Wix bootstrapper uninstalling MSI package in silent mode - wix

I have an msi bundled with prerequisites using Wix bootstrapper (burn.exe).
We migrated this project from Installshield to WiX.
The installation works fine.
However, during repair or uninstall the bootstrapper runs the msi-file in silent mode.
Since the last dialog (e.g. 'SetupCompleteSuccess') within the msi file contains some controls to trigger some more actions.
Is there a possibility to configure the bootstrapper so that the msi file is executed in 'UI'-mode?

In WiX v3, it is not possible. Burn explicitly shows internal UI only during initial install. WiX v4 changes how that works: https://github.com/wixtoolset/issues/issues/5616


WIX Bootstrapper with individual upgraded msi won't uninstall

I have an wix bootstrapper that installs multiple msi's via chaining. One for the main app and others for plugins for the main application. The plugins version separately and their MSI could be upgraded during an autoupdate routine. The problem I have is that the uninstall on the bundle wont uninstall the MSIs for the plugins once they have been upgraded. Is it possible to set it up so that uninstalling the bootstrapper will uninstall the plugins regardless if they were upgraded?
For reference, I am always doing a major upgrade on each MSI.
Once a chained MSI is upgraded outside of the control of the WIX bootstrapper, un-installing the WIX bootstrapper will leave the upgraded MSI behind. This is by design. See the answer to How Wix bootstrapper uninstall msi package that has been upgraded for a more detailed explanation.

How do I programmatically uninstall a cached Wix Burn program

I have created a Wix Burn app that I am installing two MSI's with. Works great.
The MSI files install properly
The Wix Burn app registers with ARP.
The MSI files do not register with ARP
I can do Major Upgrades
I can install and uninstall manually with a local copy of the Wix Burn app
I can programmatically execute the Wix Burn app to uninstall (using /x)
The Problem:
I know two way to uninstall using a Wix Burn app:
Click on the Uninstall button in ARP (requires user involvement)
Launch a copy of the Wix Burn app that installed the product
I see in the Wix Burn log that Windows caches my Wix Burn app install in much the same way that MSIEXEC will cache MSI files. Is there a way to programmatically ask Windows or MSI to use the cached version of the Wix Burn app to do the uninstall?
A Possibility:
Presumably I could use MsiGetProductInfo() to get a path to the cached Wix Burn app. To do that, however, I need my app's Product Code. However, Product Codes are not attributes of elements in Wix so I am not seeing how to get a Product Code for a Burn package.
You might be able to solve this by iterating through the Uninstall registry entries. The process is:
Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.
Iterate through the sub-keys searching for an entry where the Publisher and DisplayName matches your product.
If you find an entry, read the value of QuietUninstallString and run that as a command. For a WIX burn installer this is typically in the form C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{GUID}\SetupProgram.exe /uninstall /quiet.
If you are using a 64 bit operating system you will also need to search HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.

Embed MSI into setup.exe with WiX

I have a wix installer. It creates a setup msi and exe. The exe will install the prerequisites required before installing the application.
The msi of course just installs the application.
I have users that keep clicking the msi and when they run the app for the first time is will crash because some things were not installed.
How can I combine the msi with the exe in the wix script so my users will only see the setup.exe and not have the chance to click on the msi?

WIX Bootstrapper - Selected MSI packages uninstallation

I have created a Wix custom bootstrapper application and bundle file using Wix 3.8. Bundle file contains five MSI packages. Created a setup and installed it. All MSI packages are installed and uninstalled correctly.
Then, I have include "InstallCondition" attribute in each MSI package elements in bundle file. Installed the setup based on the selection (installed three MSI packages). Installation working fine.
Now I want to uninstall any of selected MSI packages from installed packages (three packages installed) using custom BA.
Is it possible do the above using Wix CBA? Please share any idea regarding this.
You need to call Plan with the Modify action (or Uninstall if you want to uninstall the whole bundle). Then in the OnPlanPackageBegin callback, set the desired state of the package (Absent to uninstall). I think if the InstallCondition of a package evaluates to false during a Modify or Uninstall action, the engine would plan to uninstall it by default.

MSI installer calling another MSI installer in silent mode using WiX

I'm using WiX to make an MSI installer to call another MSI installer.
I can resolve this situation in UILevel=5 (Full UI) mode. My solution is add a CustomAction to the UISequence table that call another MSI. It will not get error code 1500: "Another installation is already in progress..."
But in slient mode, UILevel = 2, I can't do it, because it only runs CustomAction in ExecuteSequence.
How can I run my MSI in silent mode and call another MSI installer?
Install both MSIs with the Burn bootstrapper included with wix 3.6.
Strictly speaking MSI files are transactional installers so they can only occur one at a time.
Microsoft get around this with merge modules which are like MSI but are used for embedding in MSI files.
Any chance the MSI you want to embed could be changed to be an MSM file?