
If you say ldd my_program it will show you the shared libraries used.
You can force the build to use the static GNAT libraries by saying
gnatmake my_program -bargs -static
(the -bargs -static must come after regular flags like -O2).
Edit: more info on -bargs and friends.
You must make sure that the server has the libraries your app links against or link them statically like already suggested by others. Some other comments point out that you need to "cross compile" or that the server won't run 64 bit binaries. This is easily solved unless the app you're building is very complex.
gnatmake --GCC='gcc -m32'
Will make a binary that will run on a 32bit system. However the chief problem is that the servers (g)libc is very likely to be older than what's on your ubunu box. Programs compiled against newer glibc will not necessarily run on systems with an older glibc installed.
for more info and plenty more links, look here:
Linking against an old version of libc to provide greater application coverage
How can I link to a specific glibc version?
Besides, apache may not be configured to accept invocation of external binaries. Have you "tried to run the program" with something you know exists on the server? Try to run something trivial like /bin/ls to make sure your method of running the program works. Look at the logs if it doesn't work. Programs need to be executable, by the way: chmod 755 /path/to/webeserver/uploads/ada-app
Why don't you just compile it on your Webserver instead of your local machine ?
Aswell cat /etc/issue or cat /etc/release could give us some information about the distribution you're using.