Created Entity using plugin has no valid Entity.Id Value - entity

I have managed to execute the statement to create an entity successfully without any errors, but the id of the entity remains as default 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. In CRM, the created entity did not appear too.
I have not included all fields in the entity, and only inputting 1 field for testing.
Is it due to some mandatory fields not being filled, that is causing the above false positive that the entity is created?
Below is my code snippet:
Call CreateCase(row)
foreach (DataRow row in caseTable.Rows)
Entity caseEntity = helper.GetCasebyID((string)row[Excel.ID]);
if (caseEntity == null)
caseEntity = CreateCase(row);
private Entity CreateCase(DataRow row)
Entity caseEntity = new Entity("new_case");
if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[Excel.sourcename].ToString().Trim())))
caseEntity.Attributes[Case.sourcename] = row[Excel.sourcename];
Logger.Info(caseEntity.LogicalName + " " + caseEntity.Id + " created. ");
//output: case 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 created.
Helper class:
public class Helper
private OrganizationServiceProxy _proxy;
private IOrganizationService _org;
public IOrganizationService GetOrganizationService()
if (_org == null)
var credential = new ClientCredentials();
credential.Windows.ClientCredential.Domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Domain"];
credential.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Username"];
credential.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"]);
Uri organizationUri = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OrganizationUri"]);
Uri homeRealmUri = null;
_proxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(organizationUri, homeRealmUri, credential, null);
_proxy.ServiceConfiguration.CurrentServiceEndpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ProxyTypesBehavior());
_org = new OrganizationService(_proxy);
return _org;

You should not use the same object to check if record created or guid is available.
Below line in your code return Guid datatype and not subset of object.
Also when you create a record, Try to add atleast Primary name attribute value.
In your case it shall be new_name
So you should have your code as
Guid newlyCreatedCaseRecord = helper.GetOrganizationService().Create(caseEntity);
Logger.Info(caseEntity.LogicalName + " " + newlyCreatedCaseRecord + " created. ");
You could also fetch newly created Record from Database as Entity object.
Guid newlyCreatedCaseRecord = helper.GetOrganizationService().Create(caseEntity);
Entity newlyCaseEntity = helper.GetOrganizationService().Retrieve("new_case",newlyCreatedCaseRecord , new ColumnSet(true));
Logger.Info(newlyCaseEntity .LogicalName + " " + newlyCaseEntity.Id + " created. ");
Note: There can be Typo in code, try validating in Visual studio.


Trying to update a row value in SQL with ASP.NET Core 6

I am trying to update a row value in SQL with my DbContext in ASP.NET Core 6. The column is named TextField but I get this error:
InvalidOperationException: The instance of entity type 'TextField' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {'Id'} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached. Consider using 'DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging' to see the conflicting key values.
Here is my code:
public IActionResult UploadText(string newText, string section)
MgvaKrantransportContext DBContext = new MgvaKrantransportContext();
var textSelection = DBContext.TextFields.Where(m => m.Section.Equals(section)).ToList();
TextField newTextField = new TextField();
foreach (var textField in textSelection)
newTextField = new TextField() { Id = textField.Id, Section = section, TextContent = newText };
DBContext.Entry(newTextField).Property(x => x.TextContent).IsModified = true;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Thanks in advance
Best regards Max
If you want to update using a stub entity, don't query the database first. Simply remove this line
var textSelection = DBContext.TextFields.Where(m => m.Section.Equals(section)).ToList();
Alternatively, update the returned TextField(s) and don't create a new one.
foreach (var textField in textSelection)
textField.TextContent = newText ;

Localization With Database MVC

I am working on a multilingual ASP.NET MVC application (MVC4).
I want to make my resource file strings to be editable at runtime without recompiling the application and without app pool recycling And it doesn't look possible with .resx file, so I migrate to store string resources in Database.
I have to Get Each Label/String Resource From Database, so there will be more hits to database for each request. How to fix that?
I have googled around and someone suggests to load the resource in a dictionary and store it as application variable, at login/Sign In page and use that dictionary as resource instead of database hit.
I am confused, what will be effective approach.Can someone guide me in right direction to avoid more database hits?
Any help/suggestions will be highly appreciated.
I ran into the same concerns using .resx files for localization. They just did not work well when the persons doing the translation were not programmers. Now, we have a translation page in our admin area. Works great.
One area which we still don't have a good solution for are the data annotations, which still use the .resx files. I have trimmed the source below to remove any references to our actual database structures or tables.
There is a fallback to using the underlying .resx file, if an entry does not exist in the database. If there is not an entry in the .resx file, I split the word whenever a capitol letter is found ( CamelSpace is a string extension method ).
Lastly, depending on your implementation, you may need to remove the context caching, especially if you are caching out of process.
A few examples of usage:
#LanguageDb.Translate("Enter your first name below","FirstNamePrompt")
.Translate(#"You can be insured for
{0} down and {1} payments of {2}"),
public class LanguageDb : DynamicObject
public static dynamic Me = new LanguageDb();
private LanguageDb() { }
public static string Translate(string englishPhrase, string resourceCode = null)
return GetTranslation(englishPhrase, resourceCode) ?? englishPhrase;
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
result = GetTranslation(binder.Name);
return true;
private static string GetTranslation(string resourceName, string resourceCode = null)
resourceCode = resourceCode ?? resourceName;
if (resourceCode.Contains(" ") || resourceCode.Length > 50)
resourceCode = resourceName.GetHashCode().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var lang = (string)HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["lang"] ?? "en";
// cache entries for an hour
var result = Get(subagent + "_" + lang + "_" + resourceCode, 3600, () =>
// cache a datacontext object for 30 seconds.
var context = Get("_context", 30, () => new YourDataContext()) as YourDataContext;
var translation = context.Translations.FirstOrDefault(row => row.lang == lang && row.Code == resourceCode);
if (translation == null)
translation = new Lookup {
Code = resourceCode,
lang = lang,
Value = Language.ResourceManager.GetString(resourceName, Language.Culture)
?? resourceName.CamelSpace()
return translation.Value;
return result;
public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
// ignore this
return true;
public static T Get<T>(string cacheId, int secondsToCache, Func<T> getItemCallback) where T : class
T item = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(cacheId) as T;
if (item == null)
item = getItemCallback();
if (secondsToCache > 0)
cacheId, item, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration,
new TimeSpan(0, 0, secondsToCache), CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheId, item);
return item;

MS Dynamics CRM. Get users who current record shared with

I have a entity record which is shared with or more users. I would like to unshare this record when Deactivate it. I want to do that in Plugin. But I can't understand how to get all users from sharing list who have access to this record. How to do that?
Here is my code snippet:
protected void ExecutePostPersonSetStateDynamicEntity(LocalPluginContext localContext)
if (localContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext");
var context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
var targetEntity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["EntityMoniker"];
var state = (OptionSetValue)context.InputParameters["State"];
var columns = new ColumnSet(new[] { "statecode" });
var retrivedEntity = localContext.OrganizationService.Retrieve(targetEntity.LogicalName, targetEntity.Id, columns);
if (state.Value == 1)
RevokeAccessRequest revokeRequest = new RevokeAccessRequest()
Target = new EntityReference(personEntity.LogicalName, personEntity.Id),
Revokee = new EntityReference(neededEntity.LogicalName, needed.Id)
// Execute the request.
As you can see, I need an entity "neededEntity", I don't know how to get it from "targetEntity" or "retrievedEntity".
You need to use a RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessRequest
You can start from the included example, basically inside the foreach you call your RevokeAcessRequest

Check for existing mapping when writing a custom applier in ConfORM

I am writing my first custom column name applier for ConfORM.
How do I check if another column has already been map with same mapping name?
This is what I have so far:
public class MyColumnNameApplier : IPatternApplier<PropertyPath, IPropertyMapper>
public bool Match(PropertyPath subject)
return (subject.LocalMember != null);
public void Apply(PropertyPath subject, IPropertyMapper applyTo)
string shortColumnName = ToOracleName(subject);
// How do I check if the short columnName already exists?
applyTo.Column(cm => cm.Name(shortColumnName));
private string ToOracleName(PropertyPath subject)
I need to shorten the generated column names to less than 30 characters to fit in with Oracle's 30 character limit. Because I am shortening the column names it is possible that the same column name can potentially be generated two different properties. I would like to know when a duplicate mapping occurs.
If I don't handle this scenario ConfORM/NHibernate allows two different properties to 'share' the same column name - this is obviously creates a problem for me.
if column names are mapped twice you will get exception about parameter count on first load. You can can check after configuring:
foreach (var clazz in config.ClassMappings)
var propertiesWithOneColumn = clazz.PropertyClosureIterator.Where(p => p.ColumnSpan == 1);
var distinctColumns = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (var prop in propertiesWithOneColumn)
var col = prop.ColumnIterator.First().Text;
if (distinctColumns.Add(col))
Console.WriteLine("duplicate column "+ col + " found for property " + prop.PersistentClass.ClassName + "." + prop.Name);

How to get the selected value of a dynamically created selectlist component

I am not sure whether this is even possible, but I am trying to get the values of dynamically created selectlists in a VisualForce Apex controller class.
I am dynamically creating a selectlist for each field in a particular object (e.g. Contact) using the code below, but now I do not know how to get the selected value back. I have tried setting the value of each in the constructor and on a separate line (not in code sample below), but this does not seem to work.
VisualForce page:
<apex:dynamicComponent componentValue="{!contactPageBlockSection}" />
Apex controller:
public Component.Apex.PageBlockSection GetContactPageBlockSection(string objectName)
Map<string, Schema.SObjectField> FieldMap;
FieldMap = Schema.SObjectType.Contact.fields.getMap();
Set<string> FieldSet = FieldMap.keySet();
List<string> FieldList = new List<string>();
Component.Apex.PageBlockSection pbs = new Component.Apex.PageBlockSection(columns = 2);
for (string fieldName : FieldList)
Component.Apex.PageBlockSectionItem pbsi = new Component.Apex.PageBlockSectionItem();
Schema.DescribeFieldResult field = (FieldMap.get(fieldName)).getDescribe();
if (field.isUpdateable() && field.IsAccessible())
Schema.DisplayType dt = field.getType();
Component.Apex.OutputLabel lblText = new Component.Apex.OutputLabel(escape = false);
lblText.value = field.getLabel();
Component.Apex.SelectList selList = new Component.Apex.SelectList(id = field.getName(), multiselect = false, size = 1, style = 'width:200px;');
if (dt == Schema.DisplayType.Integer || dt == Schema.DisplayType.Double || dt == Schema.DisplayType.Currency || dt == Schema.DisplayType.Percent)
AddSelectOption(selList, 'Keep highest value');
AddSelectOption(selList, 'Keep lowest value');
AddSelectOption(selList, 'Keep master value');
return pbs;
private void AddSelectOption(Component.Apex.SelectList selList, string option)
Component.Apex.SelectOption selOption = new Component.Apex.SelectOption();
selOption.itemLabel = option;
selOption.itemValue = option;
Many thanks in advance
just bind the value attribute of the dynamically created select list to a string property using expression syntax like:
String selectedValue {get; set;}
setList.expressions.value = '{!selectedValue}';
the property should then store the selected value just as it would in a static declarative definition of the select list.
You could try and use dynamic visualforce binding. I.E.
map<String,String> FieldToString {get; set;}
selList.expressions.value = '{!FieldToString[\'' + fieldname + '\']}';
However, I have never used dynamic visualforce bindings within dynamic visualforce so caveat emptor.