Blazor Global Singleton Object - use Dependency Injection? - singleton

I have a single CUSTOMER object that needs to accessed / available to all parts of Blazor application , from the MainLayout to NavMenu to the razor components. How do I implement a Global Singleton Object?
I have attempted to use DI in Startup.cs like this
services.AddSingleton<ICustomer, Customer>();
And then in MainLayout
#inject Customer cust
then set some properties.
And then in CustomerPage
#inject Customer cust
But values are BLANK in CUSTOMERPAGE
What am I missing? I need to persist this object throughout the app.

You should inject by the interface:
#inject ICustomer cust
Or register the class by itself:
services.AddSingleton<Customer, Customer>();
#inject Customer cust


User scoped dependencies in a custom ASP.NET Core Action Filter?

According to the official documentation here:
To implement a custom ActionFilter in ASP.NET Core I have three choices:
But for all three it is stated that:
Shouldn't be used with a filter that depends on services with a lifetime other than singleton.
So how can I inject scoped services in my custom ActionFilter? I can easily get a scoped service from the current HttpContext like this:
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext actionContext)
ISubscriptionHelper subscriptionHelper =
But then I am wondering if I am doing something wrong? What is the correct way to depend on scoped services in a custom ActionFilterAttribute?
Resolving services from the HttpContext.RequestServices will correctly resolve scoped and transient instances without causing any problems such as Captive Dependencies. In case resolved components implement IDisposable, they will be disposed of when the request ends. ASP.NET Core passes on the current HttpContext object to filter's OnActionExecuting method and that HttpContext gives access to the DI Container.
This is completely different from injecting those services into the constructor, because the action filter will be cached for the lifetime of the application. Any dependencies stored in private fields will, therefore, live as long as that filter. This leads to the so called Captive Dependency problem.
Code that accesses the DI Container (the HttpContext.RequestServices is your gateway into the DI Container) should be centralized in the infrastructure code of the startup path of the application—the so called Composition Root. Accessing your DI Container outside the Composition Root inevitably leads to the Service Locator anti-pattern—this should not be taken lightly.
To prevent this, it is advised to keep the amount of code inside the action filter as small as possible and implement the filter as a Humble Object. This means that preferably, the only line of code inside the filter is the following:
.GetRequiredService<ISomeService>() // resolve service
.DoSomeOperation(); // delegate work to service
This means all (application) logic is moved to the ISomeService implementation, allowing the action filter to become a Humble Object. core dependency injection issue - AddScoped not creating a new instance

I've been using core dependency injection and I have seen an not expected behavior, at least for me. I'm adding a new service to the container like this:
services.AddScoped<IMyClass>(provider =>
return new MyClass(
After that, I inject the class into another class to use it:
public class AnotherClass(IMyClass xxx){
The thing is that there are a couple configurations that are made on the MyClass constructor based on request information. The problem is that I've seen the MyClass constructor be executed at the application startup only. After that, the class seems to use the same instance for all calls. As I'm using Scoped service I'm expecting to have a new instance for each request, am I wrong?
Ok. The problem was that the class that was receiving the injection was added to the container as singleton. I just changed it to Scoped and everything worked well.

Autofac how to pass configuration settings to base class

Currently I am using Autofac as IoC.
I would like to pass configuration (appsettings) to my base class through I am calling rest services.
current structure is
class baseclass{
public baseclass(logger){}
class derivedclass : baseclass{
public derivedclass(IService service):base(logger)
there are more than 50 classed where i am refering baseclass so dont want to pass configuration for each one.
Can you please help to find solution.
I assume that you don't want to change derived constructors to pass through your configuration. So you have some options:
Inject your configuration to your base class by property
Live without dependency injection (directly access to ConfigurationManager or some Service Locator pattern).
Although both options are bad practices and I recommend you to inject your configuration through constructors.

Having more than one entity context

Let's say I've extended identity framework dbContext to build my own, and I've our authenticated controller who get injected with the dbContext and fetch an entity related with the current ApplicationUser, entity framework will relate the two entities leading to a server error because of circular references.
We don't want to serialize circular references.
So we create a new dbContext in the method who istantiate a new dbcontext and query the unrelated entities, this will work. But this is not testable, we don't want our controller to strictly depends on the dbContext, we want it to be injected.
So we add a second parameter, in the constructor, unfortunately this will make the system inject the same dbContext twice, not so useful.
We tried to create a class fakeDbContext who inherit from dbContext and add it services and use it, but now we got two dbcontext, who can potentially generate migrations and configurations and errors...
Which is the right way of doing this in the new MVC6 ?
I found out that if my controller require an IEnumerable<dbContext> i get all the object registered as service of that type, so just doubling the part in startup.cs where we add the dbContext in the service registration area i get two of them...
The drawback here is that i don't know wich one is the virgin one, it looks like it goes in order of registration, but i have no clue, if this will change.
Edit 2 ...
I've created a TransientDbService class who have just a factory method taking the IserviceProvider, it use it to get the options to construct the dbContext, and then expose it. I've registered it as transient, then in the controller i require this service type.
the drawback here is if i'll ever need a third dbContext i should write more code, more code means errors and maintaning it.
Edit 3 ...
Not having two dbContext at all. The following setting allow me to have no relationships valorized.
Database.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = Microsoft.Data.Entity.QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking;
The drawback here is that i can't use my model graph, making everything more complex...
Edit 4 ...
You are right to think that no tracking queries will help in some cases, but other times you'll need to have more than one instance of the DbContext created.
You normally use the AddDbContext<TContext>() method in startup to make sure an instance of your context type is created per request and the right DbContextOptions and service provider get set on it. When you need to deviate from this pattern you have a few options, e.g.:
Include a constructor in your derived DbContext class that takes an IServiceProvider and passes it to the base constructor. Make sure your controller takes IServiceProvider. Once you do this you should be able to create DbContext manually with something like this:
using(var context1 = new MyDbContext(serviceProvider),
var context2 = new MyDbContext(serviceProvider))
{ ...
To avoid having to change the constructor signatures on your derived DbContext type you can take advantage of the DbContextActivator class (it is our Internal namespace), e.g.:
using(var context1 = DbContextActivator.CreateInstance<MyDbContext>(serviceProvider),
var context2 = DbContextActivator.CreateInstance<MyDbContext>(serviceProvider)
Note: If you are still using AddDbContext<MyDbContext>(options => ...) in startup it should pull those options automatically from the service provider. But you can also choose to either include the DbContextOptions as a parameter in the constructor or override the OnConfiguring() method for that.
I am giving you examples that create two separate DbContexts in a using block, but you should also be able to mix those with the regular "per-request" DbContext you would get injected in the controller's constructor.
Besides these options currently available I have created a new issue to track other possible improvements on how to create multiple instance of the same DbContext type in the same request:

webapi aspnet 4 Architecture

I've project using Entity Framework 5 Code First, WebApi, ASPNET MVC 4, Repository and Unit of Work pattern, etc.
My architecture is as follows:
One project for the POCOS
One project with the context, Repository, Unit Of Work, etc
One project with the contracts (IRepository, IUnitOfWork, etc)
One WebApi project which holds ApiControllers for each entity of the model (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
Now, if I don't want to use SPA (as I don't have time right now to learn it) and I want to do something quick, What should I do? a new ASPNET MVC 4 project with Controllers inheriting from Controller rather than ApiController, and those controllers consuming the WebApi controllers?
Like this?
public ActionResult Index()
return View(WebApiProj.Uow.Houses.GetAll());
That doesn't seems to be quite good as it should be creating a Get pointing to the WebApi controller in the other project.
I'm thinking about this architecture, because mobile clients, web clients and any other clients would be calling the same services which sounds good.
Any advices on this architecture? Pros or cons?
I am not sure if what you show is possible? WebApiProj.Uow.Houses.GetAll() Is treating Houses as if it was a class with a static GetAll function on it. Houses is an instance class that needs to be instantiated per request and may/should have constructor injection concerns to handle too... GetAll would normally be an instance method.
Given you are in a situation where you are going to have multiple code clients i.e. the WebApi controllers and the MVC controllers you should consider adding a Service Layer to your project.
Your Service Layer will probably take the form of a single class (if this is a small ish project but split it up if needed), it will have the Repositories and the Infrastructure code injected. You should end up with a series of CRUD and UseCase sounding method names that contain the orchestration logic between repositories, factories and unit of work classes.
public interface IMyServiceLayerClass
IEnumerable<House> GetAllHouses();
House SaveHouse(House house);
IEnumerable<Windows> GetAllHouseWindows(int houseId);
public class MyServiceLayerClass : IMyServiceLayerClass
private readonly IRepository<House> _houseRepository;
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
private readonly IRepositoryTypeB _repositoryTypeB;
Public MyServiceLayerClass(IUnitOfWork unitofwork, IRepository<House> houseRepository, IRepositoryTypeB repositoryTypeB)
//Populate the private readonly's
public IEnumerable<House> GetAllHouses()
return _houseRepository.GetAll();
Your two types of controller can then accept the Service class and have very thin logic just to forward on to the service layer.
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IMyServiceLayerClass _myServiceLayerClass;
public HomeController(IMyServiceLayerClass myServiceLayerClass)
_myServiceLayerClass= myServiceLayerClass;
public ViewResult Index()
return View(_myServiceLayerClass.GetAllHouses());
Same for the Api:
public class HouseController : ApiController
private readonly IMyServiceLayerClass _myServiceLayerClass;
public HouseController (IMyServiceLayerClass myServiceLayerClass)
_myServiceLayerClass= myServiceLayerClass;
public IEnumerable<House> Get()
return _myServiceLayerClass.GetAllHouses();
This will allow you to reuse the same business logic and orchestration across the controllers abstract the logic away from your WebApi and Mvc applications.
This code could easily live in your project that defines the contracts as it is only dependent upon interfaces. Or you could add its interface into contracts too and then create another project class Domain or Service which can hold the implementation of the service class.
I would strongly suggest you leave you Controllers to do what they do best and let them handle the delegation of the UI specific elements and re-factor non UI specific logic into a reusable service layer. This would allow Unit tests for controllers to focus on testing for the correct action result and status codes etc and allow your domain logic to be tested independently.
Take a look at my answer for another architecture question on MVC. The key for your question is to have an application or domain layer that both the MVC Controller and Web API Controllers can use to access the business model (The M in MVC). You do not want to call the Web API directly from the MVC Controller as it has overhead for serialization and de-serialization that is not required here. Instead call the application/domain layer directly.