Master-Detail Query in SQL - sql

I am having trouble querying my data where the expected result is a master-detail type output.
I have a table. In this table I have three columns, they are all strings:
In this table, I have the following data:
**Version** **URL** **Application**
New Application1
New Application1
Old Application2
The expected Output would be
New - Application 1 - (2)
Old - Application 2 - (1)
This table represents an inventory of applications that are deployed on a company’s network. An application can exist on multiple URLs, and be one of two versions, in this example “new” or “old
“. The goal of the query I am having a problem with is to be able to provide a report where the Version, then Application, group the URLs so that one could see, for example, I have the “new” version of application “X” deployed at such and such URLs. In addition, I also need to provide the amounts/counts of URL’s for each grouping of Versions and Application, for example the “new” version of application “X” appeared this many times (this data will eventually be exported from SQL to a spreadsheet).

You likely don't need to write any code.
Use the report wizard - it will group for you.
Assuming you have the table in Access. Just click on the table (highlight).
Then from ribbon create - choose the report wizard.
ORDER that you choose the fields is VERY important.
So, application, version, URL.
Group by Application, version.
Choose "stepped"
The report will look like this:
Now, you can save the report -
Now open report in design mode.
Now from ribbon - choose Group and sort.
Choose to add a sum - but choose your "new" column - it will offer a count due to this being a text value.
You get this:
And then you can move up the total box to the detail section.
You get this:
I suppose you could consider a SQL group by, but the sorting and grouping with the report writer can quite much group and total on rows of data just about anyway you want.
You can remove all the extra heading stuff and other junk - once done, then from the ribbon you can export to excel.

Below is some VBA code that uses two recordsets, one to get the "title" information for each group, and the other to get the detailed information for each group, and outputs it all to an Excel file:
Sub sExportAppData()
On Error GoTo E_Handle
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rsMaster As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsDetail As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim objXL As New Excel.Application
Dim objXLBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim objXLSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim strXLFile As String
Dim lngRow As Long
strXLFile = "J:\downloads\app-data.xlsx"
If Len(Dir(strXLFile)) > 0 Then Kill strXLFile
Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)
strSQL = "SELECT A.AppVersion, A.AppApplication, Count(A.AppApplication) AS AppFrequency " _
& " FROM tblApplication A " _
& " GROUP BY A.AppVersion, A.AppApplication " _
& " ORDER BY A.AppVersion ASC, A.AppApplication ASC;"
Set rsMaster = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If Not (rsMaster.BOF And rsMaster.EOF) Then
Set objXLBook = objXL.Workbooks.Add
Set objXLSheet = objXLBook.Worksheets(1)
lngRow = 1
objXLSheet.Cells(lngRow, 1) = rsMaster!AppVersion & " - " & rsMaster!AppApplication & " - (" & rsMaster!AppFrequency & ")"
lngRow = lngRow + 1
strSQL = "SELECT AppURL FROM tblApplication " _
& " WHERE AppVersion='" & rsMaster!AppVersion & "' AND AppApplication='" & rsMaster!AppApplication & "' " _
Set rsDetail = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If Not (rsDetail.BOF And rsDetail.EOF) Then
objXLSheet.Cells(lngRow, 1) = rsDetail!AppURL
lngRow = lngRow + 1
Loop Until rsDetail.EOF
End If
Loop Until rsMaster.EOF
objXLBook.SaveAs strXLFile
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set rsDetail = Nothing
Set rsMaster = Nothing
Set objXLSheet = Nothing
Set objXLBook = Nothing
Set objXL = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "sExportAppData", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error: " & Err.Number
Resume sExit
End Sub


Access VBA After Insert Autofill?

I'm looking for a little help/input on how to have a field auto-populate after an identification number is entered in a new record.
I have an entry screen ("RetailEntry") where someone will enter a "Pack Number" once they either move to another record I'd like the "Description" field to populate with the corresponding "Description" ("qryDescriptions") for that pack number.
If I enter pack number 6781234 it would give me the Description "Test"
I'm trying to figure out the best way of doing this and I thought maybe a record loop like below where it runs a query for the pack number and description then loops through the records to fill it in. It kinda works if I only enter one pack number but adding anymore pack numbers or copy and pasting multiple pack numbers it errors with a "No Current Record" which I'm guessing has to do with the order of processes. I am really hoping there is a way to do this where it will autofill vs me having to add a button to make this work.
Any thoughts, advice or help is greatly appreciated!!
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
Dim db As Dao.Database
Dim Desc As String
Dim PDesc As String
Dim rs As Dao.Recordset
Dim rq As Dao.Recordset
'Set Description
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("RetailEntry")
Set rq = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryDescriptions")
PDesc = rs.Fields("Pack_Number").Value
Desc = "SELECT DISTINCT PackNum, Description " _
& " FROM PIC704Current " _
& " WHERE Packnum = '" & PDesc & "'"
strSQL = Desc
db.QueryDefs.Delete "qryDescriptions"
Set qdfPassThrough = db.CreateQueryDef("qryDescriptions")
qdfPassThrough.Connect = "ODBC;DSN=SupplyChainMisc;Description=SupplyChainMisc;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=SupplyChain_Misc;"
qdfPassThrough.ReturnsRecords = True
qdfPassThrough.ODBCTimeout = 180
qdfPassThrough.SQL = strSQL
'Loop version
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
Do Until rs.EOF = True
If rs.Fields("Description").Value <> rq.Fields("Description").Value Then
Me!Description.Value = rq.Fields("Description").Value
End If
End If
End Sub

VBA code works in one box, throws an error in another

Alright, short background, I have a form, on which I have 3 Comboboxes.
Two of these comboboxes are tied to the same exact table, an accounts table. They use slightly different queries between them, see below.
In one box, cmb_GA I have set the box property "On Not in List" to the following code segment :
Private Sub cmb_GA_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String
Dim password As String
Dim bytUpdate As Byte
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
bytUpdate = MsgBox("Do you want to add " & NewData & " to the Accounts list?", vbYesNo, "Not in list of Accounts!")
If bytUpdate = vbYes Then
password = InputBox("Enter New Account Password")
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Accounts(Login, PW) " & "VALUES
('" & NewData & "' , '" & password & "')"
Debug.Print strSQL
cnn.Execute strSQL
Response = acDataErrAdded
Call AuditLogs("txt_DN", "New")
ElseIf bytUpdate = vbNo Then
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"
End Sub
Note that for formatting here I put in an extra CR after "VALUES" that doesn't exist in the actual code, other than that, and some deleted comments, WYSIWIG.
This code works perfectly. 100% Does what I want.
I have another combobox, cmb_IA
I am using the same code for it (Yeah I probably should have done this as a module in retrospect, but I didn't yet.)
The problem is that it throws an error. "The text you entered isn't an item in the list. Select an Item from the list, or enter text that matches one of the listed items."
I've looked at the properties and can not find a difference between the two boxes on the property sheets: Here's a look at both boxes Data tab:
And here is the relevant SQL from the two queries:
FROM tbl_Accounts
WHERE tbl_Accounts.Association LIKE "*Device*";
FROM tbl_Accounts
WHERE tbl_Accounts.Association LIKE "*Intune*";
I would assume the question is obvious, but let me state this outright, what is happening here? Is there a way to suppress this error? Both comboboxes must let the user add new information to them, as the point of this form is to register new devices, cellphones and tablets, and the security accounts and corporate accounts that each device uses. What's puzzling me the most is that this error is only showing up on the one combobox.
Edited to add the code from the section that is throwing the error:
Private Sub cmb_IA_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String
Dim password As String
Dim bytUpdate As Byte
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
bytUpdate = MsgBox("Do you want to add " & NewData & " to the Accounts list?", vbYesNo, "Not in list of Accounts!")
If bytUpdate = vbYes Then
password = InputBox("Enter New Account Password")
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Accounts(Login, PW) " & "VALUES ('" & NewData & "' , '" & password & "')"
Debug.Print strSQL
cnn.Execute strSQL
Response = acDataErrAdded
Call AuditLogs("txt_DN", "New")
ElseIf bytUpdate = vbNo Then
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"
End Sub
It was suggested I show the RowSource SQL generated by Access so here it is Working:
SELECT qry_DeviceAccounts.AccountIDKey, qry_DeviceAccounts.Login, qry_DeviceAccounts.PW
FROM qry_DeviceAccounts
ORDER BY qry_DeviceAccounts.[Login];
Not Working:
SELECT qry_SecurityAccounts.AccountIDKey, qry_SecurityAccounts.Login, qry_SecurityAccounts.PW
FROM qry_SecurityAccounts
ORDER BY qry_SecurityAccounts.[Login];
I can't believe I didn't see it earlier. This was the result of the difference between the two queries, and the way they filtered for the account information. I needed to set the new account information to be filtered for during the INSERT statement, which hadn't been done. Since the other one worked on the default value of one of the fields in the table, it wasn't relevant to that one's INSERT statement.
Moral of the story, check your fields, and make sure you carefully read what each is doing. I was so busy looking for an error in my VBA, I forgot to check my SQL.

Access VBA RunSQL Error

I'm trying to insert into a table the top x records from a query data-set. However I keep getting the run-time error '3061' Too few parameters. Expected 1. I've tried a few things but it doesn't make any difference.
Private Sub UpdateGA_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rounds As Integer
Dim playerid As Long
Set dbs = CurrentDb
rounds = Me.NoOfScores.Value
playerid = Me.lngPlayerID.Value
strSQL = "INSERT INTO [tbl_TopRounds] ( [lngPlayerID], [lngRoundID], [dblPlayedTo], [dteRoundDate]) " & _
" SELECT TOP " & Me.NoOfScores.Value & " [lngPlayerID], [lngRoundID], [dblPlayedTo], [dteRoundDate] FROM qry_LastRounds" & _
" WHERE [lngPlayerID] = " & Me.lngPlayerID.Value & _
" ORDER BY [dblPlayedTo], [dteRoundDate] DESC;"
dbs.Execute strSQL
End Sub
I'm expecting that x (based on a form parameter) records will be written to the tbl_TopRounds.
VB Error on executing
Any help would be appreciated.
Normally this error means that you made a mistake in field name. Set breakpoint on last command, run the sub, open immediate window and type ?strSQL. Copy received SQL text and try to run it in query builder, it will show column name which doesn't exist in the table. The error may be in the query qry_LastRounds, check it first by opening

How to limit the number of results in an LDAP query

I'm programming an Office 2010 Word template that needs to interact with the Active Directory, to retrieve some user info. The user filling out the template can give some input for the search that is used to retrieve the AD info.
I'm using the ADODB Recordset and Command to setup my query:
Public Function GetActiveDirectoryInfo(searchString As String) As Object
Dim adoCommand, adoConnection, strBase, strFilter, strAttributes
Dim strQuery, adoRecordset
'remove user input asteriks
searchString = Replace(searchString, "*", "")
' Setup ADO objects.
Set adoCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set adoConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
adoConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
adoConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set adoCommand.ActiveConnection = adoConnection
strBase = "<LDAP://" & GLOBAL_LDAP_USER_OU & ">"
' Filter on user objects.
strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(|(sn=" & searchString & "*)(cn=" & searchString & "*)))"
' Comma delimited list of attribute values to retrieve.
' Construct the LDAP syntax query.
strQuery = strBase & ";" & strFilter & ";" & strAttributes & ";OneLevel"
adoCommand.CommandText = strQuery
adoCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 10
adoCommand.Properties("Timeout") = 30
adoCommand.Properties("Cache Results") = False
'adoCommand.Properties("Maximum Rows") = 10 'error: read only
On Error GoTo err_NoConnection
' Run the query.
Set adoRecordset = adoCommand.Execute
Set foundItems = adoRecordset
Debug.Print "Found : " & foundItems.RecordCount & " records"
Exit Function
'in case of error: return <nothing>
Debug.Print Err.description
Set GetActiveDirectoryInfo = Nothing
End Function
THis function is part of a User Class in MS Word.
My question: how to prevent the user from retrieving thousands of records? I have been reading about paging, but that seems more like a network-load-thing than actually limiting the search results that will eventually get back to me.
I've tried several things but with no results. For instance setting the MaxRecords or Maximum Rows properties. Both give an error (non existing property for the first, and read only error for the second).
ANy ideas anyone.
MS Office 2010 dutch
ADO Objects 6.0
Unfortunately ADO MaxRecord that limits the number of search results is not implemented for ADsDSObject. The link details the workaround to solve the issue.

Table for priorities?

I am curious to know if there is a way to make a table based off priorities?
As in you have a form, subform (datasheet), and 2 buttons.
The subform takes data from a query which takes data from a table.
From here, the query shows projects. You can select the project on the subform and click a button to dec priority, which moves it DOWN on the list by 1 project. If you click the inc button, it moves it UP. If it's at the very bottom and you click the decrease button it will pop up saying "This project is already the lowest priority!" same with the increase, but it'll say it's already the highest.
Is this possible? I really don't know any VBA to access a subform's datasheet and modify it, and I'd like to learn.
I have 1 table, with 5 priority types, and 1 key.
The table is named ProjectsT, the key is named ProjectID and the 5 priorities are:
CuttingPriority, ProjPriority, EngineerPriority, CutplanPriority, HardwarePriority. Each priority is listed as a number datatype.
This is one set of code I have so far for the buttons from an answer below:
Up button:
Dim strSQL As String
Dim intSavePos As Integer
Dim intSavePosMin As Integer
Dim intSavePosMax As Integer
'Save start and end value (It's assumed you start with 1 ! The value 0 (zero) is used for swapping value's)
intSavePosMin = DMin("CuttingPriority", "ProjectsT")
intSavePosMax = DMax("CuttingPriority", "ProjectsT")
'When the subform is linked to a keyfield use that field for a WHERE like:
'intSavePosMin = DMin("sequence", "tblTableNico5038", "Function='" & Me.sfrmFunctionTables.Form.Function & "'")
'intSavePosMax = DMax("sequence", "tblTableNico5038", "Function='" & Me.sfrmFunctionTables.Form.Function & "'")
intSavePos = Me.txtCuttingPriority
'is it the first ? ==> no action
If intSavePos = intSavePosMin Then Exit Sub
'switch positions
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strSQL = "UPDATE ProjectsT SET ProjectsT.CuttingPriority = 0 WHERE CuttingPriority=" & intSavePos & ";"
'When the subform is linked to a keyfield use that field for a WHERE like:
'strSQL = "UPDATE tblTableNico5038 SET tblTableNico5038.Sequence = 0 WHERE Function='" & Me.sfrmTableNico5038.Form.Function & "' AND sequence=" & intSavePos & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strSQL = "UPDATE ProjectsT SET ProjectsT.CuttingPriority = " & intSavePos & " WHERE CuttingPriority=" & intSavePos - 1 & ";"
'When the subform is linked to a keyfield use that field for a WHERE like:
'strSQL = "UPDATE tblTableNico5038 SET tblTableNico5038.Sequence = " & intSavePos & " WHERE Function='" & Me.sfrmTableNico5038.Form.Function & "' AND sequence=" & intSavePos - 1 & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strSQL = "UPDATE ProjectsT SET ProjectsT.CuttingPriority = " & intSavePos - 1 & " WHERE CuttingPriority=0;"
'When the subform is linked to a keyfield use that field for a WHERE like:
'strSQL = "UPDATE tblTableNico5038 SET tblTableNico5038.Sequence = " & intSavePos - 1 & " WHERE Function='" & Me.sfrmTableNico5038.Form.Function & "' AND sequence=0;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
SendKeys ("{up}")
Down button:
Dim strSQL As String
Dim intSavePos As Integer
Dim intSavePosMin As Integer
Dim intSavePosMax As Integer
intSavePosMin = DMin("CuttingPriority", "ProjectsT")
intSavePosMax = DMax("CuttingPriority", "ProjectsT")
intSavePos = Me.txtCuttingPriority
'is it the last ? ==> no action
If intSavePos = intSavePosMax Then Exit Sub
'switch positions
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strSQL = "UPDATE ProjectsT SET ProjectsT.CuttingPriority = 0 WHERE CuttingPriority=" & intSavePos & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strSQL = "UPDATE ProjectsT SET ProjectsT.CuttingPriority = " & intSavePos & " WHERE CuttingPriority=" & intSavePos + 1 & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
strSQL = "UPDATE ProjectsT SET ProjectsT.CuttingPriority = " & intSavePos + 1 & " WHERE CuttingPriority=0;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
SendKeys ("{down}")
I was curious to see if I could come up with a solution that didn't resort to "SQL glue-up". The result is available for download here (Access 2010 or later).
The key components are a [Managers] table
ID ManagerName
-- --------------
1 Thompson, Gord
2 Elk, Anne
a [Projects] table
ID ManagerID Description Priority
-- --------- -------------------- --------
1 1 buy bacon 1
2 1 wash the car 2
3 1 clean out the garage 3
4 2 test1 1
5 2 test2 2
two saved parameter queries (QueryDefs) to locate the next highest/lowest-priority project
PARAMETERS prmManagerID Long, prmCurrentPriority Long;
SELECT TOP 1 Projects.ID, Projects.Priority
FROM Projects
WHERE (((Projects.Priority)<[prmCurrentPriority])
AND ((Projects.ManagerID)=[prmManagerID]))
ORDER BY Projects.Priority DESC , Projects.ID;
PARAMETERS prmManagerID Long, prmCurrentPriority Long;
SELECT TOP 1 Projects.ID, Projects.Priority
FROM Projects
WHERE (((Projects.Priority)>[prmCurrentPriority])
AND ((Projects.ManagerID)=[prmManagerID]))
ORDER BY Projects.Priority, Projects.ID;
one more saved parameter query to update the priority of a given project
PARAMETERS prmNewPriority Long, prmID Long;
UPDATE Projects SET Projects.Priority = [prmNewPriority]
WHERE (((Projects.ID)=[prmID]));
a dead-simple Class just to hold a couple of Properties
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private pID As Long, pPriority As Long
Public Property Get ID() As Long
ID = pID
End Property
Public Property Let ID(Value As Long)
pID = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Priority() As Long
Priority = pPriority
End Property
Public Property Let Priority(Value As Long)
pPriority = Value
End Property
a rudimentary form with a subform
and the code behind that form
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdMoveDown_Click()
AdjustPriority "lower"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdMoveUp_Click()
AdjustPriority "higher"
End Sub
Private Sub AdjustPriority(Direction As String)
Dim cdb As DAO.Database, rst As DAO.Recordset, qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim currentProjectID As Long, otherProject As projectInfo
Set rst = Me.ProjectsSubform.Form.RecordsetClone
rst.Bookmark = Me.ProjectsSubform.Form.Recordset.Bookmark
currentProjectID = rst!ID
Set otherProject = GetOtherProject(rst!ManagerID, rst!Priority, Direction)
If otherProject.ID = 0 Then
MsgBox "There is no project with a " & Direction & " priority."
Set cdb = CurrentDb
Set qdf = cdb.QueryDefs("SetProjectPriority")
' swap priorities
qdf!prmNewPriority = rst!Priority
qdf!prmID = otherProject.ID
qdf!prmNewPriority = otherProject.Priority
qdf!prmID = currentProjectID
Set qdf = Nothing
Set cdb = Nothing
' now restore the previous current record in the subform
Set rst = Me.ProjectsSubform.Form.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "ID=" & currentProjectID
Me.ProjectsSubform.Form.Recordset.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Set otherProject = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function GetOtherProject(prmManagerID As Long, _
prmCurrentPriority As Long, _
Direction As String) As projectInfo
Dim cdb As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef, rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rtn As New projectInfo
Set cdb = CurrentDb
If Direction = "higher" Then
Set qdf = cdb.QueryDefs("GetHigherPriorityProject")
Set qdf = cdb.QueryDefs("GetLowerPriorityProject")
End If
qdf!prmManagerID = prmManagerID
qdf!prmCurrentPriority = prmCurrentPriority
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
If rst.EOF Then
rtn.ID = 0
rtn.Priority = 0
rtn.ID = rst!ID
rtn.Priority = rst!Priority
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
Set cdb = Nothing
Set GetOtherProject = rtn
Set rtn = Nothing
End Function
EDIT re: comment
is there a way to make it automatically add the next priority number on the list if you are adding a record through another form?
Yes. I forgot to mention that in the existing sample solution there is a Before Change Data Macro on the [Projects] table to do just that:
If [IsInsert] Then
If Not IsNull([ManagerID]) Then
Name Priority
Value = Nz(DMax("Priority", "Projects", "ManagerID=" & [ManagerID]), 0) + 1
End If
End If
Read through the ENTIRE conversation here:
re-order a records sequence using up and down buttons
You're going to need at aleast a mediocre understanding of VBA and how to apply your specific data to a pre-existing example. This person was looking to do almost precisely what your question describes, and the person who was working with him was an Access MVP. I say to read through the entire conversation because there were several iterations and tweaks performed over the course of the solution.
If you have any specific questions after integrating this solution, feel free to come back and ask.
I have a work ticket system in my work place and to create priorities I created two tables: Work_Tickets and Work_Ticket_Criteria. The criteria table has a list of low, low-medium, etc... and a field in Work_Tickets pulls from that 2nd table. Then sort by date.
It doesn't give a single ticket a numerical priority like you are looking for because to do that I believe you would have to create a separate field and then modify the numerical field of each record after every update. Switch 1 with 2, or make the new record 1 and then add 1 to each and every record's priority field to move them down the list.
Or if you start with a number like 1000 then you can make records more or less than 100 in increments of 5, 10, or 20 but then you'll eventually run out of numbers...
If you're willing to go my method of adding another column, then I would just add column and name the field Priority_Numbers or something. Then you would mark each as 1 - whatever but you may want to make check to make sure your number doesn't already exist by making it a key or giving it a check.
Then each time you would want to view your tickets you would use something like:
Dim strSQL As String
Dim myR As Recordset
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE criteria_here ORDER BY Priority_Numbers ASC"
Set myR = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
And bam you have your prioritized list.
Now to change the priority you would need to select that recordset, do a findfirst to get the record with the value you want replaced, +1 or -1 to each priority number in a While not EOF loop and keep moving next. This will become tedious if your tickets become too high I'm sure.