get a list of iconNames from office UI fabric - office-ui-fabric

How can i get a list of valid IconNames from office UI fabric. I am trying to create an icon Picker for an spfx webpart. I've tried importin IconNames from #uiFabric/icons :
import{IconNames} from "#uifabric/icons"
but i get an error : const enum use is deprcated.

The Icon.SvgFactory.Example shows how to enumerate the icons defined in the #fluentui-react-icons library.
const icons = Object.keys(ReactIcons).reduce((acc: React.FC[], exportName) => {
if (!!(ReactIcons as any)[exportName].displayName) {
acc.push((ReactIcons as any)[exportName] as React.FunctionComponent);
return acc;
}, []);


Docusaurus: How can I have multiple versions of different docs in the docs directory?

I'm working with Docusaurus to create a documentation site for 3 different education courses - all within the docs folder.
So I'm looking for a way to have the version be different across folders in there, or figure out what the best strategy for this is.
Right now, in my docusaurus.config.js I have:
module.exports = {
presets: [
docs: {
lastVersion: 'current',
versions: {
current: {
label: '1.0.0',
path: '1.0.0',
But I'm not sure how to keep track of 3 different versions across 3 different docs all within the same site.
Swizzle the navbar via wrapping
yarn run swizzle #docusaurus/theme-classic NavbarItem/DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItem -- --wrap
Modify the swizzled component like so:
import React from "react";
import DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItem from '#theme-original/NavbarItem/DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItem';
import { useLocation } from '#docusaurus/router';
export default function DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItemWrapper(props) {
const { docsPluginId, className, type } = props
const { pathname } = useLocation()
/* (Custom) check if docsPluginId contains pathname
Given that the docsPluginId is 'charge-controller' and the routeBasePath is 'charge-controller', we can check against the current URI (pathname).
If the pathname contains the docsPluginId, we want to show the version dropdown. Otherwise, we don't want to show it.
This gives us one, global, context-aware version dropdown that works with multi-instance setups.
You want to declare a version dropdown for each plugin in your navbarItems config property for this to work well.
const doesPathnameContainDocsPluginId = pathname.includes(docsPluginId)
if (!doesPathnameContainDocsPluginId) {
return null
return <DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItem {...props} />;
For this to work, you need to have your documentation (based on products) split up using multi-instances: (
Note that the preset docsPlugin ID always is "default".
You can try to use
import {
} from '#docusaurus/plugin-content-docs/client';
const version =; // use label instead of name if issues arise.
instead to get the current docsPluginId, name or label.
This would be the more "robust" solution I think. That said, we do use the solution I provided above as-is and it works fine for now.

In React Native / Expo, is there any way to save a specific part of an image?

From some research, I've figured out that expo libraries like takePicturesAsync() are able to take a picture and save it to the app's cache. However, the default state for libraries like these is to save the whole image. Is there any way for me to save a specific part of the image (e.g. the 2500 pixels at the center of the screen)?
You can use the onPictureSaved event to grab & manipulate the image.
takePicture = () => {
if ( {{ onPictureSaved: this.onPictureSaved });
onPictureSaved = photo => {

Can't get full screen buttons to work with highcharts-vue

I'm using the highcharts-vue wrapper within my vue project. Things are going smooth except for the fact that I can't get the viewFullscreen option to work.
I've set things up following the docs and included the following within my main.js
import exportingInit from 'highcharts/modules/exporting'`
The export function is working within my charts. For every chart I've set up the options as follow:
exporting: {
buttons: {
contextButton: {
menuItems: ['viewFullScreen', 'downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG', 'downloadPDF']
alle the buttons ar visible and working except for the viewFullscreen button. that one isn't showing.
Following the docs from the highcharts api there isn't anything mentioned about having to include extra options or so to make use of the vieFullscreen mode.
Any thoughts on this?
You need to change the first string from viewFullScreen to viewFullscreen:
exporting: {
buttons: {
contextButton: {
menuItems: ['viewFullscreen', 'downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG', 'downloadPDF']
Live demo:
API Reference:

How to handle deep linking in react native / expo

I have posted about this previously but still struggling to get a working version.
I want to create a sharable link from my app to a screen within my app and be able to pass through an ID of sorts.
I have a link on my home screen opening a link to my expo app with 2 parameters passed through as a query string
const linkingUrl = 'exp://';
_handleNewGroup = async () => {
try {
const group_id = await this.createGroupId()
console.log(`Unable to create group ${err}`)
Also in my home screen I have a handler that gets the current URL and extracts the query string from it and navigates to the camera screen with a group_id set
async handleLinkToCameraGroup(){
Linking.getInitialURL().then((url) => {
let queryString = url.replace(linkingUrl, '');
if (queryString) {
const data = qs.parse(queryString);
if(data.group_id) {
this.props.navigation.navigate('Camera', {group_id: data.group_id});
}).catch(err => console.error('An error occurred', err));
Several issues with this:
Once linked to the app with the query string set, the values don't get reset so they are always set and therefore handleLinkToCameraGroup keeps running and redirecting.
Because the URL is not an http formatted URL, it is hard to extract the query string. Parsing the query string returns this:
"?screen": "camera",
"group_id": "test",
It doesn't seem right having this logic in the home screen. Surely this should go in the app.js file. But this causes complications not being able to use Linking because the RootStackNavigator is a child of app.js so I do not believe I can navigate from this file?
Any help clarifying the best approach to deep linking would be greatly appreciated.

Detect focus of window in Adobe AIR

I have been building an app in Adobe AIR using HTML/JavaScript.
The windows are all Chromeless and use CSS to style them to look like an application.
How can I detect if the window is focused by the user so I can alter the colours of the windows in the same way that native windows have more subtle shadows etc.
An example might be:
var active = false;
$(document).ready(function() {
active =;
if(active) {
} else {
But how do I properly handle the change of active event?
You can do this with: See:
window.nativeWindow.addEventListener(air.Event.ACTIVATE, function() {
window.nativeWindow.addEventListener(air.Event.DEACTIVATE, function() {